DomNode get value of item - php

Hello I'm new with domnode and i'm trying to check the values from an xml tree which loads ok.
Here is my code but I dont understand why is not working.
private function createCSV($xml, $f)
foreach ($xml->getElementsByTagName('*') as $item)
$hasChild = $item->hasChildNodes() ? true : false;
//echo 'Doesn\'t have children';
echo 'Value: ' . $item->nodeValue;
//echo 'Has children';
$this->createCSV($item, $f);
$item->nodeValue doesnt print anything to the browser.
I read the documentation but I can't see any mistake.
PS. $item->tagname doesnt work either.
whe using this: echo $item->ownerDocument->saveHTML($item);
I get the tags listed but i dont get the data inside(between the tags) like innerHTML in javascript.
sample xml data :

Text nodes are also considered child nodes, but you're only iterating element nodes (get Elements ByTagName). Because of this you're almost never getting into the 2nd condition.
Try this:
printf('Value: %s', $xml->nodeValue);
foreach($xml->childNodes as $item)
$this->createCSV($item, $f);
XPath version:
$xpath = new DOMXPath($xml);
$text = $xpath->query('//text()[normalize-space()]');
foreach($text as $node)
printf('Value: %s', $node->nodeValue);


Parsing HTML Table Data from XML with PHP

I am somewhat new with PHP, but can't really wrap my head around what I am doing wrong here given my situation.
Problem: I am trying to get the href of a certain HTML element within a string of characters inside an XML object/element via Reddit (if you visit this page, it would be the actual link of the video - not the reddit link but the external youtube link or whatever - nothing else).
Here is my code so far (code updated):
Update: Loop-mania! Got all of the hrefs, but am now trying to store them inside a global array to access a random one outside of this function.
function getXMLFeed() {
echo "<h2>Reddit Items</h2><hr><br><br>";
//$feedURL = file_get_contents('');
$feedURL = '';
$xml = simplexml_load_file($feedURL);
//define each xml entry from reddit as an item
foreach ($xml -> entry as $item ) {
foreach ($item -> content as $content) {
$newContent = (string)$content;
$html = str_get_html($newContent);
foreach($html->find('table') as $table) {
$links = $table->find('span', '0');
//echo $links;
foreach($links->find('a') as $link) {
echo $link->href;
XML Code:
I've also included JSON if it can be done this way; I just preferred XML:
That is pretty much all of the code. Though, here is another piece I tried to use with DOMDocument (scrapped it).
foreach ($item -> content as $content) {
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom -> loadHTML($content);
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$classname = "/html/body/table[1]/tbody/tr/td[2]/span[1]/a";
foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('table') as $node) {
echo $dom->saveHtml($node), PHP_EOL;
//$originalURL = $node->getAttribute('href');
//$html = $dom->saveHTML();
I can parse the table fine, but when it comes to getting certain element's values (nothing has an ID or class), I can only seem to get ALL anchor tags or ALL table rows, etc.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Let me know if there is anything else I can add here. Thanks!
Added HTML:
I am specifically trying to extract <span>[link]</span> from each table/item.
The following code can extract you all the youtube links from each content.
function extract_youtube_link($xml) {
$entries = $xml['entry'];
$videos = [];
foreach($entries as $entry) {
$content = html_entity_decode($entry['content']);
preg_match_all('/<span><a href="(.*)">\[link\]/', $content, $matches);
if(!empty($matches[1][0])) {
$videos[] = array(
'entry_title' => $entry['title'],
'author' => preg_replace('/\/(.*)\//', '', $entry['author']['name']),
'author_reddit_url' => $entry['author']['uri'],
'video_url' => $matches[1][0]
return $videos;
$xml = simplexml_load_file('reddit.xml');
$xml = json_decode(json_encode($xml), true);
$videos = extract_youtube_link($xml);
foreach($videos as $video) {
echo "<p>Entry Title: {$video['entry_title']}</p>";
echo "<p>Author: {$video['author']}</p>";
echo "<p>Author URL: {$video['author_reddit_url']}</p>";
echo "<p>Video URL: {$video['video_url']}</p>";
echo "<br><br>";
The code outputs in the multidimensional format of array with the elements inside are entry_title, author, author_reddit_url and video_url. Hope it helps you!
If you're looking for a specific element you don't need to parse the whole thing. One way of doing it could be to use the DOMXPath class and query directly the xml. The documentation should guide you through. .

