Passing content of web page as string argument in shell_exec() - php

If I pass string content then it works fine and on submit it shows me result.
But when I pass the content of webpage received using escapeshellarg(strip_tags($text));. It shows nothing on the screen.
//sent has value ""
$text = file_get_contents($url);
//$temp="one two two"; If I pass $temp with string content it gives result
echo $temp; //Echo $temp shows content of webpage
$output=shell_exec("/home/technoworld/Videos/LinSocket/Modular/x '$temp'");
echo $output;

Thanks for comming here:
I got the answer:
//sent has value ""
$text = file_get_contents($url);
$output=shell_exec("/home/technoworld/Videos/LinSocket/Modular/x " . $temp);
echo $output;


how do i put my output into a session

i have this code that receive form input example below code my problem is how do i put this output into session so even when i refress or reopen this page i we still have my output
if (isset($_POST["chedit"]))
$text = $_POST["text"];
$mumu = $_POST["edit"];
$_SESSION["text"] = $text;
$_SESSION["mumu"] = $mumu;
$text = $_SESSION["text"];
$mumu = $_SESSION["mumu"];
echo $text;
echo $mumu;
every thing is working fine but if i try to reopen this page i got my recent output lost can any fixed this? Big thanks
This way $_POST['text] and $_POST['edit'] will be stored in $_SESSION['text'] and $_SESSION['mumu'] and always printed:
if (isset($_POST["chedit"]))
$text = $_POST["text"];
$mumu = $_POST["edit"];
$_SESSION["text"] = $text;
$_SESSION["mumu"] = $mumu;
if (isset($_SESSION["text"]) && isset($_SESSION["mumu"]))
echo '<p>' . $_SESSION["text"];
echo '<p>' . $_SESSION["mumu"];
But of course you can use that variables however you want. They will be stored as long as you don't close the navigator.

Echo XML Elements with file_get_contents

i'm successfully managing to pull in the information in this feed:
I'm doing this with the following code:
<p><?php $postcode = get_the_title(); $str = urlencode($postcode); $url = "$str&output_type=outcode&api_key=5dj2d5x8kd2z2vnk9g52gpap"; $string = file_get_contents($url); echo $string;?></p>
However, this just echos the following output:
DE45 53.258037 53.138911 -1.580861 -1.79776 England Derbyshire 53.198474 -1.6893105 DE45 368929 375424 362103 372926 333441 329349 322644 368056
How could i adapt my existing code to successfully echo individual elements from the feed, for example just the following fields wrapped in tags:
Thanks for your help!
You could use simplexml_load_file() to get an array which will contains every of your XML tags :
$XML_url = '';
$XML_parsed = simple_xml_load($XML_url);
// print for debug
echo '<pre>';
print_r( $XML_parsed );
echo '</pre>';
// Access one of the tag
$tagName = $XML_parsed['tagName'];
// Access a nested tag
$nestedTag = $XML_parsed['first_tag']['second_tag'];

Specified Text getting converted into icons while posting but doesnt do the same while receiving

I tried modifying a chat script.
(The original script is from Eliza Witkowska link.) I mainly tried converting some text into emoticons. So far I can only convert text into emoticons properly.
But, the text gets converted to icons only when I send the message but doesn't get converted when I receive the message on another browser (I'm using sessions so I have to use another browser) unless a refresh or I send a message from that another browser.
To be more clear, suppose I have logged in to an a/c from chrome and another a/c from Firefox; when I send a message from Chrome, the specified characters get converted into icons but only the characters show up on firefox until a page refresh or until a new message is sent from firefox.
function check_changes(){
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT counting FROM news WHERE id=1');
if($result = $result->fetch_object()){
return $result->counting;
return 0;
function get_news(){
if($result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM news WHERE id<>1 ORDER BY add_date DESC LIMIT 50')){
$return = '';
while($r = $result->fetch_object()){
$timing=explode(" ", $r->add_date);
$return .= $r->title;
$return .='<p>'.$timing[1].' on '.$timing[0].'</p><hr/> ';
//$return .= '<hr/>';
return $return;
function parseSmiley($text){
//Smiley to image
$smileys=array('o:)'=>'angel.gif', ':3'=>'colonthree.gif', 'o.O'=>'confused.gif', ":'("=>'cry.gif', '3:)'=>'devil.gif', ':('=>'frown.gif', ':O'=>'gasp.gif', '8)'=>'glasses.gif', ':D'=>'grin.gif', ">:("=>'grumpy.gif', '<3'=>'heart.gif', '^_^'=>'kiki.gif', ':*'=>'kiss.gif', ':v'=>'pacman.gif', ':)'=>'smile.gif', '-_-'=>'squint.gif', '8|'=>'sunglasses.gif', ':p'=>'tongue.gif', ':/'=>'unsure.gif', '>:O'=>'upset.gif', ';)'=>'wink.gif');
//Now you need to find and replace
foreach($smileys as $smiley=>$img){
$smiley = preg_quote($smiley, '/');
$text = preg_replace( "#(?<=\s|^)(?:$smiley)((?=\s|$))?#i", '<img src="emotions-fb/'.$img.'">', $text);
//Now only return it
return $text;
$print= parseSmiley($db->get_news());
<div id="message_short" data-counter="<?php echo (int)$db->check_changes();?>">
<?php echo wordwrap($print, 25, "\n", true);?>
<div id="message_long" data-counter="<?php echo (int)$db->check_changes();?>">
<?php echo wordwrap($print, 35, "\n", true);?>
Be sure to wrap get_news() everywhere with parseSmiley().
As I can see from the link provided, there is a checker.php in which $db->get_news() should be replaced with parseSmiley($db->get_news())

Concrete5 Load Area with Ajax

I am trying to pull area of a page with AJAX.
In JS I have on click I pass href to PHP;
in PHP(located in tools):
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$path = ($_POST['path']);
$page = Page::getByPath($path);
$a = new Area('Main');
$ret = $a->display($page);
echo json_encode($ret);
If I make:
echo json_encode($page);
I receive the page so everything working, But when I try to receive an Area I get this error:
concrete\elements\block_area_header_view.php on line 5
In this File I found this
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$areaStyle = $c->getAreaCustomStyleRule($a);
So as I understand $c is null that why I have this error how can I fix this??
This line of code:
$ret = $a->display($page);
...does not do what you think it does. The "display" function does not return the content -- instead it outputs it to the browser. So your json_encode($ret) is just encoding and echo'ing an empty variable.
To capture the displayed content and put it into a variable, you can use php's output buffering feature, like so:
$ret = ob_end_clean();

Extract the text from webpage

In this test.php page i have this line of text
in this other test1.php?id=token page i have this php code runing
if(isset($_GET["id"])){ $id = $_GET["id"];
$regex = "/".$id."=\'([^\']+)\'/";
echo $fid; } else { echo ""; } ?>
i need only the token
to be show on test1.php?id=token
if in test.php the token looks like this
it works.
i needet to work from onother web page
$str = '';
parse_str($str, $vars);
$token = $vars['token'];
using with preg_match will help you .
$string ='';
echo $matches[1];
this will return you :
I'd recommend you to use preg_match instead of preg_match_all
Try this regex:
$regex = "/&?token=([a-f0-9]*)&?/;
