Extracting zip file on host by PHP destroys directory structure - php

I have a directory structure like this :
I zip them by PHP ZipArchive in my windows machine, but when I upload it to linux host and extract there by PHP it gives me these as two files with no directory :
I want to have the complete directory structure on the host after unzipping the file.
Note that this unpacking code runs without any problem in my local machine. Is it something about windows and linux or what? How can I resolve it?

PHP does not actually provide a function that extracts a ZIP including its directory structure. I found the following code in a user comment in the manual:
function unzip($zipfile)
$zip = zip_open($zipfile);
while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) {
zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry);
if (substr(zip_entry_name($zip_entry), -1) == '/') {
$zdir = substr(zip_entry_name($zip_entry), 0, -1);
if (file_exists($zdir)) {
trigger_error('Directory "<b>' . $zdir . '</b>" exists', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
else {
$name = zip_entry_name($zip_entry);
if (file_exists($name)) {
trigger_error('File "<b>' . $name . '</b>" exists', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
$fopen = fopen($name, "w");
fwrite($fopen, zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)), zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));
return true;
Source here.

instead of using:
$path = $someDirectory.'/'.$someFile;
$path = $someDirectory. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$someFile;
Change your code to this:
$zip = new ZipArchive;
if ($zip->open("module. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$file[name]") === TRUE) {
$zip->extractTo('module. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR');
And it will work for both operating systems.
Good luck,

The problem solved! Here's what I did :
I change the code of creating zip file into this function from php.net user comments :
function addFolderToZip($dir, $zipArchive){
if (is_dir($dir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
//Add the directory
// Loop through all the files
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
//If it's a folder, run the function again!
if(!is_file($dir . $file)){
// Skip parent and root directories
if(($file !== ".") && ($file !== "..")){
addFolderToZip($dir . $file . "/", $zipArchive);
// Add the files
$zipArchive->addFile($dir . $file);
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$zip->open("$modName.zip", ZipArchive::CREATE);
addFolderToZip("$modName/", $zip);
And in the host I wrote just this code to extract the zipped file :
copy($file["tmp_name"], "module/$file[name]");
$zip = new ZipArchive;
if ($zip->open("module/$file[name]") === TRUE) {
It created the folder and sub-folders. The only bug left is that it extracts every file in all subfolders in the main folder too, so there is two versions of each file in subfolders.


PHP ZipArchive is not adding any files (Windows)

I'm failing to put even a single file into a new zip archive.
$destination = __DIR__.'/makeZipTest.zip';
$fileToZip = __DIR__.'/hello.txt';
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if (true !== $zip->open($destination, ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE)) {
die("Problem opening zip $destination");
if (!$zip->addFile($fileToZip)) {
die("Could not add file $fileToZip");
echo "numfiles: " . $zip->numFiles . "\n";
echo "status: " . $zip->status . "\n";
The zip gets created, but is empty. Yet no errors are triggered.
What is going wrong?
It seems on some configuration, PHP fails to get the localname properly when adding files to a zip archive and this information must be supplied manually. It is therefore possible that using the second parameter of addFile() might solve this issue.
The path to the file to add.
If supplied, this is the local name inside the ZIP archive that will override the filename.
PHP documentation: ZipArchive::addFile
You may have to adapt the code to get the right tree structure since basename() will remove everything from the path apart from the filename.
You need to give server right permission in folder where they create zip archive. You can create tmp folder with write permision chmod 777 -R tmp/
Also need to change destination where script try to find hello.txt file $zip->addFile($fileToZip, basename($fileToZip))
$destination = __DIR__.'/tmp/makeZipTest.zip';
$fileToZip = __DIR__.'/hello.txt';
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if (true !== $zip->open($destination, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE)) {
die("Problem opening zip $destination");
if (!$zip->addFile($fileToZip, basename($fileToZip))) {
die("Could not add file $fileToZip");
echo "numfiles: " . $zip->numFiles . "\n";
echo "status: " . $zip->status . "\n";
check this class to add files and sub-directories in a folder to zip file,and also check the folder permissions before running the code,
i.e chmod 777 -R zipdir/
HZip::zipDir('/path/to/sourceDir', '/path/to/out.zip');
class HZip
private static function folderToZip($folder, &$zipFile, $exclusiveLength) {
$handle = opendir($folder);
while (false !== $f = readdir($handle)) {
if ($f != '.' && $f != '..') {
$filePath = "$folder/$f";
// Remove prefix from file path before add to zip.
$localPath = substr($filePath, $exclusiveLength);
if (is_file($filePath)) {
$zipFile->addFile($filePath, $localPath);
} elseif (is_dir($filePath)) {
// Add sub-directory.
self::folderToZip($filePath, $zipFile, $exclusiveLength);
public static function zipDir($sourcePath, $outZipPath)
$pathInfo = pathInfo($sourcePath);
$parentPath = $pathInfo['dirname'];
$dirName = $pathInfo['basename'];
$z = new ZipArchive();
$z->open($outZipPath, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
self::folderToZip($sourcePath, $z, strlen("$parentPath/"));

