I have recently noticed that facebook has started ignoring my og:image tag on my site. The image used is always larger than 200x200.
Here is an example page:
Seems to be alot of questions, but no answers. I've added all the og information and checked with the linter and it all goes through fine. So why does it choose to pick a random image?
I use the facebook api for PHP to send:
$link = 'http://www.mylinkaddress.com';
$msg = 'Check out my new photo. '.$link;
$get_oauth = "SELECT * FROM users_oauth_cred WHERE userid = ".$_SESSION['userid']." AND share = 1 AND oauth_access_token != ''";
$get_oauth = mysql_query_run($get_oauth);
$oauth = mysql_fetch_array($get_oauth);
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'cookie' => false,
$token = $oauth['oauth_access_token'];
try {
$result = $facebook->api(
array('access_token' => $token, 'message' => str_replace($link,'',$msg), 'link' => $link)
catch(FacebookApiException $e) {}
I had the same issue.
Go to Facebook Object Debugger, verify every issue pointed there, fix them all. This solved my problem.
Testing your query with the facebook Graph API Explorer worked fine for me.
You could try to add the additional parameter 'picture' to your post and place the link to your image in it.
So facebook is forced to use this as image in the post.
$result = $facebook->api(
array('access_token' => $token, 'message' => str_replace($link,'',$msg), 'link' => $link, 'picture' => 'http://images.ephotozine.com/gallery/2011/49/normal/52194_1323334048.jpg')
Reading through all the comments here, I think what's happened is the following.
Let me know how close I got. This is a shot in the dark. ;)
The first time you shared a URL to Facebook, the og:image wasn't set up perfectly, and Facebook selected a random image on the page, and cached it.
You then fixed the og:image tag, and tried to check the same URL.. FB then regurgitated the cached image.
I tried with both your links just now, and everything seems fine.
Just be patient. Facebook needs some time to crawl this image. It will not immediately show up in Facebook. If your image is not showing up in some days, just drop a note here.
Much testing and trying other bulk uploaders etc. Finally just decided to email facebook with details and screnshot. next day the issue has been resolved. So, make sure to try that from the help email through your facebook account. worked for me.
As part of the website I am working on, I need to be able to post directly to the wall of my clients Facebook Page.
I have created an App and am successfully posting to my own dummy profile by simply using:
$request = new FacebookRequest(
$session, 'POST', '/me/feed', array(
'link' => 'my_url',
'message' => 'my_message'
Now I need to modify this to post to my clients page, im assuming I cant just change 'me' to by their page ID because that would be a massive security flaw so I need to get permission somehow to post to their page. I am an admin for the page, how can I do this? Or do I actually need to be logged in with the user account that created the page?
I have looked all around in the developer section at creating an app but there doesn't seem to be any way of creating an app for a different account.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated on this.
Many thanks
In order to post to a Facebook page, you need to go through a two steps process -
login as the user using the extended user token,
get the user's token for the page
post to the page using the page's token.
The following code should be able to post a message to your page. I HAVEN'T DEBUGGED IT since it is simplified from my own web site :-) Don't forget to include the Facebook SDK files:
function extract_access_token_of_facebook_page_by_id($array_of_all_user_pages,$page_id){
for ($i=0; $i<$num_of_pages; $i++){
if ($array_of_all_user_pages['data'][$i]['id']==$page_id){
return $the_page_token;
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => $YOUR-APP-ID,
'secret' => $YOUR-APP-SECRET,
$page_id = YOUR-PAGE-ID;
$args = array();
$args['access_token'] = $fanpage_access_token;
$args['message'] = "THE TEXT YOU WANT TO POST";
$api_response = $facebook->api($api_url, 'post', $args);
catch (FacebookApiException $e)
echo 'Error facebookservice'.$e;
Please look into Application developer section. It will help you. Create on developer account and you will be able to access page.
you code is for old sdk version i think, it not work for me : Fatal error: Class 'Facebook' not found
I use following code to update the status:
$parameters = array(
'message' => "Hey guys check this cool app",
'link' => "http://apps.facebook.com/xxxx",
'name' => "Invitation for xxxx",
'caption' => "Try xxxx!",
'access_token'=>$at //valid access token
$statusUpdate = $facebook->api('/me/feed', 'POST', $parameters);
}catch(FacebookApiException $e){}
This works and after status update, I get an id. But when i go to my profile and check the status update, This is what I see:
. The problems are: (1) Image is not displayed, and (2) Unwanted My first app as shown in figure. Why is this happening? How do i fix it?
http://localhost/... is never going to work as the image location because Facebook won't be able to retrieve it. Put the publicly accessible URL to the image in that field instead.
In the screenshot you posted, the 'My first app' part is the name of the app, you can change this in the app settings. It can't be changed on a per-post basis, all posts from your app are attributed to your app
As far as the image is concerned, check again that the path of the image is correct. If it still does not work, try specifying 'https' instead of http and see what happens
I want to post to facebook page wall as a page using PHP. I've got access_token by below links.
I'm using this simple code:
$appid = "";
$secret = "";
$pageid = "";
$access_token = "";
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => $appid,
'secret' => $secret
try {
$args = array(
'access_token' => $access_token,
'message' => 'Test',
'link' => 'http://www.test.com',
'description' => 'Test'
$post_id = $facebook->api("/$pageid/feed","post",$args);
} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
And that's the error I'm getting:
OAuthException: (#200) Posts where the actor is a page cannot also include a target_id
But posting /me/feed won't work neither. All solutions I've googled don't work anymore, official documentation didn't help. I got it working when posting as a user (not a page) and with javascript api (required 'share' click action by a user).
Anyone knows the solution for automatic post to a fb page as a page? Spent couple of frustrating days trying to figure it out -_-
I've had the same problem. The reason was that I was an admin of more than one page, and I tried to post with the token of another page.
Pages cannot post to user's walls (that's why you're getting the OAuthException that says "as a page, you cannot set the target_id"). You'll have to first create an application and get the user's permission (publish_stream) to post to their feed via said app.
I assume you have some knowledge of app and how posting work.
1.You have to get Page access token and use this on array.
2.you use this
try use this
$facebook->api($pageID . '/feed','POST'
I must be missing something really obvious.
I have created successfully an Event with the graph API
I now want to put a link on the event page
When i use the code below, it creates a message but not a link. So please someone what am i missing. I do get a linkid back as well as you can see the message on the page.
So this is the pretty simple code.
$fb = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => FB_APP_ID,
'secret' => FB_APP_SECRET,
'cookie' => true,
'fileUpload' => true
$fb->setAccessToken($_SESSION[ $eid.'_FB_USER_ACCESSCODE' ]);
$data = array( 'access_token' => $_SESSION[ $eid.'_FB_USER_ACCESSCODE' ],
'link' => 'http://www.thedomain.com',
'message' => "To purchase your tickets"
$result = $fb->api($newFBEventId."/feed","post",$data);
This is a Bug and its reported and marked as confidential
With the below text and its also contain security hole
bug report link
Below is my bug report text.
Other details on this report are shown to Facebook employees only
I recently attempted to post on an event's wall using the Graph API, but only the message is posted; Everything else is not showing. e.g.
There is one more big thing that the post doesn't show; That this post is post "via a Facebook app"
Note: posting on a page or user wall worked and also normal messages posted on an event 's wall.
The most important thing is when the post is shown on the event's wall "it does not show that its posted by a Facebook Application".
This is very dangerous; For example I can make an application and post nonsense on a user's event wall. People will think that this is posted by the user.
I'm using the php SDK for the Graph API, and everything is working fine-getting usernames, uploading photos etc.
However, when I'm trying to publish to the current user's feed, it just makes the page get stuck.
This is the code:
$publish_feed = $facebook->api('/'.$userid'/feed', 'post', array(
'message'=> 'message',
'picture'=> 'http://mysubdomain.mywebsite.com/photo.jpg',
'link'=> 'http://apps.facebook.com/appname/'
I've tried:
Putting the code in different places in the code-no matter where I do, it gets the page stuck, Even if ti is at the end of the code, it gets it stuck, and nothing shows.
changing $userid to /me. No success.
Please help.
Make sure you have the publish_stream permission
use /me or api("/$userid/feed",..etc
Remove the extra column:
$params = array(
'message' => 'message',
'picture'=> 'http://mysubdomain.mywebsite.com/photo.jpg',
'link'=> 'http://apps.facebook.com/appname/'
$publish_feed = $facebook->api("/$userid/feed", "post", $params);