How to modify CakePHP Cart Plugin settings to use AJAX button? - php

I am using the CakePHP Cart Plugin to add shop functionality to a website. I want to add items to the shopping cart using an AJAXified button. Submitting the form works fine. I am having trouble to correctly return just the shopped item as JSON data in method captureBuy() on line 210.
Which settings do I need to use and where/how do I set them? Any hint appreciated!
This is the request which is being sent:
Request URL:
Request Method:POST
Status Code:302 Found
Request Headers
Accept:application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Cookie:CAKEPHP=cd4611d0bf0100247928990a8efa72d0; rememberMe[User]=2....BmKdEs;
User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1553.0 Safari/537.36 SUSE/30.0.1553.0
Form Data
Response Headers
Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8
Date:Mon, 23 Sep 2013 20:32:28 GMT

Define "not correctly". Paste your request and response from your network tab (in Chrome).
You don't have to set the items, the CartManager is already setting them to the view and serializes them. At least it should.
Make sure you have the RequestHandler component loaded as well.


PayPal sandbox IPN validation always return INVALID

I googled this question and tried all suggestions but nothing works.
I tried this code: but it don't work. Just copy-pasted it and deleted old magick_quotes routunes.
I tried this code: and it also do not work.
In all cases I tried to do following:
$req = 'cmd=_notify-validate&' . file_get_contents('php://input');
To ensure I sent to IPN exactly what it sent to me. In addition I used the debug proxy (Fiddler) and saved what IPN sent to me and what I sent to IPN. The requests bodies are byte-to-byte identical except my request is prefixed by the cmd=_notify-validate& string.
Yes, I checked I use proper sandbox URL. Here are entire requests bodies:
What IPN sent to me: (I just replaced personal data to XXX)
POST http://localhost.loc/en/payment/success/1 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost.loc
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 921
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Origin: null
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.81 Safari/537.36
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: ru-RU,ru;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4
What I sent to IPN:
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 942
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Can anyone help me what I do wrong?
AARRRRGH!!!!!!!! I have only dirty words to PayPal!!!!!!! The problem was in... (drumroll... tadam!) in the charset field! No, its value must be the same as IPN sent it to you, but... in UPPERCASE! IPN sends it in lowercase! So you MUST modify IPN data to verify it successfully regardless manual tells us to return data back "as-is". PayPal bug?
So my final working code is: (using HTTP_Request2)
protected function verifyPostData() {
$this->request->setBody('cmd=_notify-validate&' . str_replace('=utf-8', '=UTF-8', file_get_contents('php://input')));
$response = $this->request->send();
if ($response->getStatus() != 200) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Transaction data verification request failed with code {$response->getStatus()}");
$content = trim($response->getBody());
return ($content == 'VERIFIED');
How I did it: I sent the PDT request for this transaction and obtained transaction data. Then I made field to field comparison of PDT and IPN data. PDT have no some IPN fields such as auth, verify_sign and test_ipn. But all other fields seems must be the same. And the only difference was in the characters case of the charset field. Then I tried to verify modified data and unexpectedly it become successful!
This is a recent PayPal bug, when the customer completes a payment and clicks on "Click here to return.." instead of waiting a few seconds, the parameters passed to the PDT script on your site are sent in lowercase.
This also messes up things like a case-sensitive or encoded cm/custom parameter.
Apparently PayPal are aware of it.

PHP apache_request_headers does not work well

Hello may ask this why is it that on my code i cannot obtain the headers['Authorization'] when executing my code?
coz meanwhile iv'e developed a REST API that can handle database to clients using php-json-mysql so when i use GET method together i also include my apikey into headers as 'Authorization' but i cannot fetch it in my code.
Here's my approach:
$headers = apache_request_headers();
if (isset($headers['Authorization'])) {
}else {
//API KEY is missing
but in my request header it says that
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115 Safari/537.36
Authorization: API_KEY
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
im using Advance REST Client extension on chrome.
anyone encounter this?
The Authorization header has a specific format it should conform to.
Since using it as
Authorization: API_KEY
is not valid, the web server is probably ignoring it altogether. You might want to use a custom header like this:
X-Authorization: API_KEY or
X-Api-Key: API_KEY
It's been a while since I've used PHP but I think if you send the header like this, you can't get them by using apache_request_headers so you will have to obtain it this way:

