How to convert cakephp 2.x component and helper to 1.3 - php

I have a cropping tool component and helper which work on cake 2.x but now I need to use this cropping tool into one of the older project in cakephp 1.3. How should I do this?
The component:
App::uses('Component', 'Controller');
class JcropComponent extends Component {
public $components = array('Session');
public $options = array(
'overwriteFile' => true,
'boxWidth' => '940'
* Constructor
public function __construct(ComponentCollection $collection, $options = array()) {
$this->options = array_merge($this->options, $options);
The Helper
App::uses('AppHelper', 'View/Helper');
class JcropHelper extends AppHelper {
public $helpers = array('Html','Form','Js');
public $options = array(
'tooltip' => true,
'boxWidth' => '940'
public function __construct(View $view, $options = null) {
$this->options = array_merge($this->options, $options);
I tried to change it into this, it can show the image, but how can I merge the options array?
the one where __construct ($options = array())
class JcropComponent extends Component {
var $components = array('Session');
public $options = array(
'overwriteFile' => true,
'boxWidth' => '940'
//public function initialize(&$controller, $settings = array()) {
// $this->controller =& $controller;
//$this->options = array_merge($this->options, $options);
class JcropHelper extends AppHelper {
var $helpers = array('Html','Form','Js');
public $options = array(
'tooltip' => true,
'boxWidth' => '940'
public function __construct($settings = null) {
//$this->options = array_merge($this->options, $options);

Components in 1.3 don't use the constructor for settings
The first significant problem you have is: the way components receive settings changed between major versions.
in 1.3:
//Component(Collection) Class
$component->initialize($controller, $settings);
in 2.x:
//ComponentCollection class
new $componentClass(ComponentCollectionObject, $settings);
Therefore the way to make the component work the same way in 1.3 - is to define the initialize method.
Helpers have a different constructor
A similar change was made to helpers:
In 1.3:
//View class
new $helperCn($options);
In 2.x:
//HelperCollection class
new $helperClass(ViewObject, $settings);
In this case it should be more obvious - any overridden method should have the same method signature as the parent class. Therefore: change the helper to have the same expected arguments in the constructor
Warning: extends Component
In 1.3, components do not extend Component, they extend Object. Component is the class which acts as a collection in 1.3, extending it will cause unexpected and undesired behavior (i.e. it'll likely cause unexpected "random" warnings and fatal errors). As such you should change the component class to be analogous to all other components, extending Object (or quite simply - not extending component).
If this class is something you use and maintain in various projects, it'd be a good idea to extract the main functionality into a standalone class, and implement only a thin wrapper class (component/behavior) to interface with it. In this way any changes made to the main functionality can be leveraged irrespective of the version of cake - or any other framework - used.


Using AbstractPluginManager with Zend Expressive 3

I'd like to inject an array of objects that implement a common interface into one of my services. I am using zend servicemanager as the DI container. I have been reading the docs for quite a bit now and it seems to me that AbstractPluginManager is the way to go. I haven't been able to make it work though.
Is there an example using an AbstractPluginManager + Zend Expressive 3 that I can take a look at?
My ultimate goal is to dynamically inject all registered classes that implement a common interface into my service.
interface I{}
class A implements I{}
class B implements I{}
class C{}
__construct(array Iimplementations){...}
$service = $container->get('myservice')
$service has Iimplementations
Thanks in advance
The AbstractPluginManager is mostly for validation and filter plugins. You can create classes and while validating, you can pass specific configuration which makes the filter or validator re-usable.
What you are looking for is probably an abstract factory. You register the factory once and it can create a service for you. In your case with a specific set of dependencies.
interface I{}
class A implements I{}
class B implements I{}
class MyAbstractFactory implements AbstractFactoryInterface
public function canCreate(ContainerInterface $container, $requestedName)
return in_array('I', class_implements($requestedName), true);
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $requestedName, array $options = null)
return new $requestedName(
// config/autoload/
return [
'dependencies' => [
'factories' => [
// ...
'abstract_factories' => [
You can also go crazy and use reflection to detect dependencies if they are different for each class, however that adds a lot of overhead. I think it's easier and more maintainable to create separate factories. And then there is zend-expressive-tooling which is a cli tool that can create factories, handlers and middleware.
/*Getting I concrete implementations via the plugin manager will ensure the implementation of the I interface*/
class IPluginManager extends AbstractPluginManager
protected $instanceOf = I::class;
public function getIConcreteImplementations()
$concreteImpl = [];
foreach(array_keys($this->factories) as $key)
$concreteImpl[] = $this->get($key);
return $concreteImpl;
class TransactionSourcePluginManagerFactory
const CONFIG_KEY = 'i-implementations-config-key';
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $name, array $options = null)
$pluginManager = new IPluginManager($container, $options ?: []);
// If this is in a zend-mvc application, the ServiceListener will inject
// merged configuration during bootstrap.
if ($container->has('ServiceListener')) {
return $pluginManager;
// If we do not have a config service, nothing more to do
if (! $container->has('config')) {
return $pluginManager;
$config = $container->get('config');
// If we do not have validators configuration, nothing more to do
if (! isset($config[self::CONFIG_KEY]) || !
is_array($config[self::CONFIG_KEY])) {
return $pluginManager;
// Wire service configuration for validators
(new Config($config[self::CONFIG_KEY]))->configureServiceManager($pluginManager);
return $pluginManager;
/*In the ConfigProvider of the module or global config*/
class ConfigProvider
* Returns the configuration array
* To add a bit of a structure, each section is defined in a separate
* method which returns an array with its configuration.
public function __invoke() : array
return [
'dependencies' => $this->getDependencies(),
'routes' => $this->getRoutes(),
'i-implementations-config-key' => $this->getIConcreteImplementations(),
public function getIConcreteImplementations() : array
return [
'factories' => [
A::class => AFactory::class,
B::class => InvokableFactory::class,
/*I can now be sure that I am injecting an array of I implementations into my Service*/
class ServiceFactory
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container) : Service
$pluginManager = $container->get(IPluginManager::class);
$impl = $pluginManager->getIConcreteImplementations();
return new Service($impl);

