Getting Input Fields from Gravity Forms on Woocommerce - php

Gravity Forms Product Add-ons for Woocommerce displays the form inputs of a user in the cart and checkout. I want to display these form fields in the user's Account page with their orders. I've been trying for a week and can't seem to get the right php code put together. How can I do this?
My code as it stands is like so:
$form_id = RGFormsModel::get_form_id('Domains');
$form = GFFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id);
$field = GFFormsModel::get_field($form, 1);
$leads = RGFormsModel::get_leads($form['id']);
foreach($leads as $lead)
foreach($field as $field_id)
$value = rgar($lead, (string) $field_id);
echo $value;
This returns all entries for the field I want, however, I only want to return the entry that was submitted with that particular product. Help?
Here's a quick example for clarity on what I'm looking for. A user buys a shirt and selects size large from a Gravity Form that was attached to the product. On the cart and checkout pages, it says beneath the product title "Size: Large". I want to add that same text to the "My Account" page with their order.

The way I solved a similar problem may not be the best in coding practices but it works. It takes custom data associated with the order from Gravity Forms and displays it under the shipping address in WooCommerce individual order page:
add_action('woocommerce_admin_order_data_after_shipping_address', 'ips_show_signs_in_admin_under_shipping', 10, 1);
function to put in functions.php of the theme to add custom gravityforms data to customer order page in admin area.
function ips_show_signs_in_admin_under_shipping($order)
global $woocommerce, $post;
$order_items = $order->get_items(apply_filters('woocommerce_admin_order_item_types', array( 'line_item')));
foreach($order_items as $item_id => $item)
if ($metadata = $order->has_meta($item_id)) //not a comparison, so one equal sign. so if there is any data in there it would assign it and thus making it true, if no data it would be false
foreach($metadata as $meta)
// Skip hidden woocommerce core fields just in case
if (in_array($meta['meta_key'], apply_filters('woocommerce_hidden_order_itemmeta', array(
)))) continue;
if (is_serialized($meta['meta_value'])) continue; // Skip serialised meta since we dont need it incase its in there
$meta['meta_key'] = esc_attr($meta['meta_key']); //just to make sure there is no surprises in there
$meta['meta_value'] = esc_textarea($meta['meta_value']); // using a textarea check for surprises (sql injection)
if ("Signpost Address" === $meta['meta_key']) //here comes the custom data from gravity forms
echo $meta['meta_value']; //this is what i was after from gravity forms collected with order
} //closes --- foreach($metadata as $meta)
} //closes --- if ($metadata = $order->has_meta($item_id))
} //closes --- foreach($order_items as $item_id => $item)
} //closes --- function
Edit: This code searches the order meta data

I have added the above code in my functions.php file and unfortunately this hasn't worked for me. I have looked all over for a solution to this and this seems to exactly be what I'm after. Do i simply replace "Signpost Address" with say "Blanket Size" if that were one of my gravity form options?


Update meta field value before custom post load then display post with updated meta value

What I'm trying to do
I'm currently working on a way to update the price of a product when a user go on the product page.
I'm using an API to get the accurate price.
The problem
The function properly update the meta field sellers on back end, but the value of the meta field won't show on front, even after refresh. I have to update the post manually in the back end for the meta field sellers to show on front when refreshing the page.
What I managed to do so far
I managed to handle the API request, then parsed the response. I also managed to fire the API request and modify the price if necessary in the meta field of my product page with an add_action hook. I'm currently using send_headers hook, which is probably not the one to go with but at least it's kinda working :p
The code
add_action( 'send_headers', 'fetch_seller_price' );
function fetch_seller_price(){
//check if is front
if ( !is_admin() ) {
$post_id = get_the_ID();
//Check if is custom post type
if ('bons-plans' == get_post_type( $post_id )) {
//Get ASIN code from custom meta field
$asin_code = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'asin_code', true );
//check if product code is correct
if (strlen( $asin_code ) == 10) {
$sellers = get_post_meta($post_id, 'sellers', true);
foreach ($sellers as $item => $value) {
//Check if seller is Amazon
if ($value["seller"] == "Amazon") {
//get price from api function
$item_price = amazon_price_request( $asin_code );
//If new price != old price, update sellers array with new product price value
if ($value["product-price"] != $item_price) {
$sellers[$item]["product-price"] = $item_price;
update_post_meta( $post_id, "sellers", $sellers );
note: sellers meta field is an nested array whitch contains multiple seller arrays of that form:
array(9) {
string(6) "Amazon"
string(23) ""
string(2) "42"
I tried to var_dump() the sellers array after loading the page on front, and also tried with item_price variable. Both return the right number, but the end result appear as it it were empty.
Any help would be greatly appreciated !
I'm kinda new to PHP and I'm well aware my code is kind of trashy, any idea on how to make it proper is also accepted :p
Ok so the problem where simply the way I parsed the json response, variable was float formated, and the expected format was a string :p