How to get a list of all html elements in PHP?

According to the documentation for DOMDocument::getElementsByTagName, I can call the function with "*" argument, and get a list of all HTML elements from some HTML code.
However, with the following code:
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName("*");
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$new_text= new DOMText($node->textContent."MODIFIED");
$content = $dom->saveHTML();
echo $content;
I get a list of only one element, and the result of execution of the code above is:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
while I would expect something like this:
Shouldn't DOMDocument::getElementsByTagName method return a list of as many HTML elements as available in the HTML code?
Note: I need to create DOMText instances explicitly, because I need this to work in PHP 5.4. DOMNode::textContent is accessible for writing only from PHP 5.6
The DOMDocument::getElementsByTagName method actually returns all the tags, if the first argument is '*'. But your code replaces <body> tag (including all child nodes) with a text node at the first iteration.
Iterate the nodes, and modify only the nodes with nodeType property equal to XML_TEXT_NODE:
$nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('*');
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
for ($child = $node->firstChild; $child; $child = $child->nextSibling) {
if (! ($child->nodeType === XML_TEXT_NODE && trim($child->textContent))) {
// The textContent is writable since PHP 5.6.1
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50601) {
$child->textContent .= 'MODIFIED';
// For older versions, create DOMText explicitly
$text = new DOMText($child->textContent . 'MODIFIED');
try {
if ($child->parentNode->replaceChild($text, $child))
$child = $text;
} catch (Exception $e) {
trigger_error("Failed to modify text '$child->textContent': "
. $e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
echo $dom->saveHTML();
Note, for PHP versions 5.6.1 and newer, you don't need to create DOMText instances explicitly, since the DOMNode::textContent property is accessible for read and write. So you can simply modify the text by assigning a string value to this property. Only make sure that the node has no child nodes other than XML_TEXT_NODE.
The code above checks if trim($child->textContent) is not empty, because the document may contain extra space characters (including newline), e.g.:
<div><!-- newline/spaces -->
<span>text</span><!-- newline/spaces -->
</div><!-- newline/spaces -->
This function 'DOMDocument::getElementsByTagName' returns a new instance of class DOMNodeList containing all the elements.
And it works fine:
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName("*");
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
echo $node->tagName."<br />";
it output all tags of your document.
Probably you need smth like:
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName("*");
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
if ($node->tagName=='div'){
$node->nodeValue .= "new content";
$content = $dom->saveHTML();
echo htmlspecialchars($content);
Try this:-
foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('*') as $element ){

How to pull a specific tag from a node in xml with PHP?

Here is where I set up basic variables, such as creating the new DomDoc and such as well as loading some of the Tags. This all works fine at the moment.
if (isset($_GET['edit'])&& $_GET['edit']=='delete' && isset($_GET['id'])&&!empty($_GET['id'])){
$dom = new DomDocument();
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$root = $dom->documentElement;
$record = $root->getElementsByTagName("data");
$nodetoremove = null;
foreach($ID as $node){
$pid =$node->textContent;
Here I am checking if it's a new ID and if it is it does the following as seen.
if ($pid == $newid)
The issue is here. I am able to go through the selected node I wish to delete ($nodetoremove) and select a specific element (sign_in) but I am unsure how to so. Right now all I can do is go through and print all of the elements within the nodes of $nodetoremove. Is there a way I can get the element I want from XML this way?
//Prints all information within $nodetoremove
foreach ($nodetoremove->childNodes AS $item){
print $item->nodeName . "=" . $item->nodeValue . "<br>";
foreach ($nodetoremove as $node) {
//Sets $name to the first Child of $nodetoremove
//Checks if the nods to remove is not null, if it is removes $nodetoremove

how to display data id, name?

