SQL LIKE Query, using with a session name - php

i am using this query to execute the session, but it does not work on the website
$_SESSION['bericht'] = $stamVanStatus;
$status = $_SESSION['bericht'];
$result = mysql_query("SELECT bericht,naam,datum FROM discussies WHERE bericht LIKE '$status'");
The Print_r shows me the message i send from the post function, which i want to compare to the column. in the column there are couple of messages i created to test.
It should compare it with my data in the database, but that does not seem to work, as i just see the printed message i send. When i change the LIKE function to for example '%Test%' It shows everything inside the column which has Test in the text.
It does not show any errors
Hopefully someone can help me with this
Thanks in Advance

$result = mysql_query
SELECT bericht,
FROM discussies
WHERE bericht LIKE '%$status%'
Append two (%) percent signs to the query. One before and one after the variable.
If "$status" is set to Foo, the query would return; Foobar, if Foobar is a value in your Database, it would also return BarFoo and BarFooBar. So long the is present in the Database, a value will be returned.
Appending a percent sign in either the beginning or the end will rule out BarFooBar and only return the value if it's present, and any other information before(or after, your choice) the string itself.

You literally queried "$status". Meaning instead of the message, like 'hello this is a message', you got '$status'
change last line to
$result = mysql_query("SELECT bericht,naam,datum FROM discussies WHERE bericht LIKE '" . $status . "'");
Try assigning the query string to a variable, inspecting the variable with a echo or debugger, then query it. In my opinion this makes debugging SQL queries a lot easier. If this doesn't work, what does the evaluated string become?
I know this is late answer but I hope it may help someone.

Variables are connected to strings with .
$result = mysql_query("SELECT bericht,naam,datum FROM discussies WHERE bericht='".$status."'");


Why does this UPDATE query not update my table?

I am trying to code a user system. I am having an issue with the activation part. I can select and insert data to my table but now I am trying to create an update statement and got stuck.
include "db_settings.php";
$stmt = $dbcon->prepare("UPDATE 'Kullanicilar' SET 'Aktivasyon' = ? WHERE 'KullaniciID'=?");
// execute the query
// echo a message to say the UPDATE succeeded
echo $stmt->rowCount() . " records UPDATED successfully";
And I am getting error as:
"0 records UPDATED successfully".
This is my table; http://i.imgur.com/PL2eD80.png
I have tried by changing my 'Aktivasyon' type int to char but it also does not work.
I am trying to make this a function;
function dataUpdate($tableName, $updateRow, $updateValue, $conditonRow, $conditionValue)
include "db_settings.php";
$q = $dbcon->prepare("UPDATE $tableName SET $updateRow= ? WHERE $conditonRow= ?");
I also try this :
$q = $dbcon->prepare("UPDATE `$tableName` SET `$updateRow`= ? WHERE `$conditonRow`= ?");
How can I make this statement work?
You are using wrong quotes. You are basically saying "update this table, set this string to something when the string KullaniciID equals the string 5" which of course never is true.
You should use backticks ` if you want to specify column names. Then your query would work. Usually you don't even need those, but for some reason MySQL world is always adding them.
So to clarify, this is a string: 'KullaniciID' and this is a column name: `KullaniciID`.
Also you should not send integers as strings. It causes extra conversions or even errors with more strict databases.

