Change existing row ID based on AUTO_INCREMENT (unique key) - php

I have a table that records tickets that are separated by a column that denotes the "database". I have a unique key on the database and cid columns so that it increments each database uniquely (cid has the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute to accomplish this). I increment id manually since I cannot make two AUTO_INCREMENT columns (and I'd rather the AUTO_INCREMENT take care of the more complicated task of the uniqueness).
This makes my data look like this basically:
| id | cid | database |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 2 | 2 |
This works perfectly well.
I am trying to make a feature that will allow a ticket to be "moved" to another database; frequently a user may enter the ticket in the wrong database. Instead of having to close the ticket and completely create a new one (copy/pasting all the data over), I'd like to make it easier for the user of course.
I want to be able to change the database and cid fields uniquely without having to tamper with the id field. I want to do an UPDATE (or the like) since there are foreign key constraints on other tables the link to the id field; this is why I don't simply do a REPLACE or DELETE then INSERT, as I don't want it to delete all of the other table data and then have to recreate it (log entries, transactions, appointments, etc.).
How can I get the next unique AUTO_INCREMENT value (based on the new database value), then use that to update the desired row?
For example, in the above dataset, I want to change the first record to go to "database #2". Whatever query I make needs to make the data change to this:
| id | cid | database |
| 1 | 3 | 2 |
| 2 | 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 2 | 2 |
I'm not sure if the AUTO_INCREMENT needs to be incremented, as my understanding is that the unique key makes it just calculate the next appropriate value on the fly.

I actually ended up making it work once I re-read an except on using AUTO_INCREMENT on multiple columns.
For MyISAM and BDB tables you can specify AUTO_INCREMENT on a
secondary column in a multiple-column index. In this case, the
generated value for the AUTO_INCREMENT column is calculated as
MAX(auto_increment_column) + 1 WHERE prefix=given-prefix. This is
useful when you want to put data into ordered groups.
This was the clue I needed. I simply mimic'd the query MySQL runs internally according to that quote, and joined it into my UPDATE query as such. Assume $new_database is the database to move to, and $id is the current ticket id.
UPDATE `tickets` AS t1,
SELECT MAX(cid) + 1 AS new_cid
FROM `tickets`
WHERE database = {$new_database}
) AS t2
SET t1.cid = t2.new_cid,
t1.database = {$new_database}
WHERE = {$id}


How to Reset auto increment by a new category value in php

I have a field DB table structure like below:
Before the ID I have the PK_ID column, with this structure table is it possible to create a PHP scripts to generate something like:
PK_ID | ID | plan
1 | 1 | Plan Base
2 | 2 | Plan Base
3 | 1 | Plan medium
ID is autoincrement
What I want to do is, the ID value will start new sequence when new plan value added.
You can set the counter:

Database Design. Pivot table with 3 foreign keys or two pivot tables?

