Looping through a mysqli result - php

I'm trying to display a list of status updates from artists that a logged in user is following.
So far I have this:
#Get the list of artists that the user has liked
$q = "SELECT * FROM artist_likes WHERE user_id = '1' ";
$r = mysqli_query($dbc,$q);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
#Now grab the statuses for each artist
$status_query = "SELECT * FROM status_updates WHERE artist_id = '".$row['artist_id']."' ";
$status_result = mysqli_query($dbc,$status_query)
But i'm not sure how to loop through and display the returned status updates?
This isn't a strong point of mine, so any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

What prevented you from doing similar to what you'd already done for the first query? Something like follows:
#Get the list of artists that the user has liked
$q = "SELECT * FROM artist_likes WHERE user_id = '1' ";
$r = mysqli_query($dbc,$q);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
#Now grab the statuses for each artist
$status_query = "SELECT * FROM status_updates WHERE artist_id = '".$row['artist_id']."' ";
$status_result = mysqli_query($dbc,$status_query)
while($status_result_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($status_result)) {
echo $status_result_row['mycol']; // This is where you know better than us
Or if those two tables artist_likes and status_updates have artist_id in common then you could just use one query with a join. (But don't know if you are asking for that).

Just for avoiding multiple query, you can use one query like this:
SELECT l.*, s.*
from artist_likes l, status_updates s
l.artist_id = s.artist_id and
l.user_id = '1'
SELECT l.*, s.*
from artist_likes l
JOIN status_updates s on (l.artist_id = s.artist_id)
l.user_id = '1'


select down and up votes for each post php mysql

I have a forum where users can post questions and can upvote and downvote.
I want to get the upvote and downvote of each post.
What i did previously was do that in 3 sets queries.
$data = mysqli_query($con,"select * from posts");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($data)){
$pid = $row['post_id'];
$up = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as c FROM up WHERE post_id = $pid"))['c'];
$down = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as c FROM down WHERE post_id = $pid"))['c'];
Can anyone show me how can i do these things in one single query because if a get a lot of posts in 1st query then there will be lots of queries to do.
You can use subqueries and put everything in the first query.
This could be a good start :
$data = mysqli_query($con, "select posts.*, " .
"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM up WHERE post_id = posts.post_id) as totalUp, " .
"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM down WHERE post_id = posts.post_id) as totalDown " .
"from posts");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($data)){
// ...
you can use corelated subquery for this where upvotes
and downvotes are counted based on the post id
( select count(*) from up where post_id = p.post_id ) as upVotesCount,
( select count(*) from down where post_id = p.post_id ) as downVotesCount,
FROM posts p

