I have problem with warning on my Joomla website. More precisely "Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /public_html/modules/mod_ot_scroller/helper.php on line 40"
Here is whole helper.php file:
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
class modOTScrollerHelper
function getImages(&$params, $folder, $type)
$files = array();
$images = array();
$dir = JPATH_BASE.DS.$folder;
// check if directory exists
if (is_dir($dir))
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != 'CVS' && $file != 'index.html' && $file != 'Thumbs.db') {
$files[] = $file;
foreach($type as $tp){
$i = 0;
foreach ($files as $img){
if (!is_dir($dir .DS. $img))
if (preg_match("#$tp#i", $img)) {
$images[$i]->name = $img;
$images[$i]->folder = $folder;
return $images;
function getFolder(&$params)
$folder = $params->get( 'folder' );
$LiveSite = JURI::base();
// if folder includes livesite info, remove
if ( JString::strpos($folder, $LiveSite) === 0 ) {
$folder = str_replace( $LiveSite, '', $folder );
// if folder includes absolute path, remove
if ( JString::strpos($folder, JPATH_SITE) === 0 ) {
$folder= str_replace( JPATH_BASE, '', $folder );
$folder = str_replace('\\',DS,$folder);
$folder = str_replace('/',DS,$folder);
return $folder;
Whole website works fine and images shown properly.
What can I do to get rid of it?
Yeah, thats a warning, because you did not specify what $images[$i] should be. If you want to, initialize it using $images[$i] = new \stdClass();
function read_comments() {
if (!is_dir(COMMENT_DIR) || !is_readable(COMMENT_DIR))
return false;
$file_list = glob(COMMENT_DIR . '*20130721T161046-1262521337.txt');
$comments = array();
foreach ($file_list as $file_name) {
if (($data = file($file_name)) !== false) {
$comments[] = unserialize_comment($data);
return $comments;}
How would i be able to put a random file name in the glob()? The foreach() keeps giving me trouble.
This function returns a random file from a given folder. It also allows extension filtering.
function RandomFile($folder='COMMENT_DIR', $extensions='.txt'){
// fix path:
$folder = trim($folder);
$folder = ($folder == '') ? './' : $folder;
// check folder:
if (!is_dir($folder)){ die('invalid folder given!'); }
// create files array
$files = array();
// open directory
if ($dir = #opendir($folder)){
// go trough all files:
while($file = readdir($dir)){
if (!preg_match('/^\.+$/', $file) and
preg_match('/\.('.$extensions.')$/', $file)){
// feed the array:
$files[] = $file;
// close directory
else {
die('Could not open the folder "'.$folder.'"');
if (count($files) == 0){
die('No files where found :-(');
// seed random function:
// get an random index:
$rand = mt_rand(0, count($files)-1);
// check again:
if (!isset($files[$rand])){
die('Array index was not found! very strange!');
And use
$file_list = glob($folder . $rand_file);
I post array to php try to remove the file in directory but not in array.
Below code foreach can get the file name in array, while get all the files in directory.
I tried the function like below wrong one, put the while in foreach expect find the file not match $row then unlink. But it failed it will remove some files in array.. seems my logic was wrong. did I doing something wrong?
$dir = "img/";
foreach($img_arr as $row) {
print $row; // get : 2.png 3.png 0.png ....
$opendir = opendir($dir);
while ($file = readdir($opendir)) {
// if($file != $row && $file!="." && $file!=".."){
print $file; //get : ...2.png 3.png ...0.png ....
// }
$dir = "img/";
foreach($img_arr as $row) {
print $row; // get : 2.png 3.png 0.png ....
$opendir = opendir($dir);
while ($file = readdir($opendir)) {
if($file != $row && $file!="." && $file!=".."){
print $file; // expect get the file not match $row
Use in_array to check if file exists in your $img_arr:
$img_arr = array(.....); // here comes your array
$opendir = opendir($dir);
// don't forget to stop while-loop also
while (($file = readdir($opendir)) !== false) {
if($file!="." && $file!=".." && !in_array($file, $img_arr)){
print $file;
I am trying to sort a list of directories according to the contents of a text file within each directory.
So far, I am displaying the list of directories:
$user = $_GET['user'];
$task_list = $_GET['list'];
if ($handle = opendir("../users/$user/tasks/$task_list/"))
$files = array();
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".htaccess")
array_push($files, $file);
//Display tasks
foreach ($files as $file)
echo "$file";
Each directory has a text file within it called due.txt, I would like to sort the list of directories according to the contents of this file due.txt.
