How can I return the value yes or no to php function .If not can i do the same jsonp functionality with curl ?
url: '',
type: 'GET',
data: 'adrs='+getHost( document.domain ),
dataType: 'jsonp',
jsonp: false,
jsonpCallback: 'methodCallback',
success: function( data ) {
if( data.message == "yes" ) { return yes;
} else {
return no;
error: function( error ) {
console.log( error );
by line return the value **yes** or **no** to php function I mean can I have php function which will call the above ajax script get its returned value ..
After after some research I got to know that I can't return ajax value to php function.
Can I have the same functionality above ajax is doing in curl and how?
What do you really want to do?
PHP is STATELESS. That means you can NOT get any data back from the client to continue the script. If you call it back, the script will start again from the beginning like it has never been started.
Then curl can be used to connect to a server, you client is a client. That mean if he do not called you, the router/firewall will deny you the route.
The possible solutions :
If you really want to 'push' data Then, you should use PHP SOCKETS. I never tried, so I can't give you more informations.
Send a unique token with you PHP answer and make a second AJAX call with this token. If the token is correct, then you can send a new data, you know in wich state is you client & wich client it is.
Change your architecture or the way you think it. If the data is not correct, then, ask for the data again!
Hey guys I am building an application in which I send input value from a text box via AJAX to a controller function and then return what I send back to the user (I am developing an instant search, this is a first step).
The AJAX links to the method fine however I am having problems returning the information. I receive no error messages, the problem is that the return string is BLANK.
I receive [you wrote ] rather than [you wrote WHATEVER I IN PUTTED ]
Any help greatly appreciated.
function search(){
var term = document.getElementById("mainsearch").value;
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo base_url('index.php/site/search/')?>",
data: term,
cache: false,
success: function(html){
alert("you wrote " + html);
function search(){
$gotcha = $this->input->post('term');
return $gotcha;
The data: parameter accept a key : value json to pass to the POST, as the json array key will be your $_POST key
Try with this:
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo base_url('index.php/site/search/')?>",
data: {'term': term }
cache: false,
success: function(html){
alert("you wrote " + html);
You didn't send your data correctly, so PHP has nothing to process, and you end up sending back nothing:
data: term,
POST/GET requests MUST be in key=value format, and you're sending only the value portion. Try
data: {foo: term},
and then
$gotcha = $this->input->post('foo');
You need to change return to echo as AJAX response works on whatever echo from called function.
So, you can code like :
function search(){
$gotcha = $this->input->post('term');
echo $gotcha;
function search(){
echo = $this->input->post('term');
The responseText property returns the response as a string, and you can use it accordingly
It is generally a bad idea to return HTML from your controllers. Instead try to just manage data server-side wise and do all the frontend on the client side.
Now, for the error:
The success callback takes 3 parameters
You need to pass key-value pair in the data argument of the .ajax call
Make sure you handle errors on your controller appropriately because if something goes wrong you'll get an html document as a response from CodeIgniter and you'll spend a lot of time debugging javascript to find out that the error was actually server-side
1 the callback:
Your success callback function should look like this:
function (data, status, response) {
data is whatever you are echoing from your controller's method. You'll probably want JSON.
status Will tell you if the HTTP response message (e.g. "Not Found" is the status for a 404 code, "success" for a 200 code)
response is the jquery wrapped XmlHttpRequest object that gives you a handful information of the transaction, for example response.responseText would give you whatever you outputed from PHP, response.responseJSON would give you a JSON object if you echoed a json encoded object, etc.
Why should you care? Because those extra parameters will let you decide if something went wrong on your backend so you can handle the situation client-side not leaving the user wondering if you app just don't work. Worse, giving the infamous red cross on the status bar of the browser.
If you set the dataType parameter of the jQuery.ajax function then you can explicitly tell jQuery what kind of data you are expecting to be retrieved from the server on data parameter from your callback.
2 the sent data
As said, you need to either pass value-pairs or a URL encoded string. If you intend to use GET then you can pass the URL encoded string, but that means you have to have arguments on your CI function like:
function search($term)
And then CI automatically routes the incoming parameters. But since you want to do POST then you'll want to effectively get the values with $this->input->post("name")
If you have your input inside a form, or several fields that you need to send, then its easier to just serialize the form:
$.ajax("url", {
type : 'POST',
data : $('#form').serialize(),
dataType : 'json',
success : function(data, status, response) {} error : function(response, status error) {}});
3 handle errors
If you are relying on AJAX then make sure that you return some sort of error or warning so you can catch it client side:
function search() {
$term = $this->input->post("term")
if($term == FALSE) {
//return a 404 so that you can catch .error on jquery
} else {
echo $term;
Do a research on RESTFul apps. It'll help you a lot understanding that. this is a good starting point and although your question was not exactly related to this, it is a good practice to have separate layers on your application so that you just consume data from your backend, handle situations and then just react accordingly on the frontend, that is, you just use javascript to either send, receive and list data. If you are using CI or any other MVC framework then you should not really be generating HTML on your controllers, thats what the views are for.
I have the following ajax request:
var value = $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "url.php",
data: { $(someform).serialize(), something: test_number },
cache: false,
async: true
}).error(function() {
But it is logging FAILED although the url is right. What happens is that the page refreshes the page and the php query isn't done. I guess there are no errors within the url... any idea on why this happens?
You are kind of mixing methods to send your POST data. You can't serialize a query strong and then also append additional data to it using javascript object construct. You will likely need to manually append the last data element to the query string like this:
data: $(someform).serialize() + '&something=' + encodeURIComponent(test_number),
Of course there could still be a problem on the server-side script which is causing a non-200 HTTP response code (and triggering error handler). You just need to fix this first, and if you still have a problem, debug the server-side issue.
I have a function for making a post request.
