I have 2 zencart site running and 3rd one is about to be live. I want each user registration and coupon will be available across those 3 sites. Actually I want user registration globally so user can access any site among these 3 with same login info. And update specific coupon info of any user if any changes has been made by him. Is it possible? pls share any idea you have. Thanks
What about having 3 separate databases but share customers and coupons tables
I've done something similar
I've a question for my personal project. I've two websites prestashop 1.7.7.x (two databases). I'cant active multisite on this shop this functionnality is instable
I search how to duplicate customers accounts avaibles in ps_customer.
I don't want to synchronize the database. When a customer registers on site A I want to insert the customer account on SITE B and vice versa.
My first idea :
Make a php script automaticaly run with CRON TASK, this script check on db1 every account with condionnaly email and compare with db2 if not email found, I insert the data.
I've a problem with my sql query : (many many data returned,
a cause of the Cartesian product)
select db1.ps_customer.email from db1.ps_customer, db2.ps_customer where db1.ps_customer.email!=db2.ps_customer.email;
If you have any suggestions or information that could help me. Thank you very much.
Have a nice day,
The "Prestashop way" to handle this is by creating a module that you will install in both sites connected to the customer registration hook (actionCustomerAccountAdd) that "invokes" the prestashop API webservice on the other website , so when a customer succesfully register the hook is fired and customer with the same data is created on the other side.
You should start here : https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/modules/
And here more details about webservice : https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/webservice/
Remember that both sites must share the same cookie_key in the configuration file otherwise the hashed passwords from site A will not work on site B and vice versa.
In our opencart website we are planning to give open access to users where people can access the webiste without login or registration , can any once tell me how to give open access
If you mean an OpenCart store - yes it is possible to make a purchase without logging into the website. There are two ways to do that.
1 - You use the Guest checkout option, which is standard in the OpenCart checkout process. You do not need to have an account in the store and you can just fill in your personal details as a guest.
2 - There is an extension for OpenCart that also lets you skip the registration and login process in the website. It’s called SuperQuickCheckout. The way it works is it lets you make an order by just filling out two fields with your phone number and email address. The order is submitted. From there on the store owner contacts you for your personal details and the order is processed manually.
If however you mean the official OpenCart website - there is no way to make a purchase without being logged in. Except if you are downloading a free product.
I hope that’s helpful! Good luck and have fun with OpenCart!
I would like to create a website and I'm not sure if I'm able to do it on WordPress. On that website I would like to have two types of users. Let's call them doctors and patients. The doctors can create an account from the homepage level but the patient account can be created only by the doctors (two different user-registering forms, one on a website only for doctors, other one visible only after logging in from the doctor account - for creating a new patient). The website will have a lot of posts with different content.
Q1. Is it possible that doctor could see all it's patients? And I mean only it's patients - so he can't see any other doctors and it's patients?
Q2. Is it possible that doctor could assign different posts for different patients? I.e. two-step user registering form - Step 1 - creating a username/pass for it's patient, Step 2 - a list view of all the posts on the website and a checkboxes on a side to check which posts that particular user/patient can see + a create new account button?
All functions from the doctors account will be available after signing in to a paid membership.
Is it possible with WordPress? Is it super-duper complex? I've created tens of websites on WordPress but never worked with that complicated accounts.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks SO-brothers!
How is it possible to let the android application to know each and every change on admin portal by real time.
Our system is a school based application that works on our own tablets. In system there are Teachers, Parents, Students and a super admin. The tablet has daily attendance management, grades, exams, meetings and so many features for a school system, now the same user entities will have all the features mentioned in the Admin portal as well. lets say www.ourtabletapp.com/admin
so we have a need to synchronize every change that occurs in Admin portal to Android application in real time. (Then and there)
Currently we do have one way synchronization as in any changes to mobile app (new records, modify records and etc) eg: adding a new meeting, then updating it and so on. which is done using a REST API we have written, so mobile app will call the API each time to connect with our DB and synchronize.
Question is what are the ways we have to make it two way synchronization? (Admin portal changes should reflect the mobile application immediately.)
mobile app is located somewhere else in users mobiles. when a record is added or updated, how to send a request from Admin portal to mobile application and update the sql lite database in it?
you can use the same logic that already has been implemented to notified the admin panel when someone update through the mobile app. let's say if anyone update the any student record from the admin panel , you have to update the DB first [ that already done i think ] and than you have to make the call of REST services that send the call to mobile app with the updated data.
let me know if you need any more help on this. you can share your structure for the better answer if needed.
I am trying to find a way to update the accounts already created in admin panel.
During the create process, the account was created mistakenly in Admin section (caused user to not login via frontend).
See Screenshot: http://puu.sh/9Rjvp/6f4fffd1c6.jpg or http://i.stack.imgur.com/0Q2vm.jpg
I am looking for a programmatic approach using which I can update the account created in value to "website" after-which the customer can be able to login to site. (this can be database direct update if its best suite)
Reason behind for looking a programmatic solution is clear for following reasons.
The number of effected accounts are about 500+
Each or many of these accounts have orders belonging to their account (therefore re-create is not a good approach).
Let me know what database values I have to change for this fix or what should I need to instruct to my custom module?
Any help is highly appreciated.
Following is customer update code snippet:
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load(1212);
The above code will update website to 2 for customer 1212.
God luck!