Add EC22 security rule via AWS PHP SDK2 - php

The script is allocating an IP but I'm not seeing the security rule in the GUI. No errors are being thrown. Here is the code snippet I am using:
$config = aws_setup();
$ec2Client = \Aws\Ec2\Ec2Client::factory($config);
$gmodel = $ec2Client->allocateAddress();
$args = array('GroupName' => 'www', 'IpPermissions' => array(array('IpProtocol' => 'tcp', 'FromPort' => 22, 'ToPort' => 22)), 'IpRanges' => array('CidrIp' => array($gmodel->get('PublicIp') . '/32')));

Got the right syntax for the 'args' variable:
$args = array('GroupName' => 'www', 'IpPermissions' => array(array('IpProtocol' => 'tcp', 'FromPort' => 22, 'ToPort' => 22, 'IpRanges' => array(array('CidrIp' => $gmodel->get('PublicIp') . '/32')))));
The rule is now being added to the security group.


Can't get an unenrolled 3d-secure card authenticaited (secrure trading)

I am running a PHP 7.3, running on apache server. I used composer to get this library:
For the code provided, I am now using the test site reference. I already managed to use for regular transitions. I now started managing 3D secure transactions, with the test MAESTRO card provided by secure trading here: the one designed not to demand 3D auth - that is 5000000000000421
The code provided next, will sum up the way I think thought this should work: I start by creating AUTH request, get error 30004, using CACHETOKENISE request to get a token, run THREEDQUERY to figure out if I need a full auth sceme on this card, get N as an answer, and run another AUTH request, this time with the transactionreference.
I am providing a version of the code I am testing (obviously, username, password and site reference name was removed to protect my privacy, but the code otherwise is the same)
$configData = array(
'username' => '',
'password' => 'xq!Kq$j4',
$site_refrance = 'test_gigsberg74319';
$configData = array(
'username' => '*****',
'password' => '*****',
$site_refrance = '*****';
if (!($autoload = realpath(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'))) {
throw new \Exception('Composer autoloader file could not be found.');
$api = \Securetrading\api($configData);
$requestData = array(
'sitereference' => $site_refrance,
'requesttypedescription' => 'AUTH',
'accounttypedescription' => 'ECOM',
'currencyiso3a' => 'GBP',
'mainamount' => '1000',
'pan' => '5000000000000421',
'expirymonth' => '12',
'expiryyear' => '2030',
'securitycode' => '123',
echo '<pre>';
$response = $api->process($requestData)->toArray();
print_r( $response['responses'] ); // $response['responses'][0]['errorcode'] == 30004
echo "\n--------------------------------------\n";
$transactionreference = $response['responses'][0]['transactionreference'];
$requestData = array(
'sitereference' => $site_refrance,
'expirymonth' => '12',
'expiryyear' => '2030',
'requesttypedescriptions' => array('CACHETOKENISE'),
'securitycode' => '123',
'orderreference' => $transactionreference,
'pan' => '5000000000000421'
$response = $api->process($requestData)->toArray();
echo "\n--------------------------------------\n";
$cachetoken = $response['responses'][0]['cachetoken'];
$requestData = array(
'termurl' => '',
'accept' => 'text/html,*/*',
'currencyiso3a' => 'GBP',
'requesttypedescription' => 'THREEDQUERY',
'accounttypedescription' => 'ECOM',
'sitereference' => $site_refrance,
'baseamount' => '1000',
'pan' => '5000000000000421',
'expirymonth' => '12',
'expiryyear' => '2030',
'cachetoken' => $cachetoken,
$response = $api->process($requestData)->toArray(); // $response['responses'][0]['enrolled'] == 'N'
/* Copying from the docs here:
* If the enrolled value returned in the response is “Y”, the customer’s card is enrolled in 3-D secure. Please refer to the following table for enrolled values:
* .
* .
* N - The card is not enrolled in the card issuer’s 3-D Secure scheme. - Perform an AUTH Request, including the transactionreference returned in the THREEDQUERY response.
* .
* .
print_r( $response['responses'] );
echo "\n--------------------------------------\n";
$transactionreference = $response['responses'][0]['transactionreference'];
$requestData = array(
'sitereference' => $site_refrance,
'requesttypedescription' => 'AUTH',
'accounttypedescription' => 'ECOM',
'currencyiso3a' => 'GBP',
'mainamount' => '1000',
'pan' => '5000000000000421',
'expirymonth' => '12',
'expiryyear' => '2030',
'securitycode' => '123',
'transactionreference' => $transactionreference
$response = $api->process($requestData)->toArray();
print_r( $response['responses'] ); // Still get $response['responses'][0]['errorcode'] == 30004
I expected it to give me a note that all works well, but I still got error 30004, as if the transactionreference wasn't provided. Any idea what I can do, to fix this code, and prevent this error?
Thanks in advance
Well, I read the Api tests, and I found my error. On the last request data, instead of
$requestData = array(
'transactionreference' => $transactionreference
I should use
$requestData = array(
'parenttransactionreference' => $transactionreference
Anyway, home this helps somone

