Array Null Foreach - php

Morning everyone,
My problem seems to be in my foreach loop but I cant see the issue.
When I print my array I get this from my select statment.
array(41) {
[0]=> array(4) {
string(1) "1"
string(14) "Indoor Cycling"
string(12) "6.15am – 7am"
string(1) "1"
[1]=> array(4) {
string(2) "73"
string(11) "Fast Blast "
string(6) "7.10am"
string(1) "5"
So I try the standard for each loop.
foreach ($rows as $timetableitems) {
$timetablearray[] = array(
'name' => $timetableitems->name,
'time' => $timetableitems->time,
But when I try and var dump my $timetablearray I get the following.
array(41) {
array(2) {
array(2) {
Any help would be most appreciated, thanks.

foreach ($rows as $timetableitems) {
$timetablearray[] = array(
'name' => $timetableitems['name'],
'time' => $timetableitems['time'],
You can not access array variables by $timetableitems->name. You have to use $timetableitems['name']

Instead of calling:
Because $timetableitems is an array, not an object. So you access its properties with key.

Try $timetableitems['name'] Instead of $timetableitems->name
$timetableitems is an array so you can use $timetableitems[] this format


Combing matched keys in an array

I get the combined item_ids now, but not the single item_ids.
I have an array with three keys.
$searchArray = {
[0]=> array(3) {
["keyword"]=> string(7) "history"
["url"]=> string(7) "history"
["item_id"]=> string(2) "16"
[1]=> array(3) {
["keyword"]=> string(4) "past"
["url"]=> string(4) "past"
["item_id"]=> string(2) "16"
[89]=> array(3) {
["keyword"]=> string(10) "biomedical"
["url"]=> string(10) "biomedical"
["item_id"]=> string(2) "34"
[93]=> array(3) {
["keyword"]=> string(10) "biomedical"
["url"]=> string(10) "biomedical"
["item_id"]=> string(2) "35"
I want to combine the options that have the same keyword/url.
Just need to check if keyword matches.
The final format needs to be something that jquery autocomplete can accept, where I can assign the text to keyword and the value to url, id to the item_id.
There were only two keys in the array before and I would combine matches this way.
foreach ($searchArray as $row)
$combineMatches[ $row['keyword'] ][] = $row['item_id'];
result after using json_encode():
What I currently have:
$combineMatches = array();
foreach ($searchArray as $row)
$match =
$combineMatches[$match]['item_id']+= $row['item_id'];
array_push($combineMatches, [
'keyword' => $row['keyword'],
'url' => $row['url'],
'item_id' => array_push($row['item_id'])
[7]=> array(3)
["keyword"]=> string(8) "theology"
["url"]=> string(8) "theology"
["item_id"]=> NULL
[13]=> array(3)
["keyword"]=> string(7) "writing"
["url"]=> string(7) "writing"
["item_id"]=> NULL
How do I add to the array column of just item_id ? Which I see is a string, but I need as an array.
This gets JSON encoded in the end of the PHP and read by jquery autocomplete.
Thank you for pointing out the string/array issue.
I changed how to add to the third key if there is a match, and if there isn't a match the solution was changing the array_push to just array.
$combineMatches = array();
foreach ($searchArray as $row)
$combineMatches[$match]['item_id'][] = $row['item_id'];
array_push($combineMatches, [
'keyword' => $row['keyword'],
'url' => $row['url'],
'item_id' => array($row['item_id'])

combine same index of array?

I have following $_POST array
array(5) {
string(8) "CATEGORY"
string(2) "25"
array(2) {
string(9) "SUB CAT 1"
string(9) "sub cat 2"
array(2) {
string(9) "AAAAAAAAA"
string(8) "BBBBBBBB"
string(15) "Submit Catagory"
array(1) {
array(5) {
array(3) {
string(5) "2.jpg"
string(5) "3.jpg"
string(0) ""
array(3) {
string(10) "image/jpeg"
string(10) "image/jpeg"
string(0) ""
array(3) {
string(18) "/var/tmp/phpN5ENy2"
string(18) "/var/tmp/phpRyJdcc"
string(0) ""
array(3) {
array(3) {
now what i want to achieve is combine 0 index of subcatagory and subcat_details in one array and of 1 index of subcatagory and subcat_details in second array and so on...
how can i achieve this?? is it even possible??
array( 'name' => 'SUB CAT 1',
'details' => 'AAAAAAAAA',
array( 'name' => 'SUB CAT 2',
'details' => 'BBBBBBB',
This can be done with a simple foreach() loop -
$newArray = [];
foreach($_POST["subcatagory"] as $key => $value) {
$newArray[] = array("name" => $_POST["subcatagory"][$key],
"details" => $_POST["subCat_Detais"][$key]);
As #CharlotteDunois mentioned, you could also use an for() loop, as long as you have sequential keys, with no keys missing -
$newArray = [];
for($i=0;$i<count($_POST["subcatagory"]);$i++) {
$newArray[] = array("name" => $_POST["subcatagory"][$i],
"details" => $_POST["subCat_Detais"][$i]);