MySQL Query Enum

I have been working on this for a while now, I know it's simpler than what I am making it, but I just can't get it. I have some code where I am trying to query an enum either 1 or 0 from my table so this is exactly what I have to do this.
$username = 'test'
$passResult = mysql_query("SELECT usrSetPass FROM members WHERE usr='.$username.'");
Now I have all the connection stuff down I think, I get no errors there, but when I print this thing out in my echo I get this,
Heres my echo:
echo 'Hello, '.$username.', you Result is: '.$passResult.'!';
What I want to get is:
Hello, test, your Result is: 1
Hello, test, your Result is: 0
Now what I get is:
Hello, test, your Result is: Resource id #6
Now no matter what I do I get the same thing, I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here guys if someone could point this out that would be awesome. What this enum is being use essentially for a boolean just to see if the user has personally set a password not the computer generated version.
mysql_query returns a result resource, essentially a pointer to the memory where the results are buffered. That result set can contain many rows, as you can select many rows, so you need to fetch the row(s) you want then the column(s) you want from those rows.
/* execute the query and get a result resource back */
$passResult = mysql_query("SELECT usrSetPass FROM members WHERE usr='" . mysql_real_escape_string($username) . "'");
/* retrieve the first row from $passResult */
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($passResult);
/* assign the usrSetPass column's value from that row to $passed */
$passed = $row['usrSetPass'];
Also, your query is wrong. You enclosed it in double quotes, so you're not actually breaking out of the string and concatenating $username when you use the single quotes and dots inside. I've corrected it above.
mysql_query doesn't return a value, it returns a resource (see here in the manual).
The returned result resource should be passed to another function for dealing with result tables (like mysql_fetch_array() or mysql_fetch_assoc()), to access the returned data.
Example based on your initial code:
$username = 'test';
$passResult = mysql_query("SELECT usrSetPass FROM members WHERE usr='".$username."'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($passResult)) {
echo $row['usrSetPass'];

MYSQL syntax error

HI everyone i tried for 3 days and i'm not able to solve this problem. This is the codes and i have went through it again and again but i found no errors. I tried at a blank page and it worked but when i put it inside the calendar it has the syntax error. Thanks a million for whoever who can assist.
$testquery = mysql_query("SELECT orgid FROM sub WHERE userid='$userid'");
while($row4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($testquery))
$org = $row4['orgid'];
echo "$org<br>";
$test2 = mysql_query("SELECT nameevent FROM event WHERE `userid`=$org AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM startdate)='2010' AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM startdate)='08' AND EXTRACT(DAY FROM startdate)='15'") or die(mysql_error());
$namethis = $row5['nameevent'];
First question: what calendar are you talking about?
And here are my 2-cents: does the EXTRACT function returns a string or a number?
Are the "backticks" (userid) really in your query? Try to strip them off.
It's a guess, given that you haven't provided the error message you're seeing, but I imagine that userid is a text field and so the value $org in the WHERE clause needs quotes around it. I say this as the commented out testquery has quotes around the userid field, although I appreciate that it works on a different table. Anyway try this:
SELECT nameevent FROM event WHERE userid='$org' AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM startdate)='2010' AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM startdate)='08' AND EXTRACT(DAY FROM startdate)='15'
In such cases it's often useful to echo the sql statement and run it using a database client
First step in debugging problems like this, is to print out the acutal statement you are running. I don't know PHP, but can you first build up the SQL and then print it before calling mysql_query()?
EXTRACT() returns a number not a character value, so you don't need the single quotes when comparing EXTRACT(YEAR FROM startdate) = 2010, but I doubt that this would throw an error (unlike in other databases) but there might be a system configuration that does this.
Another thing that looks a bit strange by just looking at the names of your columns/variables: you are first retrieving a column orgid from the user table. But you compare that to the userid column in the event table. Shouldn't you also be using $userid to retrieve from the event table?
Also in the first query you are putting single quotes around $userid while you are not doing that for the userid column in the event table. Is userid a number or a string? Numbers don't need single quotes.
Any of the mysql_* functions can fail. You have to test all the return values and if one of them indicates an error (usually when the function returns false) your script has to handle it somehow.
E.g. in your query
mysql_query("SELECT orgid FROM sub WHERE userid='$userid'")
you mix a parameter into the sql statement. Have you assured that this value (the value of $userid) is secure for this purpose? see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
You can use a JOIN statement two combine your two sql queryies into one.
see also:
Example of rudimentary error handling:
$mysql = mysql_connect('Fill in', 'the correct', 'values here');
if ( !$mysql ) { // some went wrong, error hanlding here
echo 'connection failed. ', mysql_error();
$result = mysql_select_db('dbname', $mysql);
if (!$result ) {
echo 'select_db failed. ', mysql_error($mysql);
// Is it safe to use $userid as a parmeter within an sql statement?
// see http://docs.php.net/mysql_real_escape_string
$sql = "SELECT orgid FROM sub WHERE userid='$userid'";
$testquery = mysql_query($sql, $mysql);
if (!$testquery ) {
echo 'query failed. ', mysql_error($mysql), "<br />\n";
echo 'query=<pre>', $sql, '</pre>';