Is the new way of dependency injection in ZF2 without serviceLocator->get() way more inefficient?

Since version 2.7.0 of zend-mvc the ServiceLocatorAwareInterface is depricated, so are $this->serviceLocator->get() calls inside controllers.
Thats why some days ago I did a huge refactoring of all my modules to inject the needed services/objects through constructors using factories for mostly everything.
Sure, I understand why this is the better/cleaner way to do things, because dependendies are much more visible now. But on the other side:
This leads to a heavy overhead and much more never-used class instances, doesn't it?
Let's look to an example:
Because all my controllers having dependencies, I've created factories for all of them.
namespace Admin\Factory\Controller;
class CustomerControllerFactory implements FactoryInterface {
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $controllerManager) {
$serviceLocator = $controllerManager->getServiceLocator();
$customerService = $serviceLocator->get('Admin\Service\CustomerService');
$restSyncService = $serviceLocator->get('Admin\Service\SyncRestClientService');
return new \Admin\Controller\CustomerController($customerService, $restSyncService);
namespace Admin\Controller;
class CustomerController extends AbstractRestfulController {
public function __construct($customerService, $restSyncService) {
$this->customerService = $customerService;
$this->restSyncService = $restSyncService;
'controllers' => [
'factories' => [
'Admin\Controller\CustomerController' => 'Admin\Factory\Controller\CustomerControllerFactory',
'service_manager' => [
'factories' => [
'Admin\Service\SyncRestClientService' => 'Admin\Factory\SyncRestClientServiceFactory',
namespace Admin\Factory;
class SyncRestClientServiceFactory implements FactoryInterface {
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator) {
$entityManager = $serviceLocator->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default');
$x1 = $serviceLocator->get(...);
$x2 = $serviceLocator->get(...);
$x3 = $serviceLocator->get(...);
// ...
return new \Admin\Service\SyncRestClientService($entityManager, $x1, $x2, $x3, ...);
The SyncRestService is a complex service class which queries some internal server of our system. It has a lot of dependencies, and is always created if a request comes to the CustomerController. But this sync-service is only used inside the syncAction() of the CustomerController! Before I was using simply $this->serviceLocator->get('Admin\Service\SyncRestClientService') inside the syncAction() so only then it was instantiated.
In general it looks like a lot of instances are created through factories at every request, but the most dependencies are not used. Is this an issue because of my design or it is a normal side-effect behaviour of "doing dependency injection through constructors"?
In my opinion it is a normal effect of dependency injection through constructors.
I think you have now two options (not mutually exclusive) to improve how your application works:
Split your controllers, so that the dependencies are instanciated only when needed. This would certainly give rise to more classes, more factories, and so on, but your code would attain more to the single responsability principle
You could use Lazy Services, so that, even if some services are dependencies of the whole controller, they will be actually instanciated only the first time they are called (so never for the actions where they are not called!)
If you only use your SyncRestClientService inside a controller you should consider changing it from a service to a controller plugin (or make a controller plugin where you inject your SyncRestClientService).
Like that you can still get it inside your controller syncAction method very similar to like you did before. This is exactly the purpose of the ZF2 controller plugins.
First you need to create your controller plugin class (extending Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\AbstractPlugin):
namespace Application\Controller\Plugin;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\AbstractPlugin;
class SyncPlugin extends AbstractPlugin{
protected $syncRestClientService;
public function __constuct(SyncRestClientService $syncRestClientService){
$this->syncRestClientService = $syncRestClientService
public function sync(){
// do your syncing using the service that was injected
Then a factory to inject your service in the class:
namespace Application\Controller\Plugin\Factory;
use Application\Controller\Plugin\SyncPlugin;
class SyncPluginFactory implements FactoryInterface
* #param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceController
* #return SyncPlugin
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceController)
$serviceManager = $serviceController->getServiceLocator();
$syncRestClientService = $serviceManager>get('Admin\Service\SyncRestClientService');
return new SyncPlugin($syncRestClientService);
Then you need to register your plugin in your module.config.php:
return array(
'controller_plugins' => array(
'factories' => array(
'SyncPlugin' => 'Application\Controller\Plugin\Factory\SyncPluginFactory',
// ...
Now you can use it inside your controller action like this:
protected function syncAction(){
$plugin = $this->plugin('SyncPlugin');
//now you can call your sync logic using the plugin
Read more on controller plugins here in the documentation
Maybe you only need one dependency to be injected into the controller constructor (the ServiceManager instance). I don't see any cops around...
namespace Admin\Factory\Controller;
class CustomerControllerFactory implements FactoryInterface {
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $controllerManager)
$serviceLocator = $controllerManager->getServiceLocator();
return new \Admin\Controller\CustomerController($serviceLocator);
Personally I get the action name in the controller factory to inject services on a per action basis.
Have a look at my sites controller.
namespace Admin\Controller\Service;
use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
use Admin\Controller\SitesController;
use Admin\Model\Sites as Models;
class SitesControllerFactory implements FactoryInterface
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$actionName = $serviceLocator->getServiceLocator()->get('Application')->getMvcEvent()->getRouteMatch()->getParam('action');
$controller = new SitesController();
switch ($actionName) {
case 'list':
case 'view':
case 'add':
case 'edit':
return $controller;
As you can see I use $serviceLocator->getServiceLocator()->get('Application')->getMvcEvent()->getRouteMatch()->getParam('action'); to get the action name and use a switch statement to inject the dependencies when required.
I don't know if this is the best solution but it works for me.
Hope this helps.

