"Name" of the route in Symfony2 relevance - php

I am wondering, what is the use of the "name" of the route in Symfony2 routes.yml file
pattern: /
defaults: { _controller: AcmeDemoBundle:Welcome:index }
For example here, pattern and defaults are obviously keywords, however, what the _welcome stands for? Is it arbitrary or a is it kind of predefined keyword for every bundle? Thank you in advance.

The route name is useful for route debugging and generating urls. You will find the route name is used extensively in Twig templates when generating links with the path() function. You can also generate urls from the route name in a controller. More information here
It is good to follow a logical convention when naming routes. Something like:
bundle_name.controller.action is a good place to start.

In this case _welcome is an arbitrary, unique id for each route you have in your project. You need it if you want to generate a url out of a template or if you want to overwrite a vendor-route...


Symfony2 routes redirecting to wrong controller

In my symfony2 application I want specific routes for my pages, to work well with my seo, but I receive some serious problems and I dont understand them..
Two routes:
path: /blog/{slug}
defaults: {_controller: ApplicationEDBlogBundle:Blog:singleArticle}
path: /{category}/{name}
defaults: { _controller: MpShopBundle:Product:view}
The product route works fine, but the blog_article route always redirects to product route..
In my understanding if i open blog: /blog/firstBlog/ by default it thinks that the blog is a category and firstBlog is the product name, because my product route is the last route.
But if in my twig i specificaly tell which route to go to, shouldnt it work?
For example: {{ path('blog_article', {slug: blog.slug}) }}. Shouldnt this look at the blog_article route and open the needed controller? Or it does not work like that?
If so, how to keep my pretty urls the way I want to?
change routing to
path: /blog/{slug}
defaults: {_controller: ApplicationEDBlogBundle:Blog:singleArticle}
path: /cat/{category}/{name}
defaults: { _controller: MpShopBundle:Product:view}
and will be fine .
In your example {category} could be "blog" , so 1st route was matched .
It can also work if you change order ( product w'll be first). But it's not good solution (what if someone add category blog ?)
Nope, it doesn't work like that, i.e. your example path code doesn't mean that the routing should look for the blog_article route:
The twig path function just expands the route into the actual url (/blog/yourslug) and when actually accessing that url, the system makes the matching the other way around from the url to the route (matching to whichever happens to be the first of the above listed two route definitions).
If you have this kind of routes, the solution is to have them neatly in the correct order (most generic ones - the product in this case - being always the last), or if the ordering is not possible, you can try to solve this by placing some specific route requirements if applicable.

Defining default routing for controller/action in symfony 2

If I wanted to make it so that every url call apart from ones I have defined after act upon /ExplicitControllerName/ExplicitActionToRun... how might the routing look like.
for example some pseudo code:
pattern: /{controller}/{action}
defaults: { _controller: Bundle:Default:index }
So if I went to
it would call my controller
class Page extends Controller
public AboutAction()
// Called by above URL
This question does not answer: Symfony2 / routing / use parameters as Controller or Action name
Imagine I have 100 pages with lots of sub routing pages doing pretty much the same routing every time. I want to do 1 routing for all those 100 controllers. How would we do this?
P.S I'm really going for something like the C#.NET MVC 4.0 routing in which it allows you to set a routing for a typical setup you might have even if at the very least its for development
Your question is not totally clear but here are some hints.
I can imagine two use cases you're trying to solve:
1) You've a lot of some sort of CMS page, like your about example, these pages don't have much logic and just render some view, in such case you would something like:
class CMSPageController
public function renderPage($pageSlug)
$page = $this->cmsPageRepository->findBySlug($pageSlug);
// your logic to render the view
And the according routing configuration:
<route id="cms_page_view" pattern="/cms/{pageSlug}">
<default key="_controller">cms_page.controller.page:renderPage</default>
<requirement key="_method">GET</requirement>
<requirement key="slug">[0-9a-zA-Z\-\.\/]+</requirement>
2) You have much more complex requirements, and/or follow a specific pattern to name your controller/action, therefore you need to write a custom UrlMatcherInterface implementation. Take a look at the native implementation to know where to start. It would allow you define a fallback.
This can be achieved using either SensioFrameworkExtraBundle's #Route annotation on class- and method-level excessively...
... or more elegant with less annotations using FOSRestBundle's automatic route generation with implicit resource names. Maybe you'll need to correct some of the generated routes using some of FOSRestBundle's manual route definition annotations.
Both methods originally still leave the need to explicitly add the route resources to your app/config/routing.yml.
Example import for #Route
# import routes from a controller directory
resource: "#SensioBlogBundle/Controller"
type: annotation
Example import for FOSRestBundle
type: rest
resource: Acme\HelloBundle\Controller\UsersController
You could work around having to import all the resources by:
introducing a custom annotation (class-level)
creating a compiler pass or a custom route loader in which you ...
use the Finder to find all controller classes in all bundles with that annotation
finally add all those as resources with type annotation/rest to the route collection in there
If you don't plan to use hundreds of controllers and don't have too much experience with compiler-passes, custom annotations, ... etc. you'll definitely be faster just registering the resources in the routing config.