Empty Array on first argument for woocommerce_add_cart_item_data filter hook

I am getting an empty array from the woocommerce_add_cart_item_data filter when a product is added to the shopping cart. Example added to functions.php of WordPress theme;
function TEST_post_filter($a,$b,$c) {
print_r($a); //THIS IS EMPTY ARRAY ie returns Array()
return $a;
add_filter('woocommerce_add_cart_item_data', 'Test_post_filter',10,3);
Any idea why this might be? I have found no reference to this issue anywhere. I have tried both basket behaviours ie Redirect to the basket page after successful addition and/ or Enable AJAX add to basket buttons on archives. I can't get my head around it. Plugins I have activated are WooCommerce, and WooCommerce Stripe Gateway.
UPDATE - Code which adds product options to product screen
function option_add_to_product() {
global $product;
//get pizza categories
$categories = get_terms( 'product_cat', array(
'hide_empty' => false,
$use_product = [];
for($i=0;$i<count($categories);$i++) {
if(strtolower($categories[$i]->slug) === 'bespoke_product')
$include_product = false;
if(! count($use_product))
return false;
for($i=0;$i<count($use_product);$i++) {
$this_product_categories = $product->get_category_ids();
for($ii=0;$ii<count($this_product_categories);$ii++) {
if($this_product_categories[$ii] === $use_prouduct[$i]) {
$include_product = true;
if(! $include_product)
return false;
//template to add product option
require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'templates/add_product_option.php';
You can see the html from add_product_option.php will be added to the product if the product has a a category with the slug "bespoke_product". Note, this method of getting a match for a product is temporary (just technical debt for now).
When the filter woocommerce_add_cart_item_data is called the data posted from the product form is available to the corresponding function. Unsanitised data might read as follows:
[extra_option_one] => 0
[extra_option_two] => 0
[extra_options_three] => 1
[extra_option_four] => 0
[order_note] =>
Each of those options will have a lookup table with a related price e.g. extra_options_three might be £1.50. This cost of this option and any others selected needs to up the price of the specific item being added to the cart. It should not be represented separately. The definition of the option added should go into the product field everywhere that purchased item is shown. I'm working through step by step, but it's not easy at the point I am at! I'm guessing the next is tha I'm going to be able to update the item in this order?
The woocommerce_add_cart_item_data hook is used to add custom data to the cart item on simple add to cart submission, like additional fields included in the <form> where "add to cart" button is located…
So if you are not submitting extra custom data from custom fields on add to cart event on (from single product pages), the first function argument is going to be an empty array…
See those related answer threads using this hook.

Adding a class to all inputs in WooCommerce

I am trying to add the Bootstrap form-control to all input elements in WooCommerce. I did some searching on google and came up with the found code.
add_filter('woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'addBootstrapToCheckoutFields' );
function addBootstrapToCheckoutFields($fields) {
foreach ($fields as &$fieldset) {
foreach ($fieldset as &$field) {
// add form-control to the actual input
$field['input_class'][] = 'form-control';
return $fields;
The problem is that this code only does what I want for the fields on the checkout pages. Is there a simple way to use a filter to do this for all WooCommerce fields? Obviously, I could go through every file that has fields and place the code manually, but I'd like to avoid that.