PHP - Multidimensional array epanded from variable

I have the following array stored in $members
array(3) {
[0]=> array(2) {
["index"]=> string(1) "1"
["routePartitionName"]=> string(20) "US-555-foop-GWRoutes" }
[1]=> array(2) {
["index"]=> string(1) "2"
["routePartitionName"]=> string(27) "Cluster DN Presence Allowed" }
[2]=> array(2) {
["index"]=> string(1) "3"
["routePartitionName"]=> string(26) "Cluster DN Presence Denied" }
I'm trying to embed this into another array during a foreach loop. However it seems to evaluate the $members variable as text.
$programTags[] = array(
How can I expand the variable thus creating a multidimensional array?
Remove the quotes from $members variable, it convert it into string.
$programTags[] = array(
using nested foreach
foreach($members as $array)
//$array is array variable .
foreach($array as $values)
//your code here
$member = array(3) {
[0]=> array(2) {
["index"]=> string(1) "1"
["routePartitionName"]=> string(20) "US-555-foop-GWRoutes" }
[1]=> array(2) {
["index"]=> string(1) "2"
["routePartitionName"]=> string(27) "Cluster DN Presence Allowed" }
[2]=> array(2) {
["index"]=> string(1) "3"
["routePartitionName"]=> string(26) "Cluster DN Presence Denied" }
applaying foreach then,
$array = array(2) {
["index"]=> string(1) "1"
["routePartitionName"]=> string(20) "US-555-foop-GWRoutes"

Extract value from an array of array in PHP

I have a form and I serialised it to send it to PHP (AJAX) :
var dataString = $('#form_filtre').serializeArray();
I would like to extract in PHP value where names is "ou" :
array(1) {
array(6) {
array(2) {
string(3) "ctr"
string(6) "maison"
array(2) {
string(6) "action"
string(17) "readHomesLocation"
array(2) {
string(2) "ou"
string(1) "8"
array(2) {
string(2) "ou"
string(1) "6"
array(2) {
string(5) "quand"
string(0) ""
array(2) {
string(3) "max"
string(3) "500"
I would like to extrat 6 and 8.
The problem, is that I don't know in advance how many "ou" I will have.
It can be from 0 to n
Seems like an easy approach would be to have PHP unserialize the array, then iterate over it with a foreach loop like this:
foreach($array as $index => $subArray) {
foreach($subArray as $key => $val) {
if ($key == "ou") {
$ouArray[$index] = $val;
(where $array, obviously, is your unserialized array)
You could also just use $ouArray[] = $val, if you don't care which element the ou belonged to.

How to filter array to get only the object and not array in PHP

I'm not even sure what to search for for this question. What I really want is I have an array of objects like this
array(3) {
object(stdClass)#423 (4) {
string(3) "Blah"
string(10) "/Blah"
string(32) "BlahBlah"
string(32) "BlahBlah"
object(stdClass)#422 (4) {
string(8) "Blah1"
string(9) "Blah2"
string(32) "BlahBlah2"
object(stdClass)#421 (4) {
string(4) "Blah3"
string(11) "Blah3"
string(32) "BlahBlah3"
string(32) "BlahBlahBlah3"
I want to filter to just the object that I want so what I did was
$found_label = array_filter($labels, function($obj) use($label) {
return $obj->name === $label;
But then the results I got is this
array(1) {
object(stdClass)#422 (4) {
string(8) "Blah1"
string(9) "Blah1"
string(32) "BlahBlah2"
But what I really want is just this
object(stdClass)#422 (4) {
string(8) "Blah1"
string(9) "Blah1"
string(32) "BlahBlah2"
Then I have to do this to just get the actual object
$theKey = key($found_label);
return $found_label[$theKey];
I thought they should be a better way of doing this, also I'm new to PHP.
You can't do that with array_filter, there is no way to stop it and return only the first result. If you can't use the key to extract the result you want from the array returned from array_filter, you should use a loop. Something like this:
$label = "wantedLabel";
foreach ($labels as $l) {
if( $l->name === $label ) {
print_r ($l);
$labels = array(
"0" => (object) array('name' => "name1", "title" => "title1"),
"1" => (object) array('name' => "name2", "title" => "title2")
$label = "name1";
$found_label = array_filter($labels, function($obj) use($label) {
return $obj->name === $label;
stdClass Object ( [name] => name1 [title] => title1 )