Symfony 2 #Route annotation case-sensitive

I'm trying to create a url with annotations of the route.
The problem is that I can write any URL large, small or different.
#Route("/{staat}/", name="showStaats",requirements={"location" = "berlin|bayern|brandenburg"})
This URL can be accessed both from www.example.com/berlin and under www.example.com/Berlin.
I would, however, that it is attainable only under www.example.com/berlin.
Answering the question "How to make case-insensitive routing requirement":
You can add case-insensitive modifier to requirement regexp like so:
You have "/{staat}/", but your requirements set "location" = ..., these should match, so maybe that's the cause of your problem.
If you don't want to hardcode the list of states in your route, you could inject a service containter parameter with a list of states. Just see How to use Service Container Parameters in your Routes in the documentation for how to do that.
If you just want to check, whether that state is all lower-cased you could try the following requirement:
staat: "[a-z-]+"
This should match only lowercase characters and dash (e.g. for "sachsen-anhalt"). But I'm not entirely sure if this will work as the router's regex-detection is a bit quirky.
You could also create a custom Router Loader which will create routes programmatically, e.g. by fetching the list of states from a database or file.
As I wrote in my comment I would add the list of params as a Service Container parameter, e.g. %my_demo.states% containing a list of states. I'm not sure however if this will work with annotations. So here is a quick workaround how to get it working.
In your app/config/config.yml you append the %my_demo.states% parameter:
states: ["berlin", "brandenburg", "sachsen-anhalt", ... ]
In your app/config/routing.yml there should be something like this:
resource: "#MyDemoBundle/Controller/"
prefix: /
type: annotation
The type: annotation and #MyDemoBundle is the relevant part. Add the following route before this one, to make sure it takes precedence:
path: /{state}
defaults: { _controller: MyDemoBundle:State:index }
state: %my_demo.states%
This will add a route which will apply before your annotations using the list of states as parameters. This is a bit crude, as you are mixing yml/annotation-based routing, but it's imo still better than cramming a list of 16 states in the annotation, not to mention its easier to maintain.

Symfony2 routing: How to request that the route will be taken from only one template

I heve an embedded controller in my base template. It's a search bar.
For the search bar controller, I have a route "myProject/search".
What I would like is that this route will be taken only when the template where I am embedding the controller (base.html.twig) will call it, and not when i manually put in the browser: "myproject/search".
Any idea on how to do that.
I think, since some time you can't do it:
quote from the docs:
Even though this controller will only be used internally, you'll need
to create a route that points to the controller
Since Symfony 2.0.20/2.1.5, the Twig render tag now takes an absolute
url instead of a controller logical path. This fixes an important
security issue (CVE-2012-6431) reported on the official blog. If your
application uses an older version of Symfony or still uses the
previous render tag syntax, you should upgrade as soon as possible.
Anyway, I guess, you can try do it yourself by passing some "secret" argument to search action when you call it from your template. Next in the action you check if the argument was passed to it, and if not you throw 404.
Another way to achieve your goal is use .htaccess file.
You can restrict your route to a certain method by _method option in your routing configuration:
pattern: /myProject/search
defaults: { _controller: YourBundle:YourController:YourAction }
_method: POST