I'm currently developing an application that allows a customer to register for an event through a custom form. That custom form will be built by the event admin for specific input by the customer.
The customer will go to the form, complete the input and pick a venue that will then display the available time-slots. I'm stuck with these two database designs and wondering which one is a better approach.
Pivot table with 3 foreign keys
Table 'Customers' -
| id | name |
Table 'Events' -
| id | name | form_fields (json)
Table 'Venues' -
| id | address | event_id |
Table 'Timeslots' -
| id | datetime | slots | venue_id |
Pivot Table 'Tickets' -
|id | customer_id | timeslot_id | event_id | form_data (json)
Two pivot tables
Table 'Customers' -
| id | name |
Table 'Events' -
| id | name | form_fields (json)
Table 'Venues' -
| id | address | event_id |
Table 'Timeslots' -
| id | datetime | slots | venue_id |
Pivot Table 'Tickets' -
| id | customer_id | timeslot_id |
Pivot Table 'EventCustomers' -
| id | customer id | event_id | form_data (json)
In addition, I will store the HTML markup of the custom form built by admin in 'form_fields' (json) and have the customer complete the form and store the values in 'form_data' (json).
Is it also sensible to have the custom form and data saved in json?
Thank you.
To answer your question(even if it's a bit off topic):
None of the above.
To model data we must ask ourselves what are the constraints. Data is often easier to define by what it cannot do, not what it can do.
For example, can you have a Tickets record that:
Does not have a customer record ( customer_id = null )
Does not have a timeslot ( timeslot_id = null) -timeslot is related to venue or the location and time of the event.
Does not have an event ( event_id = null )
If you answered no to all of these then we have to bring this data all together at one time (but, not necessarily in the same table).
Now in my mind, it's pretty clear you could/should not have a ticket that:
wasn't assigned to a customer
does not have an event
does not have a timeslot
does not have a venue
whose number exceeds the number of slots for the event (this you mostly missed on)
So I will assume these are our "basic" constraints
Problems with your second case:
you could sell a ticket to a customer for a particular timeslot ( at a venue ), but for an unknown event. Record in Tickets, and No record in the EventCustomers table
you could also have a customer registered to an event, with no ticket or timeslot/venue. Record in EventCustomers and No record in the Tickets table
To me that seems somewhat illogical, and indeed it violates the constraints I outlined above.
Problems with your first case:
On the surface the first case looks fine as far as our constraints above look. But as I worked though it some issues popped up. To understand these, as a general rule, we always want a unique index on all the foreign keys in a pivot table ( aka a unique compound key ).
So in the first case we want this(idealy):
Pivot Table 'Tickets' -
|id | customer_id | timeslot_id | event_id | form_data (json)
//for this table you would want this compound, unique index
Unique Key ticket (customer_id,timeslot_id,event_id)
This lead me to the number of "slots" as this would imply that a customer could only have one tickets record per event and timeslot/venue. This relates back to the part I said that you mostly missed on, i.e. you have no way to track how many you have used. At first you might want to allow duplicates in this table. "We can just add some more tickets in right?" - you think, and this is the easy fix, not.
Exhibit A:
Pivot Table 'Tickets' -
|id | customer_id | timeslot_id | event_id | form_data (json)
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | {}
| 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | {}
While contemplating Exhibit A consider some basic DB design rules:
In a good DB design you always want ( ideally )
a surrogate primary key, a key with no relation to the data, this is id
a natural key, a unique key that is part of the data. An example would be if you had an email field attracted to customer, you could make this unique to prevent adding duplicate customers. It's a piece of the data that is by it's nature unique and part of the data.
The first one (surrogate keys) allow you use the data with no knowledge of the data itself. This is good as it gives us some separation of concerns, some abstractions between our code and the data. When you join two tables on their primary key, foreign key relationship you don't need to know anything else about the data.
The second (natural key) is essential to prevent duplicate data. In the case of a pivot table the foreign keys, which are surrogate keys in their respective tables, become a natural key in the pivot table. These are now part of the data in the context of the pivot table and they uniquely and naturally identify that data.
Why is uniqueness so important?
Once you allow duplicates with the pivot tables you will run into several issues (especially if you have accessory data like the form_data):
How to tell those records apart?
Which of the duplicates is the authoritative copy, which is in charge.