Creating a ZIP backup file - No errors thrown, but the ZIP file is not showing up

$path = '/home/username/www/;
if($zip = new ZipArchive){
if($zip->open('backup_'. time() .'.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE)){
if(false !== ($dir = opendir($path))){
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))){
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != 'aaa'){
$zip->addFile($path . $file);
echo 'Adding '. $file .' to path '. $path . $file .' <br>';
echo 'Can not read dir';
echo 'Could not create backup file';
echo 'Could not launch the ZIP libary. Did you install it?';
Hello again Stackoverflow! I want to backup a folder with all its content including (empty) subfolders and every file in them, whilst excluding a single folder (and ofcourse . and ..). The folder that needs to be excluded is aaa.
So when I run this script (every folder does have chmod 0777) it runs without errors, but the ZIP file doesn't show up. Why? And how can I solve this?
Thanks in advance!
have you tried to access the zip folder via PHP rather than looking in FTP as to whether it exists or not - as it might not appear immediately to view in FTP
function addFolderToZip($dir, $zipArchive, $zipdir = ''){
if (is_dir($dir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
//Add the directory
if(!empty($zipdir)) $zipArchive->addEmptyDir($zipdir);
// Loop through all the files
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
//If it's a folder, run the function again!
if(!is_file($dir . $file)){
// Skip parent and root directories, and any other directories you want
if( ($file !== ".") && ($file !== "..") && ($file !== "aa")){
addFolderToZip($dir . $file . "/", $zipArchive, $zipdir . $file . "/");
// Add the files
$zipArchive->addFile($dir . $file, $zipdir . $file);
After a while of fooling around this is what I found working. Use it as seen below.
$zipArchive = new ZipArchive;
$name = 'backups\backup_'. time() .'.zip';
addFolderToZip($path, $zipArchive);
Here's my answer, checks if the modification time is greater then something as well.
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$zip_name = md5("backup".time()).".zip";
$res = $zip->open($zip_name, ZipArchive::CREATE);
$realpath = str_replace('filelist.php','',__FILE__);
$path = realpath('.');
$objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
foreach($objects as $name => $object){
if (is_file($object)) {
$file_count ++;
$epoch = $object->getMTime();
if($epoch>='1374809360'){ // Whatever date you want to start at
$array[] = str_replace($realpath,'',$object->getPathname());
foreach($array as $files) {
echo $zip_name.'-'.$file_count.'-'.$count_files;

Copy entire directory and content from one location to another using PHP

I am trying to copy an entire folder from one location to another using PHP, but it doesn't seem to work:
$username = "peter" //this is just an example.
$userdir = "../Users/".$username."/";
mkdir($userdir);// create folder
// copy image folder
$source = "templates/template1/images/";//copy image folder -source
$dest = $userdir;
function copyr($source, $dest){
// Simple copy for a file
if (is_file($source)) {
$c = copy($source, $dest);
chmod($dest, 0777);
return $c;
// Make destination directory
if (!is_dir($dest)) {
$oldumask = umask(0);
mkdir($dest, 0777);
// Loop through the folder
$dir = dir($source);
while (false !== $entry = $dir->read()) {
// Skip pointers
if ($entry == "." || $entry == "..") {
// Clean up
return true;
I have also tried other solutions I saw online without success. Would appreciate any help possible
I also just tried this script without any luck.
I just tried another script and still no luck :(.
$template_homepage = "templates/template1/index.php";//path to default template homepage
$homepage = file_get_contents($template_homepage);//get default homepage structure
$username = testuser;// folder name for store
if (trim($username) == '') {
die("An error occured.");
} else {
$userdir = "../Users/".$username."/";
mkdir($userdir);// create folder for new website
// copy image folder
$src = 'templates/template1/images';//copy image folder -source
$dst = $userdir;
function rcopy($src, $dst) {
if (file_exists($dst)) rrmdir($dst);
if (is_dir($src)) {
$files = scandir($src);
foreach ($files as $file)
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") rcopy("$src/$file", "$dst/$file");
else if (file_exists($src)) copy($src, $dst);
$fh = fopen($userdir."index.php", 'w') or die("An error occured. ");// create home page in users folder
// $stringData = $title; //."\n";//
fwrite($fh, $homepage);// write homepage structure into new homepage file.
fclose($fh);// close new homepage file.
$launchpage = "../Users/".$username."/"; // launch new homepage file.
header("Location: $launchpage");
Why don't you use exec and use the OS command to copy the folder over?
exec('cp -r sourcedir destdir');