authentication to MQ via mqseries library php

I need some help with php mqseries library.
I have some troubles connecting to Queue-manager. It does connect without authentication, but when I'm trying to use MQCSP, I get
2035 error.
I've contacted the developers, one of them told me that he no longer works on it, others don't respond.
It looks like on IBM it doesn't work.
Here is my connection code:
$cfg = array();
$cfg['ESB_ADDRESS'] = '';
$cfg['ESB_TOPIC_STRING'] = '';
$cfg['USERID'] = 'svcgo-site';
$cfg['PASSWORD'] = 'site91';
$cfg['QMgrName'] = 'IIB.ADP.MI1';
$cfg['DiscInterval'] = '10';
$cfg['ESB_ADDRESS'] = '';
$cfg['ESB_QUEUE_MANAGER'] = 'QM01';
$cfg['ESB_TOPIC_STRING'] = '';
$cfg['USERID'] = 'svcgo-site';
$cfg['PASSWORD'] = 'site91';
//$cfg['QMgrName'] = 'QM01';
$cfg['DiscInterval'] = '10';
$connectionOptions = array(
'MQCD' => array(
//'Version' => MQSERIES_MQCD_VERSION_11,
'ChannelName' => $cfg['ESB_CHANNEL'],
'TransportType' => MQSERIES_MQXPT_TCP,
'ConnectionName' => $cfg['ESB_ADDRESS']
useMQCSPAuthentication => true,
'MQCSP' => array(
'CSPUserIdPtr' => $cfg['USERID'],
'CSPUserIdLength' => strlen($cfg['USERID']),
'CSPPasswordLength' => strlen($cfg['PASSWORD']),
'CSPPasswordPtr' => $cfg['PASSWORD']
'ClientConnPtr' => array(
//'Version' => MQSERIES_MQCD_VERSION_11,
'ChannelName' => $cfg['ESB_CHANNEL'],
'TransportType' => MQSERIES_MQXPT_TCP,
'ConnectionName' => $cfg['ESB_ADDRESS']
mqseries_connx($cfg['ESB_QUEUE_MANAGER'], $connectionOptions, $connection, $completionCode, $reason);
if ($completionCode !== MQSERIES_MQCC_OK) {
die("Connx CompCode : {$completionCode} Reason : {$reason} Text : " . mqseries_strerror($reason));
else{echo "Good<br>";}
Php v.5.3.17
Mqseries client library v 0.15.0
That PHP package does not have the code in it to handle the MQCSP structure and add it to the CNO. Looks like you would need to modify the _mqseries_set_mqcno_from_array function and how it is called.

How to include order information in Quickbooks' Hosted Paypage?