Zend Framework 2: passing variables ("options") to form using formelementmanager

I need to programmatically change the behaviour of a form based on some options. Let's say, for example, I'm displaying a form with some user's info.
I need to display a checkbox, "send mail", if and only if a user has not received an activation mail yet. Previously, with ZF1, i used to do something like
$form = new MyForm(array("displaySendMail" => true))
which, in turn, was received as an option, and which allow'd to do
class MyForm extends Zend_Form {
protected $displaySendMail;
public function setDisplaySendMail($displaySendMail)
$this->displaySendMail = $displaySendMail;
public function init() {
$displaySendMail new Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox("sendmail");
->setLabel("Send Activation Mail");
How could this be accomplished using Zend Framework 2? All the stuff I found is about managing dependencies (classes), and nothing about this scenario, except this SO question: ZF2 How to pass a variable to a form
which, in the end, falls back on passing a dependency. Maybe what's on the last comment, by Jean Paul Rumeau could provide a solution, but I wasn't able to get it work.
#AlexP, thanks for your support. I already use the FormElementManager, so it should be straightforward. If I understand correctly, I should just retrieve these option in my SomeForm constructor, shouldn't I?
[in Module.php]
'Application\SomeForm' => function($sm)
$form = new SomeForm();
return $form;
while in SomeForm.php
class SomeForm extends Form implements ServiceManagerAwareInterface
protected $sm;
public function __construct($name, $options) {
[here i have options?]
parent::__construct($name, $options);
I tryed this, but was not working, I'll give it a second try and double check everything.
With the plugin managers (classes extending Zend\ServiceManager\AbstractPluginManager) you are able to provide 'creation options' array as the second parameter.
$formElementManager = $serviceManager->get('FormElementManager');
$form = $formElementManager->get('SomeForm', array('foo' => 'bar'));
What is important is how you have registered the service with the manager. 'invokable' services will have the options array passed into the requested service's constructor, however 'factories' (which have to be a string of the factory class name) will get the options in it's constructor.
You have registered your service with an anonymous function which mean this will not work for you. Instead use a factory class.
// Module.php
public function getFormElementConfig()
return array(
'factories' => array(
'Application\SomeForm' => 'Application\SomeFormFactory',
An then it's the factory that will get the options injected into it's constructor (which if you think about it makes sense).
namespace Application;
use Application\SomeForm;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
class SomeFormFactory implements FactoryInterface
protected $options = array();
public function __construct(array $options = array())
$this->options = $options;
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
return new SomeForm('some_form', $this->options);
Alternatively, you can inject directly into the service you are requesting (SomeForm) by registering it as an 'invokeable' service; obviously this will depend on what dependencies the service requires.

ZF2 Getting Autoloaded config info in a custom class

I have been racking my brain now for the better part of two days. I'm using Zend Apigility to create a RESTful web API application. Apigility builds its application using ZF2.
I created a custom class that I use throughout my API.
I would like to read in some autoloaded configuration information to make a connection to an memcache server. The file that is being autoloaded into the service manager is:
return array(
'memcache' => array(
'server' => '',
'port' => '11211',
My custom class that my REST services are calling is called checkAuth:
namespace equiAuth\V1\Rest\AuthTools;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
class checkAuth implements ServiceLocatorAwareInterface{
protected $services;
public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$this->services = $serviceLocator;
public function getServiceLocator()
return $this->services;
public function userAuths() {
//** Some Code
$config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('config');
// **
I believe I'm injecting the service manager into the class from my module.config.php with the following code:
'service_manager' => array(
'invokables' => array(
'checkAuth' => 'equiAuth\V1\Rest\AuthTools\checkAuth',
When I hit the code when I'm trying to read the 'config' from the get method of the ServiceLocator I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object
I know I'm missing something, but I cant for the life of me figure out what.
Give your class an API that allow's you to 'set' the configuration from client code. This could be via the constructor or
a public setter.
namespace equiAuth\V1\Rest\AuthTools;
class CheckAuth
protected $config;
public function __construct(array $config = array())
public function setConfig(array $config)
$this->config = $config;
public function doStuff()
$server = $this->config['server'];
In order to 'set' the configuration you would also need to also create a service factory class. The idea in the factory is to give you an area to inject the configuration in to the service; with the updates to CheckAuth above we can now do so very easily.
namespace equiAuth\V1\Rest\AuthTools;
use equiAuth\V1\Rest\AuthTools\CheckAuth;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
class CheckAuthFactory implements FactoryInterface
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$config = $serviceLocator->get('config');
return new CheckAuth($config['memcache']);
Lastly, change the registered service with the service manager; the change here is service key form invokables to factories as we need to register the
above factory to create it.
// module.config.php
'service_manager' => array(
'factories' => array(
'checkAuth' => 'equiAuth\V1\Rest\AuthTools\CheckAuthFactory',
ZF2 use ServiceManager Container as well.
Your code is right at all, but
To auto-inject the servicelocator on your class you just need to use
$checkAuth = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('checkAuth');
then you can call
and should work.
If you try to use:
$checkAuth = new \equiAuth\V1\Rest\AuthTools\checkAuth();
$checkAuth->userAuths(); //error
Will not work because what inject the serviceLocator into your class is just the
ServiceManager, once you use serviceManager you need to be evangelist with them.
But if you try:
$checkAuth = new \equiAuth\V1\Rest\AuthTools\checkAuth();
//get $serviceLocator from ServiceManager Container
Will work too.
Good job!

ZF2: How to get Zend\Navigation inside custom route?

