I'm quite new to using abstract classes and interfaces in PHP.
I'm trying to initiate a extend of an abstract class, but it won't work. It might be a Laravel specific issue i'm having.
This is the case:
I have an interface
I have an abstract class that implements the interface
I have 'regular' class that extends the abstract class
I try to implement the class
This is the interface:
<?php namespace Collection\Services\Validation;
interface SomeInterface {
public function with(array $input);
public function passes();
public function errors();
This is the abstract class:
<?php namespace Collection\Services\Validation;
use Illuminate\Validation\Factory;
abstract class SomeClass implements SomeInterface {
protected $validator;
protected $data = array();
protected $errors = array();
protected $rules = array();
public function __construct(Factory $validator)
$this->validator = $validator;
public function with(array $data)
$this->data = $data;
return $this;
public function passes()
$validator = $this->validator->make($this->data, $this->rules);
if( $validator->fails() )
$this->errors = $validator->messages();
return false;
return true;
public function errors()
return $this->errors;
This is the "regular" class:
<?php namespace Collection\Services\Validation;
class SomeClassExtender extends SomeClass {
public function sayBye()
return 'bye';
This is the implementation:
use Collection\Services\Validation\PageFormValidator;
use Collection\Services\Validation\SomeClassExtender;
class PagesController extends BaseController {
protected $someClass;
public function __construct(SomeClassExtender $class)
$this->someClass = $class;
And then i get this error:
Illuminate \ Container \ BindingResolutionException
Target [Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface] is not instantiable.
If i remove the initiation of the Factory class, the error is gone. The Factory class is also just a regular class.
What am i doing wrong here?
I see that you're following Chris Fidao's book. Got the same error as you are.
This is my solution, put this inside global.php
App::bind('Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface', function($app) {
return $app['translator'];
I think the problem with Factory is that you need to bind the translator interface to $app['translator']. Here's what I found...
If you look at the Factory class, it requires the translator interface -- A quick look into its public __construct in the API:
public function __construct(TranslatorInterface $translator, Container $container = null)
$this->container = $container;
$this->translator = $translator;
Then if you look at the public function register() in ValidationServiceProvider, you'll find that Laravel binds the TranslatorInterface to $app['translator']:
$validator = new Factory($app['translator'], $app);
Then seems like a service provider to bind $app['translator'] is needed, or we can just bind it in global.php.
I think this is the best working solution, found the same exact problem . Solved it by,
injecting the already bound "validator" object in the Validator facade.
<?php namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades;
* #see \Illuminate\Validation\Factory
class Validator extends Facade {
* Get the registered name of the component.
* #return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor() { return 'validator'; }
Instantiate the Factory class with App::make('validator')
Do it this way,when instantiating your SomeClassExtender class.
$someClassExtender = new SomeClassExtender( App::make('validator') );
This article by #PhilipBrown Advanced Validation as a Service for Laravel 4 - http://culttt.com/2014/01/13/advanced-validation-service-laravel-4/
In my AppServiceProvider.php I tried binding a singleton interface to a concrete class using the array syntax:
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public $singletons = [
MyClassInterface::class => MyClass::class,
The interface is then typehinted in a class.
This gives an error like:
TypeError: TheClassThatUsesTheService::__construct(): Argument #2 ($myClass) must be of type MyClassInterface, string given
The errors disspears if I make a manual singleton binding using a closure:
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
$this->app->bind(MyClassInterface::class, function () {
return new MyClass;
Should this not behave the same?
class MyClass extends Base implements MyClassInterface
public function get(): mixed
public function insert(): void
interface MyClassInterface
public function get(): mixed;
public function insert(): void;
class Base
protected function service()
I have base class like this:
class BaseAPI
public function __construct(Client $client, CacheInterface $cache, $apiBaseUri)
$this->client = $client;
$this->apiBaseUri = $apiBaseUri;
$this->cache = $cache;
And then in provider:
class APIServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
That is working.
But when I'm making ancestor:
class GetLocations extends BaseAPI
protected $apiMethodName = 'locations';
protected $type = 'get';
I'm getting error. Of course I can manually write code for each of ancestors, but there is a lot's of them, so question is: is there any inheritance mechanism for binding?
Something like this:
Did you try to use interface for this?
class BaseAPI implements APIInterface
class APIServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
I have some problem and little misunderstanding Laravel SP (ServiceProvider). I have abstract class Repository and her Interface:
abstract class Repository implements RepositoryInterface {
private $model;
private $parser;
public function __construct() {
$this->model = new $this->model_name();
} }
interface RepositoryInterface {
public function create(array $attributes);
public function update($id, array $attributes);
public function delete($id);
public function all();
public function find($id);
public function filter(array $parameters, $query=null);
public function query(array $parameters, $query=null); }
and some child UserRepository for example:
class UserRepository extends Repository implements UserRepositoryInterface {
protected $model_name = "App\Models\User";
public function __construct() {
public function activation($user_id) {
return "user";
public function deactivation($user_id) {
return "user";
} }
and simple ModelParser class:
class ModelParser {
protected $parameters;
protected $model;
public function __construct($model) {
$this->model = $model;
} }
This work fine, but I would pass ModelParser as DI in my construct of abstract Repository with parameter $model. I dont have idea. How should I do it ?
I use it like this:
class UserController extends Controller {
private $repository;
public function __construct(UserRepository $repository) {
$this->repository = $repository;
} }
Well it's kinda complicated since your ModelParser requires a $model as it's parameter. And because this $model may vary depends on its repository, it will be too complicated if we're trying to resolve it using Laravel service container binding.