I'm using Quickbooks' Hosted Paypage and I have, up to this point, managed to get everything to work except for the order information. I don't receive any errors. The paypage continues to work with or without the order-related code.
I'm unsure exactly how to go about this and I can't find any relevant examples. I assume that I'm formatting something incorrectly, but I have no idea what if I am.
Below is the relevant code. I took out the applogin and authticket, but those are correct.
$order = '{"Items":[
{"ItemSku":"NA","ItemDesc":"Party Hats","ItemPrice":"1.00","ItemQty":"1","ItemIsShippable":"0","ItemIsTaxable":"0"},
{"ItemSku":"NA","ItemDesc":"Extra Guests","ItemPrice":"1.08","ItemQty":"1","ItemIsShippable":"0","ItemIsTaxable":"0"}],
"EstDeliveryDate": "01/01/2080"}';
// I've tried with and without this line
$order = json_decode($order, true);
if ($NoErrors = true) {
// Intuit Base URL
$base_url = '';
// Construct URL for Intuit ticket
$ticket = array(
'AuthModel' => 'desktop',
'AppLogin' => '',
'AuthTicket' => 'xxx-xxx-xxxx',
'TxnType' => 'Sale',
'Amount' => $Amount,
'CustomerName' => $CustomerFullName,
'CustomerStreet'=> $CustomerStreet,
'CustomerCity' => $CustomerCity,
'CustomerState' => $CustomerState,
'CustomerPostalCode'=> $CustomerPostalCode,
'IsCustomerFacing' => '1'
array_push($ticket, $order);
// Go to Intuit ticket URL
$ticket_url = $base_url . "paypage/ticket/create?" . http_build_query($ticket);
$print_ticket = file_get_contents($ticket_url);
Thank you for your time!
After rereading the documentation, I found I missed 'Order=' from the URL. I removed the json_decode line and then added "'Order' => $order" to the end of my $ticket array. That got it working.
$ticket = array(
'AuthModel' => 'desktop',
'AppLogin' => 'xxxx',
'AuthTicket' => 'xxxx',
'TxnType' => 'Sale',
'Amount' => $Amount,
'CustomerName' => $CustomerFullName,
'CustomerStreet'=> $CustomerStreet,
'CustomerCity' => $CustomerCity,
'CustomerState' => $CustomerState,
'CustomerPostalCode'=> $CustomerPostalCode,
'IsCustomerFacing' => '1',
'Order' => $order

Fedex Web Services: ERROR 9040 - Can't pull up tracking

I'm having issues attempting to pull up tracking info using Fedex's Web Services. I am using a valid tracking number and I'm able to view the details on Fedex's site. However, I get an error 9040 "No information for the following shipments has been received by our system yet. Please try again or contact Customer Service at 1.800.Go.FedEx(R) 800.463.3339." Am I leaving something out?
My code:
$path_to_wsdl = "URL_TO_WSDL";
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
$client = new SoapClient($path_to_wsdl, array('trace' => 1));
$request['WebAuthenticationDetail'] = array(
'UserCredential' =>array(
'Key' => 'MY_KEY',
'Password' => 'MY_PASSWORD'
$request['ClientDetail'] = array(
'AccountNumber' => 'MY_ACCT',
'MeterNumber' => 'MY_METER'
$request['TransactionDetail'] = array('CustomerTransactionId' => 'ActiveShipping');
$request['Version'] = array(
'ServiceId' => 'trck',
'Major' => '5',
'Intermediate' => '0',
'Minor' => '0'
$request['PackageIdentifier'] = array(
'Value' => 'TRACKING#',
$response = $client->track($request);
Got it!
Call the web services departement and they told me to remove 'beta' from the wsdl file. This appears to be a different address than what I found in responses to this problem before. On line 1507 of the wsdl file, make the following change:
<s1:address location=""/>
<s1:address location=""/>
I changed the rest of my code slightly, but that shouldn't have made the difference. To be on the safe side, here it is:
$path_to_wsdl = "PATH_TO_WSDL_FILE";
$client = new SoapClient($path_to_wsdl, array('trace' => 1));
$trackRequest = array(
'WebAuthenticationDetail' => array(
'UserCredential' => array(
'Key' => 'MY_KEY',
'Password' => 'MY_PASSWORD'
'ClientDetail' => array(
'AccountNumber' => 'MY_ACCT_#',
'MeterNumber' => 'MY_METER_#'
'Version' => array(
'ServiceId' => 'trck',
'Major' => '5',
'Intermediate' => '0',
'Minor' => '0'
'PackageIdentifier' => array(
'Value' => 'THE_TRACKING_#',
'IncludeDetailedScans' => 1
$response = $client->track($trackRequest);
I'm also working on this same problem. I'm trying several things and you can see if anything works for you. Try including ShipDateRangeBegin and End elements, your test account/payer numbers or destination info. I've found here that switching to xml and ssl post requests supposedly solve the problem, but it's not an option for me. Maybe it will help you?
I have same problem when use xml-request. I solved the problem this way:
$endpointurl = ""; // remove word "beta"
$endpointurl = "";
$request = stream_context_create($form);
$browser = fopen($endpointurl , 'rb' , false , $request);
$response = stream_get_contents($browser);

How to create nodes using node_save?

