yii gridview does not display all the data from its respective table - php

i have this query using CActiveDataProvider. My table contains 15 records that satisfies the condition, but for some reason, only ten records are being displayed. What might be missing here.
$prov2 = new CActiveDataProvider('BaseSiReceivedItem', array(
'criteria' => array(
'condition' => 'iar_no = 0'
echo count($prov2->data);

Does that now show you 15?
This link about itemCounts may also be helpful. Yii Pagination Variables from DataProvider

The listview widget's pageSize value in the view file might be overriding the pageSize value in the controller (if it's not set, the default value may override the controller).
Or, you could create a custom list view like this:
class CustomListView extends CListView {
public function init() {
if ($this->dataProvider !== null)
$this->dataProvider->pagination->pageSize = 30;
and use it in your view: views/{model}/index.php
<?php $this->widget('CustomListView', array(
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'itemView' => '_view'
)); ?>

I had also encountered this problem , listing only 10 items while disabling pagination from my list view. At that time I used the following code and I got all the items listed :)
$data = new CActiveDataProvider('ProviderPortfolioSet', array('criteria' => $criteria, 'pagination' => false));


yii dataprovider pagination after post

I have a search form. I would like to pagination the result.
$criteria something like this:
if($_POST["tipus"] != 4){
if($_POST["varos"] != 0){
$criteria->compare('`apartman`.`city`', $_POST["varos"], true);
if($_POST["ferohely"] != 0){
$criteria->compare('t.ferohely', $_POST["ferohely"], true);
My dataprovider:
$dataProvider= new CActiveDataProvider('UserAndApartman', array(
'defaultOrder'=>'t.id DESC',
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
So if i click on the second page, the post doesn't come again. How can i post it automatic?Can i get the $dataprovider with pagination?
You're using $_POST, the $_POST['tipus'] and other data is lost when
you're navigating to the next page, since you're not posting it to
page 2, 3 etc. You can do two things:
Store the $_POST['tipus'] in a session, so the next page 'knows' what year it has to use.
Store it in the url as a $_GET parameter, so instead of $_POST['tipus'] use $_GET['tipus']. When you navigate to page 2, the $_GET['tipus'] is available in the url on the next page.
The last one is the easiest one i think, and that's how i usually use it.
IF you use the get method, change the CActiveForm line to this:
<?php $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
'method' => 'get'
)); ?>

is it possible to display content from cgridview to dropdown in yii?

I have modified my model so that the data displayed in cgridview is unique per user, depending on the account type...
However I need to create a form from another model where I could get the data from the cgridview via dropdown...
I used this code at first...
'data'=>$model->searchPatient(),//function to provide data
// or
//'data'=>CHtml::listData(PatientRecord::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'first_name')
but it returns all of the contents of the PatientRecord model, I tried using a condition before planning to retrieve the contents from the cgridview...
$doctor= Yii::app()->user->id;
CHtml::listData(PatientRecord::model()->findAll( array(
'params' => array(':doctor_id' => $doctor)
);), 'id', 'first_name')
it didn't have an error but it didn't display anything on the dropdown either...
any suggestions?
I think the problem is with a ; and ) in your model code, try this:
$doctor= Yii::app()->user->id;
CHtml::listData(PatientRecord::model()->findAll( array(
'params' => array(':doctor_id' => $doctor)
), 'id', 'first_name');
You should always enable error logging in local environment, this will help you find any errors in your code. Here is a link on how to enable error logging.
Hope that helps :)

