PHP invalidating a CSV file - php

Hey guys I've seen a lot of options on fread (which requires a fiole, or writing to memory),
but I am trying to invalidate an input based on a string that has already been accepted (unknown format). I have something like this
if (FALSE !== str_getcsv($this->_contents, "\n"))
foreach (preg_split("/\n/", $this->_contents) AS $line)
$data[] = explode(',', $line);
print_r($data); die;
$this->_format = 'csv';
$this->_contents = $this->trimContents($data);
return true;
Which works fine on a real csv or csv filled variable, but when I try to pass it garbage to invalidate, something like: which is garbage (since its a png), it believes its csv
anyway and keeps on chugging along until the program chokes. How can I fix this? I have not seen and CSV validators that
are not at least several classes deep, is there a simple three or four line to (in)validate?

is there a simple three or four line to (in)validate?
Nope. CSV is so loosely defined - it has no telltale signs like header bytes, and there isn't even a standard for what character is used for separating columns! - that there technically is no way to tell whether a file is CSV or not - even your PNG could technically be a gigantic one-column CSV with some esoteric field and line separator.
For validation, look at what purpose you are using the CSV files for and what input you are expecting. Are the files going to contain address data, separated into, say, 10 columns? Then look at the first line of the file, and see whether enough columns exist, and whether they contain alphanumeric data. Are you looking for a CSV file full of numbers? Then parse the first line, and look for the kinds of values you need. And so on...

If you have an idea of the kinds of CSVs likely to make it to your system, you could apply some heuristics -- at the risk of not accepting valid CSVs. For instance, you could look at line length, consistency of line length, special characters, etc...
If all you are doing is checking for the presence of commas and newlines, then any sufficiently large, random file will likely have those and thus pass such a CSV test.


binary safe write on file with php to create a DBF file

I need to split a big DBF file using php functions, this means that i have for example 1000 records, i have to create 2 files with 500 records each.
I do not have any dbase extension available nor i can install it so i have to work with basic php functions. Using basic fread function i'm able to correctly read and parse the file, but when i try to write a new dbf i have some problems.
As i have understood, the DBF file is structured in a 2 line file: the first line contains file info, header info and it's in binary. The second line contains the data and it's plain text. So i thought to simply write a new binary file replicating the first line and manually adding the first records in the first file, the other records in the other file.
That's the code i use to parse the file and it works nicely
$fdbf = fopen($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'],'r');
$fields = array();
$buf = fread($fdbf,32);
$header=unpack( "VRecordCount/vFirstRecord/vRecordLength", substr($buf,4,8));
$goon = true;
while ($goon && !feof($fdbf)) { // read fields:
$buf = fread($fdbf,32);
if (substr($buf,0,1)==chr(13)) {$goon=false;} // end of field list
else {
$field=unpack( "a11fieldname/A1fieldtype/Voffset/Cfieldlen/Cfielddec", substr($buf,0,18));
array_push($fields, $field);
fseek($fdbf, 0);
$first_line = fread($fdbf, $header['FirstRecord']+1);
fseek($fdbf, $header['FirstRecord']+1); // move back to the start of the first record (after the field definitions)
first_line is the variable the contains the header data, but when i try to write it in a new file something wrong happens and the row isn't written exactly as it was read. That's the code i use for writing:
$handle_log = fopen($new_filename, "wb");
fwrite($handle_log, $first_line, strlen($first_line) );
fwrite($handle_log, $string );
I've tried to add the b value to fopen mode parameter as suggested to open it in a binary way, i've also taken a suggestion to add exactly the length of the string to avoid the stripes of some characters but unsuccessfully since all the files written are not correctly in DBF format. What can i do to achieve my goal?
As i have understood, the DBF file is structured in a 2 line file: the
first line contains file info, header info and it's in binary. The
second line contains the data and it's plain text.
Well, it's a bit more complicated than that.
See here for a full description of the dbf file format.
So it would be best if you could use a library to read and write the dbf files.
If you really need to do this yourself, here are the most important parts:
Dbf is a binary file format, so you have to read and write it as binary. For example the number of records is stored in a 32 bit integer, which can contain zero bytes.
You can't use string functions on that binary data. For example strlen() will scan the data up to the first null byte, which is present in that 32 bit integer, and will return the wrong value.
If you split the file (the records), you'll have to adjust the record count in the header.
When splitting the records keep in mind that each record is preceded by an extra byte, a space 0x20 if the record is not deleted, an asterisk 0x2A if the record is deleted. (for example, if you have 4 fields of 10 bytes, the length of each record will be 41) - that value is also available in the header: bytes 10-11 - 16-bit number - Number of bytes in the record. (Least significant byte first)
The file could end with the end-of-file marker 0x1A, so you'll have to check for that as well.

