How and What to edit in httpd.conf? - php

I am a newbie in PHP and the Apache server things. All I want is to run and test my PHP scripts on my computer i.e a single computer environment.
I installed the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.25 on my Windows 8 OS (64 bit). I installed PHP 5 through IIS Web Platform Installer.
During the server installation I set the network and server to localhost.
I created this file txt.php and tried localhost/txt.php but the browser shows nothing.
What's missing?
I heard we have to edit the httpd.conf file, if yes then what and how to edit?

You are installing Apache HTTP Server (wich is a http server) and PHP5 on a IIS (Wich is an http server for windows)
One of the easiest way to have a server up and running in windows is through
So, uninstall all you installed on your question and use Wamp to manage the server with PHP and Mysql runing without more problems.
Of course, you can install all by your own, but since you want just a server runing, this one will help you to start fast.
Wamp lets you control the software versions, so you can try different php versions, apache versions, etc.


Issue in installing Wamp server 64 bit on IIS7

I have IIS7 server to host my websites. Earlier I used .net technology but now i want to make a website in PHP and for back end I will use Mysql server. But I am facing a problem in installing Wamp server on my server because when I installed the Wamp server it show me orange color. And not trun in green color. And I cannot stop IIS7. So, I want to run both server. Please Help me. Thanks in advance.
Do not install apache if you have already an IIS server.
You can install for IIS the php "plugin", it is described on the and then you can install a standalone MySQL server you can find a "guide" here

I have both WAMP and APACHE installed. Do i just need one or both?

I downloaded APACHE to use as a server on my local machine. I tested it by turning it on 'http.exe' I believe it's called. And storing a 'index.php' file that just says "It works". It showed this file when I went on local host on my browser.
I've downloaded My SQL work bench, and WAMP, and PHPMyAdmin.
My question is, do I need to uninstall Apache since my WAMP local server is on. Because when I type in local host in to my browser it takes me to the WAMP server configuration page, instead of showing "It works".
So does this mean I don't need Apache any more?
WAMP is basically Apache,php and Mysql package. Once it is installed you have installed these 3 and ready to go. You don't need separate one. Phpmyadmin also installed there.
Once it is installed you can have a tray icon in right bottom of the desktop. Use this menu to manage Wamp for eg: Start or stop Apace and Mysql, configure Apache,PHP and Mysql etc. Once you started the apache and mysql. Just type http://localhost in web browser to check the installation is ok or not. Remember C:/wamp/www is the webroot where your php files should go.
Wamp includes Apache, so you don't need a separate installation.
WAMP stands for "Windows Apache MySQL PHP"
So having WAMP means you have Apache, PHP, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin etc.
To run PHP code you need Apache server. And WAMP is an apache server environment. Same as LAMP (Linux version) or XAMPP (my favourite, stands for "Cross-platform Apache MySQL PHP Perl")

Issues with WAMP server after installing OSGeo4W

I recently downloaded WAMP server to get started developing a website locally on my Windows 7 32 bit computer. It was working fine.
Not long after, I downloaded a few different OSGeo4W packages mainly to use QGIS and develop plugins. This is when I began having issues accessing the phpmyadmin local host (page not found error).
I tried uninstalling WAMP in order to re-install it, and now it seems to be taking a very long time to extract files, blocking on the apache 2.4.9 files. Does anyone have any idea if this may be because OSGeo4 installed another version of Apache on my computer? How can I solve this issue?
This is because apache is already running via OSGeo4W application. You can turn it off by launching OSGeo4W-Apache-Monitor and stopping the services. (start/all programs/Apache/OSGEO4W-Apache-Monitor.
Then restart wamp and it should work fine.

Multiple versions of Apache installed and conflicting

I started trying to create a website which uses PHP on an old computer (previously used by another programmer).
I wanted to test my PHP code without uploading it each time, so I downloaded Apache and installed it. I was starting to set Apache up when I discovered this computer already had Apache on it.
Now I had multiple versions of Apache, so I went into add/remove programs and got rid of Apache (which only showed up once in the list).
Unfortunately windows decided it would uninstall the old version and keep mine which was not functioning properly. Also for whatever reason it seemed to have kept a good few files from the old version, but not enough that I could actually use it in any way. I believe it just had some configurations files.
I thought I would copy my files from the new version into the old version and not replace anything so hopefully I would be able to run under the older configurations, but that didn't work.
At this point I just wanted to cut my losses, so I put all the versions of Apache in an archive so there was no way the computer could be using them. I also removed Apache from the windows startup and rebooted the computer after configuring one single version of the newer copy of Apache to supposedly run PHP.
The problem is upon startup I could immediately log in to localhost and apache was already running. Also when I opened Apache manually from the files I had left unzipped, it only gives me the option to start Apache (not an option to stop or restart implying it is not running) and when I click it, it says "The requested operation has failed!" which is less than helpful.
So anyway, I just want to be able to run PHP locally and now I don't feel like I can even successfully uninstall and start from scratch anymore. Does anyone know what I have to do to get this to work? Sorry for the long description, I wove such a tangled knot.
One way to solve is use a XAMP (Apache + MySQL + PHP) client like XAMPP brings it all set up for you to use. The problem of conflict can be caused by any IDE (Netbeans for example) that already carries a version of Apache.
Try to configure config files of Apache case exist.
Assumption: Running Windows OS for development and linux for production environment.
My recommendation is to not mix the Windows and Linux worlds as while they can be made to behave after lots of work, it is usually more pain than good.
Instead, as a humble windows and linux user, download and install Virtualbox [], a free open source virtualisation tool.
Then download a linux distribution of your choice and install that into a new virtual machine.
Configure the linux tools inside linux and leave your windows machine relatively untouched.
A useful linux service to install would be Samba - windows file sharing - you can use this to edit your code in windows using any IDE of your choice, while saving directly to linux and testing through linux. When happy, upload from the linux system (again like any other file uploader) and all will be well.
If you are deploying to a linux based environment in your production service then this will help you avoid common mistakes such as case-sensitivity trouble and many others.
Building and running this system is free and it will help teach you more about the linux environment you are deploying to also.
Equally, when you don't have the virtual machine booted, there's no services lying around exposing your computer to possible local network threats and consuming resources - as opposed to installing Apache on Windows where it will be using some resources all the time.

PHP on an IIS server

I have designed a PHP based website which needs to run on a local server. Unfortunately I have developed this on a WAMP server using Apache. The machine on which this website will be placed on only supports the IIS server and I am not allowed to install Apache on this this machine.
How do I run PHP code on an IIS server?
See this link:
99% of stuff is compatible. There can be some problems though (for example if you use mod_rewrite, or some file operation functions behave a little differently).
You can get it installed and include the right infrastructure (IIS, WinCache, and FastCGI, and URL Rewrite) with a single click using Web Platform Installer:
To install PHP 5.2 use:
To install PHP 5.3 use:
With IIS 7, a lot of the apache/iis gaps have been closed. Like mod_rewrite is available in IIS 7 (
Here's how I got PHP 5.3 running on IIS 6:
