The basic control structure I'm trying to get to work is to query the DB with the username and email, both of which are unique keys, and if either are in the DB let the user know that they have been taken and to please pick something else. The problem I'm running into is getting the result data in a usable form that I can then check the user-supplied data against.
I cut out the prepared statements for insertion from the snippit, as well as the validation routines, since both of them are working fine.
DB connection snippit
try {
if(!($dbc = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME))){ // Creates the $dbc variable object so we can
// have a connection to the database.
// uses mysqli functions.
throw new Exception;
catch (Exception $e) {
echo '<p>Could not connect to the database. Please contact the system administrator.</p>';
Snippit of Registration script
//before this was validation routines, if anything was wrong the script generated something into $reg_errors which is an array.
//queries database if there are any matches for username or email from user input.
if($stmt = $dbc->prepare("SELECT `email`, `username` FROM `users` WHERE `email` = ? OR `username` = ?"))
$stmt->bind_param("ss", $e, $u);
$rows = $stmt->num_rows; //gives the number of rows returned from SELECT query. 0 means no dupes, 1 means one record has BOTH email and username, 2 means two different records (one with email, one with username)
} else {
echo "<p>Can't talk to database right now. Try again later, please.</p>";
if($rows==0) //no dupes of username or email, so let's try and add them into the DB
//prepared statement for insertion into DB
//also get's the count of affected rows. 1 means record inserted correctly.
//asks DB if a new row was created, and if so, thanks user for
//registration on the site & sends an email to their email.
//if query doesnt work, an error is triggered
if($count==1) {
//constructs a thank you note and emails it to the user, using the email they supplied.
} else {
echo "<p>Unable to process your registration at this time. Please try again later..</p>";
} else { // both username and email might be already used in DB, and error msgs are generated for array.
if($rows==2) { // this checks to make sure both entries are dupes
$reg_errors['email'] = 'This email address has already been registered. If you have forgotten your password, use the link to the right to have your password sent to you.';
$reg_errors['username'] = 'This username has already been registered. Please try another.';
} else { //this checks to see which of the two (email or username) is already in DB if both arent dupes.
if((__NEED SOMETHING HERE FROM DB QUERY___ == $_POST['email']) && (__NEED SOMETHING HERE FROM DB QUERY___ == $_POST['username'])) { //both match entries in DB
$reg_errors['email'] = 'This email address has already been registered. If you have forgotten your password, use the link to the right to have your password sent to you.';
$reg_errors['username'] = 'This username has already been registered with this email address. If you have forgotten your password, use the link to the right to have your password sent to you.';
} elseif(__NEED SOMETHING HERE FROM DB QUERY___==$_POST['email']) { // email match
$reg_errors['email'] = 'This email address has already been registered. If you have forgotten your password, use the link to the right to have your password sent to you.';
} elseif(__NEED SOMETHING HERE FROM DB QUERY___==$_POST['username']) { // username match
$reg_errors['username'] = 'This username has already been registered. Please try another one.';
} // end of $rows==2 ELSE
} // end of $rows == 0 IF
} else { // end of empty reg_errors conditional
//do something if the reg_error array isnt empty..
i'm pretty sure the answer lies in iterations and using meta_data from the result mysqli object, but after beating my head against a wall for a couple days and pouring over the mysqli php manual pages like a maniac, I'm still no closer to figuring out what I should be doing. Could anyone point me in the correct direction?
Starting from the registration script, have you tried this:
if($stmt = $dbc->prepare("SELECT `email`, `username` FROM `users` WHERE `email` = ? OR `username` = ?"))
$stmt->bind_param("ss", $e, $u);
$stmt->bind_result($email, $username);
$rows = $stmt->num_rows;
//Move Conditionals Up a Little
if( $rows == 0 ) { //If No Records are Found
//Continue Registration
else if( $rows == 1 ) { //If One Record is Found
//Do Something With $email and $username from DB Here
else { //If More than One Record is Found
while( $stmt->fetch() ) { //Iterate Through Records
//Do Something With $email and $username from DB Here
I'm currently coding a registration script in PHP and my problem is that the data is still inserted into the database even though it already exists. It's probably some silly mistake or I need some else{} statement or I don't really know. The thing is that even though the email already exists in the database it stills enters it.
It does display the error just fine.
