Error Displayed with JToolbar DeleteList Static Function - php

I am building a Joomla 2.5 component and have a bit of trouble getting the Delete button to function properly. Here is a sample code from the view.html.php file:
if ($canDo->get('core.delete'))
JToolBarHelper::deleteList('You Really Wanna Delete that', mycomponentname.delete, 'JTOOLBAR_DELETE');
When I select an item from a dropdown list and click to delete I get the following pop-up:
You Really Wanna Delete that
The problem with this is when I click the option to verify the deletion from the pop-up I am redirected to a 500 error message and the item is not deleted.
Now when I review the Joomla documentation here:
I see that JToolBarHelper is defined in administrator/includes/toolbar.php. So I went for a visit over to review the deleteList info there. I see the following code:
public static function deleteList($msg = '', $task = 'remove', $alt = 'JTOOLBAR_DELETE')
$bar = JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar');
// Add a delete button.
if ($msg) {
$bar->appendButton('Confirm', $msg, 'delete', $alt, $task, true);
} else {
$bar->appendButton('Standard', 'delete', $alt, $task, true);
So I have attempted to adjust my script by changing the second parameter $task = 'remove' to read as remove rather than mycomponentname.delete as follows:
JToolBarHelper::deleteList('You Really Wanna Delete that', 'remove', 'JTOOLBAR_DELETE');
This will eliminate the 500 error, but the item is not removed. What am I missing here? My guess is that it has something to do with improperly configuring the mycomponentname.delete function.
PS- I should add that the 500 error states:
Layout default not found

There is only one problem you have. You don't need to put the component name on to the button task. You need to put controller name instead of component name.
if ($canDo->get('core.delete'))
JToolBarHelper::deleteList('You Really Wanna Delete that', 'controllerName.delete', 'JTOOLBAR_DELETE');
For example :
JToolBarHelper::deleteList('delete', 'hellos.delete','JTOOLBAR_DELETE');
Hope this helps you.


How to pass data from anchor tag in laravel?

I currently have a form in laravel on whos submission the following methods run:
public function validateSave() {
$qualitycheck = new QualityCheck();
$qualitycheck['site-name'] = Request::input('site-name');
$qualitycheck['favicon'] = Request::has('favicon');
$qualitycheck['title'] = Request::has('title');
$qualitycheck['image-optimization'] = Request::has('image-optimization');
Session::flash('quality-data', $qualitycheck);
return redirect('/');
So i have the below line that passes the data to the next page:
Session::flash('quality-data', $qualitycheck);
But what i would really want to do is, when the form is submitted, i would really just want to show a link on the next page , which will be coded like so:
Submited Quality Check
Now on click on the link , i would like to show a view with all the data that the user submitted in the form , How do i do this ? I.E. How do i pass the data form from the <a> to the view that will show up when clicked on the <a> ??
So just to put things into perspective, this is how it works now:
STEP-1 :: User submits form , data is flashed to next page.
STEP-2 :: Data user submits is shown on this page.
How i want it to work is:
STEP-1 :: User submits form , data is flashed to next page.
STEP-2 :: A link is shown to the user(Only if user clicks on the link we move to the next step).
STEP-3 :: Data user submited in first step is shown on this page.
Next time you code, please follow the below coding practices.
Prefer using create() function of model.
Put all your request data that is to be used in one variable (like $input)
Prefer using route names like route('') instead of strings inside redirection() function.
Please replace your function with
public function validateSave() {
$inputs = [
'site-name' => request()->get('site_name'),
'favicon' => request()->has('facvicon'),
'title' => request()->has('title'),
'image-optimization' => request()->has('image-optimization')
$qualityCheck = QualityCheck::create($inputs);
$flashMessage = '<a href=' . route('', $qualityCheck) . '>Submitted Quality Check</a>'
Session::flash('quality-data', $flashMessage);
return redirect(route('home.index'));
And ensure you have something like this in your routes file.
Route::get('quality-check/{id}', 'QualityCheckController')->name('');
Let me know if something doesn't work...
try this one.
<a href="{{url('routename')}}">

Gii model generation not getting past first step - strange bevavior, what's causing this?

I've installed the latest version of yii2 using the advanced template. The website is working fine. For some reason the Gii generation tool is stuck and does not react as expected after clicking the preview button. Instead of showing a new form with the "Generate" button, it shows the same form unchanged without any messages as to what is happening.
Using xdebug I can see in the "actionView" method of the DefaultController that the array value $_POST['preview'] is not set, i.e. it doesn't exist in the $_POST array. I have not changed anything in the Form of the view and everything looks OK. The submit button has the name "preview" and the form is submitted but the $_POST array is not being filled with the value of the submit button. Therefore the controller does not proceed with the next steps of the generation process.
public function actionView($id)
$generator = $this->loadGenerator($id);
$params = ['generator' => $generator, 'id' => $id];
// ###############################################################################
// ###############################################################################
if (isset($_POST['preview']) || isset($_POST['generate'])) {
// ###############################################################################
if ($generator->validate()) {
$files = $generator->generate();
if (isset($_POST['generate']) && !empty($_POST['answers'])) {
$params['hasError'] = !$generator->save($files, (array) $_POST['answers'], $results);
$params['results'] = $results;
} else {
$params['files'] = $files;
$params['answers'] = isset($_POST['answers']) ? $_POST['answers'] : null;
return $this->render('view', $params);
Does anyone have an idea what could be causing this? I have a hunch that it is something quite simple that I'm overlooking, but I've never had a situation where POST variable from a Form are not being sent to the server.
False Alarm. I've found the problem. The Gii view was creating the HTML Form incorrectly.