Sort the results of a query using results of another query

Im working on a message board of some sort and i have everything up an running except one little part, the threads need to be sorted by the date/time of the latest post in them (standard forum format), which im having lots of trouble wrapping my head around.
This is the querys im using, i know its not pretty and its not safe, i will be reworking them once i learn how to do it properly.
$sql = "SELECT Thread_ID, Thread_Title, Board_ID, Author FROM threads WHERE Board_ID='$Board_ID' LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$Thread_ID = $row['Thread_ID'];
$Thread_Title = $row['Thread_Title'];
$Board_ID = $row['Board_ID'];
$Author = $row['Author'];
$getauthor = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE Member_ID='$Author'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getauthor))
$Post_Author = $row['Post_As']; }
$postcount = mysql_query("SELECT Post_ID FROM posts WHERE Thread_ID='$Thread_ID'");
$Posts = mysql_num_rows($postcount);
$getlatest = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE Thread_ID='$Thread_ID' ORDER by Post_DateTime DESC LIMIT 1");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getlatest))
$Post_DateTime = time_ago($row['Post_DateTime']);
$Member_ID = $row['Member_ID']; }
$getmember = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE Member_ID='$Member_ID'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getmember))
$Post_As = $row['Post_As']; }
So what im trying to do is Sort $sql by $getlatest, i tried adding another query above $sql that did basically the same as $getlatest and then had $sql order by that but alas it just broke everything.
I know i have to make a variable to sort the $sql by but its that variable thats driving me mad.
any help would be appreciated, thanks.
current error message as requested:
Fatal error: SQL - Unknown column 'posts2.LatestPost' in 'on clause' - SELECT threads.Thread_ID, threads.Thread_Title, threads.Board_ID, threads.Author, Sub1.LatestPost, Sub1.PostCount, members.Post_As, members2.Member_ID AS LastPostMemberID, members2.Post_As AS LastPostMemberPostAs FROM threads INNER JOIN (SELECT Thread_ID, MAX(posts.Post_DateTime) AS LatestPost, COUNT(*) AS PostCount FROM posts GROUP BY Thread_ID) Sub1 ON threads.Thread_ID = Sub1.Thread_ID INNER JOIN members ON threads.Author = members.Member_ID INNER JOIN posts posts2 ON posts2.Thread_ID = Sub1.Thread_ID AND posts2.LatestPost INNER JOIN members members2 ON members2.Member_ID = posts2.Member_ID WHERE threads.Board_ID='1' ORDER BY Sub1.LatestPost DESC LIMIT 0, 25 in C:\wamp\www\forum\include\threads.php on line 86
You should be able to do it using something like this for your first query:-
$sql = "SELECT threads.Thread_ID, threads.Thread_Title, threads.Board_ID, threads.Author, MAX(posts.Post_DateTime) AS LatestPost
FROM threads
LEFT OUTER JOIN posts ON threads.Thread_ID = posts.Thread_ID
WHERE threads.Board_ID='$Board_ID'
GROUP BY SELECT threads.Thread_ID, threads.Thread_Title, threads.Board_ID, threads.Author
LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage";
Not tested the following but looking at your selects I think you could probably put it together into a single SELECT. Something like this:-
$sql = "SELECT threads.Thread_ID, threads.Thread_Title, threads.Board_ID, threads.Author, Sub1.LatestPost, Sub1.PostCount, members.Post_As, members2.Member_ID AS LastPostMemberID, members2.Post_As AS LastPostMemberPostAs
FROM threads
INNER JOIN (SELECT Thread_ID, MAX(posts.Post_DateTime) AS LatestPost, COUNT(*) AS PostCount FROM posts GROUP BY Thread_ID) Sub1
ON threads.Thread_ID = Sub1.Thread_ID
INNER JOIN members
ON threads.Author = members.Member_ID
INNER JOIN posts posts2
ON posts2.Thread_ID = Sub1.Thread_ID AND posts2.Post_DateTime = Sub1.LatestPost
INNER JOIN members members2
ON members2.Member_ID = posts2.Member_ID
WHERE threads.Board_ID='$Board_ID'
ORDER BY Sub1.LatestPost DESC
LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$Thread_ID = $row['Thread_ID'];
$Thread_Title = $row['Thread_Title'];
$Board_ID = $row['Board_ID'];
$Author = $row['Author'];
$Post_Author = $row['Post_As'];
$Posts = $row['PostCount'];
$Post_DateTime = time_ago($row['LatestPost']);
$Member_ID = $row['LastPostMemberID'];
$Post_As = $row['LastPostMemberPostAs'];

How to Get another value in another table using a dynamic call

I currently have this query with an array that outputs the variables within using a dynamic input in my form (term), this creates a Dynamic Search with auto complete to fill in all of the details for a product.
$return_arr = array();
$param = $_GET["term"];
$fetch = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM crd_jshopping_products WHERE `name_en-GB` REGEXP '^$param'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($fetch, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
//$row_array['category_id'] = $row ['category_id'];
$row_array['product_id'] = $row['product_id'];
$row_array['product_names'] = $row['name_en-GB'];
$row_array['jshop_code_prod'] = $row['product_ean'];
$row_array['_ext_price_html'] = number_format($row['product_price'],2);
if (!empty($row['product_thumb_image']) AND isset($row['product_thumb_image'])){
$row_array['image'] = $row['product_thumb_image'];
}else {
$row_array['image'] = 'noimage.gif';
array_push( $return_arr, $row_array);
echo json_encode($return_arr);
Unfortunately I also need to get the category_id which is not in the same table, I have tried to modify my query as such, but to no avail:
$fetch = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM crd_jshopping_products WHERE `name_en-GB` REGEXP '^$param' AND `crd_jshopping_products_to_categories` = `product_id` ");
What step am I missing here ? The product_id's match in both tables?
try this query instead and try to understand what I have written in it:
$fetch = mysql_query("
crd_jshopping_products as p
INNER JOIN crd_jshopping_products_to_categories as c
ON p.product_id = c.product_id
`p.name_en-GB` REGEXP '^$param'
This means:
Give me everything from p and the category_id from c.
Do this from rows in the tables crd_jshopping_products (referred to as p) and crd_jshopping_products_to_categories (referred to as c), where the rows match on the count of p.product_id is the same as c.product_id.
Only return the rows where p.name_en-GB REGEXP '^$param'.

