what is the best method to find the parent items of a comma separated string?
array(1,2,3),array("test","123, abc"),1,"abc, 123"
to get
array("test","123, abc")
"abc, 123"
Is this possible to get with a regular expression, or is there a nifty php function that will do this?
Use explode.
$myarray = explode(",",$original);
This is assuming that your original is a string, and your desired output is something you can easily iterate through:
$original = 'array(1,2,3),array("test","123, abc"),1,"abc, 123"';
$myarray = explode(",",$original);
foreach ($myarray as $item) {
echo $item."\n";
How about:
$arr = array(array(1,2,3),array("test","123, abc"),1,"abc, 123");
$newarray = array_chunk($arr, count($arr));
$booked="red"; $book_seat="data-book='1'";
} else {
$booked=""; $book_seat="";
I want to put PHP variable in array
Is this possible in any way define variable in array?
You can do like this using explode() & array_shift() in php :
$str = '1,2,3';
$arr = [explode(",", $str)];
echo "<pre>";
If you want a string instead of an array of numbers, you can use the join method http://php.net/manual/en/function.join.php.
$str = join(',', array(1, 2, 3));
If you are wanting to create an array out of a string like '1,2,3' you could use the explode method http://php.net/manual/en/function.explode.php.
$arr = explode(",", "1,2,3");
I have a key value pair string that I would like to convert to a functional array. So that I can reference the values using their key. Right now I have this:
$Array = "'Type'=>'Honda', 'Color'=>'Red'";
$MyArray = array($Array);
This is not bringing back a functional key/value array. My key value pairs are in a variable string which means the => is part of the string and i think this is where my problem is. Any help would be appreciated. All i am trying to do is convert the string to a functional key/value pair where I can grab the values using the key. My data is in a string so please don't reply with the answer "take them out of the string." I am aware that this will work:
$MyArray = array('Type'=>'Honda', 'Color'=>'Red');
But my probem is that the the data is already in the form of a string. Thank you for any help.
There is no direct way to do this. As such, you'll need to write a custom function to build the keys and values for each element.
An example specification for the custom function:
Use explode() to split each element based on the comma.
Iterate over the result and:
explode() on =>
Remove unnecessary characters, i.e. single quotes
Store the first element as the key and the second element as the value
Return the array.
Note: if your strings contain delimiters this will be more challenging.
You do need to "take them out of the string", as you say. But you don't have to do it manually. The other answer uses explode; that's a fine method. I'll show you another - what I think is the easiest way is to use preg_match_all() (documentation), like this:
$string = "'Type'=>'Honda', 'Color'=>'Red'";
$array = array();
preg_match_all("/'(.+?)'=>'(.+?)'/", $string, $matches);
foreach ($matches[1] as $i => $key) {
$array[$key] = $matches[2][$i];
You need to parse the string and extract the data:
$string = "'Type'=>'Honda', 'Color'=>'Red'";
$elements = explode(",",$string);
$keyValuePairs = array();
foreach($elements as $element){
$keyValuePairs[] = explode("=>",$element);
Now you can create your on array using the $keyValuePairs array.
Here is an example of one way you can do it -
$Array = "'Type'=>'Honda', 'Color'=>'Red'";
$realArray = explode(',',$Array); // get the items that will be in the new array
$newArray = array();
foreach($realArray as $value) {
$arrayBit = explode('=>', $value); // split each item
$key = str_replace('\'', '', $arrayBit[0]); // clean up
$newValue = str_replace('\'', '', $arrayBit[1]); // clean up
$newArray[$key] = $newValue; // place the new item in the new array
print_r($newArray); // just to see the new array
echo $newArray['Type']; // calls out one element
This could be placed into a function that could be extended so each item gets cleaned up properly (instead of the brute force method shown here), but demonstrates the basics.
I have an array with string value in PHP for example : arr['apple'], arr['banana'], and many more -about 20-30 data (get it from some process). Now I want to get its value and return it to one variable.
For example, I have Original array is like this:
and more..
and result that I want is like this:
$arr[0] = "Apple"
$arr[1] = "Banana"
and more..
Any idea how to do that?
Why not using array_keys()?
$new_array = array_keys($array);
Use array_flip()
$new_arr = array_flip($old_arr);
use foreach loop
foreach($arr as $key => $val){
$new_var[] = $key;
use array_keys function:
$keys = array_keys($arr);
It returns an array of all the keys in array.
How does one correctly/properly convert an array like this?
For example, if I do, print_r($array);
It would print out a result like,
Array([0] => Array([0] => 5))
How did that array come to be?
I know how to convert a single array to string by using implode(). It however, doesn't work on an array inside an array.
I don't think using implode() twice will do the trick. Does anyone have any idea?
if you want to get the array as string, use print_r with the second parameter true
$string = print_r($array, true);
or serialize
$string = serialize($array);
or json_encode
$string = json_encode($array);
And if you want to use implode, use this with array_walk_recursive
function test_print($item, $key)
if (is_array($item))
echo implode(',', $item);
array_walk_recursive($array, 'test_print');
Why not just loop it using a foreach construct ?
Something like this..
$arr = array(0=>array(0=>5),1=>array(0=>6));
foreach($arr as $arr1)
$str.=implode(' ',$arr1).",";
echo rtrim($str,','); //"prints" 5,6
I am wondering how can I store all values from a foreach loop, I know that I am re-initialising in the loop but I'm not sure how to store the data. Heres my basic loop:
$array = array("v1", "v2", "v3", "v4");
foreach($array as $row){
$arr = array('val' => $row);
echo $row;
So when I use the print_r($arr) the only thing outputted would be v4 and I know that the values are there because the echo $row; does return each output individually.
My question would be how can I store each instance of row in my array?
Create a new array, fill it:
$array = array("v1", "v2", "v3", "v4");
$newArray = array();
foreach($array as $row){
// notice the brackets
$newArray[] = array('val' => $row);
It looks like you are storing your array wrong.
Try adjusting the $arr = array('val' => $row);
$arr[] = array('val' => $row);
This will set it so you pick up each line as a separate array which you can easily navigate through.
Hope this helps!
If I'm reading correctly, you want to transform your array from simple values to key-value pairs of 'val'->number. array_map is a concise way of doing this sort of transformation.
$array = array("v1", "v2", "v3", "v4");
$arr = array_map(function($v) { return array('val'=>$v); }, $array);
While it doesn't matter in this case, array_map also has the handy feature of preserving your keys, in case that is desired.
Note that you can also provide a named function to array_map, instead of providing the implementation inline, which can be nice in the event that your transform method gets more complicated. More on array_map here.