I want to replace the ’ e.g. KPI’s with "" in PHP. I get it out of an array.
echo "before:".$columnarray[$i]."<br/>";
$columnarray[$i] = str_replace("‘", "", $columnarray[$i]);
echo "after:".$columnarray[$i]."<br/>";
I tried out 12 different special characters out of this homepage http://sonderzeichentabelle.de/ ... but nothing works.
What do I make wrong?
you should change
$columnarray[$i] = str_replace("‘", "", $columnarray[$i]);
$columnarray[$i] = str_replace("'", "", $columnarray[$i]);
The apostrophe is one of the biggest pains of digital typography, basically for this reason. There are two common variants (typographic = curly, typewriter = straight) which you managed to use both of in your question, and two of each of those variants (left and right), as well as at least three similar looking characters that are often misused in the place of the apostrophe (prime, okina, grave). Read more on this on wikipedia or countless typophile sites.
The easiest solution is to take advantage of the ability to pass str_replace an array of values to find:
$apostrophes = array(
"curly-left" => "‘",
"curly-right" => "’",
"straight-left" => "'",
"straight-right" => "'",
"prime" => "′",
"okina" => "ʻ",
"grave" => "`"
$columnarray[$i] = str_replace($apostrophes, "", $columnarray[$i]);
Your str_replace is looking for the literal ‘ and not the character that it represents which is why it isn't being replaced. You need to convert it to the character and use that. I believe that you want to use chr() You can find out exactly which code that the character is by using ord()
You will need to use ord() to determine what the code is. You can also use html_entity_decode as your character isn't an Ascii code.
$character = html_entity_decode('‘', ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
str_replace($character, "", $columnarray[$i]);
To find the correct code dump html_entity_decode($columnarray[$i]) and see what the code is and replace in the above code.
i have a PHP scripts that removes special characters, but unfortunately, some Chinese characters are also removed.
function removeSpecialCharactersFromString($inputString){
$inputString = str_replace(str_split('#/\\:*?\"<>|[]\'_+(),{}’! &'), "", $inputString);
return $inputString;
$test = '赵景然 赵景然';
oddly, the output is 赵然 赵然. The character 景 is removed
in addition, 陈 一 is also removed. What might be the possible cause?
The string your using to act as a list of the things you want to replace doesn't work well with the mixed encoding. What I've done is to convert this string to UTF16 and then split it.
function removeSpecialCharactersFromString($inputString){
$inputString = str_replace(str_split(
mb_convert_encoding('#/\\:*?\"<>|[]\'_+(),{}’! &', 'UTF16')), "", $inputString);
return $inputString;
$test = '#赵景然 赵景然';
Which gives...
BTW -str_replace is MB safe - sort of recognised the poster... http://php.net/manual/en/ref.mbstring.php#109937
It's more than possible this already has an answer, however since encoding is far from my strong point I don't really know what to search for to find out.
Essentially, I have a string that contains (what I would call) 'bad' characters. For context, this string is coming back from a cURL response. Example:
$bad_str = "Sunday’s";
Question: How to swap these out for more readable substitutes?
This would be a lot easier if I knew what this sort of problem was called, or what sort of encoding it corresponded to. I have read:
Strip Bad Characters from an HTML PHP Contact Form
PHP encoding: Delete some bad characters
I have tried creating a swaps map and running preg_replace_callback on it, i.e.:
$encoding_swapouts_map = array(
'’' => "'",
'é' => 'é',
'–' => '-',
'£' => '£'
$bad_str = preg_replace_callback(
$ptn = '/'.implode('|', array_keys($encoding_swapouts_map)).'/i',
function($match) use ($encoding_swapouts_map) {
return $encoding_swapouts_map[$match[0]];
This doesn't seem to match the bad characters, so the callback is never called. Interestingly, $ptn, when printed out, shows some mutation:
Thanks in advance.
What happened to the answer that I liked? (it was deleted).
I think it had a typo, however.
$text = "Sunday’s";
$bad = array("’","é","–","£");
$good = array("'","é","-","£");
$newtext = str_replace($bad, $good, $text);
I have many calls like this throughout the code, escaping any backticks on the columns of a row.
htmlentities(str_replace("`", "``", $row['column']), ENT_QUOTES);
I made an addition, requiring the column to replace a #width ##. Since most of these calls happen inline an output, I would like to have a solution in a single line.
