I am writing a code for live searching a record with query passed by user. The following is code written:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE rollno LIKE ?";
if($stmt = $conn->prepare($sql)){
$stmt->bind_param("s", $param_term);
$param_term = $_REQUEST["term"] . '%';
$result = $stmt->get_result(); // error on this line
if($result->num_rows > 0){
// Fetch result rows as an associative array
while($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$rollno = $row['rollno'];
$name = $row['name'];
$image = $row['image'];
echo $rollno." ".$name." ".$image;
the code works fine on thew local server. But the same code does not work on the live server with same database. I am getting an error Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::get_result() in /home/u687417727/public_html/digiclass/panel/backend-search.php on line 25
right after I enter some query. I have shown the error in the code with comment. What could be the problem? Help please. Trying to evaluate it from long time.
You have two options either you install mysqlnd on your server in php_info
How to enable mysqlnd for php?
or write your own function for that
function get_result($stmt){
$stmt->execute(); //Execute query
$stmt->store_result(); //Store the results
$num_rows = $stmt->num_rows; //Get the number of results
$results = NULL;
if($num_rows > 0){
//Get metadata about the results
$meta = $stmt->result_metadata();
//Here we get all the column/field names and create the binding code
$bind_code = "return mysqli_stmt_bind_result(\$stmt, ";
while($_field = $meta->fetch_field()){
$bind_code .= "\$row[\"".$_field->name."\"], ";
//Replace trailing ", " with ");"
$bind_code = substr_replace($bind_code,");", -2);
//Run the code, if it doesn't work return NULL
if(!eval($bind_code)) {
return NULL;
//This is where we create the object and add it to our final result array
//Gets the row by index
//Update bound variables used in $bind_code with new row values
foreach($row as $key=>$value){
//Create array using the column/field name as the index
$_result[$key] = $value;
//Cast $_result to object and append to our final results
$results[$i] = (object)$_result;
return $results;
I RESOLVED this issue.
I was also frustrated in this issue but after huge struggling and surfing I found solution for this issue. If get_result() not working with "mysqli" extension in your cpnael then follow these :
I simply resolved this issue by the way of I just DISABLED "mysqli" and ENABLED "nd_mysqli" extension in my Cpanel. Now get_result() statements working and resolved this big head ache issue.
Right now im using Mysqli to retrieve data from a Mysql Database, The code im using is difficult to understand and from my understanding has depreciated functions or itself in entire is depreciated.
If i could get some insight and maybe some updated techniques on my Qoal of retrieving data from a mysql DB.
mysqli prepared statements
What i have so far is this:
$param = 1;
$mysqli = new mysqli("", "user", "password", "databaseName");
$mysqli->query('SELECT reply_id FROM replies WHERE reply_topic = ? ORDER BY reply_date ASC');
$row = bind_result_array($mysqli);
$set[$row['']] = getCopy($row);
return $set;
function bind_result_array($stmt)
$meta = $stmt->result_metadata();
$result = array();
while ($field = $meta->fetch_field())
$result[$field->name] = NULL;
$params[] = &$result[$field->name];
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_result'), $params);
return $result;
function getCopy($row)
return array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a;'), $row);
You need to clean up the call on the database first. $mysqli->query has send the query before you bound parameters and so on.
Replace with the following;
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT reply_id FROM replies WHERE reply_topic = ? ORDER BY reply_date ASC');
The $mysqli->prepare returns a new object that you should bind values to and then execute. It avoids SQL injection!
None of this is depreciated. mysqli_ is exactly what you should use.
As all you want is an array of the results, you can use the following code to do so - no user functions required.
$result = $stmt->get_result();
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$set[] = $row['reply_id'];
For each row in the while, each field is saved into an array with the column name as the key. So $row['reply_id'] contains the value of the reply_id column in the database. Above I have saved this value to an array called $set, and when it loops over the next result row it saves the next value to that array too.
You can manipulate the result before or after saving it to the new array, as you see fit.
Hope this helps.
I am using MySQLi and PHP to call a stored MySQL routine with prepared statements. It returns a result set with dozens of columns.
$stmt = $dbconnection->prepare("CALL SomebodysDbProcedure(?);");
$stmt->bind_param("s", $idvalue);
$stmt->bind_result($col1, $col2, $col3, ...);
However, I am only interested in a subset of the output columns.
The documentation says bind_result() is required to handle the complete set of returned columns:
Note that all columns must be bound after mysqli_stmt_execute() and
prior to calling mysqli_stmt_fetch().
Do I need to add code also for those columns I'm uninterested in? If so the application will break if the MySQL stored routine result set is expanded in the future, or even columns rearranged. Is there a workaround for this?