PHP mysql - ...AND column='anything'...?

Is there any way to check if a column is "anything"? The reason is that i have a searchfunction that get's an ID from the URL, and then it passes it through the sql algorithm and shows the result. But if that URL "function" (?) isn't filled in, it just searches for:
...AND column=''...
and that doesn't return any results at all. I've tried using a "%", but that doesn't do anything.
Any ideas?
Here's the query:
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM filer
WHERE real_name LIKE '%$searchString%'
AND public='1' AND ikon='$tab'
OR filinfo LIKE '%$searchString%'
AND public='1'
AND ikon='$tab'
ORDER BY rank DESC, kommentarer DESC");
The problem is "ikon=''"...
and ikon like '%' would check for the column containing "anything". Note that like can also be used for comparing to literal strings with no wildcards, so, if you change that portion of SQL to use like then you could pre-set the variable to '%' and be all set.
However, as someone else mentioned below, beware of SQL injection attacks. I always strongly suggest that people use mysqli and prepared queries instead of relying on mysql_real_escape_string().
You can dynamically create your query, e.g.:
$query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE foo='bar'";
if(isset($_GET['id'])) {
$query .= " AND column='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']) . "'";
Update: Updated code to be closer to the OP's question.
Try using this:
AND ('$tab' = '' OR ikon = '$tab')
If the empty string is given then the condition will always succeed.
Alternatively, from PHP you could build two different queries depending on whether $id is empty or not.
Run your query if search string is provided by wrapping it in if-else condition:
$id = (int) $_GET['id'];
if ($id)
// run query
// echo oops
There is noway to check if a column is "anything"
The way to include all values into query result is exclude this field from the query.
But you can always build a query dynamically.
Just a small example:
if (!empty($_GET['rooms'])) $w[]="rooms='".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['rooms'])."'";
if (!empty($_GET['space'])) $w[]="space='".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['space'])."'";
if (!empty($_GET['max_price'])) $w[]="price < '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['max_price'])."'";
if (count($w)) $where="WHERE ".implode(' AND ',$w); else $where='';
$query="select * from table $where";
For your query it's very easy:
if ($id) $ikon = "AND ikon='$tab'";
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM filer
WHERE (real_name LIKE '%$searchString%'
OR filinfo LIKE '%$searchString%')
AND public='1'
ORDER BY rank DESC, kommentarer DESC");
I hope you have all your strings already escaped
I take it that you are adding the values in from variables. The variable is coming and you need to do something with it - too late to hardcode a 'OR 1 = 1' section in there. You need to understand that LIKE isn't what it sounds like (partial matching only) - it does exact matches too. There is no need for 'field = anything' as:
{field LIKE '%'} will give you everything
{field LIKE 'specific_value'} will ONLY give you that value - it is not partial matching like it sounds like it would be.
Using 'specific_value%' or '%specific_value' will start doing partial matching. Therefore LIKE should do all you need for when you have a variable incoming that may be a '%' to get everything or a specific value that you want to match exactly. This is how search filtering behaviour would usually happen I expect.