I was thinking conditional regex (preg_replace_callback), but is this the best way to achieve that? So what I need is:
replace backticks with 2 backticks, and replace hashes with 2 hashes. (This is for escaping purposes).
str_replace() supports array parameters:
// translation map:
$map = [
'`' => '``',
'#' => '##'
// what to replace:
$from = array_keys($map);
// replace by what:
$to = array_values($map);
echo htmlentities(str_replace($from, $to, $row['column']), ENT_QUOTES);
In rare cases, that requires you to minify your code, you may try to use that:
echo htmlentities(str_replace([ '`', '#' ], [ '``', '##' ], $row['column']), ENT_QUOTES));
// ^ ^
// from what by what
As stated in documentation of str_replace, you can use can use arrays:
str_replace(["`", "#"], ["``", "##"], $row['column']);
if someone would prefer to use a regular expression:
preg_replace("/`|#/", "$0$0")
It's easy, just use arrays as params for str_replace
htmlentities(str_replace(array("`","#"), array("``","##"), $row['column']), ENT_QUOTES);
I have strings like these:
"my value1" => my value1
"my Value2" => my Value2
myvalue3 => myvalue3
I need to get rid of " (double-quotes) in end and start, if these exist, but if there is this kind of character inside String then it should be left there. Example:
"my " value1" => my " value1
How can I do this in PHP - is there function for this or do I have to code it myself?
The literal answer would be
trim($string,'"'); // double quotes
trim($string,'\'"'); // any combination of ' and "
It will remove all leading and trailing quotes from a string.
If you need to remove strictly the first and the last quote in case they exist, then it could be a regular expression like this
preg_replace('~^"?(.*?)"?$~', '$1', $string); // double quotes
preg_replace('~^[\'"]?(.*?)[\'"]?$~', '$1', $string); // either ' or " whichever is found
If you need to remove only in case the leading and trailing quote are strictly paired, then use the function from Steve Chambers' answer
However, if your goal is to read a value from a CSV file, fgetcsv is the only correct option. It will take care of all the edge cases, stripping the value enclosures as well.
I had a similar need and wrote a function that will remove leading and trailing single or double quotes from a string:
* Remove the first and last quote from a quoted string of text
* #param mixed $text
function stripQuotes($text) {
return preg_replace('/^(\'(.*)\'|"(.*)")$/', '$2$3', $text);
This will produce the outputs listed below:
Input text Output text
No quotes => No quotes
"Double quoted" => Double quoted
'Single quoted' => Single quoted
"One of each' => "One of each'
"Multi""quotes" => Multi""quotes
'"'"#";'"*&^*'' => "'"#";'"*&^*'
Regex demo (showing what is being matched/captured): https://regex101.com/r/3otW7H/1
trim will remove all instances of the char from the start and end if it matches the pattern you provide, so:
$myValue => '"Hi"""""';
$myValue=trim($myValue, '"');
Will become:
$myValue => 'Hi'.
Here's a way to only remove the first and last char if they match:
// if the first char is a " then remove it
// if the last char is a " then remove it
As much as this thread should have been killed long ago, I couldn't help but respond with what I would call the simplest answer of all. I noticed this thread re-emerging on the 17th so I don't feel quite as bad about this. :)
Using samples as provided by Steve Chambers;
echo preg_replace('/(^[\"\']|[\"\']$)/', '', $input);
Output below;
Input text Output text
No quotes => No quotes
"Double quoted" => Double quoted
'Single quoted' => Single quoted
"One of each' => One of each
"Multi""quotes" => Multi""quotes
'"'"#";'"*&^*'' => "'"#";'"*&^*'
This only ever removes the first and last quote, it doesn't repeat to remove extra content and doesn't care about matching ends.
This is an old post, but just to cater for multibyte strings, there are at least two possible routes one can follow. I am assuming that the quote stripping is being done because the quote is being considered like a program / INI variable and thus is EITHER "something" or 'somethingelse' but NOT "mixed quotes'. Also, ANYTHING between the matched quotes is to be retained intact.
Route 1 - using a Regex
function sq_re($i) {
return preg_replace( '#^(\'|")(.*)\1$#isu', '$2', $i );
This uses \1 to match the same type quote that matched at the beginning. the u modifier, makes it UTF8 capable (okay, not fully multibyte supporting)
Route 2 - using mb_* functions
function sq($i) {
$f = mb_substr($i, 0, 1);
$l = mb_substr($i, -1);
if (($f == $l) && (($f == '"') || ($f == '\'')) ) $i = mb_substr($i, 1, mb_strlen( $i ) - 2);
return $i;
You need to use regular expressions, look at:-
Or you could, in this instance, use substr to check if the first and then the last character of the string is a quote mark, if it is, truncate the string.
