how to display SimpleXMLElement with php - php

Hi I have never used xml but need to now, so I am trying to quickly learn but struggling with the structure I think. This is just to display the weather at the top of someones website.
I want to display Melbourne weather using this xml link
Basically I am trying get Melbourne forecast for 3 days (what ever just something that works) there is a forecast-period array [0] to [6]
I used this print_r to view the structure:
$url = "linkhere";
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
echo "<pre>";
and tried this just to get something:
$url = "linkhere";
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
$data = (string) $xml->forecast->area[52]->description;
echo $data;
Which gave me nothing (expected 'Melbourne'), obviously I need to learn and I am but if someone could help that would be great.

Because description is an attribute of <area>, you need to use
$data = (string) $xml->forecast->area[52]['description'];
I also wouldn't rely on Melbourne being the 52nd area node (though this is really up to the data maintainers). I'd go by its aac attribute as this appears to be unique, eg
$search = $xml->xpath('forecast/area[#aac="VIC_PT042"]');
if (count($search)) {
$melbourne = $search[0];
echo $melbourne['description'];

This is a working example for you:
$forecastdata = simplexml_load_file('','SimpleXMLElement',LIBXML_NOCDATA);
foreach($forecastdata->forecast->area as $singleregion) {
$area = $singleregion['description'];
$weather = $singleregion->{'forecast-period'}->text;
echo $area.': '.$weather.'<hr />';
You can edit the aforementioned example to extract the tags and attributes you want.
Always remember that a good practice to understand the structure of your XML object is printing out its content using, for instance, print_r
In the specific case of the XML you proposed, cities are specified through attributes (description). For this reason you have to read also those attributes using ['attribute name'] (see here for more information).
Notice also that the tag {'forecast-period'} is wrapped in curly brackets cause it contains a hyphen, and otherwise it wouldn generate an error.


Loading a Search and Retrieve via URL (SRU) in php with simplexml_load_string returns an empty object

Im trying to load search result from an library api using Search and Retrieve via URL (SRU) at :
If you see the search result links there, its looks pretty much like XML but when i try like i have before with xml using the code below, it just returns a empty object,
SimpleXMLElement {#546}
whats going on here?
My php function in my laravel project:
public function bokId($bokid) {
$apiUrl = "";
$filename = "bok.xml";
$xmlfile = file_get_contents($apiUrl);
file_put_contents($filename, $xmlfile); // xml file is saved.
$fileXml = simplexml_load_string($xmlfile);
If i do:
instead, it echoes out like this:
Making me very confused that i cannot get an object to work with. Code i present have worked fine before.
It may be that the data your being provided ha changed format, but the data is still there and you can still use it. The main problem with using something like dd() is that it doesn't work well with SimpleXMLElements, it tends to have it's own idea of what you want to see of what data there is.
In this case the namespaces are the usual problem. But if you look at the following code you can see a quick way of getting the data from a specific namespace, which you can then easily access as normal. In this code I use ->children("srw", true) to say fetch all child elements that are in the namespace srw (the second argument indicates that this is the prefix and not the URL)...
$apiUrl = "";
$filename = "bok.xml";
$xmlfile = file_get_contents($apiUrl);
file_put_contents($filename, $xmlfile); // xml file is saved.
$fileXml = simplexml_load_string($xmlfile);
foreach ( $fileXml->children("srw", true)->records->record as $record) {
echo "recordIdentifier=".$record->recordIdentifier.PHP_EOL;
This outputs...
As I'm not sure which data you want to retrieve as the title, I just wanted to show the idea of how to fetch data when you have a list of possibilities. In this example I'm using XPath to look in each <srw:record> element and find the <marc:datafield tag="100"...> element and in that the <marc:subfield code="a"> element. This is done using //marc:datafield[#tag='100']/marc:subfield[#code='a']. You may need to adjust the #tag= bit to the datafield your after and the #code= to point to the subfield your after.
$fileXml = simplexml_load_string($xmlfile);
foreach ( $fileXml->children("srw", true)->records->record as $record) {
echo "recordIdentifier=".$record->recordIdentifier.PHP_EOL;
$data = $record->xpath("//marc:datafield[#tag='100']/marc:subfield[#code='a']");
$subData=$data[0]->children("marc", true);
echo "Data=".(string)$data[0].PHP_EOL;