Link between Gravity Forms and Woocommerce APIs

I have a Woocommerce site, and I use Gravity Forms to further expand each order.
I am coding a management tool that consumes both APIs to make some statistics and other administration tools.
I can get a list of the Gravity Forms entries, and also a list of the orders. The problem I have is that I don't know how can I get the entry that is related to a particular order.
Is there a way to do this?
have you tried with the woocomerce history plugin or fetching the raw metadata out the item¿?
wc_get_order_item_meta($order_item_id, "_gravity_forms_history");
wc_get_order_item_meta($order_item_id, "_gravity_form_data");
keep in mind that this will require a new endpoint to be created is not put of the box.
The last time I worked with the WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product Addons (a year or so ago) it did not store the order ID in the entry (would have to happen after the entry is created and after the order is created), or the entry ID in the order. The latter probably makes more sense but both would require custom code.
Again, it's been some time since I worked with the add-on. I'd ping WC support and see if they any tips on implementing support for this.
This is where I found the link between WooCommerce and the gravity forms product addon:
In the database, find the order in the table your_table_prefix_posts, and grab its ID. I was filtering for the post_type "shop_order."
In the table your_table_prefix_woocommerce_order_items, find the ID just found and filter for "line_item" in the "order_item_type" column, and grab the "order_item_id."
Use that "order_item_id" to find the order's meta in the table your_table_prefix_woocommerce_order_itemmeta.
All of the order's gravity forms data is in there. It looks like there is no actual tie between what woo does and gravity, except that the form is filled out and it data is grabbed and stuck into your_table_prefix_woocommerce_order_itemmeta. I cannot find anything that ties a particular order to a particular gf entry, but you can get the data from Woo, and at least use that to search GF entries.
I was able to do this using Gravity Forms, Gravity Forms Product Addons, and Woocommerce using a three step process:
STEP 1: Get GF Entry ID/s as the entry is made and store it in a session. This happens before checkout is complete and sometimes before the user is logged in.
add_action( 'gform_after_submission', 'blb_get_lead_entry_id', 10, 2 );
function blb_get_lead_entry_id( $entry, $form ) {
$meta_value = $entry['id'];
//session array with all the entries because GF creates 2 entries each time for validation purposes apparently
if (!isset($_SESSION['entryclump'])) {
$_SESSION['entryclump'] = array();
$_SESSION['entryclump'][] = $meta_value;
//also an array with just the current entry which will end up be the later of the two entries added by GF
$_SESSION[ 'gf-entry-id' ] = $meta_value;
STEP 2: Include the entry you just gathered ($_SESSION[ 'gf-entry-id' ]) with the Cart Item Meta and then save it.
In this case, i am saving a field called "_gf_entry_ID" which will get added to the woocommerce_order_itemmeta table with the correct order_item_id and the later of the two GF entries as the meta_value.
//add cart item data
add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_cart_item_data', 'blb_add_gfentry_to_cart_data', 10, 3 );
function blb_add_gfentry_to_cart_data( $cartItemData, $productId, $variationId ) {
$entryid=$_SESSION[ 'gf-entry-id' ];
$cartItemData['GFentryID'] = $entryid;
return $cartItemData;
unset($_SESSION[ 'gf-entry-id' ]);
//add cart item data: session stuff
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_cart_item_from_session', 'blb_cart_item_session', 10, 3 );
function blb_cart_item_session( $cartItemData, $cartItemSessionData, $cartItemKey ) {
if ( isset( $cartItemSessionData['GFentryID'] ) ) {
$cartItemData['GFentryID'] = $cartItemSessionData['GFentryID'];
return $cartItemData;
//save the data
add_action( 'woocommerce_add_order_item_meta', 'blb_save_gfentry', 10, 3 );
function blb_save_gfentry( $itemId, $values, $key ) {
if ( isset( $values['GFentryID'] ) ) {
wc_add_order_item_meta( $itemId, '_gf_entry_ID', $values['GFentryID'] );
STEP 3 (optional): Update the GF Form to reflect the correct created_by user ID. Now that checkout is complete and the user is logged in, we can do that.
function blb_woocommerce_thankyou( $order_id ) {
//Current User
$currentUserID = wp_get_current_user()->ID;
//GF Entry Array for Order
$order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
$items = $order->get_items();
$order_item_ids = array();
$gf_entry_ids = array();
foreach ( $items as $key=>$item ) {
$gf_entry_ids[] = $item['item_meta']['_gf_entry_ID'][0];
//First real quick clear all the entries in the entry clump (in case the user was already logged in)
//This is important because GF creates two forms for product add ons with Woocommerce and we only want one to show up in the list and edit plugin
$entryclump = $_SESSION[ 'entryclump' ];
foreach ( $entryclump as $entry ) {
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->update('wp_rg_lead', array('created_by' => null), array('id' => $entry));
//Update wp_rg_lead
if (($currentUserID!=0) && (isset($_SESSION[ 'entryclump' ])) ) {
foreach ( $gf_entry_ids as $gf_entry_id ) {
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->update('wp_rg_lead', array('created_by' => $currentUserID), array('id' => $gf_entry_id));
} //foreach
} //if
unset($_SESSION[ 'entryclump' ]);
add_action( 'woocommerce_thankyou', 'blb_woocommerce_thankyou', 10, 1 );

Woocommerce: remove all form labels at once

I'm using WooCommerce to build a webshop.
The determined format for forms is that there's no labels, only placeholders. I've been removing the labels like so:
// WooCommerce Checkout Fields Hook
add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'custom_wc_checkout_fields' );
// Change the format of fields with type, label, placeholder, class, required, clear, label_class, options
function custom_wc_checkout_fields( $fields ) {
$fields['billing']['billing_first_name']['label'] = false;
return $fields;
But since I want no labels anywhere, I was wondering if there's a way to remove all of them at once. Instead of going through them all individually. Does anybody have an idea?
I realize this is possible by just adding some css(display none), but since this is not a very clean solution, I was wondering if there is some other way to accomplish this.
You can remove any $field->property with unset.
Good reading and references can be found here: Customizing checkout fields using actions and filters
Now, for your question in how to do it globally, you can use a loop, something like:
// WooCommerce Checkout Fields Hook
// Our hooked in function - $fields is passed via the filter!
// Action: remove label from $fields
function custom_wc_checkout_fields_no_label($fields) {
// loop by category
foreach ($fields as $category => $value) {
// loop by fields
foreach ($value as $field => $property) {
// remove label property
return $fields;
Online example:
Related with good advise in acepted answer: WooCommerce Change Form Labels and Remove Fields
You can do this with css by adding the below, other than this I don't know of a way to remove all the labels at once.
.woocommerce form.checkout label
display: none;