So far, I have tried:
$user = $_GET['user'];
$task_list = $_GET['list'];
if ($handle = opendir("../users/$user/tasks/$task_list/"))
$files = array();
$tasksSort = array();
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".htaccess")
$taskSort = file_get_contents("../users/$user/tasks/$task_list/$file/due.txt");
array_push($files, $file);
array_push($tasksSort, $taskSort);
//Sort tasks and display
foreach ($files as $file)
echo "$file";
But the $tasksSort array doesn't seem to have any content to sort...?
foreach ($tasksSort as $file)
echo "$file";
i want to write a page that will traverse a specified directory.... and get all the files in that directory...
in my case the directory will only contain images and display the images with their links...
something like this
How to Do it
p.s. the directory will not be user input.. it will be same directory always...
if ($handle = opendir('.')) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
echo "$file\n";
use readdir
//define directory
$dir = "images/";
//open directory
if ($opendir = opendir($dir)){
//read directory
while(($file = readdir($opendir))!= FALSE ){
if($file!="." && $file!= ".."){
echo "<img src='$dir/$file' width='80' height='90'><br />";
source: phpacademy.org
You'll want to use the scandir function to walk the list of files in the directory.
Hi you can use DirectoryIterator
try {
$dir = './';
/* #var $Item DirectoryIterator */
foreach (new DirectoryIterator($dir) as $Item) {
if($Item->isFile()) {
echo $Item->getFilename() . "\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'No files Found!<br />';
If you want to pass directories recursively:
* function get files
* #param $path string = path to fine files in
* #param $accept array = array of extensions to accept
* #param currentLevel = 0, stopLevel = 0
* #return array of madmanFile objects, but you can modify it to
* return whatever suits your needs.
public static function getFiles( $path = '.', $accept, $currentLevel = 0, $stopLevel = 0){
$path = trim($path); //trim whitespcae if any
if(substr($path,-1)=='/'){$path = substr($path,0,-1);} //cutoff the last "/" on path if provided
$selectedFiles = array();
//ignore these files/folders
$ignoreRegexp = "/\.(T|t)rash/";
$ignore = array( 'cgi-bin', '.', '..', '.svn');
$dh = #opendir( $path );
//Loop through the directory
while( false !== ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) ){
// Check that this file is not to be ignored
if( !in_array( $file, $ignore ) and !preg_match($ignoreRegexp,$file)){
$spaces = str_repeat( ' ', ( $currentLevel * 4 ) );
// Its a directory, so we need to keep reading down...
if( is_dir( "$path/$file" ) ){
//merge current selectFiles array with recursion return which is
//another array of selectedFiles
$selectedFiles = array_merge($selectedFiles,MadmanFileManager::getFiles( "$path/$file", $accept, ($currentLe$
} else{
$info = pathinfo($file);
if(in_array($info['extension'], $accept)){
$selectedFiles[] = new MadmanFile($info['filename'], $info['extension'], MadmanFileManager::getSize($
}//end if in array
}//end if/else is_dir
}//end while
closedir( $dh );
// Close the directory handle
}catch (Exception $e){
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
return $selectedFiles;
You could as others have suggested check every file in the dir, or you could use glob to identify files based on extension.
I use something along the lines of:
if ($dir = dir('images'))
while(false !== ($file = $dir->read()))
if (!is_dir($file) && $file !== '.' && $file !== '..' && (substr($file, -3) === 'jpg' || substr($file, -3) === 'png' || substr($file, -3) === 'gif'))
// do stuff with the images
else { echo "Could not open directory"; }
You could also try the glob function:
$path = '/your/path/';
$pattern = '*.{gif,jpg,jpeg,png}';
$images = glob($path . $pattern, GLOB_BRACE);
$dir = "/etc/php5/";
// Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents
if (is_dir($dir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
echo "filename: $file : filetype: " . filetype($dir . $file) . "\n";
For further reference :http://php.net/manual/en/function.opendir.php
I would start off by creating a recursive function:
function recurseDir ($dir) {
// open the provided directory
if ($handle = opendir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$dir)) {
// we dont want the directory we are in or the parent directory
if ($entry !== "." && $entry !== "..") {
// recursively call the function, if we find a directory
if (is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$dir.$entry)) {
else {
// else we dont find a directory, in which case we have a file
// now we can output anything we want here for each file
// in your case we want to output all the images with the path under it
echo "<img src='".$dir.$entry."'>";
echo "<div><a href='".$dir.$entry."'>".$dir.$entry."</a></div>";
The $dir param needs to be in the following format:
"/path/" or "/path/to/files/"
Basically, just don't include the server root, because i have already done that below using $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].
So, in the end just call the recurseDir function we just made in your code once, and it will traverse any sub folders and output the image with the link under it.