How do you synchronize that accessory data, if you need to change form_data, which record do you change it in. Only one? Which one? Both? how do you maintain synchronizing all the duplicates.
What if an accidental duplicate gets entered, how will you know it was accidental? How do you know it's a real duplicate or true duplicate and not a valid record.
Even if you knew it was an accidental duplicat, how do you decide which one of the duplicates should be removed, this goes back to which is the authoritative record.
In short order, it really becomes a mess to deal with.
Finally (what I would suggest)
Table 'customer' -
| id | name |
Table 'event' -
| id | name | form_fields (json)
Table 'venue' -
| id | address | slots |
Table 'show' -
| id | datetime | venue_id | event_id |
Table 'purchase' -
| id | show_id | customer_id | slots | created |
Table 'ticket' ( customers_shows )
| id | purchase_id | guid |
I changed quite a few things (you can use some or all of these changes):
I changed the plural names to singular. I only use plurals when I do pivot tables that have a no accessory data, such a name would be venues_events. This is because a record from customer is a single entity, I don't need to do any joins to get useful data. A record from our hypothetical venues_events would encompass 2 entities, so I would know right away I need to do a join no matter what as there is no other data besides the foreign keys.
Now in the case of show, you may notice that is essentially a pivot table. So why did I not name it venues_events as I listed above. The reason is we have a datetime column in there, which is what I mean by "accessory" data. So in this case I could pull data just from show if I just wanted the datetime and I would not need a join to do it. So it can be considered a single entity that has some Many to One relationships. ( A Many to Many is a Many to One and a One to Many that's why we need pivot tables ) More on this table later.
Letter Casing and spacing. I would suggest using all lowercase and no spaces. MySql is case sensitive and doesn't play nice with spaces. It's just easier from a standpoint of not having to remember did we name it venuesEvents or VenuesEvents or Venuesevents etc... Consistency in naming convention is paramount in good DB design.
The above is largely Opinion based, it's my answer so it's my opinion. Deal with it.
Table show
I moved the slotscolumn to venue. I am assuming that the venue will determine how many slots are available, in my mind this is a physical requirement or attribute of the venue itself. For example a Movie theater has only X number of seats, no matter what time the movie is at doesn't change how many seats are there. If those assumptions are correct then it saves us a lot of work trying to remember how many seats a venue has every time we enter a show.
The reason I changed timeslot to show is that in both your original cases, there is some disharmony in the data model. Some things that just don't tie together as well as they should. For example your timeslots have no direct relation to the event.
Exhibit B (using your structure):
Table 'event' -
| id | name | form_fields (json) |
| 1 | "Event A" | "{}" |
| 2 | "Event B" | "{}" |
Table 'Venues' -
| id | address | event_id |
| 1 | "123 ABC SE" | 1 |
| 2 | "123 AB SE" | 2 | //address entered wrong as AB instead ABC
Table 'Timeslots' -
| id | datetime | slots | venue_id |
| 1 | "2018-01-27 04:41:23" | 200 | 1 |
| 2 | "2018-01-27 04:41:23" | 200 | 2 |
In the above exhibit, we can see right away we have to duplicate the address to create more then one event at a given venue. So if the address was entered wrong, it could be correct in some venues and incorrect in others. This can be a real issue as programmatically how do you know that AB was supposed to be ABC when the venue ID and event ID are both different for this record. Basically how do you tell those records apart at run time? You will find that it is very difficult to do. The main problem is you have to much data in Veneues, your trying to do to much with it and the relationship doesn't fit the constraints of the data.
That's not even the worst of it as a further problem creeps in, because now that the venue_id is different we can corrupt our Timeslots table and have 2 records in there at the same time for the same venue. Then, because the slots are tied to this table, we can also corrupt things down stream such as selling more tickets then we should for that time and place. Everything just starts to fracture.
Even counting the numbers of shows at a given venue becomes a real challenge, this "flaw" is in both data models you presented.
The same Data in my Model
#with Unique compound Key datetime_venue_id( show.datetime, show.venue_id)
Table 'event' -
| id | name | form_fields (json) |
| 1 | "Event A" | "{}" |
#| 2 | "Event B" | "{}" |
Table 'venue' -
| id | address | slots |
| 1 | "123 ABC SE" | 200 |
Table 'show' -
| id | datetime | venue_id | event_id |
| 1 | "2018-01-27 04:41:23" | 1 | 1 |
#| 2 | "2018-01-27 04:41:23" | 1 | 2 |