Adding A New Page In CodeIgniter

I apologize in advance for my ignorance of CodeIgniter and the MVC system.
I'm helping a family member with their business website and up until now I've been able to complete most of the required changes just by using logic but now I've hit a dead end. I don't plan to continue supporting them as I'm obviously no CodeIgniter expert. But I'm hoping to leave the website at least functional, so that they can start using it.
I simply want to create a new "page" within the website but it seems impossible. If I can achieve this I think I can figure everything else out on my own.
For example I currently have a "page" for Cancelled Jobs. It the navigation HTML it is linked to like this:
and has a corresponding file here: admin/application/controllers/cancelled_jobs.php
which contains this php code:
class Cancelled_jobs extends CIID_Controller {
public function __construct()
$this->set_table('job', 'Cancelled Job', 'Cancelled Jobs');
$this->allow_delete = false;
$this->allow_cancel = false;
$this->allow_edit = false;
$this->allow_reactivate = true;
$this->allow_add = false;
->add_item('Job No', 'active', 'job_id')
->add_item('Client', 'active|relationship', '')
->add_item('Name', 'active', 'name')
->add_item('Status', 'active|relationship', '')
->add_item('Assignee', 'active|relationship', '')
->add_item('Scheduled Date', 'active', 'scheduled_date')
->where("job.cancel_job = '1'")
->order_by('job.created_date DESC');
I would like to create a new "page" called Closed Jobs.
I've tried copying admin/application/controllers/cancelled_jobs.php and renaming it closed_jobs.php and changing the first line of code to read:
class Closed_jobs extends CIID_Controller {
I then add a link in the navigation HTML:
However, when clicked, this only results in a "404 Page Not Found" error.
Can anyone point out what I'm missing in the process of creating a new page?
Generally, CodeIgniter URLstructure is:
You can add as many parameters as you want.
To access
Add a new function in the controller modules
function closed_jobs() {
And create a view closed_jobs.php
in application/views
Repeat the same for cancelled_jobs

joomla 3.x tags in custom component fails

Running Joomla 3.3.0-dev
I'm following the info posted here about adding tag support to a third-party component.
I've added the content type to the #__content_types table and modified my table file like this:
class MycomponentTableElement extends JTable
public $tagsHelper = null; // failed when protected and public
public function __construct(&$_db)
parent::__construct('#__mycomponent', 'id', $_db);
// Add Joomla tags
JObserverMapper::addObserverClassToClass('JTableObserverTags', 'MycomponentTableElement', array('typeAlias' => 'com_mycomponent.element'));
//$this->_observers = new JObserverUpdater($this); JObserverMapper::attachAllObservers($this); // failed with or without this line
I added the tag field in the edit template, and it worked fine-- but when I save an object I get the following error:
Save failed with the following error: Unknown column 'tagsHelper' in 'field list'
What am I missing? There's no other steps (besides front-end steps!) that are mentioned. It seems like I need to modify the model but that info is not applicable.
"This Page Needs Copy Editing" and it's really true!
I also follow initial steps as described in page
Register a 'Content type' for the extension view(s)
Add 'Observer methods' to the extension table class(es)
Add 'Tag fields' to the extension edit forms
But to make field tag works on custom extensions I need to explicit set form field value in view file of backend:
$tagsHelper = new JHelperTags;
$this->form= $this->get('Form');
$this->form->setValue('tags', null, $tagsHelper->getTagIds( $this->item->id, 'com_custom.viewname') );
in this way on edit page all seems to work correctly.. surely exist better and more clean method, but until doc page will not be updated, this can help someone!
1- Add tag field to your xml form file or edit template file
2- Modify #__content_types table file:
function __construct(&$db)
parent::__construct('#__ir_products', 'id', $db);
JTableObserverTags::createObserver($this, array('typeAlias' => 'com_itemreview.product'));
3- Modify model file getItem function:
public function getItem($pk = null)
$item = parent::getItem($pk);
if (!empty($item->id))
$item->tags = new JHelperTags;
$item->tags->getTagIds($item->id, 'com_yourcomponent.yourmodel');
return $item;

Why does CakePHP add New Rows when 'post' is replaced by 'get'?

I edit a row on the Post table or add a new row to it from edit() function in PostsController. The function looks like this:
public function edit($id = null) {
// Has any form data been POSTed?
if ($this->request->is('post')) { //Replaced 'post' by 'get' in this line
// If the form data can be validated and saved...
if ($this->Post->save($this->request->data)) {
// Set a session flash message and redirect.
$this->Session->setFlash('Updated the Post!');
return $this->redirect('/posts');
// If no form data, find the post to be edited
// and hand it to the view.
$this->set('post', $this->Post->findById($id));
I simply replaced 'post' by 'get' to see what would happen and it went on creating new rows without even taking me to the form. I still get the flash message 'Updated the Post!', but without taking any form data.
If the code in edit.ctp is required, here it is:
echo $this->Form->Create('Post');
echo $this->Form->input('id', array('type' => 'hidden','default'=>$post['Post' ['id']));
echo $this->Form->input('title',array('default'=>$post['Post']['title']));
echo $this->Form->input('body',array('default'=>$post['Post']['body']));
echo $this->Form->end('Update');
Any thoughts on why this might be happening?
Edit: Added CakePHP Version
I am using CakePHP 2.4.5
What you are doing makes no sense.
Why would you want to switch the "post" by "get" here?
Of course it will then generate new rows, as you effectively trigger a save on each page load (GET).
Don't do that.
The code you had there was just fine - IF you also took PUT into consideration.
For edit forms, it is not a post, but:
if ($this->request->is('put')) {}
PS: If you want to make sure it always works for both add/edit, use
if ($this->request->is(array('post', 'put')) {}
But NEVER replace it with "get".
