I have 2 buttons with the same name. For design reasons only one of them is visible at the same time.
I want to click on any visible button.
If first button is hided this expression
Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
How to click on visible button?
I have written simple code to this.
public function clickOnDisplayedElementByName($name)
$elements = $this->elements($this->using('css selector')->value('[name="' . $name . '"]'));
foreach ($elements as $element)
if ($element->displayed())
$this->fail('There is no visible elements with name ' . $name);
I am adding a delete button to certain rows of a table (not all). The table is already inside a form, so my thinking is to do a check to see if my button was clicked inside the function that the form submits to and redirect to a delete function if it was. I can't figure out if it's possible to do that or what other options there are.
I tried using a link for the delete, but that doesn't get the information across. I tried using another form, but that's a form within a form. If there is another way to do this, I'm happy to learn it.
Here is parts of the form:
echo '<form action="#/job/addorupdate" id="jobform" name="jobform" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="228828">';
if ($id > 0) {
echo '<button style="color:red;border:none;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer;" type="submit" value="' . $id . '" name="idOfRow">X</button>';
echo '</form>';
Here is the function it goes to:
public function addOrUpdate(){ // addOrUpdate a job - control
if ($this->input->post('idOfRow')) {
// This is where I want to do the redirect
The solution was to replace the button with a link and use that to call the delete function.
echo ' X';
public function addOrUpdate(){ // addOrUpdate a job - control
if ($this->input->post('idOfRow')) {
if($delete == 1){
header('location:location.php'); // add redirect location here.
//Create One New function
public function deleteRow($DeleteInput){
if ($DeleteInput) {
//add sql function to delete
if(delete == true){
return 1;
else {
return false;
I'm trying to get all link from this page. Actually there I almost achieve this result with this code:
public function getLinks()
$html = file_get_html("http://it.soccerway.com/national/italy/serie-a/20152016/regular-season/r31554/");
foreach($html->find("div.block_competition_left_tree-wrapper") as $div)
foreach ($div->find('a') as $li)
echo $li->href . "<br>";
this is the result:
the problem is that I need to scrape only the link in the list <li>, how you can see in the html there is different classes expanded | odd | even. Essentially I don't want get the link of the element displayed as Serie A - Serie B, etc... but the link inside it. In particular something like this should be the result:
now if you see in the first result above there is only /national/italy/serie-a/20152016/s11663/ correct in my final example, this is 'cause in the html page the Serie A item have the class expanded and the code see the link. How can I fix my code to achieve this?
I hope, I have understood you as well. You need to get all links as you did, then open every link to get all links of the class.
An example:
public function getLinks()
$html = file_get_html("http://it.soccerway.com/national/italy/serie-a/20152016/regular-season/r31554/");
foreach($html->find("div.block_competition_left_tree-wrapper") as $div)
//get all links
foreach ($div->find('a') as $li)
$openLink = file_get_html("http://it.soccerway.com/".$li->href);
foreach($openLink->find("div.block_competition_left_tree-wrapper") as $divOfNewLink){
foreach ($divOfNewLink->find('li') as $liOfNewDiv){
if (preg_match("/expanded/i", $liOfNewDiv->class)) {
foreach ($liOfNewDiv->find('a') as $link)
echo $link->href . "<br>";
// do nothing
I added custom buttons to the panels ipe toolbar. The toolbar only shows when you have the right permissions, and when the page is a panelized page. I want to display the ipe toolbar also for other pages, containing that page his tabs (view/edit/devel/translate). Is it possible?
yes, this is possible. I had a similar need in one of my projects. What I did in a custom module was:
Use hook_page_alter to add the ipe toolbar when buttons DON'T exist (Panels IPE adds them when they do exist)
Use hook_theme_registry_alter to use my own template function instead of the one provided by Panels IPE.
Create a custom theme function that adds my custom buttons
In code it is something like this:
* Implements of hook_page_alter()
function MYMODULE_page_alter(&$page) {
// Check if Panels IPE is turned on.
if (!module_exists('panels_ipe'))
// Let Panels IPE add the buttons if they exist > If there are no buttons
// then we'll still add the toolbar anyway.