As you can see, you no longer have the duplicate address. And while it looks like you could enter in 2 shows for the same venue at the same time, this is only because we don't have a compound unique key that includes the datetime and venue_id a.k.a. Unique Key datetime_venue_id( datetime, venue_id). If you tried inserting that data with that constraint MySql would blowup on you. And if you included both inserts ( event and show ) in the same "Transaction" (which is how I would do it, in innodb engine) the whole thing would fail and get rolled back and neither the event or show would get inserted.
Now you could try to argue that you could have the same Unique constraint on Exhibit B, but as the Venue ID is different there, you would be wrong.
Anyway, show is our new main pivot table with foreign keys from event and venue and then the accessory data datetime.
Besides what I went over above, this setup gives us several advantages over the old structure, in this one table we now have access to:
what and where is the event (by joining on Table event )
when is the event ( timestamp )
how many slots available for the event (by joining on Table venue)
This centers everything around the show record. We can build a "show" independent of a customer or tickets. Because really a customer is not part of the show, and including them to soon (or to late depending how you look at it) in the data model muddies everything up.
Exhibit C
#in your first case
Pivot Table 'Tickets' -
|id | customer_id | timeslot_id | event_id | form_data (json)
#in your second case
Pivot Table 'Tickets' -
| id | customer_id | timeslot_id |
Pivot Table 'EventCustomers' -
| id | customer id | event_id | form_data (json)
AS I said above, you cant put what I am calling a show the what,where and when together without having a customer ID (in either of your data models). As you build your application around this later it will become a huge issue. This may be insurmountable at run time. Basically, you need all that data assembled and waiting on the customer_id. In both of your models that's not the case, and there is data you may not have easy access to. For example for the first case (of the old structure) how would you know that timeslot_id=20 AND event_id=32 plus a customer equals a valid ticket? There is no direct relationship between timeslot and event outside of the pivot table that contains the customer. timeslot_id=20 could be valid for any event and you have no way to know that.
It's so much easier to grab say show=32 and check how many slots are left and then just do the purchase record. Everything is ready and waiting for it.
Table purchase
I also added purchase or an order table, even if the "shows" are free this table provides us with some great utility. This is also a pivot table, but it has some accessory data just like show does. ( slots and created ).
This table
we bind the customer table to the show table here
we have a 'created' field so you will know when this record was created, when the tickets where purchased
we also have a number of slots the customer will use, we can do an aggregate sum of slots grouped on the show_id to see how many slots we have "sold". With one join from show to venue we can find out how many total slots this "show" has with the same integer key ( that we used above to aggregate. Then it would be a simple matter to compare the two, if you wanted to get fancy you may be able to do this all in one query.
Table ticket
Now you may or may not even need this table. It has a many to one relationship to table purchase. So One order can have Many tickets. The records in here would be generated when a purchase is made, the number dependent on what is in slots. The primary use of this table is just to provide a unique record for each individual ticket. For this I have guid column which can just be a unique hash. Basically this would give you some tracking ability on individual tickets, I don't really have enough information to know how this will work in your case. You may even be able to replace this table with JSON data if searching on it is not a concern, and that would make maintenance of it easier in the case that some tickets are refunded. But as I hinted this is very dependent on your particular use case.
Some brief SQL examples
Joining Everything (just to show the relationships):
{some fields}
ticket AS t
puchase AS p ON t.purchase_id =
customer AS c ON p.customer_id =
show AS s ON p.show_id =
venue AS v ON s.venue_id =
event AS e ON s.event_id =
Counting the used slots for a show:
SUM(slots) AS used_slots
show_id = :show_id
GROUP BY show_id
Get the available slots for a show:
venue AS v
show AS s ON s.venue_id =
v.show_id = :show_id
# or you could do = :show_id
It also works out nice that all the tables start with a different letter, which makes aliasing a bit easier.
-note- The table name event may be a reserved word in MySql, I am not sure off the top of my head if it will work as a table name. Some reserved words still work in some parts of the query based on the context it's used in. Even if that is true, I am sure you can come up with a work around for it. Coincidentally this is why I named purchase that instead of order as "order" is a reserved word. (I just happen to think of event)
I hope that helps and makes sense. I probably spent way more time on this then I should have, but I design things like this for a living and I really enjoy the data architecture part of it, so I can get a bit carried away at times.