$('#save').click( function() {
type: 'POST',
url: 'logic/save.php',
data: { 'json': JSON.stringify( post ) },
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function( data ) {
The request handler is written in php, as you can see, and performs operations with mysql. Because of my poor knowledge of php and requests, I do not see any success! output in the console. Php code runs fine, and the mysql queries runs with no errors.
What I want is to be able to write something in php code at the end so that my code in js could receive it as a positive response (like 200, OK) and the success! line in the console will then (I believe) appears.
What code should I add to the php file?
UPDATE: since many of people requested the php code, here's the link to it. Thank you for fast replies, guys.
First, you should switch from jsonp to json, as you have no need for jsonp in this case. The following instructions assume you have made that change.
The bug is in your PHP code when you respond back to the client. You do so with this line:
print_r( "New item inserted.\n" );
However, jQuery is expecting you to be returning JSON back from your endpoint (and, truthfully, it should, because sending back plaintext to an ajax client is almost never the right way). We can make this work with jQuery by changing the line above to something like this:
print json_encode( array('success' => true, 'message' => "New item inserted." ) );
You should find yourself in the success callback in your client. This code would work for your success handler:
{ // ...,
success: function(response) {
if (response.success) {
You'll probably want to use something other than an alert, though. But that's up to you.
I have an AJAX request (using JQuery) that calls a PHP script which does some database business. The request code is as follows:
url: "script.php",
data: { value: value
type: 'post',
success: function(output){
However, I wanted to see if there was a way to also (in addition to the unchanged output string) return a status. It can be as simple as an integer. The point is I want to disable a button (with Javascript) if the PHP script for any reason fails to connect to mySQL, but I still want the PHP scripts output exactly as it would be.
I tried the error option:
success: function(output){
error: function(output){
// do something
but I do not know how to make PHP display an error and continue on the rest of the script. Again, I don't want to tamper at all with the output string.
In pseudo-code, I'm looking for something like this:
url: "script.php",
data: { value: value
type: 'post',
success: function(output){
if(output.status == 0){
// do something else
Is anything of the sort possible? Thanks for any and all help!
I usually return data from the server in JSON format. This way I can return as many different types of data as may be needed by the success function in javascript.
basically in PHP you would do something like
$response = new stdClass();
$response->error = 'Could not connect to Mysql';
$response->message = 'Some other text';
echo json_encode($response);
in JQuery, the ajax() method would automatically detect that the response is json and parse it into a javascript object, so you could access like this
if (typeof response.error !== undefined) alert(response.error);
for more on that look at dataType argument for the ajax() method in the jQuery documentation.
Yes. You can use HTTP status codes:
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
And use jQuery's statusCode property for jQuery.ajax():
// stuff
statusCode: {
500: function(data) {
alert('Something went wrong!');
If your needs extend beyond what HTTP can offer, you can just return a status code within your data and process it in the success function, switching on data.status.
If I haven't misunderstood your question...
What I usually do is set the datatype of the AJAX call to 'xml' and output an xml from my PHP script. So I get multiple values in result. I usually make these attribute values.
<result status="success" something="etc" />
// vs.
<result status="failure" error="1" />
// consider 1 as the DB error
With this approach you might need to use the # tags in some PHP functions to prevent outputting the default errors.
I am using jquery-1.3.2 in an AJAX web application. I use the jQuery ajax $.post() method to submit requests to the server.
On the server I am using php to build an array and then json_encode the answer. Then on the client I use the callback function of the AJAX post method to process the response.
All works well until I use the $.post() method to send variables to the server. If I send variables to the server, the response I get back is [object Object] and therefore I am unable to parse it. I have a work around at the moment that when posting variables I request a HTML response and then I parse that.
So the code involved taken from my site is:
The Jax call:
$.post("inc/sendfeedback.php", {NAME: name,TYPE: type,EMAIL: email,COMMENT: comment}, function(data) {PostData(data);}, "json");
So the PostData code looks like this:
function ProcessData(data)
var jo = eval("(" + data + ")");
if(jo.result == "true")
if( != "" && jo.element != "")
If I uncomment the above code the alert with have in it [object Object].
if I remove the Post variables from the call it works fine.
The server code look like this:
$arr = array ("result" => $result,"data" => $data,"error" => $error,"element" => $element);
Is this a bug with the jQuery library, I tried it with the 1.2 version however its was still present there? I also search the jQuery site and can not find anyone having this issue.
So I assume I am missing something. But what?
url: "script.php",
global: false,
type: "POST",
data: {NAME: name,TYPE: type,EMAIL: email,COMMENT: comment},
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
success: function(data){
No need to eval, jQuery evals/parses it before calling the success callback.
eval = pure evil
Because you are using an associative PHP array, json_encode will return a string representation of a Javascript Object and not a Javascript Array. However, you should still be able to process it in a similar fashion to an array:
for (var key in data)
var item = data[key];
I would strongly recommend you download Firefox+Firebug addon and use the console API for debugging/dumping what is being returned by the server.
I have since registered and now can't post comments into this thread without reputation and can not see any easy method to claim this question as mine.
Deviant, your suggestion of using the $.ajax() method worked. Reason it didnt work for me the first time was I submitted the post data as a JSON object when the server code was expecting POST data.
So I fixed my javascript to call the server script correctly and everything works exactly as it should.
So the conclusion is, the $.post() method has a bug in it. I have not tracked it down but line 3633 is were the post method makes the call. I started digging however have not yet found the issue.
I qualify this by the fact the $.ajax() to the same server script and the same javascript processes the response and it all works, use the $.post method and my script fails with the return even through the return object appears to be a valid JSON object.
Thanks for the help guys. Now to go and remove all my $.post calls for $.ajax calls.
The result of all this can be seen at
a.k.a FrogSkin