Routing in Symfony2

How to setup default routing in Symfony2?
In Symfony1 it looked something like this:
url: /
param: { module: default, action: index }
url: /symfony/:action/...
param: { module: default }
url: /:module
param: { action: index }
url: /:module/:action/...
I was looking through the cookbook for an answer to this, and think I've found it here. By default, all route parameters have a hidden requirement that they match any character except the / character ([^/]+), but this behaviour can be overridden with the requirements keyword, by forcing it to match any character.
The following should create a default route that catches all others - and as such, should come last in your routing config, as any following routes will never match. To ensure it matches "/" as well, a default value for the url parameter is included.
pattern: /{url}
defaults: { _controller: AcmeBundle:Default:index, url: "index" }
url: ".+"
I don't think it's possible with the standard routing component.
Take a look to this bundle, it might help :
// Symfony2 PR10
in routing.yml:
pattern: /{_controller}
It enables you to use this kind of urls: http://localhost/MySuperBundle:MyController:myview
Symfony2 standard routing component does not support it, but this bundle fills the gap Symfony1 left:
It does what you expect. You can default route a bundle using this syntax:
resource: "#FosUserBundle"
prefix: /
type: default
It scans your bundle and automatically adds routes to your router table that you can debug by executing:
app/console router:debug
Example of automatically added default routes:
[router] Current routes
Name Method Pattern
fos_user.user.login_check ANY /user/login_check.{_format}
fos_user.user.logout ANY /user/logout.{_format}
fos_user.user.login ANY /user/login.{_format}
You see that it also supports the automatic "format" selection by using a file extension (html, json or xml).
Here is an example: http://docs.symfony-reloaded.org/master/quick_tour/the_big_picture.html#routing
A route definition has only one mandatory parameter pattern and three optionals parameters defaults, requirements and options.
Here's a route from my own project:
pattern: /watch/{id}/{slug}
defaults: { _controller: SiteBundle:Video:watch }
requirements: { id: "\d+", slug: "[\w-]+"
Alternatively, you can use #Route annotation directly in a controller file. see https://github.com/sensio/SensioFrameworkExtraBundle/blob/master/Resources/doc/annotations/routing.rst
As for the default routes, I think Symfony2 encourages explicit route mapping.
Create a default route is not a good way of programming. Why? Because for this reason was implemented Exception.
Symfony2 is built just to do right things in the right way.
If you want to redirect all "not found" routes you should use exception, like NotFound404 or something similar. You can even customise this page at your own.
One route is for one purpose. Always. Other think is bad.
You could create your own bundle that handled all requests and used URL parameters to construct a string to pass to the controller's forward method. But that's pretty crappy, I'd go with well defined routes, it keeps your URLs cleaner, and decouples the URL and controller names. If you rename a bundle or something, do you then have to refactor your URLs?
If you want to create a "catch all", your best bet would be to hook on the KernelEvents::EXCEPTION event. This event gets triggered whenever an Exception falls through to the HttpKernel, this includes the NotFoundHttpException thrown when the router cannot resolve a route to a Controller.
The effect would be similar to Symfony's stylized 404 page that gets rendered when you send the request through app_dev.php. Instead of returning a 404, you perform whatever logic you're looking to.
It depends... Some of mine look like this:
resource: "#MApiBundle/Resources/config/routing_email.yml"
prefix: /
and some look like
path: /images/{listingId}/{width}/{fileName}
defaults: { _controller: ApiBundle:Image:view, listingId: null, width: null, fileName: null }
methods: [GET]
fileName: .+