$email = filter_var($email,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
$email_check = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT email FROM database WHERE email='$email'");
$num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($email_check);
echo "The email is already in use.<br>";
$query = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO database VALUES (NULL,'$username','$name','$email','$pwh','$date')");
If the email is already in use it displays the echo "The email is already in use." just fine, yet it still inserts it. What am I missing? I already tried using 'else' variable yet nothing helped.
Your if only echo something, then you do the INSERT no matter what. Some solution :
$email = filter_var($email,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
$email_check = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT email FROM database WHERE email='$email'");
$num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($email_check);
echo "The email is already in use.<br>";
else {
$query = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO database VALUES (NULL,'$username','$name','$email','$pwh','$date')");
Now you can prevent it from your database too :
Add a UNIQUE INDEX on the column email from your table database
Use INSERT IGNORE now, so it will insert if the email is not used and ignore if email is already used
And last, use prepare statement and bind param to avoind SQL injection !
Hope it helps
Your if is fine, but you then proceed to always do the insert. This is because you have put it outside the if.
what you should do is :
if(!$num_rows <= 0){
<insert statement>;
else {
echo "The email is already in use.<br>";
write this statement inside else block
$query = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO database VALUES (NULL,'$username','$name','$email','$pwh','$date')");
I'm trying to check if the entered username already exists or if the entered username is the current username.
I've Googled various SO questions but none seem to check if the current username is the submitted one.
The problem with the following code; it doesn't matter if the username is taken or not, it will still let you save.
$stmt = $engine->runQuery("SELECT user_name, user_email FROM users WHERE user_name=:username OR user_email=:email");
$stmt->execute(array(':username'=>$username, ':email'=>$email));
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if(strtolower($row['user_name']) == strtolower($username) || $username !== $row['user_name']) {
$engine->authapi(false, 'Sorry, username is already taken. Please choose a different one.');
} elseif(strtolower($row['user_email']) == strtolower($email) && $email !== $_SESSION['user_email']) {
$engine->authapi(false, 'Email is already registered. You cannot use the same emails for multiple accounts.');
} else {
// save
How can I make it so it checks if the username is taken or not, and at the same time check if the submitted username is the current username (if so, let the user save)?
Actually, there are several issues in your code.
1) Your SQL. You can fetch more than one row here, for example you have two entries in your database, username: maio290, e-mail: and username: maio291, e-mail: Now your user enteres username: maio290 and e-mail: which will result in two entries selected. Most likely an edge case, but a valid one.
2) Your if: You're comparing strtolower($row['user_name']) == strtolower($username) OR $username !== $row['user_name']) - the second one doesn't make any sense with your error. Since that means: "hey, your user is not in our database, please take a different one" Also, the first comparision could be a lot nicer with using strcasecmp.
I would really split these two options, since it's a lot better to read and you don't have the problem with two selectable rows. Also, you let your database handle the comparision.
Therefore I would write the code like that:
// Select if username is taken
$stmt = $engine->runQuery("SELECT user_name FROM users WHERE user_name=:username");
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if(count($row) != 0)
$engine->authapi(false, 'Sorry, username is already taken. Please choose a different one.');
// I would actually return here, so we wouldn't need an else
// check if e-mail is registred
$stmt = $engine->runQuery("SELECT user_email FROM users WHERE user_email=:email");
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if(count($row) != 0)
$engine->authapi(false, 'Email is already registered. You cannot use the same emails for multiple accounts.');
// store
This is the code I use at login:
$q = $lacz->query("SELECT email, pass, activation_code
FROM users
WHERE email='". $nazwa_uz_l ."'
AND pass = '". $haslo_l ."'
AND activation_code IS NULL ");
if($q->num_rows>0) {
$_SESSION['prawid_uzyt'] = $nazwa_uz_l; }
echo 'Pass or Log are wrong, or activation code is not confirmed (check email).';
In this query I check for all 3 things: email, password and activation code, and then output an error. What I want to do is to output an first error when Pass or Log are wrong and second error (something like elseif) when activation code IS not NULL. I tried else if and two queries, but I was getting the errors. Can You help me? I check the answers and give points, thanks.
Remove "AND activation_code IS NULL" from your query and do something like
$row = $q->fetch_assoc();
$_SESSION['prawid_uzyt'] = $nazwa_uz_l;
echo 'Activation code is not confirmed (check email).';
echo 'Pass or Log are wrong.';
Don't check the activation code in the query. Just get the user information, along with the activation code field:
SELECT email, pass, activation_code
WHERE email='foo' and pass='bar'
Then you can test the individual conditions in your code:
if (number_of_rows == 0) {
... bad username/password
} else if ($activation_code == '') {
... code is blank/null
If you remove the AND activation_code IS NULL from the query's WHERE clause, you'll be able to pull data for a user matching the given email/password. Then, with that, you'll be able to determine if the user exists, or if their activation code is empty:
$q = $lacz->query("SELECT email, pass, activation_code
FROM users
WHERE email='". $nazwa_uz_l ."'
