By using $quer1 am able to save value "Favorite's TV shows?" AS "Favorite\'s TV shows?"
when i went into host's PHPMYADMIN and wrote a SQL
SELECT ques_id FROM questions WHERE ques like 'Favorite\'s TV shows?'
It returns 0 rows yet 'Favorite\'s TV shows?' is in database
$query2 returning error as it is not able to fetch any row, yet value exsist in database!!
$query1 =sprintf("insert into questions(ques) values ('%s')",
$result = mysql_query($query1);
if (!$result) {
$message = 'Invalid query: ' . mysql_error() . "\n";
$message .= 'Whole query: ' . $query1;
$query2 =sprintf("SELECT ques_id FROM questions WHERE ques like '%s'",
$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
if (!$result2) {
$message = 'Invalid query: ' . mysql_error() . "\n";
$message .= 'Whole query: ' . $query2;
{ $valueSecond= mysql_result($result2, 0);}
Instead of escaping the apostrophe with a backslash, try it with a double apostrophe, like so:
select * from ABC where XYZ like 'Favorite''s TV shows?'
If the escaped apostrophe in in the database, you'll need to do this:
select * from ABC where XYZ like 'Favorite\\''s TV shows?'
I am trying to updata a database table using pq_query in PHP. I have the following code:
$q = "UPDATE tableName SET ('data1 = " . $data1 . "', data2='" . $data2 . "') WHERE user=".$user;
$success = pg_query($q);
if (!$success) {
$errormessage = pg_last_error();
echo "Error " . $errormessage;
I am getting the following error message:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "'data1 = '"
LINE 1: UPDATE tableName SET ('data1 = 10', data2= 20'') WHERE user=
Replace your query with this query
$q = "UPDATE tableName SET data1 = '$data1', data2='$data2' WHERE user='$user'";
Explaination: You should pass variable in single quotes('') if your query in double quotes.
You are using a lot of quotes which it is not understood by PostgreSQL, try simply this :
$q = "UPDATE tableName SET data1 = " . $data1 . ", data2=" . $data2 . " WHERE user=".$user;
Remove those single quotes !
I don't understand why this doesn't work. I have the following contents in sowner : " 6 4 7 " without the quotes, but with all the spaces including in the beginning and the end. That's the sowner value of a row in the DB.
I have row id which I transform into a string of this form (id is 4) " 4 " then search for it inside sowner to see if it's there. No results returned.
Here is my code:
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `services` WHERE `sowner` LIKE ?';
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
if($stmt === false) {
trigger_error('Wrong SQL: ' . $sql . ' Error: ' . $conn->errno . ' ' . $conn->error, E_USER_ERROR);
$spacedid = " " . strval($row['id']) . " ";
$stmt->bind_param('s', $spacedid);
$res3 = $stmt->get_result();
The purpose is to have an undefined number of people's ids in a string separated by spaces and only showing stuff to people if their id is inside the services sowner field.
I am positive it's the LIKE because if I remove the WHERE, all rows show up.
Also I'm using the same implementation in a on-type search suggestion form like this
SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE username LIKE ?
you need to add the wildcard operators to the like
so the statement becomes more like
SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE username LIKE '% 6 %'
change the line
$spacedid = " " . strval($row['id']) . " ";
$spacedid = "% " . strval($row['id']) . " %";
I'm attempting to select a query to use based on the number of rows returned by a test result.
$id = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['id']));
$result = "SELECT FROM Notifications WHERE UserID=$id";
$r = e_mysql_query($result);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($r);
$num_results = mysql_num_rows($result);
$result = '';
if ($num_results != 0) {
$result =
"SELECT U.UserID,U.FirstName,U.LastName, " .
" DATE_FORMAT(U.BirthDate,'%m-%d-%Y') AS BirthDate, " .
" N.Email, N.Phone,N.ProviderName, N.SubNotifications " .
" FROM Users U, Notifications N " .
" WHERE U.LocationID=0 " .
" AND N.UserID='$id'";
} else {
$result =
"SELECT UserID, FirstName, LastName," .
" DATE_FORMAT(BirthDate, '%m-%d-%Y') AS BirthDate " .
" FROM Users " .
" WHERE LocationID = 0 " .
" AND UserID ='$id'";
echo $result;
e_mysql_result($result); //Bastardized/homegrown PDO
if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$retValue['userInfo'] = $row;
I'm checking the Notifications table to see if the UserID exists there, if it doesn't it loads what does exist from the Users table, if it does, then it loads everything from the Notifications table.
I'm echoing out the $result and the proper statement is loaded, but it doesn't execute. When I run the concatenated query I get from the PHP preview, it returns just fine.