Force string data type when writing to CSV file

In PHP, is there a way to force the value "00123" to be inserted into a CSV file as a string?
This way, when you open the CSV file the value will remain 00123 rather than removing the leading zeros and showing 123.
The primary reason I'd like achieve this is for a list of zipcodes, whereas there are multiple zipcodes that have leading zeros and I'd like the values to reflect that.
if( $fh = fopen('filename.csv','w') ){
$line = ['00123'];
CSV does not have types. Values written using the ,"..", syntax merely delimit the value to disambiguate the usage of , within the value itself; it does not mean that the value is "a string".
I suspect your values are mangled when imported into Excel or such. There's no solution to this that CSV can offer; you can only import the file using the import wizard and specify that the column should be used as is and not cast to a number. (This may or may not actually work depending on what effed-up version of Excel you're using.)
If you don't want to go through this every time, you should be producing an XLSX file, which does have types.
I guess there is no way to do it because "CSV" files are just "Comma-Separated Values"
You have to use the editor options for csv import.

Parse CSV content

This must be relatively easy, but I'm struggling to find a solution. I receive data using proprietary network protocol with encryption and at the end the entire received content ends up in a variable. The content is actually that of a CSV file - and I need to parse this data.
If this were a regular file on disk, I could use fgetcsv; if I could somehow break the content into individual records, I could use str_getcsv - but how can I break this file into records? Simple reading until a newline will not work, because CSV can contain values with line breaks in them. Below is an example set of data:
ID,SLN,Name,Address,Contract no
123,102,Market 1a,"Main street, Watertown, MA, 02471",16
125,97,Sinthetics,"Another address,
Line 2
City, NY 10001",16
167,105,"Progress, ahead",,18
All of this data is held inside one variable - and I need to parse it.
Of course, I can always write this data into a temporary file on disk the read/parse it using fgetcsv, but it seems extremely inefficient to me.
If fgetcsv works for you, consider this:
$stream = fopen("php://temp","r");
// $result = fgetcsv($stream); ...
For more on php://temp, see the php:// wrapper

Read single line from a big text file

I have a 10MB text file.
The length of the lines may vary.
Which is the most efficient way (fast and memory friendly) to read just one specific line from this file? e.g. get_me_the_line($nr, $file_resource)
I don't know of a way to just jump to the line, if the lines are of varying length. However you can iterate through lines pretty quickly when not using them for anything, and return the one of interest.
function ReadLineNumber($file, $number)
$handle = fopen($file, "r");
$i = 0;
while (fgets($handle) && $i < $number - 1)
return fgets($handle);
I added - 1 to the loop because this reads a line ahead. The $number is therefore a zero-index line reference. Change to - 2 if you would prefer line 1 mean the first line in the file.
As the lines are of varying length you have to look at each character as it might denote the end of the line. Quickest would be loading the file in chunks that are sized like the blocksize of the filesystem and counting the linebreaks until you are on the desired line.
Better way would be to have an index file that stores information about the file containing the lines. Using a database could also be a better idea.
If the file is REALLY large (several GB or more) and your application is running on *nix you may not want to try having PHP process the file and instead use some existing unix tools optimized for this kind of line processing. Once such tool is sed and an example of printing a specific line from a huge file can be found here.
Should be trivial to wrap this in a system_exec() call, or similar to write the function you are looking for.

php file random access and object to file saving

I have a csv file with records being sorted on the first field. I managed to generate a function that does binary search through that file, using fseek for random access through file.
However, this is still a pretty slow process, since when I seek some file position, I actually need to look left, looking for \n characted, so I can make sure I'm reading a whole line (once whole line is read, I can check for first field value mentioned above).
Here is the function that returns a line that contains character at position x:
function fgetLineContaining( $fh, $x ) {
if( $x 125145411) // 12514511 is the last pos in my file
return "";
// now go as much left as possible, until newline is found
// or beginning of the file
while( $x > 0 && $c != "\n" && $c != "\r") {
fseek($fh, $x);
$x--; // go left in the file
$c = fgetc( $fh );
$x+=2; // skip newline char
fseek( $fh, $x );
return fgets( $fh, 1024 ); // return the line from the beginning until \n
While this is working as expected, I have to sad that my csv file has ~1.5Mil lines, and these left-seeks are slowing thins down pretty much.
Is there a better way to seek a line containing position x inside a file?
Also, it would be much better if object of a class could be saved to a file without serializing it, thus enabling reading of a file object-by-object. Does php support that?
I think you really should consider using SQLite or MySQL again (like others have suggested in the comments). Most of the suggestions about pre-calculating indexes are already implemented "properly" in these SQL engines.
You said the speed wasn't good enough in SQL. Did you have the fields indexed properly? How were you querying the data? Where you using bulk queries, where you using prepared statements? Did the SQL process have enough ram to store it's indexes in RAM?
One thing you can possibly try to speed under the current algorithm is to load the (~100MB ?) file onto a RAM disc. No matter what you chose to do, either CVS or SQLite, this WILL help speed things up, especially if the hard drive seek time is your bottleneck.
You could possibly even read the whole file into PHP array's (assuming your computer has enough RAM for that). That would allow you to do your search via index ($big_array[$offset]) lookups.
Also one thing to keep in mind, PHP isn't exactly super fast at doing low level things fast. You might want to consider moving away from PHP in favor of C or C++.