xpath search for a php variable

I am trying to search for a php variable in an xml file using xpath, but failing miserably. It works with a hard coded value, so I am nearly there..
<name>Bob McHaggis</name>
<name>Mark McBob</name>
<?php $sxe = simplexml_load_file("/CaptivePortal/visitors.xml");
foreach($sxe->xpath('//visitors/detail') as $item){
$row = simplexml_load_string($item->asXML());
$v = $row->xpath('//id[. ="'.$_COOKIE["judsons"].'"]');
} echo $v[0]; ?>
This works great checks for an id against the id stored in the cookie. But based on that value being found how do I access the name and email for the key matched?
Found & matched: 897987
I want to echo the name and email to, so based on that is Mark McBob &
My initial advice would be to take a good few minutes to (re-)read through the SimpleXML Basic Usage page in the PHP manual.
For selecting a single item within the XML file, there is no need at all to loop over anything. The example code below, and why it is different from yours, should become clear after familiarising yourself with the page mentioned above.
$search_id = (int) $_COOKIE["judsons"];
$visitors = simplexml_load_file("/CaptivePortal/visitors.xml");
$details = $visitors->xpath("detail[id='$search_id']");
if (empty($details)) {
echo "No details found for '$search_id'.";
} else {
$detail = $details[0];
$name = (string) $detail->name;
$email = (string) $detail->email;
echo "$name's email is $email";
The idea above is that $details will be an array containing hopefully just one <detail> element. It could be an empty array if no <detail> was found with the specified <id>, which is what the if(empty(…)) checks for. If the $details array is not empty, we're really only interested in the first one ($details[0]).
To access the information available within the <detail>, as explained on the "basic usage" page, the elements can be accessed with normal object property syntax ($detail->name). Doing so returns an object for that item (e.g. the <name>), so to get at the value as a string the object is type cast using (string).
You're actually doing quite a bit you don't need to there. For one thing, you don't need the loop. For another, inside your loop, you convert the context XML into a string (::asXML()), then convert it back into XML (simplexml_load_string()).
All you need is:
$xml = "<visitors><detail><id>876867</id><name>Bob McHaggis</name><email></email></detail><detail><id>897987</id><name>Mark McBob</name><email></email></detail></visitors>";
$sxe = simplexml_load_string($xml);
$row = $sxe->xpath('detail[id = '.$_COOKIE["judsons"].']');
That gets you the row. To extract part of it:
$name = $row[0]->xpath('name');
echo $name[0]; //Mark McBob

PHP Parse XML with Attributes

I have an XML document that I am trying to get some of the values for and don't know how to get to the attributes. An example of the structure and values are below:
<vin_number value="3N1AB51D84L729887">
<vehicle_style name="SE-R 4dr Sedan" style_id="100285116" complete="Y">
<engine brand="" name="ED 2L NA I 4 double overhead cam (DOHC) 16V"></engine>
I am trying to get the engine["name"] attribute (NOT "ENGINES"). I thought the following would work but I get errors (I cant parse past "vehicle_style")
$xml = simplexml_load_file($fileVIN);
foreach($xml->vin_number->available_vehicle_styles->vehicle_style->engines->engine->attributes() as $a => $b) {
echo $b;
Assuming your XML is structured in the same was as this example XML, the following two snippets will get the engine name.
The property hierarchy way (split onto multiple lines so you can read it).
$name = (string) $xml->vin_number
Or the more concise XPath way.
$engines = $xml->xpath('//engines/engine');
$name = (string) $engines[0]['name'];
Unless there are multiple engine names in your XML, there is no need to use a foreach loop at all.
(See both snippets running on a codepad.)
Use the SimpleXMLElement::attributes method to get the attributes:
foreach($xml->available_vehicle_styles->vehicle_style as $b) {
$attrs = $b->attributes();
echo "Name = $attrs->name";
Note: I slightly changed the "path" to the element starting from $xml because that's how it loaded the fragment for me.
By this layout, there could be more than one engine per engines block, so you have to explicitly pick the first one. (Assuming you know for sure there's only going to be one.)
$name = $xml->available_vehicle_styles->vehicle_style->engines->engine[0]->attributes()->name;

Parsing XML with PHP (simplexml)

