I've had this working but now a route is no longer found and I can't see why.
In a javascript function I am making an ajax post to the function with this url:
url: '/customers/storeajax',
In my routes.php file I have the following routes:
Route::post('customers/storeajax', array('as'=>'storeajax', 'uses' => 'CustomersController#storeAjax'));
Route::post('customers/updateajax/{id}', array('as'=>'updateajax','uses' => 'CustomersController#updateAjax'));
Route::resource('customers', 'CustomersController');
Now when I try to POST to the storeajax route I get a ModelNotFoundException which to me means the route could not be found so it defaults to the default customers controller show method - in the error log I can see the following entry:
#1 [internal function]: CustomersController->show('storeajax')
confirming its treating the storeajax as a parameter.
I've placed my additional routes above the default resource route
I've had this working before I can't see where I've gone wrong.
In addition these routes are placed in a group:
Route::group(array('before' => 'sentryAuth'), function () {}
which simply ensures user is logged on. To test though I've removed outside the group and at the top of the file but still they don't work.
The url in my browser is coming up correctly as: http://greenfees.loc/customers/storeajax (which I can see in firebug console
I'm using POST as the ajax method - just to confirm
Can anyone see why this route doesn't work and what I've missed?
Here's the method inside the controller:
public function storeAjax()
$input = Input::all();
$validation = Validator::make($input, Customer::$rules);
if ($validation->passes())
$customer = $this->customer->create($input);
return $customer;
return Redirect::route('customers.create')->withInput()
->with('message', 'There were validation errors.');
I'm 99% certain though that my route is not reaching this method (i've tested with a vardump inside the method) and the issue relates to my route customer/storeajax cannot be found.
What I think is happening is as customer/storeajax is not found in the list of routes starting with customer it is then defaulting to the resource route that appears on the list and thinks this is a restful request and translating it as customer route which defualts to the show method and using the storeajax as the parameter which then throws the error modelnotfoundexception because it cant find a customer with an id of 'storeajax'
This is evidence by the log detailing a call to the show method as above.
So for some reason my route for '/customers/storeajax' cannot be found even though it appears to be valid and appears before the customers resource. The modelnotfoundexception is a red herring as the cause is because of the routes defaulting to the resource constroller of customers when it cant find a route.
A route not being found raises a NotFoundHttpException.
If you are getting a ModelNotFoundException is because your route is firing and your logic is trying to find a Model, wich it can't somehow, and it is raising a not found error.
Are you using FindOrFail()? This is an example of method that raises this exception. BelongsToMany() is another one that might raise it.
I solved this by renaming the method in the controller to 'newAjax' and also updating the route to:
Route::post('customers/new', array('as'=>'newajax','uses' => 'CustomersController#newAjax'));
the terms store I assume is used by the system (restful?) and creating unexpected behaviour. I tested it in a number of other functions in my controller - adding the term store as a prefix to the method then updating the route and each time it failed.
Something learned.
Laravel version has updated and the routes is now expecting an object instead of an id from when i last used it.
My Routes:
When I try to pass over the $item object which the method in the controller wants. I get a 404 not found and my logs aren't returning... meaning the function isn't running. When the $item obj is not passed over the function realizes that a parameter is missing thus the method is recognized by the blade as being the same as the one in the controller.
Calling the edit function in Blade:
Controller Code:
I appreciate any help whatsoever.
The order of your routes is probably wrong
when you first define the show route with /item/{item} and then create with /item/create laravel will think the "create" is the id (or reference)
best way is to have
the index
Code Example correct
Route::get('/', ProductIndex::class)->name('product.index');
Route::get('/new', ProductCreate::class)->name('product.create');
Route::get('/{product}', ProductShow::class)->name('product.show');
Code Example wrong
Route::get('/', ProductIndex::class)->name('product.index');
Route::get('/{product}', ProductShow::class)->name('product.show');
Route::get('/new', ProductCreate::class)->name('product.create');
I got this error-->'NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection.php line 161'..When i try to call my additional controller in laravel 5.2..Already I did php artisan serve to activate localhost:8000..can you please explain the basic layout of routing with controller in laravel?
NotFoundHttpException occurs when no given route is matched to your given request to a certain endpoint/url.
Make sure you are sending the request to the correct url which is correctly defined in your routes.php (web.php for laravel 5.3+) with it's correct verb, (GET, POST, PATCH, etc).
Basic flow goes like this:
In your routes.php, you'd define a route like:
Route::get("/users", "UsersController#show");
then in your Http folder define that given controller with it's name which you referred in above call and anything proceeding # symbol is a callback function which gets called automatically.
So in your http/UsersController.php, you'd have:
public function show(Request $request) {
//Do something with your request.
return "Something"; //could be an array or string or
//whatever since laravel automatically casts it into JSON,
//but it's strongly recommended to use transformers and compact method.
For more information try looking at laravel docs, they provide an amazing way to get started tutorial. Laravel Docs
I'm having an issue where a route is returning a blank page. I am using Homestead as my dev environment and I'm unsure how to debug.
The /storage/logs/laravel ... isn't returning any exceptions when I visit the white page.
web.php (where it's failing):
Route::get('/clinic/register', 'ClinicController#register');
public function register()
return view('clinic.register', ['specialisms' => Specialism::pluck('specialism', 'id')]);
Yet when I visit /clinic/register I am shown a blank white page. How can I see why it's failing? Surely a white page will return an exception somewhere?