zip generating function generating blank files

I am using this function to generate zip files:
function create_zip($files = array(),$destination = '',$overwrite = false) {
//if the zip file already exists and overwrite is false, return false
if(file_exists($destination) && !$overwrite) { return false; }
$valid_files = array();
//if files were passed in...
if(is_array($files)) {
//cycle through each file
foreach($files as $file) {
//make sure the file exists
if(file_exists($file)) {
$valid_files[] = $file;
//if we have good files...
if(count($valid_files)) {
//create the archive
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if($zip->open($destination,$overwrite ? ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE : ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== true) {
return false;
//add the files
foreach($valid_files as $file) {
//echo $file;
//echo 'The zip archive contains ',$zip->numFiles,' files with a status of ',$zip->status;
//close the zip -- done!
//check to make sure the file exists
echo $destination;
return file_exists($destination);
return false;
I am using this to zip a vanilla, unaltered Wordpress install.(http://wordpress.org/) However for some reason the wp-content folder is having a 'ghost' empty file generated with it's name. The folder (and everything else) itself compresses correctly, but most unzip applications (including php's own extractTo()) break when they reach this unwanted file due to the name conflict.
I've looked into the folder/file structure and as far as I can see the only difference of note between this and the other folders in the site is that it is the biggest at 5.86 mb.
Can anyone suggest a fix / workaround?
This is the sample example to zip a folder.
function Create_zipArch($archive_name, $archive_folder)
$zip = new ZipArchive;
if ($zip->open($archive_name, ZipArchive::CREATE) === TRUE)
$dir = preg_replace('/[\/]{2,}/', '/', $archive_folder . "/");
$dirs = array($dir);
while (count($dirs))
$dir = current($dirs);
$dh = opendir($dir);
while ($file = readdir($dh))
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..')
if (is_file($file))
$zip->addFile($dir . $file, $dir . $file);
elseif (is_dir($file))
$dirs[] = $dir . $file . "/";
return $result;
$zipArchName = "ZipFileName.zip"; // zip file name
$FolderToZip = "zipthisfolder"; // folder to zip
echo Create_zipArch($zipArchName, $FolderToZip);

Why does my zip code not work as expected?

See this question. I can't use that code:
function addFolderToZip($dir, $zipArchive, $zipdir = ''){
if (is_dir($dir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
//Add the directory
// Loop through all the files
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
//If it's a folder, run the function again!
if(!is_file($dir . $file)){
// Skip parent and root directories
if( ($file !== ".") && ($file !== "..")){
addFolderToZip($dir . $file . "/", $zipArchive, $zipdir . $file . "/");
// Add the files
$zipArchive->addFile($dir . $file, $zipdir . $file);
Please write an example for me. The second problem is too complex.
When I use addfile function it will add and appear in the archive as a file and this great. Now when I use:
$z = new ZipArchive();
for ($i=0; $i< $z->numFiles;$i++) {
$aZipDtls = $z->statIndex($i);
echo $aZipDtls['name'];
it now shows if I add a file in folder like that:
$zip->addFile('/path/to/index.txt', 'dir/newname.txt');
it show in the Winrar soft a dir then a file but in the code it shows it as one file.
Like that in winrar:
In my PHP system, just only show one file without its dir, like that:
This mean it's impossible to add a new file in a dir.
Difficult to know what you want, but here goes:
$zip = new ZipArchive();
for ($i=0; $i< $zip->numFiles;++$i) {
$aZipDtls = $zip->statIndex($i);
echo $aZipDtls['name'],"\n";
Should cover all questions. That will unzip with exactly the structure you'd expect it to. The discrepancy is likely due to the way WinRar displays the archive structure.