Firstly, may I point out that I am a newcomer to all things PHP so apologies if anything here is unclear and I'm afraid the more layman the response the better. I've been having real trouble parsing an xml file in to php to then populate an HTML table for my website. At the moment, I have been able to get the full xml feed in to a string which I can then echo and view and all seems well. I then thought I would be able to use simplexml to pick out specific elements and print their content but have been unable to do this.
The xml feed will be constantly changing (structure remaining the same) and is in compressed format. From various sources I've identified the following commands to get my feed in to the right format within a string although I am still unable to print specific elements. I've tried every combination without any luck and suspect I may be barking up the wrong tree. Could someone please point me in the right direction?!
$file = fopen("compress.zlib://$url", 'r');
$xmlstr = file_get_contents($url);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($url,null,true);
foreach($xml as $name) {
echo "{$name->awCat}\r\n";
Many, many thanks in advance,
PS The actual feed
Since no one followed my closevote, I think I can just as well put my own comments as an answer:
First of all, SimpleXml can load URIs directly and it can do so with stream wrappers, so your three calls in the beginning can be shortened to (note that you are not using $file at all)
$merchantProductFeed = new SimpleXMLElement("compress.zlib://$url", null, TRUE);
To get the values you can either use the implicit SimpleXml API and drill down to the wanted elements (like shown multiple times elsewhere on the site):
foreach ($merchantProductFeed->merchant->prod as $prod) {
echo $prod->cat->awCat , PHP_EOL;
or you can use an XPath query to get at the wanted elements directly
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("compress.zlib://$url", null, TRUE);
foreach ($xml->xpath('/merchantProductFeed/merchant/prod/cat/awCat') as $awCat) {
echo $awCat, PHP_EOL;
Live Demo
Note that fetching all $awCat elements from the source XML is rather pointless though, because all of them have "Bodycare & Fitness" for value. Of course you can also mix XPath and the implict API and just fetch the prod elements and then drill down to the various children of them.
Using XPath should be somewhat faster than iterating over the SimpleXmlElement object graph. Though it should be noted that the difference is in an neglectable area (read 0.000x vs 0.000y) for your feed. Still, if you plan to do more XML work, it pays off to familiarize yourself with XPath, because it's quite powerful. Think of it as SQL for XML.
For additional examples see
A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file and
PHP Manual - SimpleXml Basic Examples
Try this...
$url = ",98,142,144,146,129,595,539,147,149,613,626,135,163,168,159,169,161,167,170,137,171,548,174,183,178,179,175,172,623,139,614,189,194,141,205,198,206,203,208,199,204,201,61,62,72,73,71,74,75,76,77,78,79,63,80,82,64,83,84,85,65,86,87,88,90,89,91,67,92,94,33,54,53,57,58,52,603,60,56,66,128,130,133,212,207,209,210,211,68,69,213,216,217,218,219,220,221,223,70,224,225,226,227,228,229,4,5,10,11,537,13,19,15,14,18,6,551,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,7,30,29,32,619,34,8,35,618,40,38,42,43,9,45,46,651,47,49,50,634,230,231,538,235,550,240,239,241,556,245,244,242,521,576,575,577,579,281,283,554,285,555,303,304,286,282,287,288,173,193,637,639,640,642,643,644,641,650,177,379,648,181,645,384,387,646,598,611,391,393,647,395,631,602,570,600,405,187,411,412,413,414,415,416,649,418,419,420,99,100,101,107,110,111,113,114,115,116,118,121,122,127,581,624,123,594,125,421,604,599,422,530,434,532,428,474,475,476,477,423,608,437,438,440,441,442,444,446,447,607,424,451,448,453,449,452,450,425,455,457,459,460,456,458,426,616,463,464,465,466,467,427,625,597,473,469,617,470,429,430,615,483,484,485,487,488,529,596,431,432,489,490,361,633,362,366,367,368,371,369,363,372,373,374,377,375,536,535,364,378,380,381,365,383,385,386,390,392,394,396,397,399,402,404,406,407,540,542,544,546,547,246,558,247,252,559,255,248,256,265,259,632,260,261,262,557,249,266,267,268,269,612,251,277,250,272,270,271,273,561,560,347,348,354,350,352,349,355,356,357,358,359,360,586,590,592,588,591,589,328,629,330,338,493,635,495,507,563,564,567,569,568/mid/2891/columns/merchant_id,merchant_name,aw_product_id,merchant_product_id,product_name,description,category_id,category_name,merchant_category,aw_deep_link,aw_image_url,search_price,delivery_cost,merchant_deep_link,merchant_image_url/format/xml/compression/gzip/";
$zd = gzopen($url, "r");
$data = gzread($zd, 1000000);
if ($data !== false) {
$xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
foreach ($xml->merchant->prod as $pr) {
echo $pr->cat->awCat . "<br>";
$xmlstr = file_get_contents("compress.zlib://$url");
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlstr);
// you can transverse the xml tree however you want
foreach ($xml->merchant->prod as $line) {
// $line->cat->awCat -> you can use this
more information here
Use print_r($xml) to see the structure of the parsed XML feed.
Then it becomes obvious how you would traverse it:
foreach ($xml->merchant->prod as $prod) {
print $prod->pId;
print $prod->text->name;
print $prod->cat->awCat; # <-- which is what you wanted
print $prod->price->buynow;
$url = 'you url here';
$f = gzopen ($url, 'r');
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement (fread ($f, 1000000));
foreach($xml->xpath ('//prod') as $name)
echo (string) $name->cat->awCatId, "\r\n";

PHP: How to store XML data in an array?

