This question already has answers here:
Reference Guide: What does this symbol mean in PHP? (PHP Syntax)
(24 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am trying to learn php, and I saw this in a foreach loop what does it mean?
I understand &$var which its a direct reference to the memory address of the object.
But what does $$var means? what is it exactly?
This is the example.
foreach($this->vars as $key => $value)
$$key = $value;
echo "$$Key: " . $$key;
echo "Key: " . $key;
echo "<br/>";
echo "Value: " . $value;
You're looking at a variable variable. e.g.
// original variable named 'foo'
$foo = "bar";
// reference $foo dynamically by evaluating $x
$x = "foo";
echo $$x; // "bar";
echo ${$x}; // "bar" as well but the {} allows you to perform concatenation
// different version of {} to show a more "complex" operation
$y = "fo";
$z = "o";
echo ${$y . $z}; // "bar" also ("fo" . "o" = "foo")
To show an example more closely matching your question:
$foo = "foo";
$bar = "bar";
$baz = "baz";
$ary = array('foo' => 'FOO','bar' => 'BAR','baz' => 'BAZ');
foreach ($ary as $key => $value){
$$key = $value;
// end result is:
// $foo = "FOO";
// $bar = "BAR";
// $baz = "BAZ";
It's a variable with the name $key. For example,
If $k='somevar', then $$k = $somevar.
Variable variable. The var name is what is contained in $var.
If $key = 'test' then $$key will be evaluate to a var named $test.
Also, there are very few practical uses. Most often arrays would be better.
Example is a variable declaration within a function:
global $$link;
What does $$ mean?
A syntax such as $$variable is called Variable Variable.
For example, if you consider this portion of code:
$real_variable = 'test';
$name = 'real_variable';
echo $$name;
You will get the following output:
$real_variable contains 'test'
$name contains the name of your variable: 'real_variable'
$$name mean "the variable thas has its name contained in $name"
Which is $real_variable
And has the value 'test'
EDIT after #Jhonny's comment:
Doing a $$$?
Well, the best way to know is to try ;-)
So, let's try this portion of code:
$real_variable = 'test';
$name = 'real_variable';
$name_of_name = 'name';
echo $name_of_name . '<br />';
echo $$name_of_name . '<br />';
echo $$$name_of_name . '<br />';
And here's the output I get:
So, I would say that, yes, you can do $$$ ;-)
The inner $ resolves the a variable to a string, and the outer one resolves a variable by that string.
So, consider this example
$inner = "foo";
$outer = "inner";
The variable:
would equal the string "foo"
It's a variable's variable.
$a = 'hello';
$$a = 'world'; // now makes $hello a variable that holds 'world'
echo "$a ${$a}"; // "hello world"
echo "$a $hello"; // "hello world"
It creates a dynamic variable name. E.g.
$link = 'foo';
$$link = 'bar'; // -> $foo = 'bar'
echo $foo;
// prints 'bar'
(also known as variable variable)
I do not want to repeat after others but there is a risk using $$ :)
$a = '1';
$$a = 2; // $1 = 2 :)
So use it with head. :)
It evaluates the contents of one variable as the name of another. Basically it gives you the variable whose name is stored in $link.
this worked for me (enclose in square brackets):
$aInputsAlias = [
'convocatoria' => 'even_id',
'plan' => 'acev_id',
'gasto_elegible' => 'nivel1',
'rubro' => 'nivel2',
'grupo' => 'nivel3',
/* Manejo de los filtros */
foreach(array_keys($aInputsAlias) as $field)
$key = $aInputsAlias[$field];
${$aInputsAlias[$field]} = $this->request->query($field) ? $this->request->query($field) : NULL;
This question already has answers here:
Reference Guide: What does this symbol mean in PHP? (PHP Syntax)
(24 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I just need to know what is the meaning of ${$key} in the code. I already searched google but didn't find answers for this code. So please help me understand it ?
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
$temp = is_array($value) ? $value : trim($value);
if (empty($temp) && in_array($key, $required)) {
$missing[] = $key;
${$key} = '';
} elseif (in_array($key, $expected)) {
${$key} = $temp;
Let's say, we have given code:
$a = 'Hello';
$key = 'a';
echo ${$key};
will print:
What you are doing here is referring to the value which name is stored in another variable.
Using ${} is a way to create dynamic variables, example:
${'a' . 'b'} = 'hello world!';
echo $ab; // hello world!
Read more at official documentation.
I'm curious, how does the PHP's function extract do it's work? I would like to make a slightly modified version. I want my function to make the variable names when extracting from the keys of the array from snake notation to camelCase e.g:
Now extract does this:
$array = ['foo_bar' => 'baz'];
// $foo_bar = 'baz';
What I would like is:
// $fooBar = 'baz';
Now I could of course camelCase the array first, but it would be nice if this could be done in a single function.
It seems some people misread my question. Yes I could do this:
function camelExtract($array)
$array = ['foo_bar' => 'baz'];
$camelCased = [];
foreach($array as $key => $val)
$camelCased[camelcase($key)] = $val;
// $fooBar = 'baz';
// I can't "return" the extracted variables here
// .. now $fooBar is only available in this scope
// Not here
But as I've stated, then the $fooBar is only visible within that scope.
I guess I could do something as extract(camelCaseArray($array)); and that would work.