Before I had to if/else this, I was running the first query, loading everything from the Notifications table, and it was loading just fine. What am I missing?
You can do the whole thing with one query with a LEFT JOIN.
$query= "SELECT U.UserID, U.FirstName,U.LastName, " .
" DATE_FORMAT(U.BirthDate,'%m-%d-%Y') AS BirthDate, " .
" N.Email, N.Phone,N.ProviderName, N.SubNotifications " .
" FROM Users U " .
" LEFT JOIN Notifications N " .
" ON U.UserID = N.UserID " .
" WHERE U.UserID = '$id'";
You are missing execute a query with mysql_query() on all $result
Also change (query variable should be quoted) so change your all variables $id quoted
$result = "SELECT FROM Notifications WHERE UserID=$id";
$result = "SELECT FROM Notifications WHERE UserID='$id'";
$r = mysql_query($result);
Note :- mysql_* has been deprecated use mysqli_* or PDO
so I am building a search script and meed to pass on two variables, but first I want to make sure that the SQL QUery is correct so I am hard-coding the variable for now. So my variable is
$comma_separated = "'Alberta','Ontario'";
This is getting passed through to the query, which looks like this:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM persons WHERE 1=1";
if ($firstname)
$sql .= " AND firstname='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli,$firstname) . "'";
if ($surname)
$sql .= " AND surname='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli,$surname) . "'";
if ($province)
$sql .= " AND province='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli,$comma_separated) . "' WHERE province IN ($comma_separated)";
$sql .= " ORDER BY surname";
and then when the query runs, I get this message:
cannot run the query because: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE province IN ('Alberta','Ontario') ORDER BY surname LIMIT 0, 5' at line 1
But to me the query looks right, what am I missing here?
Thanks in advance.
You can't have WHERE in there twice. You also seem to be trying to filter on province values in two different ways. Based on the assumption that $province will always be an array of values (even if only a single value is given), you can try this:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM persons WHERE 1=1";
if (!empty($firstname)) {
$sql .= " AND firstname='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli,$firstname) . "'";
if (!empty($surname)) {
$sql .= " AND surname='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli,$surname) . "'";
if (!empty($province)) {
array_walk($province, function($value, $key_not_used) use ($mysqli) {
return mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $value);
$sql .= " AND province IN ('" . implode(',', $province) . "')";
$sql .= " ORDER BY surname";
Your SQL contains two WHERE's.
SELECT * FROM persons WHERE 1=1
AND firstname='fn'
AND surname='sn'
AND province='p'
WHERE province IN ($comma_separated)
ORDER BY surname
Change the last bit to:
$sql .= " AND province='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli,$comma_separated) . "' AND province IN ($comma_separated)";
Which becomes:
AND province='p'
AND province IN ('Alberta','Ontario')
Change the last part to:
if ($province)
$sql .= " AND province IN (" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli,$comma_separated) . ")";
This query is not returning any result as there seems to be an issue with the sql.
$sql = "select region_description from $DB_Table where region_id='".$region_id."' and region_status =(1)";
$res = mysql_query($sql,$con) or die(mysql_error());
$result = "( ";
$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
$result .= "\"" . $row["region_description"] . "\"";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res))
echo "<br /> In!";
$result .= " , \"" . $row["region_description"] . "\"";
$result .= " )";
if ($result)
return $result;
return 0;
region_id is passed as 1.
I do have a record in the DB that fits the query criteria but no rows are returned when executed. I beleive the issue is in this part ,
so on using the gettype function in my php it turns out that the datatype of region_id is string not int and thus the failure of the query to function as my datatype in my tableis int. what would be the way to get parameter passed to be considered as an int in php. url below
Try it like this:
$sql = "SELECT region_description FROM $DB_Table WHERE region_id = $region_id AND region_status = 1"
The region_id column seems to be an integer type, don't compare it by using single quotes.
Try dropping the ; at the end of your query.
First of all - your code is very messy. You mix variables inside string with escaping string, integers should be passed without '. Try with:
$sql = 'SELECT region_description FROM ' . $DB_Table . ' WHERE region_id = ' . $region_id . ' AND region_status = 1';
Also ; should be removed.
try this
$sql = "select region_description from $DB_Table where region_id=$region_id AND region_status = 1";
When you are comparing the field of type integer, you should not use single quote
Good Luck
Update 1
Use this.. It will work
$sql = "select region_description from " .$DB_Table. " where region_id=" .$region_id. " AND region_status = 1";
You do not need the single quotes around the region id i.e.
$sql = "SELECT region_description FROM $DB_Table WHERE region_id = $region_id AND region_status = 1"