AND pass = '". $haslo_l ."'");
if ($q->num_rows === 0) {
echo 'Password or email address are wrong.';
} else {
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
if (empty($row['activation_code'])) {
echo 'Activation code is not confirmed.';
} else {
$_SESSION['prawid_uzyt'] = $nazwa_uz_l;
Side-note (not answer related): I highly suggest using a parameterized query instead of directly inserting the values into the SQL; if you prefer the current way, make sure you're sanitizing the input first to prevent SQL Injection.
$this->db->query ('LOCK TABLES users WRITE');
$sql = 'INSERT INTO users (uname) VALUES (:uname)';
$sth = $this->db->prepare ($sql);
$sth->bindParam (':uname', $uname);
$sth->execute ();
if ($sth->rowCount()==0) {
$this->db->query ('UNLOCK TABLES');
throw new Exception('<strong>Oh snap!</strong> User name is taken! Try again.');
I set up a user in my database manually that is called "test". And when I created a user called "test2" it worked. But whenever I try to create a third user I get rowCount = 0.
The uname in the db is varchar(15).
if(isset($_POST['regUser']) && isset($_POST['regPwd']) && isset($_POST['regConfirmPwd'])) {
if($_POST['regPwd'] == $_POST['regConfirmPwd'] ) {
$user->newUser($_POST['regUser'], $_POST['regPwd']);
} else {
$user->error = "<strong>Oh snap!</strong> The passwords don't match!";
Send the post info to my newuser function and it stops on the first bit of code there. Any ideas?
Instead of inserting the user and then rolling back if taken, it might be better to test if that user is available (after locking the table), and then doing the insert with confidence.
ive created a form and im using php to check if the username exists in the database, if it is then the form will not submit and echo an alter that the username has already been taken, if i fill the form out and submit it with a name thatn i know is in the database, i get the error saying that the username already exists, but i also get the text that says.. Thank you for signing up
basically its showing the error correctly but it still submitting all the for data to the database
can you see anything in my code thats causing this??
//Check to see if the username is already taken
$query = "SELECT * FROM clients";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // Get an array with the clients
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ // For each instance, check the username
if($row["username"] == $username){
$usernametaken = true;
}else{$usernametaken = false;}
// If the username is invalid, tell the user.
// Or else if the password is invalid, tell the user.
// Or else if the email or PayPal address is invalid, tell the user.
// Else, if everything is ok, insert the data into the database and tell
// the user they’ve successfully signed up.
echo "That username has been taken.";
if(!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $username ))// If our username is invalid
echo "The username can only contain letters or numbers"; // Tell the user
else if(!preg_match('/^[a-zA_Z0-9]+$/', $password ))// If our password is invalid
echo "The password can only contain letters or numbers"; // Tell the user
// If our email or PayPal addresses are invalid
else if(!preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-]+(.[_a-z0-9-]+)*#[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(.[a-z]{2,3})$/", $email))
return "The email or PayPal address you entered is invalid."; // Tell the user
// Inserts the data into the database
$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients (client_ID, username, password, email, paypal)"."VALUES ('', '$username', '$pw', '$email', '$paypal')");
echo "Thank you for signing up.";
You need to break out of your function if the username is no good. You could add an else if before the preg match if you don't want your last line to run. Basically your program flow is
//if username taken
//if bunch of cases
//else add client
There is nothing separating your two if statements.
Your SQL statement is a bear too. You are looping through every client in your db to see if it is a duplicate. Just add a where statement
$query = "SELECT * FROM clients WHERE clientName = '$clientName'";
You don't have anything to tell the script to stop executing if it finds that the username is taken. Restructure your if-else statement like this:
echo "That username has been taken.";
} else {
// If username is not taken...
Instead of using several else ifs may I recommend using exceptions for this situation.
if ($usernametaken) throw new Exception('That username has been taken.');
// If we've reached here we know data has been checked properly
$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients (client_ID, username, password, email, paypal)"."VALUES ('', '$username', '$pw', '$email', '$paypal')");
echo "Thank you for signing up.";
catch (Exception $e)
echo $e->getMessage();