Log File With Changes Made to MySQL DB - php

I would like to create a .txt log file that records changes made to a database. Basically whenever someone adds a record, I want the log to record something like "On 2013-10-03 12:21:43 Smith, Joe added the following appointment: ...some appointment details..."
I have a functions.php file that has the following function (oh, and bear with me for the moment on mysql vs mysqli - that update is in the works, but hasn't happened yet):
function getCalendarChange($id) {
require("db.php"); //database connection
$sql = "SELECT calendar_event.consultant_id, calendar_event.client_id, calendar_event.event_id, calendar_event.billing_id, calendar_event.dates_id, consultant.f_name, consultant.l_name, client.client_name, event_type.event_type, billing_status.billing_type, dates.date FROM calendar_event
INNER JOIN consultant ON calendar_event.consultant_id = consultant.consultant_id
INNER JOIN client ON calendar_event.client_id = client.client_id
INNER JOIN event_type ON calendar_event.event_id = event_type.event_id
INNER JOIN billing_status ON calendar_event.billing_id = billing_status.billing_id
INNER JOIN dates ON calendar_event.dates_id = dates.date_id
WHERE calendar_event_id = '$id'";
$result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die (mysql_error());
$results = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$consultant = $results['l_name'] . ", " . $results['f_name'];
$client = $results['client_name'];
$event = $results['event_type'];
$billing = $results['billing_type'];
$eventdate = $results['date'];
echo $consultant . " " . $client . " " . $event . " " . $billing . " " . $eventdate;
In the page that processes the form to INSERT a new record, I have the following:
$add_appt_query = "INSERT INTO calendar_event (calendar_event_id, consultant_id, client_id, event_id, billing_id, dates_id) VALUES (NULL, '$addee', '$addclient', '$addevent', '$addbilling', '$dt')";
$add_appt_result = mysql_query($add_appt_query,$connection) or die(mysql_error());
$chngid = mysql_insert_id(); //gets the last auto increment id - yes this is set to be an auto increment column
$new_appointment = "<p>Appointments added successfully.</p>"; //everything works up to here - the appointment is added to the db as expected
// start log new appointment
$log_data = "On " . $log_datetime . " " . $ee_log_name . " added the following appointment: "; //$log_datetime and $ee_log_name are defined elsewhere, but work correctly
$log_data .= getCalendarChange($chngid) . "\n";
$log_data .= file_get_contents('mod.txt');
file_put_contents('mod.txt', $log_data); //done this way so the newest change is at the beginning of the file not the end
// end log new appointment
What ends up in mod.txt is something like "On 2013-10-03 12:21:43 Smith, Joe added the following appointment: " it adds everything I want except for the data from getCalendarChange().
I have tried to remove getCalendarChange and just echo $chngid, which produces the id# as you might expect.
I have called the getCalendarChange function with a static number getCalendarChange(100) from within the functions.php file, which displays the correct information for that particular event.
I have replaced $chngid in getCalendarChange($chngid) to getCalendarChange(100), and it still doesn't work. (yes there is a record with id 100).
Why doesn't getCalendarChange($chngid) work outside of the functions.php file?


