Hi currently i am doing project in ZF2. In my project there are lot of folders in public directory. when any of visitor enter www.domain.com/folder-name it should redirect to that folder in public directory. in scenario how can i get that name of the folder name into one variable in site IndexController
Your question is not very clear to me. When you call a sub-folder within /public, then depending on your ReWrite-Rules, you'll either get 403 Forbidden or you'll get the DirectoryIndex. If you call a file, you'll see the file.
Either way, ZF2 isn't even running at that time.
What kind of variable do you want to have in your Controllers and for what purpose? Do you want to create something like a DirectoryListing?
I am in the process of installing SimpleSAML and in the php library, there is a folder called www that has index.php. According to the docs, there is an admin console within it. However, at the moment I am unable to access it via the url www.website.com/third_party/simplesaml/www/index.php.
I am supposed to use the admin console to generate some metadata so I'm just wondering if it is possible to route to a view from there?
I'm thinking that I create a controller and just hard link $this->load->view('url to www') but I'm not sure if that works.
In controller’s constructor add
include APPPATH . 'third_party/simplesaml/www/index.php';
to include the file in your project.
you can set base path in route file and instead of $this->load->view() you can use renderView() function to access view in codeigniter.
I'm currently building a simply file hosting script using Slim 3. Currently I have my users folder on the same level as my public directory. Now that I'm attempting to access the files inside the user folder I'm getting errors caused by my document root not being able to access my users folder. Would it be a better idea to put my users folder inside my public folder because technically that would be public info to the logged in user?
It depends on what these files are - If they are only for the specific user or if they are available to all users.
When the files has to be private you can not put them into public, simple because everyone could hack url and get access to them. So you should put them in any data directory and make them available using an endpoint like /file/{username}/{name}.
In such endpoint you can easily append Header about filetype or if it should download or try to show in the browser window.
Whatever you make publicly available to the web server will be handled by default as any other asset:
Its URL is based upon the actual file name
If you know the URL you can download it
If it's a .php file it will be executed
You can certainly address all this concerns (and some of them may not even be concerns for your use case) but I don't think this is the ideal layout for a typical user-managed directory tree. Your current approach makes more sense to me.
To access such files you need to create a proper download script that makes all the appropriate checks (e.g. access checks), matches file system stuff from URLs and serves the assets as static files. In Slim that means creating a route with parameters and writing a handler function that does all this stuff.
I'm trying to call my index.php on my cPanel, however since my hosting service only allows up to 1 sublevel of directory, I have to bring up my index.php.
I'm using Yii framework, and since it's my first application. I dont know how to link it. I also just continued the application from another developer, it's making me confused on how to change or place my index.php
Is it possible to create an index.php to call another index.php, since the current index.php, still has to run the yii framework? I dont want to change the directory paths since there's just too many paths to change.
Found out I was inputting the wrong path, I've got it to show the page, but now it does not load any of the images/css. What's seems to be the problem now?
I might be asking a dumb question, but have you tried a PHP Include? This won't affect paths or anything, but the code from the included index.php will be used in the first page...
I am new to Symfony and I am trying to understand how a Symfony project works. Right now I am trying to change the content of an internal url. For example, in the layout.php file, I can put a sentence like:
This works fine, when I press 'Suecia' "Button" it changes the content, and it adds viajesDeusto/new to the url. My question is, where can I change the content that the "viajesDeusto/new' url displays?
Thanks a lot
If you split the url in your url_for() function it breaks out to MODULE/ACTION
So go into your app (%SF_ROOT_DIR%/apps/%APP_NAME%)
inside that folder you have a modules folder
inside that you have the module name
inside that you have an actions folder and a templates folder
the actions folder is where your code to retrieve/process data resides
the templates folder is where the presentation code resides
For instance, if your app is called frontend the location of the code is:
This is the standard setup for syfony 1.x apps
I've encountered a seemingly bizarre issue, and was wondering if anyone is able to shed a light.
I created a simple controller two levels down from the traditional /application/controllers/ directory and I'm seeing a CI-generated 404 when hitting said controller.
To elaborate, my directory structure is as follows:
The file itself has a simple function with an echo statement. When I move said file up one level such that it is located in:
It works.
I've tried changing the name of the "dir2" directory in the example above, the name of the controller, the names of the functions within the controller -- to no avail. I'm able to hit the same php file without going through the Code Igniter framework, and I'm on a Windows machine working normally so I can't imagine this to be a permissions-related issue.
I'm led to think that CI simply isn't willing to go into the controllers directory more than one level. Is this possible, or am I missing something?
Try this out: http://glennpratama.wordpress.com/2009/10/20/multi-level-subfolder-for-controller-in-codeigniter/
Basically, you need to override the default codeigniter router with your own MY_Router class
"Out of the box", Codeigniter only supports a single level directory structure for Controllers.
There are ways to extend the default Router class to enable this feature.