Date/Number ranges displaying incorrectly - php

I am using a 3rd party "shopping cart" program (CartWeaver) that uses a MySQL database. The products in my store have primary and secondary categories, the latter of which where my issue lies.
I am using date ranges (e.g. 1930-1939, 1940-1949, etc), however when I view the ranges on the product search page, the first number sequence is displaying incorrectly. For example, the date range 1930-1939 is displaying as 3860-1930, and 1940-1949 is displaying as 3880-1949 (you can see the issue at
I have tried multiple variables to try to get around this, all to no available. Here is what I've tried: Starting the sequence with an alpha character, starting it with a special character, putting the range in single as well as double quotes, putting a space between the sequences, replacing the dash with the alpha "to". I have also deleted and recreated the subcategories, and nothing I have tried changes the result. The entry for "2000-Present" also displays incorrectly (as 4000-Present).
I'm just a dumb user, not a programmer, so any responses that anyone is kind enough to offer will need to be "dumbed down". The application support group wants me to either send them my entire database, or allow them to directly access my site...and neither option appeals to me, from a security standpoint. I thought I would throw the issue out to the StackOverFlow community to see if anyone has seen this sort of issue before, and may be able to point me in the right direction to address the issue. Thank you so much for your time.


user-submitted hyperlinks in a text editor are broken by quotes

I run a wordpress job board, on which users can post job listings and the job description input uses tinyMCE.
The problem: when some users insert hyperlinks into the body of their listing, the link is broken in the published ad, with some added quote marks inserted, eg: became ””//”””
This happened once in a while, not for every ad and not for every link within an ad.
I recently found out that what seems to be happening is that the following characters %E2%80%9D are getting inserted within the links, and these encode double quote marks. Say the page on my site where the link is posted is, and that the link the user is trying to post is, the resulting URL will be some weird mash-up of the two:
From some googling it seems this might be caused by users copy/pasting hyperlinks from word or webpages.
I'm trying to find a way to automatically prevent this so I don't have to manually clean up tens of links a day. I figure there must be something I can change in the tinyMCE settings.
I have found seemingly related questions from several years ago that suggest it could be to do with magic quotes (example1 example2 ) but I don't know how to implement the proposed solutions as I'm no php pro.
How would you go about solving this for a wordpress website? Any advice would be appreciated!
Your issue is occurring because users are inserting content from Word with double quotes (”), but they're not your standard double quotes.
Standard: " (straight)
Non-standard: ” (on an angle)
The encoding you’ve inserted (%E2%80%9D) indicates a character that cannot be parsed (understood), and encoding has been used to transfer the character through databases and web servers. This encoding provides the double quotes on an angle (”).
In JavaScript, the decoding of this encoding in demonstrated in the following:
I don't believe this is an issue with TinyMCE.
How to fix the issue?
There are a few solutions, and they’re going to require some development knowledge. Two safe options that come to mind are:
Before the content is stored, remove these characters using PHP string replace
If the issue is how users are inserting the content into TinyMCE, it might be worthwhile adding TinyMCE Link Checker ( Note, this is a premium feature.
Disclaimer, I'm affiliated with Tiny. The comments above are of my own.

Scraping Oracle text-file using pcre in php

I would like to scrape a text-file which is the output from Oracle AP. I don't have access to Oracle, but need to assist in bug hunting and compare text-file against two csv-files from other systems. Importing the csv-files into a database is not a problem, but I'm struggling with this text-file.
The text-file is divided in two parts. What is successfully imported, and what is rejected. Each column has a specific width set by Oracle when creating the report. They will not change the setting for column width. If content of a column exceeds the width it simply continues on the row below. And columns for imported and rejected are not 100% the same.
For the successful imports it's simple, as there is one version of every row, but the rejected one might have more than one row for different reasons.
The import file is shortened and obfuscated for obvious reasons, as it can be several thousands of lines. It's best viewed in a text editor without word-wrap. I cannot get it to look any good in this forum with blockquote or code sample in forum editor, so please view/copy it from links below.
I'm showing the successful ones on here.
Regex finding the imported (I'm sure it could be better, but it works and that is good enough for me):
I'm struggling with the rejected ones however, due to the variations.
Duplicate invoice number, if there are more than one reason (column) for not being imported.
Missing supplier number and supplier name (always shows up in pair).
Here is what I'm done so far with the rejected ones.
Regex finding rejected:
Clearly my regex for rejected is not the final result. It's crap at the moment. It would even scrape a successful row.
My questions:
Is it possible to have only one regex for rejected catching the variations mentioned in bullet points above? Example would be appreciated.
Is it possible to fetch the word-wrapped parts of a column? Example would be appreciated.
I'm trying to understand the PCRE documentation regarding conditionals as it might be of help when dealing with the rejected variations, but so far I'm struggling with it.