Counting Number Of Classifieds In Category

I have a table categories that has: id, name, subcategory_id, parent_id. Another table classifieds that has: classified_id, title, description, category_id.
I am trying to to pull numbers of classifieds in each category. So it will look like this.
I gave it a try like this:
enter $catquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE sub_id = '0' ORDER BY name ASC"); here
enter $catrows = mysql_num_rows($catquery); here
enter $catrows = mysql_num_rows($catquery); here
enter $query = "SELECT category_id, COUNT(title) AS `total` FROM classifieds WHERE classified_id = 'category_id' "; here
enter $result = mysql_query($query); here
enter while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $num_items_in_category[$row['category_id']] = $row['total']; here
enter } echo "<li><a href='category.php?cat=".$row['id']."'>".$row['name']. $row['total']. "</a></li>"; here
Thanks fellas
You should be able to accomplish what you're looking for by joining the 2 tables.
SELECT a.name, count(*) as cnt
FROM categories a
join classifieds b
on a.id = b.category_id
group by a.name
COUNT is an aggregate function, so you can get all of the counts at once.
I believe what you are looking for is
$query = "SELECT category-id, COUNT(title) AS `total` FROM classifieds WHERE classified-id = 'category-cat' GROUP BY category-id";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$num_items_in_category[$row['category-id']] = $row['total'];
This will give you associative array with the count of records for each category-id

Get a number in one table and print the number's referenced name in another table

I need to create a friend system, but my loop always skips the first match and sometimes it prints copies of the same name
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbusers INNER JOIN tbfriends ON tbusers.id = tbfriends.username_id");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
if ($row['username_id'] == 1)//the 1 will be a variable, username_id is in friends
$count = $row['friendname'];//friendname is in friends
if ($row['id'] == $count)//id is in users
echo $row['username'];//username is in users
Can someone see what my problem is ?
2 things:
if ($row['username_id'] == 1)
you should put that in your sql:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT username, friendname FROM tbusers INNER JOIN tbfriends ON tbusers.id = tbfriends.username_id where tbusers.id = ".$yourVariable);
In your query, user and friend are linked, and can only be equal.
Now, this:
$count = $row['friendname'];//friendname is in friends
if ($row['id'] == $count)//id is in users
is equal to
if ( $row['id'] == $row['friendname'] )
this sounds plain wrong. You compare a numerical id with a name. Moreover, your sql query already retrives all friends from users. In the version I showed here, it retrieves only friends of the user you are interested in.
finally, you print (echo) the name of the user, not of the friend. In my opinion the following code will do what you want:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT friendname FROM tbfriends WHERE username_id = ".$yourUserVariable);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo $row['friendname']; // or better: echo $row['friendname'], '<br>';
edit: after comment...
so if ( $row['id'] == $row['friendname'] ) means the user is his own friend. can that happen?
this code shall print what you want, friend names.
$result = mysql_query("
SELECT username as friend_name,
friendname as friend_id,
username_id as user_id
FROM tbusers INNER JOIN tbfriends ON tbusers.id = tbfriends.username_id
WHERE tbusers.id = ".$yourVariable);
$result = mysql_query("
SELECT username as friend_name,
friendname as friend_id,
username_id as user_id
FROM tbusers INNER JOIN tbfriends ON tbusers.id = tbfriends.friendname
WHERE tbfriends.username_id = ".$yourVariable);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo $row['friend_name']; // or better: echo $row['friend_name'], '<br>';
