strtotime seems to be outputting empty string instead of returning the timestamp for mm/dd/yy. I am having a hard time understanding what this wouldn't work?
The output for the following PHP is:
echo "'" . $month . "/" . $day . "/" . $year . "'"; // '7/22/86'
Isn't strtotime('7/22/86') a valid input for the function?
$month = 7;
$day = 22;
$year = 86;
$unix_time_stamp = strtotime("'" . $month . "/" . $day . "/" . $year . "'");
echo $unix_time_stamp;
I appreciate any advice in this regard.
Many thanks in advance!
So what i am trying to do is for the function to return a string like this
January 19-20, 2018
the variables all i have are the initial date and the number of nights. Too bad there's no way to getDate or getYear like js. Thanks for the help
You can use this custom function:
function showDates($startDate, $nights) {
$d1=new DateTime($startDate);
$d2 = new DateTime($startDate);
$d2->add(new DateInterval("P10D"));
if ($d2->format('Y') == $d1->format('Y')) {
$year = $d1->format('Y');
} else {
$year = $d1->format('Y') . '-' . $d2->format('Y');
if ($d2->format('m') == $d1->format('m')) {
$month = $d1->format('F');
} else {
$month = $d1->format('F') . '-' . $d2->format('F');
if ($d2->format('d') == $d1->format('d')) {
$day = $d1->format('d');
} else {
$day = $d1->format('d') . '-' . $d2->format('d');
return $month . ' ' . $day . ' ' . $year;
echo showDates("2017-10-05 12:00:00", 3);
How do you get the timezone offset text? For example if I pass in:
...I would like to receive back:
I created a function called getTimezoneOffsetText
function getTimezoneOffsetText($timezone){
date_default_timezone_set( "UTC" );
$daylight_savings_offset_in_seconds = timezone_offset_get(timezone_open($timezone), new DateTime());
$mod = $daylight_savings_offset_in_seconds/60 % 60;
$min = abs($mod);
return sprintf('%+03d', $daylight_savings_offset_in_seconds/60/60) . ':' . sprintf('%02d', $min);
$offset1 = 'America/New_York';
$offset2 = 'Asia/Kabul';
$offset3 = 'Asia/Kathmandu';
$offset4 = 'Israel';
$offset5 = 'Greenwich';
$offset6 = 'America/Caracas';
echo '<pre>';
echo $offset1 . ":\t" . getTimezoneOffsetText($offset1) . '<br/>';
echo $offset2 . ":\t\t" . getTimezoneOffsetText($offset2) . '<br/>';
echo $offset3 . ":\t\t" . getTimezoneOffsetText($offset3) . '<br/>';
echo $offset4 . ":\t\t\t" . getTimezoneOffsetText($offset4) . '<br/>';
echo $offset5 . ":\t\t" . getTimezoneOffsetText($offset5) . '<br/>';
echo $offset6 . ":\t" . getTimezoneOffsetText($offset6) . '<br/>';
echo '</pre>';
It generates this data:
America/Caracas: -04:30
Asia/Kabul: +04:30
Asia/Kathmandu: +05:45
Israel: +03:00
Greenwich: +00:00
America/New_York: -04:00
Note that it gets half hour and other "non-standard" timezones such as Caracas, Kabul and Kathmandu. I'm curious though if there is already a function that exists that accomplishes this.
I'm trying to find the next epoch date from a relative day/time (work shift).
foreach($shift->meta_value as $shift_day) {
$start_string = $shift_day['day'] . ' ' . $shift_day['start_hour'] . ':' . $shift_day['start_min'] . $shift_day['start_meridian'];
$showStart[$shift->post_id] = date('U', strtotime($start_string));
$end_string = $shift_day['day'] . ' ' . $shift_day['end_hour'] . ':' . $shift_day['end_min'] . $shift_day['end_meridian'];
$showEnd[$shift->post_id] = date('U', strtotime($end_string));
$end = array();
foreach ($showEnd as $key => $val) {
if (date("U", $val) > date("U")) {
$end[$key] = $val;
If the day/time has already passed, it needs to find the next occurrence of it. When sorting the 'end' array, it's not giving me the correct value. Any ideas?