Handling database table entries with backslashes?

We're running into a weird edge case where we are trying to store a json blob in a table in our database, and that blob needs to be able to contain the \ character. So a user were to enter in \test it needs to come back as exactly that, but instead its coming back as a tab followed by "est"
As far as I can tell, whats happening is that when a user enters and submits "\test" it gets evaluated into "\ \test" (remove the space, cant put two backslashes in here and have it display right?) by the client and then entered into the table. I can verify that in the SQL that gets called against the table there are two backslashes. When I look at it in the table after this step its back to "\test". When the client loads it up again it gets evaluated into a tab followed by an "est".
We are under the impression that the second backslash is necessary so that the first backslash will get escaped and not evaluated but maybe that is what is causing issues? I sort of assume when the query runs one of the backslashes gets escaped anyway but I'm not really sure what to do about that. Is there something with out our database is handling backslashes that we need to be looking out for? Is there a way to handle this that we haven't considered?
It's a Postgres database if that's helpful. I'd say I'm beginner to intermediate on this sort of thing, I'm looking through documentation but if anyone can even point me in the right direction that would be very helpful.
Postgres version as far as i can tell through Amazon Aws is 9.3
I think ive tracked this issue down to a line in our php backend that I don't really understand. I'm looking at the documentation for that now and will mark this as answered since I've verified that its not an issue with SQL.
Blockquote A backslash as - by default - no special meaning in SQL. This might be caused by whatever code is processing those values (and sending them to the database). See here for an online example: – a_horse_with_no_name
I'm accepting this as the answer as I've verified that the issue is with out backend code constructing the SQL, and not how the SQL is being handled on the database end.

How to modify a specific character in an existing XFA PDF?

I'm stuck on a crazy project that has me looking for a strange solution. I've got a XFA PDF document generated by an outside party. There's are several checkmark characters '✓' on the PDF's that I need to simply change to 'X'. The reason for this is beyond my control. I'm just looking for a way to change the ✓'s into X's. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is it possible?
Currently we use PHP and TCPDF for creating "our" server PDF's, but this particular PDF is generated outside of my control by a third party that doesn't want to alter their way of doing things. To make things worse, I don't know how many or where the checkmarks may exist. It's just one very specific character that is in need of changing. Does any know a way of hacking the document to change the character?
Character 2713
Yes, I think you can. To my (rather limited) knowledge of the PDF format, you can only reliably search and replace strings of one character in length, since they are created by placing strings of variable length at specific co-ordinates, in an arbitrary order. The string 'hello' could therefore be one string of five letters, or five strings of one letter each or some combination thereof, all placed in the correct position (and in whatever order the print driver decided upon).
I'm afraid I don't know of any libraries that will do this, but I'd be surprised if they don't exist. You'll need to read PDF objects in, do the replacement, and write them out to a new file. I'd start off researching around the answers to this question.
Edit: this looks like it might be useful.

alphabetical order not working

I have customer details , have lastname column ,
Some of records contain white space in the name front and back ,
i want to do the alphabetical order , but not working properly,
plz chk this screen shot , i cant able to guess wha tis the exact reason ,
space is considered as character, then it will taken into account when you sort the data.
you might want to trim() data before inserting into database.
leonardys is right, you should trim all your inputs before they even go into the database. However, this alone will not solve your problems with people putting punctuation characters and the such in front of their name.
Assuming this database reflects user input, you should do a more thorough input validation. Allowing only alphabetical input (with accents as well if needed) is for example a good solution (given that you expect real names only). Instead of trying to eliminate the unwanted characters, restrict the input to only the allowed ones. Space however, should not be restricted as many valid names contain spaces (e.g. Ann Mary), and therefore you should trim your input after it has been entered.
As for updating the database, that would be tricky. Trimming will only solve the spaces problem. If this is user based data, try asking the ones with illegal characters to update their profile and not let them access the site until they do so. You could excuse it as a database upgrade or some other technical issue.
Hope I helped.