Safely auto increment MySQL field based on MAX() subquery upon insert

I have a table which contains a standard auto-incrementing ID, a type identifier, a number, and some other irrelevant fields. When I insert a new object into this table, the number should auto-increment based on the type identifier.
Here is an example of how the output should look:
id type_id number
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 2 1
4 1 3
5 3 1
6 3 2
7 1 4
8 2 2
As you can see, every time I insert a new object, the number increments according to the type_id (i.e. if I insert an object with type_id of 1 and there are 5 objects matching this type_id already, the number on the new object should be 6).
I'm trying to find a performant way of doing this with huge concurrency. For example, there might be 300 inserts within the same second for the same type_id and they need to be handled sequentially.
Methods I've tried already:
This was a bad idea but I've added it for completeness. A request was made to get the MAX() number for the item type and then add the number + 1 as part of an insert. This is quick but doesn't work concurrently as there could be 200 inserts between the request for MAX() and that particular insert leading to multiple objects with the same number and type_id.
Manually locking and unlocking the table before and after each insert in order to maintain the increment. This caused performance issues due to the number of concurrent inserts and because the table is constantly read from throughout the app.
Transaction with Subquery
This is how I'm currently doing it but it still causes massive performance issues:
INSERT INTO objects (type_id,number) VALUES ($type_id, (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(number),0)+1 FROM objects WHERE type_id = $type_id FOR UPDATE));
Another negative thing about this approach is that I need to do a follow up query in order to get the number that was added (i.e. searching for an object with the $type_id ordered by number desc so I can see the number that was created - this is done based on a $user_id so it works but adds an extra query which I'd like to avoid)
I looked into using a trigger in order to dynamically add the number upon insert but this wasn't performant as I need to perform a query on the table I'm inserting into (which isn't allowed so has to be within a subquery causing performance issues).
Grouped Auto-Increment
I've had a look at grouped auto-increment (so that the number would auto-increment based on type_id) but then I lose my auto-increment ID.
Does anybody have any ideas on how I can make this performant at the level of concurrent inserts that I need? My table is currently InnoDB on MySQL 5.5
Appreciate any help!
Update: Just in case it is relevant, the objects table has several million objects in it. Some of the type_id can have around 500,000 objects assigned to them.
Use transaction and select ... for update. This will solve concurrency conflicts.
In Transaction with Subquery
Try to make index on column type_id
I think by making index on column type_id it will speed up your subquery.
,type_id INT NOT NULL
, COUNT(*) rank
FROM my_table x
JOIN my_table y
ON y.type_id = x.type_id
AND <=
BY id
BY type_id
, rank;
| id | type_id | rank |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 | 2 |
| 4 | 1 | 3 |
| 7 | 1 | 4 |
| 3 | 2 | 1 |
| 8 | 2 | 2 |
| 5 | 3 | 1 |
| 6 | 3 | 2 |
or, if performance is an issue, just do the same thing with a couple of #variables.
Perhaps an idea to create a (temporary) table for all rows with a common "type_id".
In that table you can use auto-incrementing for your num colomn.
Then your num shoud be fully trustable.
Then you can select your data and update your first table.