I'm trying to migrate my current html site into drupal. I have over 80,000 pages I have to migrate so I thought instead of sitting infront of a computer for 50 years I would create a module. I was able to create a script that extracts the html from each directory and now I got to a road block where I need to create a node. I'm trying to create a new node using node_save(), but when node_save is executed, I get a PDOException error with everything I try. I'm passing in $node, which is an array which is then casted into an object.
PDOException: in field_sql_storage_field_storage_write() (line 424 of /srv/www/htdocs/modules/field/modules/field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.module).
This is how we are currently creating the node, but it produces an error:
$node= array(
'uid' => $user->uid,
'name' => $user->name,
'type' => 'page',
'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
'title' => $html['title'],
'status' => 1,
'promote' => 0,
'sticky' => 0,
'created' => (int)REQUEST_TIME,
'revision' => 0,
'comment' => '1',
'menu' => array(
'enabled' => 0,
'mlid' => 0,
'module' => 'menu',
'hidden' => 0,
'has_children' => 0,
'customized' => 0,
'options' => array(),
'expanded' => 0,
'parent_depth_limit' => 8,
'link_title' => '',
'description' => '',
'parent' => 'main-menu:0',
'weight' => '0',
'plid' => '0',
'menu_name' => 'main-menu',
'path' => array(
'alias' => '',
'pid' => null,
'source' => null,
'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
'pathauto' => 1,
'nid' => null,
'vid' => null,
'changed' => '',
'additional_settings__active_tab' => 'edit-menu',
'log' => '',
'date' => '',
'submit' => 'Save',
'preview' => 'Preview',
'private' => 0,
'op' => 'Save',
'body' => array(LANGUAGE_NONE => array(
'value' => $html['html'],
'summary' => $link,
'format' => 'full_html',
'validated' => true,
// Small hack to link revisions to our test user.
->fields(array('uid' => $node->uid))
->condition('vid', $node->vid)
Usually I create a bulkimport.php script in the document root to do this kind of thing.
Here is the code I use for Drupal 7:
define('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd());
include_once './includes/';
function _create_node($title="", $body="", $language="und") {
$node = (object)array();
$node->uid = '1';
$node->name = 'admin';
$node->type = 'page';
$node->status = 1;
$node->promote = 0;
$node->sticky = 0;
$node->revision = 1;
$node->language = $language;
$node->title = $title;
$node->body[$language][0] = array(
'value' => $body,
'format' => 'full_html',
$node->teaser = '';
$node->log = 'Auto Imported Node';
return $node;
} ### function _create_node
$sith = array(
'Darth Vader' => 'Master: Darth Sidious',
'Darth Sidious' => 'Master: Darth Plagous',
'Darth Maul' => 'Master: Darth Sidious',
'Darth Tyranous' => 'Master: Darth Sidious',
foreach($sith as $title=>$body) {
print "Creating Node. Title:[".$title."] \tBody:[".$body."] ";
$node = _create_node($title, $body);
print "\t... Created Node ID: [".$node->nid."]\n";
} ### foreach
I was getting exactly the same error as in your original post -
PDOException: in field_sql_storage_field_storage_write()
- etc.
I was already using the stdClass code style shown in the comments above.
The problem turned out to be the pound signs and accented chars in the string I was assigning to the Body field; the strings were coming from a Windows text file.
Converting the string to the Drupal target encoding (UTF-8) worked for me:
$cleaned_string = mb_convert_encoding($html['html'], "UTF-8", "Windows-1252");
$node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $cleaned_string;
$node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['format'] = 'plain_text';
Hope this helps someone.
are you using some CMS engine, or it is custom-written website?
in first case, look here
I strongly recommend you to look at the given modules, they should help. Also, as an option, to migrate DB.
You don't need a lot of those blank fields. Also, you can cast the node as an object rather than an array converted to an object.
Your code should be able to be accomplished with this much shorter snippet:
$node = new stdClass();
$node->title = $html['title'];
$node->type = 'page';
$node->body['und'][0]['value'] = $html['html'];
Also, there's a number of methods that have been developed to mass-import nodes into Drupal - I am a fan of the Feeds module ( This may require writing a method of exporting your existing content to an intermediary format (CSV or XML), but it works reliably and you can re-import nodes to update content when required.