This should work:-
function camel(array $arr)
foreach($arr as $a => $b)
$a = lcfirst(str_replace(" ", "", ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $a))));
$GLOBALS[$a] = $b;
You can (cautiously) use variable variables:
function camelExtract($vals = array()) {
foreach ($vals as $key => $v) {
$splitVar = explode('_', $key);
$first = true;
foreach ($splitVar as &$word) {
if (!$first) {
$word = ucfirst($word);
$first = false;
$key = implode('', $splitVar);
global ${$key};
${$key} = $v;
This has now been tested and functions as expected. This condensed answer (after it addressed the lowercase first word) also works great and is much more condensed - mine is just a little more of a "step by step" to work through how the camel is done.
extract, and modification to the callees local symbol table from within a called function is magic. There is no way to perform the equivalent in plain-PHP without using it.
The final task can be solved using John Conde's suggesting of using extra after performing a transformation to the supplied array keys; although my recommendation is to avoid extract-like behavior entirely. The approach would then look similar to
where such code is not wrapped in a function so that extract is executed from the scope of the symbol table in which to import the variables.
This extract behavior is is unlike variable-variables (in a called function) and is unlike using $GLOBALS as it mutates the callees (and only the callees) symbol table as see seen in this demo:
function extract_container () {
extract(array("foo" => "bar"));
return $foo;
echo "Extract: " . extract_container() . "\n"; // "bar" =>
echo "Current: " . $foo . "\n"; // => {no $foo in scope}
echo "Global: " . $GLOBALS['foo'] . "\n"; // => {no 'foo' in GLOBALS}
The C implementation for extract can be found in ext/standard/array.c. This behavior is allowed because the native function does not create a new/local PHP symbol table for itself; as such it is allowed to (trivially) modify the symbol table of the calling PHP context.
$arr = array('foo_bar'=>'smth');
function camelExtract($arr) {
foreach($arr as $k=>$v) {
$newName = lcfirst(str_replace(" ","",ucwords(str_replace("_"," ",$k))));
global $$newName;
$$newName = $v;
or just like (t's what you suggest, and better to mimic the original extract)
$camelArray[lcfirst(str_replace(" ","",ucwords(str_replace("_"," ",$k))))] = $v;
and extract on the resulting camelArray
$my_array = array("hello","world","howareu");
$c = count($my_array);
$v = '$var'.$i;
$splited = list($v) = $my_array;
But expected output:
if I echo $var0, $var1, $var2;
hello, world, howareu
How to create dynamic PHP variables based upon the array count and then convert them into a list as a string?
You do not need list for that. $$ will suit you perfectly.
$my_array = array("hello", "world", "howareu");
foreach ($my_array as $key => $val)
$a = 'var'.$key;
$$a = $val;
echo $var0,", ", $var1,", " $var2;
Take a look here - Variable variables
or if you need count and for
for ($i = 0; $i < count($my_array); $i++)
$a = 'var'.$i;
$$a = $my_array[$i];
echo $var0,", ", $var1,", " $var2;
Of course, this line echo $var0,", ", $var1,", " $var2; sucks and looks like crap :) But in order to receive EXACTLY what you want, you need to modify variables, output like I've wrote, or use some function like implode with grue ', '.
But if you need just that output, why not to use simple implode(', ', $my_array) :)
it's a matter of the data you need to process...if it's pretty static, you don't need the second foreach() for example, since you compare the keys anyways...
foreach($datavalueas $resultdatakey=>$resultdatavalue){
if($resultdatakey== 'A'){
//stuff for a
if($resultdatakey== 'B'){
//stuff for b
would become
//stuff for a
//stuff for b
since the foreach uses copies of the array, which are pretty bad for the performance...
Assuming i got your question right, you could use something like:
$array = array( 'x', 'y', 'z' );
foreach ($array as $name )
$$name = rand(1,100);
the $$ is key here, the first $ implies the variable as the second $ is used as the identifier for the variable. In this case the value being iterated over in the array. Giving us 3 variables: $x, $y, $z.
-- edit:
the correct code, besides using extract():
$my_array = array("hello","world","howareu");
$c = count($my_array);
for($i=0;$i < $c;$i++){
$v = 'var'.$i;
$$v = $my_array[$i];
echo "$var0, $var1, $var2";
You can create dynamic variables via variables variable as Mr.kovpack have stated here. In below code you can access the variables from 0 to $c-1(count of array) as per your comment to Mr.kovpack.
$my_array = array("hello","world","howareu");
$c = count($my_array);
${'var'.$i} = $my_array[$i]; //Dynamic variable creation
// $splited = list($v) = $my_array;
echo $var0.$var1.$var2;
or you could use like below:
$my_array = array("hello","world","howareu");
$c = count($my_array);
$$a = $my_array[$i];
echo $var0."-".$var1."-".$var2;
You can read more on it here
This question already has answers here:
In PHP, what does the ${$ } syntax do?
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am new to PHP so please i am sorry if this question is a noob. I don't know its name so couldn't find it. I read it in this piece of code. What does it mean?
Line 5: ${$key}
$expected = array( 'carModel', 'year', 'bodyStyle' );
foreach( $expected AS $key ) {
if ( !empty( $_POST[ $key ] ) ) {
${$key} = $_POST[ $key ];
} else {
${$key} = NULL;
This is the same as $$key and means a var named $key
$test = "foo";
is the same as
$a = "test";
$$a = "foo";
It's a variable variable. Please read more here:
The notation ${$key} is an alternative writing style to simply $$key which is used for variable variables.
One particular case in which you could use that notation is when you do tricks like this:
$var = 'foo_x';
$key = 'x';
${'foo_' . $x} = 'hello';
echo $foo_x; // hello
Set variable with name $key.
$var = NULL;
$name = 'var';
${$name} = TRUE;
var_dump($var); // TRUE
As well as:
$$name = TRUE;
It is a way to use dynmaic variable names. See here:
It allows for the use of complex expressions.
It's called complex (curly) syntax, you can find more information at