Below is the XML I am working with - there are more items - this is the first set. How can I get these elements in to an array? I have been trying with PHP's SimpleXML etc. but I just cant do it.
<response xmlns:lf="">
<lf:result type="listing" count="10">
<lf:item id="56832429">
<lf:attr name="title">Used 2005 Ford Mustang V6 Deluxe</lf:attr>
<lf:attr name="year">2005</lf:attr>
<lf:attr name="make">FORD</lf:attr>
<lf:attr name="model">MUSTANG</lf:attr>
<lf:attr name="vin">1ZVFT80N555169501</lf:attr>
<lf:attr name="price">12987</lf:attr>
<lf:attr name="mileage">42242</lf:attr>
<lf:attr name="auction">no</lf:attr>
<lf:attr name="city">Grand Rapids</lf:attr>
<lf:attr name="state">Michigan</lf:attr>
<lf:attr name="image"></lf:attr>
<lf:attr name="link"></lf:attr>
<!-- more items -->
Thanks guys
EDIT: I want the first items data in easy to access variables, I've been struggling for a couple of days to get SimpleXML to work as I am new to PHP, so I thought manipulating an array is easier to do.
Why do you want them in an array? They are structured already, use them as XML directly.
There is SimpleXML and DOMDocument, now it depends on what you want to do with the data (you failed to mention that) which one serves you better. Expand your question to get code samples.
EDIT: Here is an example of how you could handle your document with SimpleXML:
$url = "";
$ns_lf = "";
$response = simplexml_load_file($url);
// children() fetches all nodes of a given namespace
$result = $response->children($ns_lf)->result;
// dump the entire <lf:result> to see what it looks like
// once the namespace was handled, you can go on normally (-> syntax)
foreach ($result->item as $item) {
$title = $item->xpath("lf:attr[#name='title']");
$state = $item->xpath("lf:attr[#name='state']");
// xpath() always returns an array of matches, hence the [0]
echo( $title[0].", ".$state[0] );
Perhaps you should look at SimplePie, it parses XML feeds into an array or an object (well, one of the two :D). I think it works well for namespaces and attributes too.
Some benefits include it's GPL license (it's free) and it's support community.
SimpleXML is the best way to read/write XML files. Usually it's as easy as using arrays, except in your case because there's XML namespaces involved and it complicates stuff. Also, the format used to stored attributes kind of sucks, so instead of being easy to use and obvious it's kind of complicated, so here's what you're looking for so that you can move on to doing something more interesting for you:
$response = simplexml_load_file($url);
$items = array();
foreach ($response->xpath('//lf:item') as $item)
$id = (string) $item['id'];
foreach ($item->xpath('lf:attr') as $attr)
$name = (string) $attr['name'];
$items[$id][$name] = (string) $attr;
You'll have everything you need in the $items array, use print_r() to see what's inside. $url should be the URL of that lemonfree API thing. The code assumes there can't be multiple values for one attribute (e.g. multiple images.)
Good luck.
This is the way I parsed XML returned from a clients email address book system into an array so I could use it on a page. uses an XML parser that is part of PHP, I think.
here's it's documentation
$user_info = YOUR_XML
SETS $xml_array AS ARRAY
$xml_array = array();
$xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_parse_into_struct($xml_parser, $user_info, $values, $index);
foreach($values as $key => $value)
// $value['level'] relates to the nesting level of a tag, x will need to be a number
$tag_name = $value['tag'];
// INSERTS DETAILS INTO ARRAY $contact_array SETTING KEY = $tag_name VALUE = value for that tag
$xml_array[strtolower($tag_name)] = $value['value'];
If you var_dump($values) you should see what level the data you're info is on, I think it'll be 4 for the above XML, so you can then filter out anything you don't want by changing the value of $value['level']==x to the required level, ie. $value['level']==4.
This should return $xml_array as an array with $xml_array['title'] = 'Used 2005 Ford Mustang V6 Deluxe' etc.
Hope that helps some