As you have not provided your entire route setup. This answer is my best guess. See if it helps.
Your issue hint at improper route setup. If you have created a clinic resource then clinic/register route should precede it.
// clinic/register route should come first
// followed by rest of the routes which resource will create
The reason behind getting a blank pages is because Route::resource will create some route with wildcards.
For e.g. clinic/{clinic} which will map to show method on controller. So when you make a get request to clinic/register it will be mapped to this show method instead of your register method.
One possibility for not getting any errors is your show method does not have any code yet. Hence, a blank response.
To summarize: Order in which you register your routes matters
I'm trying to write an API test case for a controller function using codeception, and I'm hitting an issue where the route to the controller function does not appear to be evaluated correctly, and the evaluation seems to be different depending on what I have in my test case.
Here is a code sample from my test case:
use \ApiTester;
class CustomerRegisterCest
// tests
public function testGetRegister(ApiTester $I)
public function testPostRegister(ApiTester $I)
$I->sendPOST('register', [
// set the data in here
I have a routes.php file containing these routes:
Route::get('/', ['as' => 'home', 'uses' => 'HomeController#getIndex']);
Route::get('register', ['as' => 'getRegister', 'uses' =>'RegistrationController#getRegister']);
Route::post('register', ['as' => 'postRegister', 'uses' => 'RegistrationController#postRegister']);
I have inserted some debug statements into my controller classes so that I can see what routes get run, like this:
Log::debug('GET register'); // or GET index or POST register, etc
At the moment I have stripped down everything from my controller classes so that ONLY the debug statements are included.
When I run the test case as above, I get the following debug output:
GET register
GET index
... so it appears that sendPOST('register', ...) actually routes to the GET route for "/" instead of the POST route for "/register". Outside of the test case everything works normally -- I can POST to the register routes fine, routing appears to work OK, the problem only appears inside a codeception test case.
If I change the test case so that I am doing the sendGET and the sendPOST inside the same function call, for example like this:
// tests
public function testPostRegister(ApiTester $I)
$I->sendPOST('register', [
// set the data in here
then I see this debug output:
GET register
GET register
... so that by inserting the sendGET into the same function as the sendPOST, it has changed the sendPOST behaviour so that it now routes to the GET route for register instead of the GET route for index (but still won't route to the correct POST route).
I have tried turning xdebug on and don't have any clues from the xdebug output as to what's going on either.
I think I found the answer after a lot of command line debugging (using phpstorm):
The POST register route handling function in the controller was declared like this:
public function postRegister(RegistrationRequest $request)
... requiring an instance of Request to be passed in via dependency injection. That request contained some validation code and if for some reason the validation code could not complete (e.g. throws an exception) then the controller function never gets called -- because building the request fails.
This, in browser-land, throws a 500 error but in codeception land the exception is trapped differently and it returns a redirect to / with no data. This all happens outside of the controller function rather than inside it, so that the Log statement in the controller function never runs because the function never gets called. The exception handler in codeception is a generic trap.
The implicit suggestion is that maybe dependency injections in controllers are a bad idea. Or, maybe, that generic exception handlers are a bad idea.
I've got laravel set up on a domain on a linux host and I have a WAMP local host set up.
The only route that works is the root, when ever I try go to another route such as domain.com/account I get a "Controller method not found." error.
In my routes.php file I have:
Route::controller('account', 'AccountController');
In my LoginController, I have just two methods. getIndex and postIndex.
After a couple of hours Googling with no results and playing around with the routes file amongst things, still nothing worked.
I tried adding the below route which didn't work either.
Route::any('hello', function(){
return 'hello!';
However, I then commented out my Route::controller('','LoginController'); line and the other routes started working!
I then changed it to Route::controller('login','LoginController'); and this and the other routes still worked. I then changed it to Route::any('','LoginController#getIndex'); and the root and other routes still worked. However, doing it this way, when I cliked the login button on my page nothing happened.
So my question really is, is there something wrong with doing Route::controller('','LoginController');? As everything else seems to 'work'
Laravel save an internal collection of registered routes in the $routes member of the Router class. When dispatching a request, a process of picking each element from this collection and test with current request will be executed to find out which route will be handle. This process is affected by the order of your route registering statements.
When testing each route with the current request, the picked route will be compiled and have a regex pattern. This pattern will be use to check with the current URI by the preg_match function as you can see at this line in Laravel source.
When using Route::controller a special route will be add to your routes collection. If your input is Route::controller($uri, $controller) then this special routes will have a regex pattern as ^/$uri/?P<_missing>(.*)$ and it tells Laravel that this request belong to a missing method of the $controller controller class.
In your case, you have set the value of $uri to an empty string which cause the regex of the special route to be ^/?P<_missing>(.*)$ (setting $uri with the string / cause the same effect). Well, this regex will match every URI. So, the internal route looking up process will abort when look to this special route. This is the reason while the exception has been thrown.
You should not use an empty string or the/ string when register with the Route::controller method like the way you did. Instead, use Route::resource or explicit calls (Route::get, Route::post, ...) to handle your top level routes.
I have not tried that, but maybe you could add a "/":
I was able to reproduce the issue and I solved by changing the order of your route lines:
Route::controller('accounts', 'AccountController');