How about regex
//$singleQuotedString="'Hello this 'someword' and \"somewrod\" stas's SO";
//$singleQuotedString="Hello this 'someword' and \"somewrod\" stas's SO'";
$singleQuotedString="'Hello this 'someword' and \"somewrod\" stas's SO'";
$quotesFreeString=preg_replace('/^\'?(.*?(?=\'?$))\'?$/','$1' ,$singleQuotedString);
Hello this 'someword' and "somewrod" stas's SO
If you like performance over clarity this is the way:
// Remove double quotes at beginning and/or end of output
if($output[0]==='"') $iniidx=1; else $iniidx=0;
if($output[$len-1]==='"') $endidx=-1; else $endidx=$len-1;
if($iniidx==1 || $endidx==-1) $output=substr($output,$iniidx,$endidx);
The comment helps with clarity...
brackets in an array-like usage on strings is possible and demands less processing effort than equivalent methods, too bad there isnt a length variable or a last char index
I am writing some JavaScript code that uses a string rendered with PHP. How can I escape single quotes (and only single quotes) in my PHP string?
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#myElement').html('say hello to <?php echo $mystringWithSingleQuotes ?>');
Quite simply: echo str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $myString);
However, I'd suggest use of JSON and json_encode() function as it will be more reliable (quotes new lines for instance):
<?php $data = array('myString' => '...'); ?>
var phpData = <?php echo json_encode($data) ?>;
If you want to escape characters with a \, you have addcslashes(). For example, if you want to escape only single quotes like the question, you can do:
echo addcslashes($value, "'");
And if you want to escape ', ", \, and nul (the byte null), you can use addslashes():
echo addslashes($value);
str_replace("'", "\'", $mystringWithSingleQuotes);
In some cases, I just convert it into ENTITIES:
// i.e., $x= ABC\DEFGH'IJKL
$x = str_ireplace("'", "'", $x);
$x = str_ireplace("\\", "\", $x);
$x = str_ireplace('"', """, $x);
On the HTML page, the visual output is the same:
However, it is sanitized in source.
Use the native function htmlspecialchars. It will escape from all special character. If you want to escape from a quote specifically, use with ENT_COMPAT or ENT_QUOTES. Here is the example:
$str = "Jane & 'Tarzan'";
echo htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_COMPAT); // Will only convert double quotes
echo "<br>";
echo htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES); // Converts double and single quotes
echo "<br>";
echo htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_NOQUOTES); // Does not convert any quotes
The output would be like this:
Jane & 'Tarzan'<br>
Jane & 'Tarzan'<br>
Jane & 'Tarzan'
Read more in PHP htmlspecialchars() Function
To replace only single quotes, use this simple statement:
$string = str_replace("'", "\\'", $string);
You can use the addcslashes function to get this done like so:
echo addcslashes($text, "'\\");
After a long time fighting with this problem, I think I have found a better solution.
The combination of two functions makes it possible to escape a string to use as HTML.
One, to escape double quote if you use the string inside a JavaScript function call; and a second one to escape the single quote, avoiding those simple quotes that go around the argument.
a PHP line created to call a JavaScript function like
'onclick="javascript_function(\'' . mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($string))"
I wrote the following function. It replaces the following:
Single quote ['] with a slash and a single quote [\'].
Backslash [\] with two backslashes [\\]
function escapePhpString($target) {
$replacements = array(
"'" => '\\\'',
"\\" => '\\\\'
return strtr($target, $replacements);
You can modify it to add or remove character replacements in the $replacements array. For example, to replace \r\n, it becomes "\r\n" => "\r\n" and "\n" => "\n".
* With new line replacements too
function escapePhpString($target) {
$replacements = array(
"'" => '\\\'',
"\\" => '\\\\',
"\r\n" => "\\r\\n",
"\n" => "\\n"
return strtr($target, $replacements);
The neat feature about strtr is that it will prefer long replacements.
Example, "Cool\r\nFeature" will escape \r\n rather than escaping \n along.
Here is how I did it. Silly, but simple.
$singlequote = "'";
$picturefile = getProductPicture($id);
echo showPicture('.$singlequote.$picturefile.$singlequote.');
I was working on outputting HTML that called JavaScript code to show a picture...
I am not sure what exactly you are doing with your data, but you could always try:
$string = str_replace("'", "%27", $string);
I use this whenever strings are sent to a database for storage.
%27 is the encoding for the ' character, and it also helps to prevent disruption of GET requests if a single ' character is contained in a string sent to your server. I would replace ' with %27 in both JavaScript and PHP just in case someone tries to manually send some data to your PHP function.
To make it prettier to your end user, just run an inverse replace function for all data you get back from your server and replace all %27 substrings with '.
Happy injection avoiding!