I want to read a the .txt file content from a .zip file that contains many other .txt files. But hope do not need to download the .zip file to the local machine..
How can I use functions like zip_open/zip_read to do it?
$path = 'Data/2021';
foreach (ftp_nlist($conn,".") as $Lot_Zip) {
$Lot_Zip = Trim($Lot_Zip);
$Lot_Zip_Name = substr($Lot_Zip,0,10);
if (preg_match("/$Lot_Zip_Name/i",$ParsedLot_String)){
echo "processing ", $Lot_Zip, " ...\n";
// $Lot_Zip = $path.'/'.$Lot_Zip also can't be zip_open
$zip = zip_open($Lot_Zip);
echo "ZIP: ", $zip ,"\n"; //return value is 11
if ($zip)
while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip))
echo "Name: " . zip_entry_name($zip_entry) . "\n";
Opening a connection to an FTP server won't make functions magically use files on the FTP server. The $Lot_Zip in zip_open($Lot_Zip) refers to the local file on the machine that runs your PHP script (webserver?), not files on the FTP server. With some PHP functions you can use ftp:// URL wrapper to refer to the files on the FTP server. But I believe that neither the deprecated zip_open, nor the up-to-date FtpArchive support the URL wrappers. They can work with local files only.
So the easiest solution is to download the archive from the FTP server to the local machine/webserver.
In general, it's rather complicated to work with ZIP files on an FTP server. Working with ZIP files requires a random access to the file contents, what is not easy to achieve with the FTP protocol.
See this related (Python) question that discusses the problem into more details:
Get files names inside a zip file on FTP server without downloading whole archive
How do I unzip a 5GB zip file on my web server without PHP timeout?
I need to unzip a 5GB zip file on server.
When I run the unzip it times out because the file extraction takes too long.
I do not have access to shell console, all I have is a FTP and I can execute PHP by accessing the PHP file in my web browser.
How do I unzip the large file?
$dirName = $_POST["dirName"];
echo "$dirName<br>\n";
$dirName = htmlspecialchars($dirName);
echo "$dirName<br>\n";
$zipFileName = getcwd() . "/$dirName/aTest.zip";
$destDirName = getcwd() . "/$dirName/aTest";
echo "Zip file is $zipFileName<br>\n";
echo "Directory is $destDirName<br>\n";
// Unzip selected zip file
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$res = $zip->open($zipFileName);
if ($res === TRUE) {
// Extract file
echo "Successfull<br>\n";
I found an answer here but the link ("try PclZip") does not work.
following is the restrictions as per PHP Info
You can try to change max-execution-time value with
ini_set('max-execution-time', 600); // 600 seconds
If it's not working, you should ask to the administrator of the server.
I want to zip a file using PHP. The following code works fine with XAMPP on my local machine, but not on hosting site.
First I thouught it was file permission problem, but I changed it to 777 and nothing changed.
Secondly, I read somewhere on Internet that zip extension may not be loaded but funtcion extension_loaded('zip') return true and there is no errors.
Thirdly, I have checked the result of zipArchive funtions - in my case, $zip->open() returns true, $zip->addFile() return false and $zip->close() return true. But zip file isn't created. It seems like permissions issue, but I have set 777 for both .php and .txt file which I want to add to a zip file.
PHP version on my local machine: 7.3.4
PHP version on my hosting provider: 7.3.1
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if(file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/www/Rekrutacja/raports/".$DelFilePath)) {
unlink ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/www/Rekrutacja/raports/".$DelFilePath);
$openResult = $zip->open($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/www/Rekrutacja/raports/".$DelFilePath, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
$addResult = $zip->addFile($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/www/Rekrutacja/raports/".$file,$file);
$closeResult = $zip->close();
$path = 'raports/raport_X_.zip';
$filename = "raport_X_.zip";
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename);
header("Cache-control: private");
header('X-Sendfile: '.$path);
echo '<br>';
echo 'Zip extension is loaded <br>';
echo 'Open result:';
echo 'Add error:';
echo 'Close error:';
I simply want to get a zip with a .txt file in it. I am getting no error, but zip file isn't created. It works on XAMPP, but not on hosting. I wasted a lot of time on it and now I got no idea.
I want to open a ZIP file by passing a remote URL (http://www.example.com/file.zip or http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/file.zip) instead of a file location (C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\uploads\file.zip)
This constructor works fine for a file location but not for a remote url of a file. How does one open a file using a remote URL for this scenario?
public function __construct($file = false)
if ($file && is_file($file)) {
//$file="C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\uploads\file.zip" here
$this->fileName = basename($this->filePath = $file);
} else {
throw new \Exception($file . " not a regular file");
The safest way is to
download the file
This is super easy if allow_url_fopen is enabled: file_get_contents() accepts remote URLs. If that's not enabled, use cURL or a Wordpress HTTP helper to download it.
save it locally
Also super easy, with file_put_contents(). The /tmp folder is probably writable for you. On Windows, I don't know where the tmp folder lives.
open it like any other
As you would a local ZIP archive, with ZipArchive::open() or your nameless class
just use php fopen function
$handle = fopen("http://www.example.com/", "r");
I have used this to get the contents of a webpage but not a zip file - not sure if that will work but it did well for me. $contents definitely worked for text.
// For PHP 5 and up
$handle = fopen("https://www.thesiteyouwant.com/the_target_file.ext", "r");
$contents = stream_get_contents($handle);
I need to run a series of six .sh files on the server.
An example of one of the .sh files:
wget ftp://xxxxxx:xxxxxx#ftp.interhome.com/accommodation.xml.zip
unzip accommodation.xml.zip
php accommodation.php
rm -rf accommodation.xml.zip
rm -rf accommodation.xml
I tried running the following from a php file:
echo shell_exec('sh accomodation.sh');
Which was stupid because the file appears to execute repeatedly and I think I've just taken down the server. Whoops.
I've inherited this site and have never used .sh files before. I'm also a php novice.
How would I go about running the files only once and then running the next?
Many thanks
you can do all this from within PHP, you do not need any shell-script.
/* get the file via ftp */
// connect to server
$ftp = ftp_connect('ftp.interhome.com');
// login
$login = ftp_login($ftp,"username","password");
// download file to tmp.zip
$file = ftp_get($ftp, 'tmp.zip', 'accommodation.xml.zip', FTP_BINARY);
// disconnect from server
/* unzip the file */
// new zip-instance
$zip = new ZipArchive;
// open downloaded file
$res = $zip->open(’tmp.zip’);
// check if file is readable
if ($res === TRUE) {
// extract to current directory
// close zip-file
/* your code from accommodation.php goes here */
// delete files