Yii CArrayDataProvider Keyfield As Button Id In CGridView

My issue is two-fold. First, I'm unable to correctly set the keyField for CArrayDataProvider, all I'm getting back is a string instead of a value. Second, I'm trying to use the keyField inside of CArrayDataProvider to set an id on the button in each row inside of CGridView. The reason I want to do this is so that I can pass the id value onward to an ajax function (if there's a better way to do this in Yii, I'm all ears). Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!
I also posted this question once on Yii's forums. I normally wouldn't repost, but I have had a hard time getting answers there, as opposed to stack overflow, you guys are the best! Here's the link to my original post if anyone is interested.
Here is how I'm building the array that I'm using as my RAW data:
foreach ($items as $item) {
$tableRow = array("id"=>$item["Id"], "Organization"=>$item["Organization"], "Roles"=>$item["Roles"]);
$return_items[] = $tableRow;
Here is the CArrayDataProvider setup I'm using. I noticed that 'keyField' is not being given the id value, just the string 'id':
$dataProvider=new CArrayDataProvider($return_items, array(
Lastly, here is the CGridView I'm trying to setup in the view. All that appears on the button is the id tag, but no value:
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'value'=>'CHtml::button("Edit Roles", array("data-toggle"=>"modal", "data-target"=>"#roles-modal"))'),
Try passing it via CHtml::button which you have already applied. E.g.
'value'=>'CHtml::button("Edit Roles", array(

how to run yii widget when button clicked

I have this widget:
class Search extends CWidget
public $dataProvider = null;
public function init()
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
if ( isset($_GET['file']) ) {
$criteria->compare('fileName', $_GET['file'], true, 'OR');
$criteria->compare('tags', $_GET['file'], true, 'OR');
$this->dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider("Files", array(
'criteria' => $criteria,
//'countCriteria' => $criteria,
// results per page
public function run(){
$this->render('site/result', array(
'dataProvider' => $this->dataProvider,
'pages' => $this->dataProvider->pagination,
how I can run this widget only when the search button is clicked, and how to view its result in the view reuslt that is located in the folder site
Maybe I misunderstood you, but I think you have a little confusion about widget. Avoid making a
lengthy answer, I made a model in below
Question 1: How I can run this widget only when the search button is clicked?
The idea is that you put the widget content into hidden div, and then add a jQuery script to show it after the search button is clicked
<div id='search-result' style="display:none"><?php $this->widget(...) ?></div>
// do something
Question 2: how to view its result in the view reuslt that is located in the folder site?
Imao, I recommend you don't do this. The widget is independant part, you can use it for many specific purposes & many locations of your project, so just put a simple view for widget to render in its own, instead of trying to render a view outside widget's scope. It should look like below
/your-app/protected/extensions/widgets/search/views/result.php // view for rendering

How to filter the rows of a gridview in yii using radio buttons

I used the below code to create two radio buttons(approved messages and rejected messages) in Yii framework
<?php echo CHtml::activeRadioButtonList($model, 'Approved', array('Approved Messages', 'Rejected Messages'), array('labelOptions'=>array('style'=>'display:inline'),'separator'=>'')) ?>
Now I have to filter and display all the rows in CGridView of the table where column 'approved' has value=1 when I click on "approved messages" radio button and all the rows in CGridView of the table where column 'Approved' has value=0 when I click on "rejected messages" radio button. How can I do this
I used a drop down for this, the values are Yes and No. Just translate the approved column into text using the following code:
'name' => 'approved',
'value' => '($data->approved ? "Yes" : "No")',
'filter' = >CHtml::dropDownList('Approved', '',
' '=>'All',
This link is where I got this info: http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php/topic/30694-cgridview-filter-dropdown-from-array/
I googled using cgridview filter example
Alright, lets put in the radio buttons instead of all the dropdowns haha.
I assume you have your view set up something like this:
// view/index.php (or similar)
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
// I like moving stuff like this out of the way.
// But maybe it's smarter to put it in your model instead?
Next for the controller.
// MessageController.php (or similar)
public function actionIndex()
$model = Message::model();
// All we need to do is to assign the incoming value to the model we are using...
if ( isset( $_GET['Message']['Approved'] )){
$model->approved = $_GET['Message']['Approved'];
$this->render('index', ['model'=>$model]);
// Oh yeah the filter. I just copied your code.
public function approvedFilter(){
return CHtml::activeRadioButtonList(
Message::model(), 'approved', array(0,1),
This code has been tested, but I made some last minute changes, so sorry if it blows up!
And I still think a simple 'approved:boolean' is much cleaner. ;)