I am trying to display numbers retrieved from the database, in a specific format in a text box.
There are two ways in which the numbers can be displayed.
When the total numbers are 10
in database (4608061019) Expected output 46-0806-1019
When the total numbers are 13
in database (4608061019100) Expected output 46-0806-1019-100
My progress so far:
While saving the value into the database I am using
preg_replace("/[^0-9]/","",$string); // to make sure all hardcoded "-" are removed while storing.
One possible (regex-using) approach:
$str = '4608061019';
$formatted = preg_replace(
'/(^\d{2}|\d{4})(?!$)/', '$1-', $str);
// 46-0806-1019
Demo. This function doesn't check the string's length - it just adds a hyphen after each relevant sequence of symbols (2 right after the beginning, 4 afterwards).
Easy! If you are sure that there are only these two options, then you can do this way:
Convert the number to an array of numbers:
$number = str_split($number);
Check the length:
if (count($number) == 10)
$number = $number[0] . $number[1] . "-" . $number[2] . $number[3] . $number[4] . $number[5] . "-" . $number[6] . $number[7] . $number[8] . $number[9];
else if (count($number) == 13)
$number = $number[0] . $number[1] . "-" . $number[2] . $number[3] . $number[4] . $number[5] . "-" . $number[6] . $number[7] . $number[8] . $number[9] . "-" . $number[10] . $number[11] . $number[12];
Return the number:
return $number;
The full function here:
function tokenize($number)
$number = str_split($number);
if (count($number) == 10)
$number = $number[0] . $number[1] . "-" . $number[2] . $number[3] . $number[4] . $number[5] . "-" . $number[6] . $number[7] . $number[8] . $number[9];
else if (count($number) == 13)
$number = $number[0] . $number[1] . "-" . $number[2] . $number[3] . $number[4] . $number[5] . "-" . $number[6] . $number[7] . $number[8] . $number[9] . "-" . $number[10] . $number[11] . $number[12];
return $number;
echo tokenize(4608061019);
echo tokenize(4608061019100);
Another alternative solution:
$parts = array(2,4,4,3);
$string = "4608061019100";
$i = 0;
$newString = '';
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$newString.=substr($string, $i, $part) ."-";
$i = $i+$part;
$newString = rtrim($newString, "-");
Output is:
string '46-0806-1019-100' (length=16)
Works for 46-0806-1019 too.
try it:
//$number = '4608061019';
$number = '4608061019100';
function formatImportantNumber($theNumber){
$formatedNumber = '';
$formatedNumber = substr($theNumber, 0, 2).'-'.substr($theNumber, 2, 4).'-'.substr($theNumber, 6, 4);
$formatedNumber = substr($theNumber, 0, 2).'-'.substr($theNumber, 2, 4).'-'.substr($theNumber, 6, 4).'-'.substr($theNumber, 10, 3);
die('Invalid number formated')
return $formatedNumber;
echo formatImportantNumber($number);
i trying to create SAS link to blob resource using PHP. Unfortunately currently in azure SDK there is no method for creating SAS signature.
I wrote a code for generating SAS but when i'm trying to get a resource by the link generated by this method i'm getting this message: Signature fields not well formed.