I'm assuming that you just don't want to write out all those variables for the bind_result() function. You could use a function like below instead of the bind_result() function. Pass it your $stmt object and you'll get back an array of standard objects with the fields you want.
function getResult($stmt)
$valid_fields = array('title', 'date_created'); // enter field names you care about
if (is_a($stmt, 'MySQLi_STMT')) {
$result = array();
$metadata = $stmt->result_metadata();
$fields = $metadata->fetch_fields();
for (; ;)
$pointers = array();
$row = new \stdClass();
$pointers[] = $stmt;
foreach ($fields as $field)
if (in_array($field->name, $valid_fields)) {
$fieldname = $field->name;
$pointers[] = &$row->$fieldname;
call_user_func_array('mysqli_stmt_bind_result', $pointers);
if (!$stmt->fetch())
$result[] = $row;
return $result;
return array();
The answer of Jonathan Mayhak guided me in the right direction. On PHP bind_result page, nieprzeklinaj provides a function called fetch(). It works; use it like this:
$stmt = $conn->prepare("CALL SomebodysDbProcedure(?);");
$stmt->bind_param("s", $idvalue);
$sw = (array)(fetch($stmt));
$s = $sw[0]; // Get first row
$dateCreated = $s['date_created']; // Get field date_created
Edit: Unfortunately successive calls within the same PHP file don't seem to work with this method.
Try using fetch_fields php method:
array mysqli_fetch_fields ( mysqli_result $result )
I have a question for you guys. I'm trying to make the way that I run MySQL as secure as I can. I'm currently wondering if it's possible to fetch an object with MySQLi after I have prepared the statement, binded the parameters, and executed the statement.
$sql = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?;');
$sql->bind_param('s', $username);
$username = 'RastaLulz';
$object = $sql->fetch_object();
echo $object->mail;
I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_object() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\ProCMS\DevBestCMS\inc\global\class.mysql.php on line 23
However, when I add "$sql->result_metadata();" I don't get an error, but it doesn't return a result (it's just NULL).
$sql = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?;');
$sql->bind_param('s', $username);
$username = 'RastaLulz';
$result = $sql->result_metadata();
$object = $result->fetch_object();
echo $object->mail;
This is how you'd do it without binding the parameters:
$sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'RastaLulz';");
$object = $sql->fetch_object();
echo $object->mail;
Here's my current MySQL class - just need to get the execute function working.
Any help is and will be appreciated!
I had the same question. I found out that I could do the following:
# prepare statement
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql)
# bind params
$stmt->bind_param("s", $param);
# execute query
# get result
$result = $stmt->get_result();
# fetch object
$object = $result->fetch_object();
I hope that works for you, too.
I just dug around in my Database class and this is how I do it. Honestly I don't remember why I needed to do it this way and there might be a much better way. But if it helps you here is the code. I do vaguely remember being irritated about there not being a simple way to get your results as an object.
// returns an array of objects
public function stmtFetchObject(){
$rows=array(); //init
// bind results to named array
$meta = $this->stmt->result_metadata();
$fields = $meta->fetch_fields();
foreach($fields as $field) {
$result[$field->name] = "";
$resultArray[$field->name] = &$result[$field->name];
call_user_func_array(array($this->stmt, 'bind_result'), $resultArray);
// create object of results and array of objects
while($this->stmt->fetch()) {
$resultObject = new stdClass();
foreach ($resultArray as $key => $value) {
$resultObject->$key = $value;
$rows[] = $resultObject;
return $rows;
What is the ';' at the end of your statement? You are giving mysqli an invalid query and so it is not creating an object for you.
The problem is not the fetch_object, but the prepare statement.
Remove the ';' and try again. It should work like a charm.
I've never seen a query end like that.
Try instantiating the variable before binding.
I think its just good practice but use double quotes instead of single quotes.
Please see below my code.
I am attempting to bind an array of paramenters to my prepared statement.
I've been looking around on the web and can see I have to use call_user_func_array but cannot get it to work. The error I get is:
"First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'Array' was given"
I may be wrong but I'm assuming the first argument can be an an array and perhaps this error message is misleading. I think the issue is that my array is in someway at fault.
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong? Thanks.
$type = array("s", "s");
$param = array("string1","anotherstring");
$stmt = $SQLConnection->prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (comp, addl) VALUES (?,?)");
$params = array_merge($type, $param);
call_user_func_array(array(&$stmt, 'bind_param'), $params);
It must be like this:
$mysqli = new mysqli($host, $user, $password, $db_name);
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT * FROM the_table WHERE field1= ? AND Field2= ?");
//Binding parameters. Types: s = string, i = integer, d = double, b = blob
$params= array("ss","string_1","string_2");
//now we need to add references
$tmp = array();
foreach($params as $key => $value) $tmp[$key] = &$params[$key];
// now us the new array
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $tmp);
/* Fetch result to array */
$res = $stmt->get_result();
while($row = $res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
Since PHP 5.6, you don't have to mess around with call_user_func_array() anymore.