Search entire table? PHP MySQL

I have made the following search script but can only search one table column when querying the database:
$query = "select * from explore where site_name like '%".$searchterm."%'";
I would like to know how I can search the entire table(explore). Also, I would need to fix this line of code:
echo "$num_found. ".($row['site_name'])." <br />";
One last thing that is bugging me is when I push the submit button on a different page I always displays the message "Please enter a search term." even when I enter in something?
Thanks for any help, here is the entire script if needed:
// Set variables from form.
$searchterm = $_POST['searchterm'];
trim ($searchterm);
// Check if search term was entered.
if (!$serachterm)
echo "Please enter a search term.";
// Add slashes to search term.
if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc())
$searchterm = addcslashes($searchterm);
// Connects to database.
# $dbconn = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', 'root', 'ajax_demo');
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Could not connect to database. Please try again later.";
// Query the database.
$query = "select * from explore where site_name like '%".$searchterm."%'";
$result = $dbconn->query($query);
// Number of rows found.
$num_results = $result->num_rows;
echo "Found: ".$num_results."</p>";
// Loops through results.
for ($i=0; $i <$num_results; $i++)
$num_found = $i + 1;
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
echo "$num_found. ".($row['site_name'])." <br />";
// Escape database.
Contrary to other answers, I think you want to use "OR" in your query, not "AND":
$query = "select * from explore where site_name like '%".$searchterm."%' or other_column like '%".$searchterm."%'";
Replace other_column with the name of a second column. You can keep repeating the part I added for each of your columns.
Note: this is assuming that your variable $searchterm has already been escaped for the database, for example with $mysqli->real_escape_string($searchterm);. Always ensure that is the case, or better yet use parameterised queries.
Similarly when outputting your variables like $row['site_name'] always make sure you escape them for HTML, for example using htmlspecialchars($row['site_name']).
One last thing that is bugging me is when I push the submit button on a different page I always displays the message "Please enter a search term." even when I enter in something?
Make sure that both forms use the same method (post in your example). The <form> tag should have the attribute method="post".
Also, what is wrong with the line of code you mentioned? Is there an error? It should work as far as I can tell.
A UNION query will provide results in a more optimized fashion than simply using OR. Please note that utilizing LIKE in such a manner will not allow you to utilize any indexes you may have on your table. You can use the following to provide a more optimized query at the expense of losing a few possible results:
$query = "SELECT * FROM explore WHERE site_name LIKE '".$searchterm."%'
SELECT * FROM explore WHERE other_field LIKE '".$searchterm."%'
SELECT * FROM explore WHERE third_field LIKE '".$searchterm."%'";
This query is probably as fast as you're going to get without using FULLTEXT searching. The downside, however, is that you can only match strings beginning with the searchterm.
To search other columns of table you need to add conditions to your sql
$query = "select * from explore where site_name like '%".$searchterm."%' or other_column like '%".$searchterm."%'";
But if you don't know that I would strongly advise going through some sql tutorial...
Also I didn't see anything wrong with this line
echo "$num_found. ".($row['site_name'])." <br />";
What error message are you getting?
Just add 'AND column = "condition"' to the WHERE clause of your query.
Be careful with adding lots of LIKE % conditions as these can be very slow especially if using a front wild card. This causes the RDBMS to search every row. You can optimize if you use an index on the column and only a trailing wildcard.
You are searching the whole table, just limiting the results to those where the site_name like '%".$searchterm."%'. If you want to search everything from that table, you need to remove the WHERE clause
Here's the corrected line. You had a few too many quotes in it.
echo $num_found.".".($row['site_name'])." <br />";
Regarding displaying the message, you have a typo in your code:
// Check if search term was entered.
if (!$serachterm)
should be:
// Check if search term was entered.
if (!$searchterm)
In the code you have written, !$serachterm always evaluates to true because you never declared a variable $seracherm (note the typo).
your code is very bugy for sql injection first do
do this
$searchterm = htmlspecialchars($searchterm);
$query = mysql_real_escape_string($query);
finaly your search looks like this
$query = "select * from explore where site_name like '%$searchterm%';