Google Flight RPC and building a JSON array

I am trying to use the Google Flight RPC but am having trouble building a json array to post to it. The only documentation I've found is here. It describes what needs to be sent but doesn't explain how to construct the json array. Specifically, using PHP, I'm not sure how to build and post a json array using the following example from part 1 of the linked documentation.
The above does not appear to be properly formatted to be put into a json array. Additionally, HTTP request headers are needed. I assume these are set via cURL? I'm not clear on the documentation on how to do this.
I've tried several attempts and I don't get back any of the responses that are shown in the documentation.
Edit: Awesome, I got a Tumbleweed badge for this question! I would appreciate help. Thanks.
I was not able to find any documentation either.
However, if you go to, open chrome console or firebug, click the network tab, then run a search, you will see that headers and body it makes for the RPC POST.
Sample Headers from the transfer:
Request URL:(I BROKE THE LINK) GOOGLE(dot)com /flights/rpc
Request Method:POST
Status Code:200 OK
Request Headers
:host:(I BROKE THE LINK) GOOGLE (dot) com
content-type:application/json; charset=UTF-8
cookie:PREF=ID=f472fc4bbb95bc2b:U=9da5b7e4c1d04bda:FF=0:LD=en:TM=1390684154:LM=1390749713:GM=1:S=orUAMb3qaxBh99PJ; HSID=AHlw351sj7B7Om0t_; SSID=AKycPxLzyXkc4_tZJ; APISID=xKH5zAdc9vfBtiDy/Ab5TlD_Z4w2nP64Wl; SAPISID=7awo9qDssc3wr-fN/AQYOdvCN-I-UwtXQ1; NID=67=XnUn_DGdQDaeczlvXe-qTy9vy8gnQwhFwfRi52TRFS-_Dg-J58CgTGUY6Tkn3cCJYCcVJhK8unOrdffpgzeKed2jPqSazVI4Xplo5fW8-6wXoNi97L2gdoaOms0dKj4iOODoZpzd4DG_8YdQQcH6fl5xY__N929CJr8pdcAUwgnKf8X_mI8sLSB7CKVyS4ZvbGMCAiMLwIs1gJJz-UbppSj; S=travel-flights=5OJmMrbJoqLfOFzkZy285A; SID=DQAAAM0AAAAIGD56aXyxAxrRCSROmPy8AEtV3DaEwKT48aaZ98S35Nss09ishDZ3RxNT6ksikfAOJo-MLYVodF3jr-6imwzC8tRd7cxe-OoyafCZiGaf0qhp-yza4VZlAMInxGPhVae7wSXCRXlqb-wbYHBCHUSz_K5kYpvKwqC8pWuQ_6AUZa3WWqB6OmYpxuihxn3UxSve95zpkziyaDX0JFzUjyWX-0O_iIWZiEztywwyKVWCVv27ByGjIYTYV1G2byExt5M9-kEFpE_v0x8KgU7vleT
origin:(I BROKE THE LINK) SSL GOOGLE(dot)com
referer:(I BROKE THE LINK) SSL GOOGLE(dot)com flights
user-agent:Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.107 Safari/537.36
Request Payload
Response Headersview source
cache-control:no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
content-type:application/json; charset=utf-8
date:Sat, 22 Feb 2014 05:00:17 GMT
expires:Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
status:200 OK
x-xss-protection:1; mode=block
So, what you will likely have to do to get this to work correctly is to make a GET on the path /flights and read the headers, then put the headers in your POST request. (I have had to do similar things in the past). In order to figure out what fields are what I would play around with selecting different fields and seeing what changes in the JSON data that it posts.

Using php curl to fill form on page

There is a driven site where I can login and fill a form to place a order after a succesful login. This needs to be done by my server with curl.
Whenever I do this with my browser there is nothing special.
I go to Fill in fields and post it back. I get a index page back for logged in users. After this i need to click on a link to the form for order placement. Doing this gives me the form, which I fill and send back.This yields the wanted result of an placed order. Analysing the source revealed the page gets submitted through javascript,but the server cannot know how the request is sent if the request is identical. During this process i kept track of all the post requests send from my browser.
Having all the post requests, i wrote some code to do the same with curl.
The algorithm is:
Send a get request to obtain the page
Parse the responds for any hidden fields(as they are used to mimic a statefull connection)
Post the state and the logindata to
Parse the state send back and update it
Get form for order placement
Parse & update the state again
Post the state and the same post data that my browser sent
Print info to file instead of STDERR
During the process cookies are used with curl.
Everything goes smooth until the last POST. Instead of a "Success" or "Failure" result, I get my original form returned to me, with no validation errors mentioned. If I delibarely fill in gibberish or leave some things empty with my browser I get validation errors shown.
I have no experience with and am completely stuck here, so forgive me if this question is too specific.
If the headers and post data are exactly the same as from my browser, how can my curl operation have a different result?
For completeness:
POST from browser:
POST /DataEntry.aspx HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8
Accept-Language: nl,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=SomethingX; .hawAuth=SomethingY
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 10111
Post send by Curl:
POST /DataEntry.aspx HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0
Cookie:.hawAuth=SomethingZ; ASP.NET_SessionId=SomethingW
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8
Accept-Language: nl,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 25236
Expect: 100-continue
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;boundary=----------------------------5bb8ec4e5ecc
If people want to see some code, let me know. Thanks for reading and spending time on this.
Ater writing this, I noticed that the Content-Length for my curl request is substantially bigger than for my browsers request. I copied all parameters in the body of the Post of the browser to my code and passed it to curl in a array.
So curl has to add some data to the request by default. Is this the case?
The CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER is set to false, while the page uses SSL. Could this be it? Why?

Javascript + PHP $_POST array empty

While trying to send a POST request via"POST", "url", true) (javascript) to the server I get an empty $_POST array.
Firebug shows that the data is being sent. Here is the data string from Firebug: a=1&q=151a45a150.... But $_POST['q'] returns nothing.
The interesting thing is that file_get_contents('php://input') does have my data (the string above), but PHP somehow doesn't recognize it. Tried both $_POST and $_REQUEST, nothing works.
Headers being sent:
POST /test.php HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 115
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 156
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Thank you for any suggestions.
It looks like you're missing the correct Content-Type header. This is necessary for POST requests:
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
Send a
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
header instead of text/plain
You have to write it like this:"POST", "script.php", true);
Just spent hours trying to find a fix for this very problem.
I made the idiotic mistake of concatenating several strings which I wanted to be the parameters, and THEN calling encodeURIComponent on the whole lot. This of course meant that
which of course is gibberish to a PHP script. While I doubt there can be many people who would do something as silly as this, I hope it saves someone the headache I just gave myself....