Need to add a Group By statement to PHP/SQL generated from Codecharge

I am trying to modify some PHP code that was created ages ago in Codecharge, to include a Group By clause in a MYSQL statement.
I have tested my MYSQL query and it works brilliantly in phpmyadmin. When I bring it in to the php page it kicks back an error because the WHERE and ORDER clauses are coded in separate locations, and then called in to the query string. Obviously, when the GROUP BY is left in the SQL it breaks because it is inserting it before the WHERE in the $this chain, so I need to figure out where I can insert the GROUP BY part of the code so it strings it all together in the proper order and the page loads as it should. Below is the 3 sections that pull together the SQL and clauses, and the webpage loads fine. I commented out by version of the SQL as it doesnt work properly without the GROUP BY.
//SetOrder Method #5-0FECF370
function SetOrder($SorterName, $SorterDirection)
$this->Order = "book_name";
$this->Order = CCGetOrder($this->Order, $SorterName, $SorterDirection,
//End SetOrder Method
//Prepare Method #5-C6449552
function Prepare()
$this->wp = new clsSQLParameters($this->ErrorBlock);
$this->wp->AddParameter("1", "urlshow_id", ccsInteger, "", "", $this->Parameters["urlshow_id"], "", false);
$this->wp->Criterion[1] = $this->wp->Operation(opEqual, "ttb_books.show_id", $this->wp->GetDBValue("1"), $this->ToSQL($this->wp->GetDBValue("1"), ccsInteger),false);
$this->Where = $this->wp->Criterion[1];
//End Prepare Method
//Open Method #5-33D1EC54
function Open()
$this->CCSEventResult = CCGetEvent($this->CCSEvents, "BeforeBuildSelect");
$this->CountSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) " .
"FROM (ttb_books INNER JOIN ttb_states ON " .
"ttb_books.state_id = ttb_states.state_id) INNER JOIN ttb_statuses ON " .
"ttb_books.status_id = ttb_statuses.status_id";
$this->SQL = "SELECT * " .
"FROM (ttb_books INNER JOIN ttb_states ON " .
"ttb_books.state_id = ttb_states.state_id) INNER JOIN ttb_statuses ON " .
"ttb_books.status_id = ttb_statuses.status_id ";
//$this->SQL = "SELECT ttb_books.book_id, ttb_books.book_name, ttb_books.show_id, ttb_states.state_name, COUNT(ttb_imgs.img_id) AS images " .
//"FROM (ttb_books INNER JOIN ttb_states ON ttb_books.state_id = ttb_states.state_id) " .
//"INNER JOIN ttb_statuses ON ttb_books.status_id = ttb_statuses.status_id " .
//"LEFT JOIN ttb_imgs ON ttb_books.book_id = ttb_imgs.book_id ";
$this->Group = "ttb_books.book_id, ttb_books.book_name, ttb_books.show_id, ttb_states.state_name";
$this->CCSEventResult = CCGetEvent($this->CCSEvents, "BeforeExecuteSelect");
$this->RecordsCount = CCGetDBValue(CCBuildSQL($this->CountSQL, $this->Where, ""), $this);
$this->query(CCBuildSQL($this->SQL, $this->Where, $this->Order));
$this->CCSEventResult = CCGetEvent($this->CCSEvents, "AfterExecuteSelect");
//End Open Method
The original version of the code just lists all the book titles, and sorts by book name. My version also includes a COUNT, because I want to not only see all the book titles, but also a page count for each book in the list. Like I said, my new SQL works fine in phpmyadmin, and I'm sure it would on the page too if I could get the Grouping to work properly, too. Thank you for your help!
Ok, here is what I did. I stripped out the $this->Where part of the CCBuildSQL line, and put the WHERE directly in to the sql statement, which allowed me to use my GROUP BY and get the results I was looking for.
function Open()
$this->CCSEventResult = CCGetEvent($this->CCSEvents, "BeforeBuildSelect");
$this->CountSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) " .
"FROM (ttb_books INNER JOIN ttb_states ON " .
"ttb_books.state_id = ttb_states.state_id) INNER JOIN ttb_statuses ON " .
"ttb_books.status_id = ttb_statuses.status_id";
$this->SQL = "SELECT ttb_books.book_id, ttb_books.book_name, ttb_books.owned, ttb_books.show_id, ttb_shows.show_name, ttb_states.state_name, COUNT(img_id) AS images " .
"FROM ttb_books " .
"INNER JOIN ttb_states ON ttb_books.state_id = ttb_states.state_id " .
"INNER JOIN ttb_statuses ON ttb_books.status_id = ttb_statuses.status_id " .
"INNER JOIN ttb_shows ON ttb_books.show_id = ttb_shows.show_id " .
"LEFT JOIN ttb_imgs ON ttb_books.book_id = ttb_imgs.book_id WHERE ttb_books.show_id=" . $this->Parameters["urlshow_id"] .
" GROUP BY ttb_books.book_id, ttb_books.book_name, ttb_books.owned, ttb_books.show_id, ttb_shows.show_name, ttb_states.state_name " ;
$this->CCSEventResult = CCGetEvent($this->CCSEvents, "BeforeExecuteSelect");
$this->RecordsCount = CCGetDBValue(CCBuildSQL($this->CountSQL, $this->Where, ""), $this);
$this->query(CCBuildSQL($this->SQL, "", $this->Order));
$this->CCSEventResult = CCGetEvent($this->CCSEvents, "AfterExecuteSelect");
It looks like you're not in the IDE and directly altering the generated code. Go into the CodeCharge IDE, choose the control you want to modify, then create a Custom Code Event and put your adjusted SQL there.

How to search database with dynamically created query?