public function getSharedAccessSignatureURL($container, $blob)
$signedStart = date('c', strtotime('-1 day'));
$signedExpiry = date('c', strtotime('+1 day'));
$signedResource = 'b';
$signedPermission = 'r';
$signedIdentifier = '';
$responseContent = "file; attachment";
$responseType = "binary";
$canonicalizedResource = '/'.$this->account['accountName'].'/'.$container.'/'.$blob;
$signedVersion = '2014-02-14';
$stringToSign =
$signature = base64_encode(
$arrayToUrl = [
$url = 'https://'.$this->account['accountName'].''.'/'
.$blob.'?'.implode('&', $arrayToUrl);
return $url;
Any suggest what i am doing wrong? I am commpletle newbie at Microsoft Azure
I believe there's an issue with your $stringToSign variable. Based on the documentation here:, your string to sign should be constructed like the following:
StringToSign = signedpermissions + "\n"
signedstart + "\n"
signedexpiry + "\n"
canonicalizedresource + "\n"
signedidentifier + "\n"
signedversion + "\n"
rscc + "\n"
rscd + "\n"
rsce + "\n"
rscl + "\n"
considering you're including rscd and rsct in your SAS querystring. Please try the following and see if that makes the difference:
$stringToSign =
Please try the code below. Replace the account name/key, container name and blob name with appropriate values:
$signedStart = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime('-1 day'));
echo $signedStart."\n";
$signedExpiry = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime('+1 day'));
echo $signedExpiry."\n";
$signedResource = 'b';
$signedPermission = 'r';
$signedIdentifier = '';
$accountName = "[account name]";
$accountKey = "[account key]";
$container = "[container name]";
$blob = "[blob name]";
$canonicalizedResource = '/'.$accountName.'/'.$container.'/'.$blob;
$signedVersion = '2014-02-14';
echo $canonicalizedResource."\n";
$rscc = '';
$rscd = 'file; attachment';//Content disposition
$rsce = '';
$rscl = '';
$rsct = 'binary';//Content type
$stringToSign =
echo $stringToSign."\n";
$signature = base64_encode(
echo $signature."\n";
$arrayToUrl = [
$url = 'https://'.$accountName.''.'/'
.$blob.'?'.implode('&', $arrayToUrl);
echo $url."\n";
Essentially there were two issues (apart from incorrect $stringToSign variable):
Start/End date time were not properly formatted.
We would need to base64_decode the account key for calculating signature.
I run into exactly the same problem. But now you can use MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\SharedAccessSignatureHelper which can handle a lot of problems for you. I has been added to the common libary 2 years ago in this PR (
And it should be solved very simple like this:
$sasHelper = new SharedAccessSignatureHelper(
$sas = $sasHelper->generateAccountSharedAccessSignatureToken(
(new \DateTime())->modify('+10 minute'),
(new \DateTime())->modify('-5 minute'),
$connectionString = "BlobEndpoint=;SharedAccessSignature={$sas}";
And you got your connection string!
modified and turned in to a function from #Gaurav Mantri
function generateSasToken($bucket,$key, $accountName, $accountKey){
$signedStart = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', time());
$signedExpiry = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', time()+3600);
$signedResource = 'b';
$signedPermission = 'r';
$signedIdentifier = '';
$canonicalizedResource = '/' . $accountName . '/' . $bucket . '/' . $key;
$signedVersion = '2014-02-14';
$rscc = '';
$rscd = 'file; attachment';//Content disposition
$rsce = '';
$rscl = '';
$rsct = 'binary';//Content type
$stringToSign =
$signedPermission . "\n" .
$signedStart . "\n" .
$signedExpiry . "\n" .
$canonicalizedResource . "\n" .
$signedIdentifier . "\n" .
$signedVersion . "\n" .
$rscc . "\n" .
$rscd . "\n" .
$rsce . "\n" .
$rscl . "\n" .
$signature = base64_encode(
$arrayToUrl = [
'sv=' . urlencode($signedVersion),
'st=' . urlencode($signedStart),
'se=' . urlencode($signedExpiry),
'sr=' . urlencode($signedResource),
'sp=' . urlencode($signedPermission),
'rscd=' . urlencode($rscd),
'rsct=' . urlencode($rsct),
'sig=' . urlencode($signature)
$url = 'https://' . $accountName . '' . '/'
. $bucket . '/'
. $key . '?' . implode('&', $arrayToUrl);
return $url;