MongoDB - PHP manual references approach suitability - php

MongoDB newbie here. I'm having the first approach on references, and my main doubt is if i'am using the appropriate strategy(manual references) for my situation.
Working on 2 collections(user, message) in the same db, lets make an example of a document stored in user collection:
array (
'_id' => new MongoId("5231817277758e660c7202c4"),
'uname' => 'pluto',
'pwd' => new MongoInt32(1234567),
'email' => '',
'phone_home' => new MongoInt64(23409238),
'phone_work' => new MongoInt64(54389724),
'phone_mobile' => new MongoInt64(9823422),
'visible' => new MongoInt32(1),
and an example of a document stored in message collection (sent FROM an other user TO the user above 'pluto'):
array (
'_id' => new MongoId("524358102660b2c70b8b4567"),
'from_uid' => '5231817277758e660c7202d7',
'to_uid' => '5231817277758e660c7202c4',
'object' => 'mongo manual Ref',
'content' => 'is that the correct approach?',
'datetime' => '2013-09-25 23:39:28',
The user logged in ('pluto') can see all the messages he received from other users but, i don't wat to print the 'from_uid' value, i want to replace it with the username of the sender.
My main doubt is if manual references is the right approach for this scenario, because with this technique(if i havn't miss understood everything), print a list of message would involve:
the 'query' for print the list of messages
an other 'query' for retrieve the username from the other collection, for each messages. Also if a user have received 1000 messages, this approach will have to run 1001 query??
My secondary doubt is if there is a way for directly merge or replace the result of two cursors

Given your use case it would probably be ok to duplicate a little bit of data and store some of the necessary fields about the sending user as an embedded document - in this case, the username.
array (
'_id' => new MongoId("524358102660b2c70b8b4567"),
'from_user' => array(
'uid' => '5231817277758e660c7202d7',
'uname' => 'mars'
'to_uid' => '5231817277758e660c7202c4',
'object' => 'mongo manual Ref',
'content' => 'is that the correct approach?',
'datetime' => '2013-09-25 23:39:28',
This approach means that when you query for messages to a user ( in which you already know the to_uid), you get all of the messages with the correct id to the from_user, but also already have their username to display.
Now, instead of querying 1000+ times, you only need to query when there is more information needed about a user - such as fetching their profile, etc...


Odoo PHP API and Laradoo - how to save many2many many2one and selection fields

Could someone please provide a simple example of the usage for dealing with Odoo's one2many, many2many and selection fields when using Laradoo (or ripcord)?
Specifically how one would use them with create() and update(). In Python, it seems as if these are dealt with using special tuple commands however for PHP documentation seems very hard to find for these types of things and it would be extremely helpful.
For illustrative purposes in my particular project, I haven't been able to figure out how to relate a CRM lead tag to a lead during the creation process using Laradoo:
$id = $odoo->create('crm.lead', [
'type' => 'lead',
'priority' => 0, <-- what do we pass here for this selection field?
'name' => 'Example',
'contact_name' => 'John Doe',
'phone' => '555-555-5555',
'email_from' => '',
'description' => 'Just some text.',
'tag_ids' => [1], <-- What do we pass here for this one2many field?
In the example above when trying to set the priority selection field to an int other than 0 fails and when trying to pass an array of tag_ids (1 is valid tag id in my project), the lead remains untagged.
First of all selection field values are just string values that need to be part of the field defined selection values.
The values for relational fields like Onetomany and Many2many are ruled by the command formated values that you could read at:
For the php api usage with ripcord you could set the tag_ids field value like:
$id = $odoo->create('crm.lead', [
'type' => 'lead',
'priority' => '0',
'name' => 'Example',
'contact_name' => 'John Doe',
'phone' => '555-555-5555',
'email_from' => '',
'description' => 'Just some text.',
'tag_ids' => array(array(4,1)),
This translate as that 1 is the id of a known and already existing crm.lead.tag that you could link to the m2m tag_ids field using the command 4. This could also be expressed using command 6 to link multiple ids on the same command value:
'tag_ids' => array(array(6,0,array(1,2,3))),
where using command 4 it will be:
'tag_ids' => array(array(4,1), array(4,2), array(4,3)),

