I am developing and learning laravel on my local host running wamp. Everything works fine on local host, but when i copy everything to my shared IIS7 host i get an Internal server error.
Everything works fine untill $app->boot(); in 'vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\start.php'.
I tried giving all folders all permissions but that didn't solve the problem.
I don't have composer installed on my shared host, because i believe i could just copy all the code from my local host, to the shared host, and only had to convert the .htaccess to Web.config (and these files work like they should). This worked when i was working with CodeIgniter, and everything was just copy/paste.
Does anyone know what is wrong and how i can solve this?
I'm using MAMP Pro v4.4 on an iMac running High Sierra. I need to provide remote access to sites. The document root is htdocs for all my sites. I use no-ip.com for DDNS. It all works fine. Locally and remote, no problem.
I'm trying to setup another host and eventually assign it another version of PHP if I can get that far. I don't know what I'm missing but I just don't get it. I follow the docs. Create the new host name and choose the document root folder which is in the htdocs folder.
For example, on my local machine it works fine. http://testhost:8888 resolves properly. But http://other.ddns.net:8888/testhost does not. In fact none of the ddns works now even the ones that had been working.
Not sure what I'm missing? Or doing wrong? Thanks for any suggestions.
I have a whole project with database, everything is working here.
Project with database
I would like to run website so I can see changes I have made.
Im using XAMPP. My configs for VirtualHost hosts and http-vghosts.conf
I have tried this https://youtu.be/iXYCnYRalaw?t=2m13s ->> from [2:13] to [4:22]
using XAMPP, but still cant run it.
Can you give me any advice or steps how to make website run on my PC? [ofcourse just for me (VirtualHost)].
Editor using: Atom
My PC spec
If running laravel appliation inside XAMPP htdocs folder is really necessary, then could you provide some kind of error, simply telling "it doesn't work" doesn't help at all.
One thing you can try is to open command prompt inside laravel folder and run
php artisan serve
This will open local server that runs current project in:
Also, checking laravel minimum requirements is something you should check out. 5.5 requires PHP 7 and you didnt tell what XAMPP version you are running.
how to put localhost laravel project on Go Daddy server?
I have a PHP7 project with MySQL running nicely on my "localhost/laravel/public" path.
Now i want to put this working project on GoDaddy server using FileZilla.
How and where i should put which files so that it should run same like my localhost?
My other normal PHP coding files (eg .php) are already working good on GoDaddy server. but i don't know how to run laravel project with its own structure or something.
Take a look to this guide: The simple guide to deploy Laravel 5 application on shared hosting
I need to edit an existing yii app but got no idea how to setup in xampp.
I downloaded everything from the server and moved the folders to /opt/lampp/htdocs
But then i got no idea how to get the application running.
When i try
It shows me the file structure so the app isn't executing.
Can you give me some advise to accelerate the problem solving ?
Since windows 7 I believe you need to use:
If that doesn't work then check your xampp setup:
The DNS resolver just hands back localhost so it never resolves it for the app/browser.
I've been working with a WAMP setup on windows, while learning PHP and MySQL. Lately, I wanted to try to put some of my work online and signed up for Rackspace, and I've now set up a LAMP environment for my server with centOS 6.5.
When I worked off of my own WAMP environment, all files were inside wamp/www as the root directory.
Now, I understand that my root directory for my web environment will be /var/www/html.
To be clear, I am logged as root, so I'm not interested in changing permission. I'm simply interested in learning how to add files into this directory, which the existing posts on stackoverflow or rackspace does not seem to have an answer for.
I'm completely new to Linux and I'm using Putty to write to my linux server. Could someone please walk me through the process of putting files into and taking files out of /var/www/html?
Use pscp from the putty suite, to copy your files from your machine to the server via scp.
See http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.60/htmldoc/Chapter5.html