I would like to start from an example: you received some list with needed fields. This list may vary and even if it is empty, select all fields. This list can include fields from several tables. Is there any way to generate SELECT query for doing this?
Probably there is a way, but it will look like parsing received list, adding appropriate table alias, and then adding modified list into select clause. Is it best way actually?
Update 1
The goal is only to get passed fields from several tables, not to
control result from any of them(its about first answer)
You could create a query that first selects dynamically fields, depending on your criteria.
for example lets assume you have two criteria passed to you. Then (after you have made sure your criteria1 and criteria2 are safe):
$mySelect = ''; //placeholder so that you can add select fields
$extraTables = ''; //placeholder to put the extra tables I may need
$criteria = " WHERE 1 "; //this will select everything
if ($criteria1>'') {
$mySelect .= ' , t3.field3 ';
$extraTables = " , aDifferentTable AS t3";
$criteria .= " AND t3.someKey = t1.someKey '";
$criteria .= " AND field_crit1 = '" . $criteria1 . "'";
//and an example of connecting dynamically to an other table
if ($criteria2>'') {
$mySelect .= ' , t2.field5 ';
$extraTables = " , anOtherTable AS t2";
$criteria .= " AND t2.someKey = t1.someKey '";
$criteria .= " AND t2.field_crit2 = '" . $criteria2 . "'";
//lets combine all together into one dynamically created query
$myquery = "SELECT t1.something " . $mySelect . " FROM myTable AS t1";
$myquery = $myqury . $extraTables . $criteria;

Can't get score to update with this mysql statement

I'm guessing that I'm just a little rusty or something because it seems like this should be working. Am I missing something here...
Here is the code I am trying to use...
echo dbConn();
$existing_time = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT p_time FROM scores WHERE p_uid=$uid"), 0);
$existing_category = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT p_cat FROM scores WHERE p_uid=$uid AND p_cat=$pieces"), 0);
if ($existing_category == "") {
} elseif ($existing_time <= $time) {
echo "No Change! Old Score Was Better (Lower)";
} elseif ($existing_time > $time) {
mysql_query("UPDATE scores SET p_time = " . $time . " WHERE p_uid = " . $uid . " AND p_cat = " . $pieces . "");
Now... Here is what I am trying to do...
I am collecting info from the database where the users username AND category match. If the category for that user does not exist, it inserts the latest score. (This much works.)
Then, if the category does exist but the old score is better, it just does nothing. (This part works too)...
However, what I can't seem to do is get it to update the last score, if the current score is better (lower score, since this is a time based game.) It doesn't update the score.
I am trying it this way: By updating a row in "scores" where the USERNAME and the CATEGORY match at the same time.
Please note... where it says "pieces". this is a category. Where it says "time", this is a score. The score is returned as 00:00:00 for hours minutes and seconds.
EXAMPLE: (in parentheses is the database row name)
id (ID) = just KEY id in sequencial order
user id (p_uid) = 123456789
username (p_username) = somename
score (p_time) = 00:01:03
category (p_cat) = 10
Change you update statement to:
mysql_query("UPDATE scores SET p_time = '" . $time . "' WHERE p_uid = " . $uid . " AND p_cat = " . $pieces . "");
You have missed quotes in the update statement around $time.