Getting JSON data

Im working with an api which stores data into a JSON file. This data is gathered from a form that the users fill in my website. The way its inserted goes as follow:
$pers_payload = array(
'gender' => 'Unknown', //or Male / Female
'first_name' => $_POST['billing_first_name'],
'family_name' => $_POST ['billing_last_name'],
'email' => $_POST['billing_email'],
'linked_as_contact_to_organization' => array(
'organization_id' => $organization_id, // add the person as a contact to the newly created organization
'work_email' => $_POST['billing_email'],
'work_phone' => $_POST['billing_phone']
'visiting_address' => array(
'country_code' => 'NL'
), // can be extented with other address data
'postal_address' => array(
'country_code' => $_POST['billing_country']
) // can be extented with other address data
And then:
$person = $SimplicateApi->makeApiCall('POST','/crm/person',json_encode($pers_payload));
Now instead of post i want to get the data. I tried getting data like this:
$SimplicateApi->makeApiCall('GET','/crm/organization?q[name]=*my name*');
I dont know if this is the right way, well it didn't work so obviously its not.
Anyways what im trying to achieve is with PHP i want to gather the name value of an existing person. this data is stored in /api/v2/crm/person.json
Api documentation (which i read but didn't understand to well)
It's been a while but i'm trying to answer all my open questions without an answer which i ended up solving on my own.
So for this.
You have to create a variable which makes the get request like this:
$test = $SimplicateApi->makeApiCall('GET','/crm/organization?q[name]=My name');
Now you can for example do a var_dump($test);
And as output you will get all the data inside
/crm/organization?q[name]=My name

Check if data exists

I'm working with an API.
With an array I collect data like this:
$org_payload = array(
'name' => $_POST['billing_company'],
'phone' => $_POST['billing_phone'],
'email' => $_POST['billing_email'],
'note' => $_POST['order_comments'],
'relation_type' => array(
'id'=>'relationtype:c1ec3ae77036842d' //provide the relationtypeid, f.e. relationtype:796ce0d318a2f5db515efc18bba82b90
'visiting_address' => array(
'country_code' => 'NL',
'line_1' => $_POST['billing_address_1'],
'postal_code' => $_POST['billing_postcode'],
'locality' => $_POST['billing_city'],
'country' => $_POST['billing_country']
), // can be extented with other address data
'postal_address' => array(
'country_code' => 'NL'
) // can be extented with other address data
At one point i send this data to the program i'm working with. I achieve this with this code:
$organization = $SimplicateApi->makeApiCall('POST','/crm/organization',json_encode($org_payload));
I gather this data from a form on my website. This data gets posted in the program.
I am trying to achieve that when data gathered from my form matches existing data in the program then don't add it. I would like a hint in the right direction for this, been looking on the internet without any luck.
What I would suggest is to have one extra call to the API.
Like you said in the comments - the company name and the phone number is unique.
If there is some call to get a user by those values and check what you got from the form, would be enough.
If they are unique - send them,
if not - show to the user or whatever you want to do here.
No need to keep one more database on your system as well.

Adding a conditional value to extra column in pivot table from array in Laravel

I know the Question title is a bit murky, but here's what I'm trying to do:
I'm retrieving a list of groups that a user belongs to from a third party api. In some cases, the user will be an 'admin' for a group and other times, just a 'member'.
Specifics aside, I'm calling a method on my api class from my controller that hits the api, retrieves the user's groups, decides if they are an 'admin' or not, then returns an array of arrays with each group's information including a 'role' key that denotes whether or not they are an 'admin'. So my returned array looks something like this:
0 => [
'unique_id' => 1243657,
'name' => 'Group1',
'city' => 'Bluesville',
'state' => 'IN',
'role' => 'admin'
1 => [
'unique_id' => 4324567,
'name' => 'Group2',
'city' => 'New Curtsbourough',
'state' => 'WI',
'role' => 'member'
2=> [
'unique_id' => 87463652,
'name' => 'Group3',
'city' => 'Samsonite',
'state' => 'MN',
'role' => 'member'
Now, I need to take those groups and store them in the database, which I'm doing by checking first that the group doesn't exist in the database, then adding it if needed. Of course, I'm leaving off the role, as it is only relevant to the current user.
Next, I need to connect the current user to these groups that were just retrieved. I have a pivot table set up that currently holds the user_id and group_id.
The question is, how to best handle this. Before I decided that I needed to know whether or not a member was an 'admin' or not, I simply had my 'createGroups' method return an array of primary keys to me, then passed that array to a call to
However, with the added 'role' information, it's not as cut and dry.
Basically, at this point in the lifecycle, I have access to an array of groups that contains a field 'role'. My thinking says to add a 'role' field to the pivot table, which would then contain 'user_id', 'group_id' and 'role'. This means I'll not only need the $groups array with the retrieved groups, but the ids of those groups as they pertain to my database.
I could make something work, but I'm afraid it would be extremely messy and inefficient.
Thoughts anyone??
Ok, as happens many times on Stackoverflow, I've come to a solution for my own question. I'm posting so that in the off-chance someone stumbles upon my question needing to do something similar, they can at least see how one person handled it.
According to the Laravel docs, if you want to sync relationships with an added column, you need to call sync in the following way:
1 => ['role' => 'admin'],
2 => ['role' => 'member'],
3 => ['role' => 'member']
So before I could sync, I needed an array that resembled the array that is being passed to 'sync'.
Since I had an array of 'groups' that included a field called 'role' for each group, I created a 'createGroups' method that basically looped over the $groups array and called the 'insertGetId' method that Laravel provides. This method persists the object to the database and returns the primary key of the created record. For my 'createGroups' method, I did the following:
public function createGroups($groups)
$added = array();
foreach($groups as $group){
$id = $this->createGroup($group);
$added[$id] = ['role' => $group['role']];
return $added;
So as I'm inserting 'groups' into the database, I'm building up the array that is needed by the 'sync' method. Since the 'createGroup' method uses Laravel's 'insertGetId' method, it returns the primary key for that group. Then I use that id as the key to the array. After all groups are inserted, my 'added' array that is returned to my controller, looks like this:
1 => ['role' => 'admin'],
2 => ['role' => 'member'],
3 => ['role' => 'member']
which is exactly what the 'sync' method needs to do it's thing.
Happy coding!