$buttons = &drupal_static('panels_ipe_toolbar_buttons', array());
if (!empty($buttons)) {
$output = theme('panels_ipe_toolbar', array('buttons' => $buttons));
$page['page_bottom']['panels_ipe'] = array(
'#markup' => $output,
* Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
function MYMODULE_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
// Check if Panels IPE is turned on.
if (!module_exists('panels_ipe'))
// Inject our own theme function instead of the one from Panels IPE
$theme_registry['panels_ipe_toolbar']['function'] = 'theme_MYMODULE_panels_ipe_toolbar';
// This function is to be adjusted to add buttons and things.
function theme_MYMODULE_panels_ipe_toolbar($vars) {
$buttons = $vars['buttons'];
$output = "<div id='panels-ipe-control-container' class='clearfix'>";
foreach ($buttons as $key => $ipe_buttons) {
$output .= "<div id='panels-ipe-control-$key' class='panels-ipe-control'>";
// Controls in this container will appear when the IPE is not on.
$output .= '<div class="panels-ipe-button-container clearfix">';
foreach ($ipe_buttons as $button) {
$output .= is_string($button) ? $button : drupal_render($button);
$output .= '</div>';
// Controls in this container will appear when the IPE is on. It is usually
// filled via AJAX.
$output .= '<div class="panels-ipe-form-container clearfix"></div>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= "</div>";
return $output;
What I'm trying to achieve is using viewHelper to customize my element. I know that it's mostly done by decorators, but I would like to know is it possible to do it with viewHelper only?
Where I want to use viewHelper:
$defaults = $_GET;
$defaults['randomText'] = 'Something';
$defaults['something'] = 'placeholder';
$form = new Extension_Form();
$element = new Extension_Form_Element_Xhtml('randomText', $this->view->SpanAdder($defaults['randomText'])); // I'm creating Xhtml element, where I'm replacing content with viewHelper return. Want to get rid of $this->view->SpanAdder part :)
unset($defaults['randomText']); // I want to get rid of this line, but unfortunately I have to have it, otherwise SpanAdder result will be overwritten.
And I have viewHelper, which gives span around my value.
class View_Helper_SpanAdder extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract {
public function SpanAdder($value) {
return '<span name="' . $value . '">' . $value . '</span>';
I have an array of people that is registered as online in a html file. I am using this so that each can have an image assigned to them. But when checking to see if using name is already in use the in_array function return false and allow the script to continue.
$user = "< img src='default.jpg' />John";
$explode = array("<img src='tress.jpg' />John");
if(in_array($user, $explode))
//show login script if user exists
//continue to script
Now the reason this is not working is because the john in the array is not identical to the john in $user. Is there anyway of checking that the name exists in the array? When responding please explain.
Instead of asking, "How do I solve this problem?", you need to start with, "Why am I having this problem?"
$user = "< img src='default.jpg' />John";
Is < img src='default.jpg' />John a user name? Why are you using it as one? I'm guessing there's some clever thought behind this like "Well, I always display a user's image with their name, so I'll just make the image part of their name. This is going to cause far more problems than it solves. This comes back to a big concept in computer science called separation of concerns. An image is not logically a part of a user name, so don't store it as one. If you always display them together, you can use functions to display a user's information in a standard way without making the image part of the user name.
So first off, remove the image from the name. There are several ways to store this separately.
I would suggest using a class:
class User {
public $name;
public $imageSource;
// The following functions are optional, but show how a class
// can be useful.
* Create a user with the given name and URL to their image
function __construct($name, $imageSource) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->imageSource = $imageSource;
* Gets the HTML to display a user's image
function image() {
return "<img src='". $this->imageSource ."' />";
* Gets HTML to display to identify a user (including image)
function display() {
return $this->image() . $this->name;
$user = new User("john", "default.jpg");
// or without the constructor defined
//$user = new User();
//$user->name = "john";
//$user->imageSource = "default.jpg";
echo $user->display();
You can use an "array" if you want to be a little lazier, but I don't recommend it in the general case, since you lose the cool features of classes (like those functions):
$user = array(
name => "john",
image => "<img src='default.jpg' />";
echo $user["image"] . $user["name"];
In your database (if you're using one), make them separate columns and then use one of the above data structures.
Now that you have this, it's easy to see if a user name is in a given list using a foreach loop:
function userNameInList($user, $users) {
for($users as $current) {
if($user->name == $current) {
return true;
return false;
$newUser = new User("John", "john.jpg");
$currentUsers = array("John", "Mary", "Bob");
if(userNameInList($newUser, $currentUsers) {
echo "Sorry, user name " . $newUser->name . " is already in use!";
If you're new to PHP, the normal for loop may be easier to understand:
function userNameInList($user, $users) {
for($i = 0; $i < count($users); ++i) {
$current = $users[$i];
if($user->name == $current) {
return true;
return false;
Let me know if any of this doesn't run, I don't write PHP very often anymore..