while loop inside foreach loop problems

I'm trying to update a range of dates with a Shift_ID but the Shift_ID that is entered depends upon what day of the week it is. So, for example, if I have a range of dates $from = "2012-12-01" $to = "2012-12-28" I'm trying to make it so that I can select a check box (for example: value="Fri" name = "offdays[]") to indicate what day is an offdays. If an offdays is matched with a day in the set range, then the Shift_ID = "6" otherwise it is a work day and Shift_ID = "3"
Hopefully this will all make sense in a minute, I'm doing my best to explain it as well as give you some useful variables.
So here is my code:
//$off is set through the config settings//
$shift = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['shift']);
$from = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['from']);
$to = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['to']);
$emp_id = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['emp_id']);
foreach($_POST['offdays'] as $checkbox)
echo "Checkbox: " . $checkbox . "<br>";//error checking
$sql = ("SELECT Date FROM schedule WHERE (Date BETWEEN '$from' AND '$to') AND (Emp_ID = '$emp_id')");
if(!$result_date_query = $mysqli->query($sql))
echo "SELECT SQL: " . $sql . "<br>";//error checking
while($row = $result_date_query->fetch_assoc())
echo "Date: " . $row['Date'] . "<br>";//error checking
$date = date('D',strtotime($row['Date']));
if($date == $checkbox)
echo "MATCHED! Date: " . $date . " Checkbox: " . $checkbox . "<br>";//error checking
$sql = ("UPDATE schedule SET Shift_ID = '$off' WHERE Date = '" . $row['Date'] . "' AND Emp_ID = '$emp_id'");
if(!$result_update_offdays_query = $mysqli->query($sql))
echo "UPDATE DAYS OFF SQL: " . $sql . "<br><br>";//error checking
echo "NOT MATCHED! Date: " . $date . " Checkbox: " . $checkbox . "<br>";//error checking
$sql = ("UPDATE schedule SET Shift_ID = '$shift' WHERE Date = '" . $row['Date'] . "' AND Emp_ID = '$emp_id'");
if(!$result_update_shift_query = $mysqli->query($sql))
echo "UPDATE SHIFT SQL: " . $sql . "<br><br>";//error checking
When I look at my printed echo statements, everything is perfect! When a date lands on a Friday, it shows that it's entering Shift_ID = "6" and any other day shows Shift_ID = "3". The problem is the tables don't reflect what my statements are telling me, they all just get updated to Shift_ID = "3".
In the end I want to be able to select more than one offdays, but when I select more than one, it overwrites my previous day during the next loop, which makes sense.
I've got no idea what is going on, if anyone can give me a clue, I would really appreciate it.
UPDATE: When I add exit; after the days off update, like this:
echo "UPDATE DAYS OFF SQL: " . $sql . "<br><br>";//error
it does update the day off to Shift_ID = "6", so it must be something happening after that.
EDIT: It appears as though the problem was with user permissions. I can't explain why, but after deleting the user and creating a new one with full permissions, things started to work. I chose #andho's answer as he helped me get to the answer in the chat forum and also added a way to clean up my code.
This doesn't solve your issue, but simplifies the solution!
if your offdays variable is as follows: $offdays = array('Fri', 'Sun');
You can first set all dates in range to $shift in one query:
UPDATE Schedule SET Shift_ID = '$shift' WHERE Date BETWEEN '$from' AND '$to' AND Emp_ID = '$emp_id'
Then you can loop through the foreach ($offdays as $offday) { and update those offdays:
UPDATE Schedule SET Shift_ID = '$off' WHERE Date BETWEEN '$from' AND '$to' AND Emp_ID = '$emp_id' AND DATE_FORMAT(Date, '%a') = '$offday'
That should update all the $offday's in the range to $off.
This will reduce your loops and queries, which gives leaner code.
$sql = ("SELECT `Date` FROM schedule WHERE (`Date` BETWEEN '$from' AND '$to') AND (Emp_ID = '$emp_id')");
Use backtick(`) to all the fieldname date because it is reserved in mysql.

Need help for PHP function that creates html table column with buttons for updating sqlite table

That's the function which I'm using to print the contents of 'username' table:
function showtable()
$db = new PDO("sqlite:test.db");
$query = "SELECT * FROM " . $_SESSION['username'] . " ORDER BY `a` DESC;";
$result = $db->prepare($query);
$result = $db->query($query);
print "<table>";
print "<tr><td>First Column</td><td>Second Column</td><td>Third column</td></tr>";
foreach ($result as $row)
print "<tr><td>" . $row['a'] . "</td><td>" . $row['b'] . "</td><td>Here stays the button</td></tr>";
print "</table>";
So, how should look a function so when creating each row of the html table, a button for updating the corresponding sqlite table row is inserted in the third cell (named 'Here stays the button' for easier reading)? I'm calling my function when opening the test.php (with added required_once('functions.php')) file in main browser window, nothing special in that.
That's the UPDATE query:
$query = "UPDATE " . $_SESSION['username'] . " SET `c` = '1'" . " WHERE `a` = " . $row['a'] . ";";
a column is integer primary key
b column is text
c column is integer, all fields hold 0 value
P.S. Don't talk about AJAX, I'm not ready for it (and don't like it, a lot of pages that use AJAX lag the browser). Just asking for ideas about a simple php function, that adds UPDATE TABLE functionality through buttons for each row.
Thanks in advance :)
What is the updating for? what will happen if C = 1?
anyway for your question, my suggestion is to use an anchor tag.
in the "Here stays the button" will be Update
in your test.php
if($_GET['a_new'] != '')
$query = "UPDATE " . $_SESSION['username'] . " SET `c` = '1'" . " WHERE `a` = ".$_GET['a_new']."";
p.s you have excess ";" in your query. you only add the query on the end of the query statement not inside it i.e $sql = "select * from"; not $sql = "select * from;";