CakePHP 1.3 validation errors not showing with numerical indexed array

I've looked at loads of forums about validation errors not showing and tried various things but to no avail...
Basically, the validation is correctly recognising the fields do not have values when they should, however the error messages don't 'automagically' appear below the input boxes.
Model validation rule is shown below:
var $validate = array(
'description' => array(
'rule' => 'notEmpty',
'required' => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
'message' => 'Please enter a description of the change'
echo pr($this->data); output is shown below:
[Change] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 3237
[cn_id] => 5132
[req_id] => 25
[description] =>
[1] => Array
[id] => 3238
[cn_id] => 5132
[req_id] => 22
[description] =>
[2] => Array
[id] => 3239
[cn_id] => 5132
[req_id] => 4
[description] =>
echo pr($this->Change->invalidFields()); output is shown below:
[0] => Array
[description] => Please enter a description of the change
[1] => Array
[description] => Please enter a description of the change
[2] => Array
[description] => Please enter a description of the change
[description] => Please enter a description of the change
So, it is generating the errors messages for display, but they don't actually display in the view, and I don't know why?
Excerpt from the 'view' code is show below:
<?php echo $form->input('Change.'.$i.'.description',
array('value' => $cn['Change'][$i]['description'],
'label' => $engReq['Req']['description'])); ?>
Does anybody have ideas why the error messages are not showing?
I experienced the same issue with a hasMany model (where the form had numerically indexed fields) and came up with a validation solution that worked for me.
Quick answer: Before trying to actually save the data, I validated the data separately like (notice 'validate'=>'only'):
if($this->ModelName->saveAll($this->data, array('validate' => 'only'))) {
// proceed to save...
Doing it this way gave me the model's validation error message in the form, right under the input field that failed the validation (the normal Cake way of showing the validation error).
Note: I could not use saveAll() to actually save my data (I'll explain why in a minute). If I could use saveAll() to actually save the data, I could have gotten the validation at the same time as I saved by using (notice 'validate' => 'first'):
if($this->ModelName->saveAll($this->data, array('validate' => 'first')))
However, I could not use saveAll() to actually save the data, due to the fact that I needed to use a transaction to save several models at once, where some of the models were not directly related to other models. saveAll() will only save the model on which it is called, plus models directly related to it. Since Cake does not currently support nested transactions, and saveAll() uses one transaction automatically, I had to use save() on my models and start and end my transaction manually. However, this caused me to loose the validation message in my form on the hasMany items, even if I saved by using "$this->ModelName->save($this->data, array('validate'=>'first')".
Further explanation: The issue does seem to be related to using numerically indexed fields in the form. For example:
It seems this indexing scheme is the proper way to handle hasMany items in the form, but the validation messages would not find their way to this form input. It is interesting to notice that my view did in fact have access to the validation error. This can be seen in the view by using (notice no numerical index in these lines):
if($this->Form->isFieldError("ModelName.field_name")) {
echo $this->Form->error("ModelName.field_name");
Putting these lines after the '$this->Form->input("ModelName.0.field_name")' inserted a the validation message into the page, just not in the same div as the input field (and thus it didn't look ideal).
I couldn't figure out a way to tell Cake to use that validation message in the '$this->Form->input("ModelName.0.field_name")'. So I resorted to the 'validate' => 'only' method described earlier, which is working well for me.
shouldnt it be
var $validate = array(
'description' => array(
'notEmpty' => array(
'rule' => 'notEmpty',
'required' => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
'message' => 'Please enter a description of the change'