There's an easier approach, we can make the ModelParser class's constructor receive an optional $model parameter. Then we can add an additional method to set this $model property like so:
namespace App\Models;
class ModelParser
protected $parameters;
protected $model;
// Make $model parameter optional by providing default value.
public function __construct($model = null) {
$this->model = $model;
// Add setter method for $model.
public function setModel($model)
$this->model = $model;
return $this;
And now you can inject the ModelParser into your abstract Repository class. Laravel will easily resolve this ModelParser parameter
namespace App\Models;
use App\Models\ModelParser;
use App\Models\RepositoryInterface;
abstract class Repository implements RepositoryInterface
private $model;
private $parser;
// Pass ModelParser instance to your constructor!
public function __construct(ModelParser $parser)
$this->model = new $this->model_name();
// Set the parser's model property.
$this->parser = $parser->setModel($this->model);
// Rest of your code.
And if you're extending the abstract Repository class, you still have to pass this ModelParser to the constructor like so:
namespace App\Models;
use App\Models\ModelParser;
use App\Models\UserRepositoryInterface;
class UserRepository extends Repository implements UserRepositoryInterface
protected $model_name = "App\Models\User";
public function __construct(ModelParser $parser)
Actually, if you're not planning to pass another parameter or perform something else during the class instantiation, you can simply remove the __construct() method from UserRepository and rely on its parent (the abstract Repository).
Hope this help!
I want to know if there is a solution on how to unit-test a PHP trait.
I know we can test a class which is using the trait, but I was wondering if there are better approaches.
Thanks for any advice in advance :)
One alternative is to use the Trait in the test class itself as I'm going to demonstrate bellow.
But I'm not that keen on this approach since there is no guaranty there are no similar method names between the trait, the class and also the PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase (in this example):
Here is an example trait:
trait IndexableTrait
/** #var int */
private $index;
* #param $index
* #return $this
* #throw \InvalidArgumentException
public function setIndex($index)
if (false === filter_var($index, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$index must be integer.');
$this->index = $index;
return $this;
* #return int|null
public function getIndex()
return $this->index;
and its test:
class TheAboveTraitTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
use TheAboveTrait;
public function test_indexSetterAndGetter()
$this->assertEquals(123, $this->getIndex());
public function test_indexIntValidation()
$this->setExpectedException(\Exception::class, '$index must be integer.');
$this->setIndex('bad index');
You can test a Trait using a similar to testing an Abstract Class' concrete methods.
PHPUnit has a method getMockForTrait which will return an object that uses the trait. Then you can test the traits functions.
Here is the example from the documentation:
trait AbstractTrait
public function concreteMethod()
return $this->abstractMethod();
public abstract function abstractMethod();
class TraitClassTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testConcreteMethod()
$mock = $this->getMockForTrait('AbstractTrait');
You can also use getObjectForTrait , then assert the actual result if you want.
class YourTraitTest extends TestCase
public function testGetQueueConfigFactoryWillCreateConfig()
$obj = $this->getObjectForTrait(YourTrait::class);
$config = $obj->getQueueConfigFactory();
$this->assertInstanceOf(QueueConfigFactory::class, $config);
public function testGetQueueServiceWithoutInstanceWillCreateConfig()
$obj = $this->getObjectForTrait(YourTrait::class);
$service = $obj->getQueueService();
$this->assertInstanceOf(QueueService::class, $service);
Since PHP 7 we can now use annonymous classes...
$class = new class {
use TheTraitToTest;
// We now have everything available to test using $class
I'm trying to implement a repository pattern in my zend framework 2 application. I have made a service
class UserService {
private $userRepository;
public function __construct(IUserRepository $repo) {
$this -> userRepository = $repo;
public function createUser($params) {
$this -> userRepository -> create($params);
public function findAllUsers() {
return $this -> userRepository -> getAllUsers();
which has a repository that implements an interface
class UserRepository implements IUserRepository {
public function getAllUsers() {
//return all users
public function getUserById($id) {
public function getOneUser($params){
public function getUsers($params){
public function create($params){
public function update($params){
public function delete($params){
interface IUserRepository {
public function getAllUsers();
public function getUserById($id);
public function getOneUser($params);
public function getUsers($params);
public function create($params);
public function update($params);
public function delete($params);
In my module.php I make use of dependency injection to determine which repository I inject into a controller
public function getControllerConfig() {
return array('factories' => array(
'My\Controller\Accounts' => function(){
return new AccountsController(new UserRepository());
In my controller I pass the repository to my service
class AccountsController extends AbstractActionController {
private $service;
public function __construct(IUserRepository $repo) {
$this->service = new UserService($repo);
public function indexAction() {
$all_users = $this->service->findAllUsers();
return new ViewModel(array('users' => $all_users));
My problem is that I'm using Doctrine as Orm and I want to use the entitymanager in my repositories but I don't know how to do that, any ideas and feedback are appreciated
There are several ways to do this, of course. The typical way you'd do this kind of thing in a ZF2/D2 project would be to start with DoctrineORMModule.
That module exposes Doctrine's EntityManager via the ZF2 Service Manager in a variety of handy ways (you can $sm->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default') to explicitly get the EM instance).
Once you can get your entitymanager from the SM, you write a factory for your repository, and inject the EM.
That said, there's a cleaner way. Doctrine has built-in support for repositories, and you can extend the default implementation.
Your repository would then look like this:
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
class UserRepository extends EntityRepository implements IUserRepository {
public function getAllUsers() {
return $this->findAll();
// ...
Just remember to add the repository class to the User Entity's metadata. For example, with an annotation:
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="MyDomain\Model\UserRepository")
class User