Instead of:
$stmt->bind_param($param_types, $my_params_array);
you can just use the splat operator, like this:
$stmt->bind_param($param_types, ...$my_params_array); // exact code
I wouldn't know why you have to use call_user_func_array, but that's another story.
The only thing that could be wrong in my eyes is that you are using a reference to the object. Assuming you're using PHP 5.*, that is not necessary:
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $params);
If you get an error, you should try this:
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), refValues($params));
function refValues($arr){
if (strnatcmp(phpversion(),'5.3') >= 0) {
$refs = array();
foreach($arr as $key => $value)
$refs[$key] = &$arr[$key];
return $refs;
return $arr;
Wasn't able to answer this on my own question because it got marked as dupe: here. But I think my final solution, which uses the answers in this question, works in my use case, might be helpful for someone.
My goals was to take a posted set of ID's and use them in a NOT IN MYSQL statement. Assuming array of 5 ID's posted.
Count the number posted ID's to build the ? placeholders for NOT IN statement. Using $params_count = substr(str_repeat(',?', count($array_of_ids)), 1); gives the result: (?,?,?,?,?) to be used in SQL statement.
Make function that takes ID's and type i or s etc. For me, they were all i so my function is simpler. return array that looks like this $params= array("iiiii",1,2,3,4,5) where the first value is the set of i's and the subsequent values are the ID's depending on total ID's passed into function.
function build_bind_params($values, $bind_type) {
$s = substr(str_repeat($bind_type, count($values)), 0);
$bind_array = array();
$bind_array[] = $s;
foreach($values as $value) {
$bind_array[] = $value;
return $bind_array;
$params = build_bind_params($array_of_ids, "i");
Then use foreach ($params as $key => $value) $tmp[$key] = &$params[$key]; to get the newly created $params formatted properly for binding.
Then use call_user_func_array(array($stmt , 'bind_param') , $tmp); to properly bind the array.
Then execute the $stmt
Most of the above are not solutions without integrating the types along with the values before adding them to call_user_func_array(). This solution worked for me:
/* create a database connection */
$db = new mysqli($host, $user, $password, $db_name);
/* setup the sql, values, and types */
$sql="SELECT * FROM languages
WHERE language_code = ?
AND charset = ?
ORDER BY native_name";
$values = array($langCode, $charset);
$types = "ss";
/* pass those variables to the execute() function defined below */
if ($rows = execute($sql, $values, $types))
return $rows[0];
function execute($sql, $values='', $types='')
/* prepare the sql before binding values and types */
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
/*combine the values and types into $inputArray */
$inputArray[] = &$types;
$j = count($values);
$inputArray[] = &$values[$i];
/* add the combined values and types to call_user_func_array() for binding */
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $inputArray);
$result = $stmt->execute();
return $result;
Here's a reference to the full description this example is based on:
Why would you want to call call_user_func_array(array($statement, 'bind_param'), $bind_arguments)? Because $bind_arguments is an array. You get to have one function that binds a statement to its queried parameters, no matter how many parameters you'd have otherwise.
Example of good code...
# link
# example data
$statement = $dblink->prepare("SELECT * from Person WHERE FirstName = ? AND MiddleName = ? AND LastName = ? and Age = ?");
$recordvalues = ['John', 'H.', 'Smith', 25];
$sqlbindstring = "sssi"; # String, String, String, Integer example
# make the references
$bind_arguments = [];
$bind_arguments[] = $sqlbindstring;
foreach ($recordvalues as $recordkey => $recordvalue)
$bind_arguments[] = & $recordvalues[$recordkey]; # bind to array ref, not to the temporary $recordvalue
# query the db
call_user_func_array(array($statement, 'bind_param'), $bind_arguments); # bind arguments
$statement->execute(); # run statement
$result = $statement->get_result(); # get results
# get the results
if($result) {
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
print("\n\nMy row is...");
Example of bad code...
# Same setup as above..
$statement->prepare("SELECT * from Person WHERE FirstName = ? AND MiddleName = ? AND LastName = ? and Age = ?");
$statement->bind('John', 'H.", 'Smith', 25);
In the first example: You can pass as much or as little to the binding to be done, so that bind() might be called in only one line in your entire application. This scales well.
In the second example: You must write one bind() statement for every possible group of insertions for every possible record in your database. This scales poorly.