My file xml:
<name>my name John</name>
How to view a php (id and name).
If you're just looking for a simple way to extract the contents of a tag, but don't want to go to all the trouble of parsing the XML properly, you could do something like this:
$xml = ""; // your xml data as a string
function get_tag_contents($xml, $tagName) {
$startPosition = strpos($xml, "<" . $tagName . ">");
$endPosition = strpos($xml, "</" . $tagName . ">");
$length = $endPosition - ($startPosition + 1);
return substr($xml, $startPosition, $length);
$id = get_tag_contents($xml, "id");
$name = get_tag_contents($xml, "name");
This assumes you haven't assigned any attributes to your tags, and that each tag is unique (in the example you gave us I noted two "name" tags, and if you want both you'll need to make this solution a bit more robust or do proper XML parsing).
How to get all items?
Example (does not work ..)
$pliks = simplexml_load_file("file.xml");
foreach ($pliks->children('pasaz', true) as $body)
foreach ($body->children() as $loadOffe)
if ($loadOffe->offe->off) {
echo "<p>id: $loadOffe->id</p>";
echo "$id->id";
echo "<p>name: <b>$name->name</b></p>";
// echo $loadOffe->offe->off->id;
As Marc B suggested in his comment you should use DOM, either use getElementsByTagName() or DOMXPath, example for getElementaByTagName():
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$ids = $dom->getElementsByTagName('id');
if( $ids || !$ids->length){
throw new Exception( 'Id not found');
return $ids->item(0);

Get xpath of xml node within recursive function

Lets say i have some code to iterate through an XML file recursively like this:
$xmlfile = new SimpleXMLElement('',null,true);
function xmlRecurse($xmlObj,$depth) {
foreach($xmlObj->children() as $child) {
echo str_repeat('-',$depth).">".$child->getName().": ".$subchild."\n";
foreach($child->attributes() as $k=>$v){
echo "Attrib".str_repeat('-',$depth).">".$k." = ".$v."\n";
How would i calculate the xpath of each node so i can store it for mapping to other code?
The obvious way to do it is to pass the XPath as a third parameter and build it as you dig deeper. You have to account for siblings having the same name, so you have to keep track of the number of precedent siblings with the same name as current child while iterating.
Working example:
function xmlRecurse($xmlObj,$depth=0,$xpath=null) {
if (!isset($xpath)) {
$position = array();
foreach($xmlObj->children() as $child) {
$name = $child->getName();
if(isset($position[$name])) {
else {
echo str_repeat('-',$depth).">".$name.": $path\n";
foreach($child->attributes() as $k=>$v){
echo "Attrib".str_repeat('-',$depth).">".$k." = ".$v."\n";
Attention though, the whole idea of mapping a whole document and storing XPath along the way seems weird. You might actually be working on the wrong solution to a totally different problem.
You can pass to your xmlRecurse third param called $xpath (with current node xPath representation) and add xpath representation of the children on each iteration:
function xmlRecurse($xmlObj,$depth,$xpath) {
foreach($xmlObj->children() as $child) {
echo str_repeat('-',$depth).">".$child->getName().": ".$subchild."\n";
foreach($child->attributes() as $k=>$v){
echo "Attrib".str_repeat('-',$depth).">".$k." = ".$v."\n";
With SimpleXML, I think you can only do it as others have pointed out: by recursing the node path as a string argument.
With DOMDocument, you could use the $node->parentNode property to crawl back to the document element and construct it for an arbitrary node (for example if you had a reference to a node and wanted to discover where in the tree it was without prior knowledge of how you got to that node).
$domNode = dom_import_simplexml($node);
$xpath = $domNode->getNodePath();
You need PHP 5 >= 5.2.0 for this to work.
Following up on MightyE's idea about backtracking:
function whereami($node)
if ($node instanceof SimpleXMLElement)
$node = dom_import_simplexml($node);
elseif (!$node instanceof DOMNode)
die('Not a node?');
$q = new DOMXPath($node->ownerDocument);
$xpath = '';
$position = 1 + $q->query('preceding-sibling::*[name()="' . $node->nodeName . '"]', $node)->length;
$xpath = '/' . $node->nodeName . '[' . $position . ']' . $xpath;
$node = $node->parentNode;
while (!$node instanceof DOMDocument);
return $xpath;
I wouldn't recommend it for the case at hand (mapping a whole document, as opposed to a single given node) but it might be useful for future reference.