MySQL Occasionally Returns Wrong Value

This is a general question, one that I've been scratching my head on for a while now. My company's database handles about 2k rows a day. 99.9% of the time, we have no problem with the values that are returned in the different SELECT statements that are set up. However, on a very rare occasion, our database will "glitch" and return the value for a completely different row than what was requested.
This is a very basic example:
| row_id | columnvalue |
| 1 | 10 |
| 2 | 20 |
| 3 | 30 |
| 4 | 40 |
SELECT columnvalue FROM table_name WHERE row_id = 1 LIMIT 1
Returns: 10
But on the very rare occasion, it may return: 20, or 30, etc.
I am completely baffled as to why it does this sometimes and would appreciate some insight on what appears to be a programming phenomena.
More specific information:
FROM users, companies
mysql> DESCRIBE users;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| USERID | int(10) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| COMPANYCODE| varchar(255)| NO | MUL | | |
| FIRST | varchar(255)| NO | MUL | | |
| LAST | varchar(255)| NO | MUL | | |
mysql> DESCRIBE companies;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| COMPANYID | int(10) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| COMPANYCODE| varchar(255)| NO | MUL | | |
| COMPANYNAME| varchar(255)| NO | | | |
What the results were suppose to be: 9739, "L----, E----", 2197
What the results were instead: 9739, "L----, E----", 3288
Basically, it returned the wrong company id based off the join with companycode. Given the nature of our company, I can't share any more information than that.
I have run this query 5k times and have made very modification to the code imaginable in order to generate the second set of results and I have no been able to duplicate it. I'm not quick to blame MySQL -- this has been happening (though rarely) for over 8 years, and have exhausted all other possible causes. I have suspected the results were manually changed after the query was ran, but the timestamps states otherwise.
I'm just scratching my head as to why this can run perfectly 499k out of 500k times.
Now that we have a more realistic query, I notice right away that you are joining the tables, not on the primary key, but on the company code. Are we certain that the company code is being enforced as a unique index on companies? The Limit 1 would hide a second row if such a row was found.
From a design perspective, I would make the join on the primary key to avoid even the possibility of duplicate keys and put company code in as a unique indexed field for display and lookup only.
This behavior is either due to an incredibly unlikely SERIOUS bug in MySQL, -or- MySQL is returning a result that is valid at the time the statement is run, and there is some other software that is garfing up the displayed result.
One possibility to consider is that the row had been modified (by some other statement) at the time your SQL statement executed, and then the row was changed again later. (That's the most likely explanation we'd have for MySQL returning an unexpected result.)
The use of the LIMIT 1 clause is curious, because if the predicate uniquely identifies a row, there should be no need for the LIMIT 1, since the query is guaranteed to return no more than one row.
This leads me to suspect that row_id is not unique, and that the query actually returns more than one row. With the LIMIT clause, there is no guarantee as to which of the rows will get returned (absent an ORDER BY clause.)
Otherwise, the most likely culprit is out dated cache contents, or other problems in the code.
The previous answer was based on the example query given; I purposefully omitted the possibility that EMP was a view that was doing a JOIN, since the question originally said it was a table, and the example query showed just the one table.
Based on the new information in the question, I suggest that you OMIT the LIMIT 1 clause from the query. That will identify that the query is returning more than one row.
From the table definitions, we see that the database isn't enforcing a UNIQUE constraint on the COMPANYCODE column in the COMPANY table.
We also know there isn't a foreign key defined, due to the mismatch between the datatypes.
Normally, the foreign key would be defined referencing the PRIMARY KEY of the target table.
What we'd expect the users table to have a company_id column, which references the id (primary key) column in the companies table.
(We note the datatype of the companycode column (int) matches the datatype of the primary key column in the companies table, and we note that the join condition is matching on the companycode column, even though the datatypes do not match, which is very odd.)
There are several reasons this could happen. I suggest you look at the assumptions you're making. For example:
If you're using GROUP BY and one of the columns isn't an aggregate or the grouping expression, you're going to get an unpredictable value in that column. Make sure you use an appropriate aggregation (such as MAX or MIN) to get a predictable result on each column.
If you're assuming a row order without making it explicit, and using LIMIT to get only the first row, the actual returned order of rows differs depending on that result's execution plan, which is going to differ in large resultsets based on the statistics available to the optimiser. Make sure you use ORDER BY in such situations.

Get rowid from Mysql

i develop a project, in that i display the values from mysql database using PHP , in that i need to set a unique id[Not manually] for each row that i fetched from database.Can anyone help me please. Thanks in Advance.
Take a look at this article for how to create an auto incremented field to generate unique ID for the record:
Basicly you use AUTO_INCREMENT attribute on the column.
CREATE TABLE animals (
name CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO animals (name) VALUES
SELECT * FROM animals;
Will create this output:
| id | name |
| 1 | dog |
| 2 | cat |
| 3 | penguin |
| 4 | lax |
| 5 | whale |
| 6 | ostrich |
How to automatically generate ids has already been answered. Additional info: If you want to see which id was inserted for a row, use mysql_insert_id()
Alternatively, you should already have a primary key or compound key, get a hash of these using the md5 function and store in memory. However, creating an auto incrementing field or a UUID field in the database would be the most preferable option.
HI, Even i have come across the same situation, where I need to display the row id. To implement this, i have created a separated table, where I Control the table with Stored Procedure, before it refills, I will delete all the records and reinserts with the latest Ranking systems. I am successful in this and implemented in