I have custom router and I have to get access to Zend\Navigation inside this custom router. I was googling, asking and searching and no results :/
All I need is to find nodes with 'link' param using Zend\Navigation in my Alias::match function.
Here is my module.config.php:
'navigation' => array(
'default' => array(
'account' => array(
'label' => 'Account',
'route' => 'node',
'pages' => array(
'home' => array(
'label' => 'Dashboard',
'route' => 'node',
'params' => array(
'id' => '1',
'link' => '/about/gallery'
And here is my Alias class:
// file within ModuleName/src/ModuleName/Router/Alias.php
namespace Application\Router;
use Traversable;
use Zend\Mvc\Router\Exception;
use Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils;
use Zend\Stdlib\RequestInterface as Request;
use Zend\Mvc\Router\Http;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
class Alias extends Http\Segment implements ServiceLocatorAwareInterface
public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$this->serviceLocator = $serviceLocator;
return $this;
public function getServiceLocator()
return $this->serviceLocator;
public function match(Request $request, $pathOffset = null)
return parent::match($request, $pathOffset);
Now i know that I should inject service manager into my custom router. Let me know if You know how to do this :)
Ok, its not custom router but route. My bad. I was talking on #zftalk irc chanell and AliasSegment class should implements ServiceLocatorAwareInterface. Ok I've tried it but now there is another problem.
In setServiceLocator function i can't get service locator. It returns null object, however $serviceLocator is class Zend\Mvc\Router\RoutePluginManager.
public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator){
$sl = $serviceLocator->getServiceLocator();
var_dump($sl); // NULL
Any ideas how to get Zend navigation from it ?
Corresponding to what #mmmshuddup said, I've changed my custom router class. (New version is above). Also in my Module.php, within onBootstrap function, I added this line:
$sm->setFactory('Navigation', 'Zend\Navigation\Service\DefaultNavigationFactory', true);
Navigation works and its instantiated before route so it should be visible within my Alias class but it's not.
I've put into my match function in Alias class this line:
$servicesArray = $this->getServiceLocator()->getRegisteredServices();
and $servicesArray is almost empty. There is no service, no factories. The same line inserted into onBootstrap, just after setting new factory (as above) returns array with navigation and other services.
The question is: how can i share this array (or ServiceManager) with my custom router: Alias ?
I have to say that all I want to do was possible in ZF1 and it was quite easy.
I found a solution. The answer is below
That is because the object itself really doesn't have any properties declared. But if you do this:
echo get_class($sl);
You will see that it is indeed an instance of Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager
You should be able to get your navigation instance by doing something like:
$nav = $sl->get('Navigation');
I just notice you have some stuff in the wrong location of your code. You're calling getServiceLocator() on $serviceLocator which is already the instance of that. Also you're calling it within setServiceLocator(). You should change it to:
// EDIT - file within ModuleName/src/Router/Alias.php
namespace Application\Router;
use Traversable;
use Zend\Mvc\Router\Exception;
use Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils;
use Zend\Stdlib\RequestInterface as Request;
use Zend\Mvc\Router\Http;
class Alias extends Http\Segment implements ServiceLocatorAwareInterface
public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$this->serviceLocator = $serviceLocator;
return $this;
public function getServiceLocator()
return $this->serviceLocator;
public function match(Request $request, $pathOffset = null)
$nav = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Navigation');
// ...
return parent::match($request, $pathOffset);
I found the solution but this is NOT elegant solution i think. However everything works perfectly. If somebody knows disadvantages of this solution, please comment this answer or add another, better. I had to modify #mmmshuddup's idea (you can read the conversation).
First of all, the implementation of ServiceLocatorAwareInterface in custom route class is no more necessary.
In Module.php within onBootstrap function:
$app = $e->getApplication();
$sm = $app->getServiceManager();
$eventManager = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager();
$moduleRouteListener = new ModuleRouteListener();
'Zend\Navigation\Service\DefaultNavigationFactory', true);
$nav = $sm->get('Navigation');
$alias = $sm->get('Application\Router\Alias');
First we instantiate Navigation factory in ServiceManager and then our custom route. After that we can pass Navigation class into custom route using setNavigation function.
To complete instantiate of our custom route we need in getServiceConfig in the same file:
return array(
'factories' => array(
'Application\Router\Alias' => function($sm) {
$alias = new \Application\Router\Alias('/node[/:id]');
return $alias;
'db_adapter' => function($sm) {
$config = $sm->get('Configuration');
$dbAdapter = new \Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter($config['db']);
return $dbAdapter;
And here is a tricky part. This instance is temporary. While routing, this class will be instantiated one more time and this is why, I think, it's not very elegant. We have to insert parameter into constructor however at this moment value of this parameter is not important.
The custom route class:
// file within ModuleName/src/ModuleName/Router/Alias.php
namespace Application\Router;
use Traversable;
use Zend\Mvc\Router\Exception;
use Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils;
use Zend\Stdlib\RequestInterface as Request;
use Zend\Mvc\Router\Http;
class Alias extends Http\Segment
private static $_navigation = null;
public function match(Request $request, $pathOffset = null)
//some logic here
//get Navigation
$nav = self::$_navigation;
return parent::match($request, $pathOffset);
public function setNavigation($navigation){
self::$_navigation = $navigation;
Because first instance is temporary, we have to collect our Navigation class in static variable. It's awful but works nice. Maybe there is a way to instantiate it only once and in route configuration get instance of it, but at this moment this is best answer for my question. Simply enough and working correctly.
