Yii: Where does $this->menu filled with values? - php

Gii created a CRUD menu called operations. If you go to column2.php you will see this code.
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu', array(
For some reason I want to edit above menu. I wonder where does $this->menu is filled with values which is defined in components/controller.php. I looked at every controller's code but couldn't find anything.

The menu is filled in view file (create.php, update.php, view.php, etc)

For some reason I want to edit above menu
What exactly you wanna do? If you want to change the way it's behave, you should try the CMenu.php file, located at /yii/framework/zii/widgets/


how to check which controller is calling pthml page in php

I have a page in UI that has some data set in it(a textbox) .
Now i need to check where this data is set from ?
My steps were :
1. Right click on elemnt in the browser.
2. Select "inspect element" .
3. From there, I managed to find the PHTML page that is actaully displaying the data I am searching for.
In the PHTML page, "$this->resources" does the job of holding data.
Now the question is , how can i find where this data is being SET ?
Obviously a controller will do that. So i had searched for "$this->view->resources" in my project to find the respective controller, but it didn't fetched me the exact result.
Any other tips other than what I am trying to do .
P.S I am using PHP ZEND framework.
Thanks for reading .
I think, you want get Controller and Action names?
In the same folder where 'view' folder with PHTML temlates is located, should be 'src' folder.
In it should be folder with the same name as your module.
In this folder should be the controller, with particular method (action) corresponding to your PHTML template. CamelCase in the action name maps to hyphenation in the template file name (CamelCaseAction => camel-case.phtml).

How to make a template overwrite for mod_menu with alternative layouts for link outputs?

I understand and love template overwrites. I need to do some heavier changes to the menu output (basically making the output work better with Bootstrap) - but only for certain menus.
Currently in Joomla 3 there are the following in the mod_menu/tmpl folder:
If I want to change the classes I'd copy the default.php into my mytemplate/html/mod_menu and change it. Great, no problem.
If I want to change the link outputs to go along with that I can copy the default_component.php to mytemplate/html/mod_menu and change it. Great, no problem.
If I want to have the choice of having a different "Alternative Layout" I'd rename the mytemplate/html/mod_menu/default.php to newlayout.php, then select it in the admin module manager for that menu. Great, no problem.
Here's the problem: If I want to have the link output changed for certain menus but not all of them I figure I'd change default_component.php to newlayout_component.php like I did above which would correspond to the newlayout.php...but that doesn't work.
1) How to have alternative layouts for each of the default_component.php, default_heading.php, default_separator.php, default_url.php template files (not just an overwrite)?
2) I would think default_url.php is the one that would affect the link outputs but it seems it's default_component.php that does. So what does each one of those do? I couldn't find any information on joomla.org about that.
The alternative layout feature only works for the main file (default.php), not for the sublayouts (default_component.php, ...). So you have to create your own newlayout.php which then can load newlayout_component.php, or use the default_component.php. In fact, the default_component.php will be used as fallback if no newlayout_component.php is found.
The code switches over the $item->type of the link. 'separator', 'url', 'component' and 'heading' are handled by the 'default_'.$item->type, everything else will use default_url. So a plain URL should indeed be generated by default_url.php, not default_component.php. If it behaves differently, it's likely a bug.

Can't find Joomla pagination template

I'm going crazy with this one. I am trying to change a little bit the pagination style and layout in Joomla. So, I found this file: libraries\joomla\html\pagination.php but I know that pagination is overridden by this file: templates\gk_yourshop\html\pagination.php. Yet, if I modify something in gk_yourshop\html\pagination.php, I can't see the change in the pages. Does joomla cache templates and I have to re-load them (like phpBB)?. I don't understand.
I tried to check if writePagesLinks is called from joomla\html\pagination.php with this:
function getPagesLinks()
echo "test";
global $mainframe;
and I can't see the message. I also did this in the other pagination.php file and it's just like I can delete them and it doesn't matter. Can you help me? Thanks!
Looks like I changed it here some time ago:
But, that is system file, so i just make a "hotfix" of it.
In Joomla 3.x you can create pagination override from Extensions > Templates > Default Template > Create Overrides > Layouts > Pagination.
The override files are created in "Default Template" "html\layouts\joomla\pagination" folder.
You can edit the override files as per your needs.
Where are you getting WritePageLinks from? That's not one of the supported methods.
There are four functions that can be used:
This function is responsible for showing the select list for the
number of items to display per page.
This function is responsible for showing the list of page number links
as well at the Start, End, Previous and Next links.
This function displays the links to other page numbers other than the
"current" page.
This function displays the current page number, usually not
You may also want to look at Protostar as an example.

opencart - How to manually display a module inside a template file?

Let's say I want to display the specials module on the homepage in a position different than $content_top, $content_bottom, $column_left or $column_right. How do I do that? If you have some experience with this, could you give me some pointers?
The module will be display in home.tpl but I'm assuming I would need to edit the controller file home.php
To do this, you will need to make edits to two files
Firstly, you will need to edit the controller. In this example, I'm going to add the specials to the home page
So open the controller file catalog/controller/common/home.php. Somewhere before this line $this->response->setOutput($this->render()); add the following
$this->data['special_block'] = $module = $this->getChild('module/special', array(
'limit' => 5,
'image_width' => 80,
'image_height' => 80
The array is the settings for the module. Note that the layout, position, status and sort order aren't included, as they're irrelevant here. I've also used special_block as a unique key for the content, to avoid it conflicting with any other items that may need rendering
Then in your template file, you just need to use <?php echo $special_block; ?> wherever you want the module to go

ViewScript decorator unable to set

I am following the section about "Full Customization Using the ViewScript Decorator" from this page -> http://devzone.zend.com/article/3450
In the init method of my form class I have added this
'script' => 'display.phtml'
Now in the place where my form appeared I have this:
An error occurred
Application error
What am I doing wrong here? I really need to customize the appearance of the form and I just want to change the form and not the appearance of the whole page.
I have tried this:
$this->setElementDecorators(array(array('ViewScript', array('viewScript'=>'display.phtml'))))
Which works but affects the display of the whole page (I am using zend layout). I just need the render of the form to be passed to the display.phtml page.
Note: Is there any place in particular I have to place the display.phtml? I placed it in the view\scripts folder.
I think it is as simple as this.
The ViewScript cannot be used in the init() method for your form for one simple reason. If you look at the example (and probably your display.phtml) there are echo statements like this one $this->form->firstname;. At this point in init() the form elements are not loaded yet!
The author therefore correctly shows this code
array('ViewScript', array('script' => 'demogForm.phtml'))
Note that he uses $form as the object. Either in controller or view script you load your form as an object and then add the ViewScript. So in one of your controllers you would do something like this
$form = new My_Form();
$scriptPath = '/path/to/script/display.pthml'
// or without a path if you have a script folder loaded
array('ViewScript', array('script' => $scriptPath))
This should do the trick.
Update Looking at the naming of your pthml I assume (and hope) this is a special template for your form and not your whole layout file. If you use your whole layout file then of course if will render the whole page!
When working with view scripts, I find it's best to make any such changes at the view level.
Ignore the "ViewScript" decorator details in your form and set them from the view, eg
<?php echo $this->form->setDecorators(array(
array('ViewScript', array('viewScript' => '_forms/display.phtml'))
)) ?>
The location of the display.phtml file is relative to the module's view scripts folder. If this is just the default module (under the application folder), the script in my example will be located at application/views/scripts/_forms/display.phtml
If you want to remove HTML tags like <dt> or <dd> (labels and viewscript) you can use methods removeDecorator('HtmlTag') or removeDecorator('Label')
