How to create array of objects in php - php

I'm attempting to create an array of objects in php and was curious how I would go about that. Any help would be great, thanks!
Here is the class that will be contained in the array
class hoteldetails {
private $hotelinfo;
private $price;
public function sethotelinfo($hotelinfo){
public function setprice($price){
public function gethotelinfo(){
return $hotelinfo;
public function getprice(){
return $price;
And here is what I am attempting to do-
include 'file.php';
$hotelsdetail[0]=new hoteldetails();
The class attempting to create the array doesn't compile but is just a best guess as to how I can do this. Thanks again

What you should probably do is:
$hotelsDetail = array();
$details = new HotelDetails();
// assign it to the array here; you don't need the [0] index then
$hotelsDetail[] = $details;
In your specific case, the issue is that you should use ->, not .. The period isn't used in PHP to access attributes or methods of a class:
$hotelsdetail[0] = new hoteldetails();
Note that I capitalized the class, object, and function names properly. Writing everything in lowercase is not considered good style.
As a side note, why is your price a string? It should be a number, really, if you ever want to do proper calculations with it.

You should append to your array, not assign to index zero.
$hotelsdetail = array();
$hotelsdetail[] = new hoteldetails();
This will append the object to the end of the array.
$hotelsdetail = array();
$hotelsdetail[] = new hoteldetails();
$hotelsdetail[] = new hoteldetails();
$hotelsdetail[] = new hoteldetails();
This would create an array with three objects, appending each one successively.
Additionally, to correctly access an objects properties, you should use the -> operator.

You can get the array of object by encoding it into json and decoding it with $assoc flag as FALSE in json_decode() function.
See the following example:
$attachment_ids = array();
$attachment_ids[0]['attach_id'] = 'test';
$attachment_ids[1]['attach_id'] = 'test1';
$attachment_ids[2]['attach_id'] = 'test2';
$attachment_ids = json_encode($attachment_ids);
$attachment_ids = json_decode($attachment_ids, FALSE);
It would render an array of objects.
[0] => stdClass Object
[attach_id] => test
[1] => stdClass Object
[attach_id] => test1
[2] => stdClass Object
[attach_id] => test2


Accumulate strings and array values into an array as a class property via method

I have a class with method add() that accepts strings and arrays. I need to have an array with all users, but I cannot seem to get it. All I get is multiple arrays with all users. How could I merge those arrays into one?
class Users {
function add($stringOrArray) {
$arr = array();
if(is_array($stringOrArray)) {
$arr = $stringOrArray;
} else if(is_string($stringOrArray)) {
$arr[] = $stringOrArray;
} else {
When I use this test:
public function testOne() {
$users = new Users();
$users->add('Terrell Irving');
$users->add('Magdalen Sara Tanner');
$users->add('Chad Niles');
$users->add(['Mervin Spearing', 'Dean Willoughby', 'David Prescott']);
This is what I get, multiple arrays but I need one array.
[0] => Terrell Irving
[0] => Magdalen Sara Tanner
[0] => Chad Niles
[0] => Mervin Spearing
[1] => Dean Willoughby
[2] => David Prescott
You can cut a lot of unnecessary bloat from your method.
You can cast ALL incoming data to array type explicitly. This will convert a string into an array containing a single element. If the variable is already an array, nothing will change about the value.
Use the spread operator (...) to perform a variadic push into the class property.
Code: (Demo)
class Users
public $listOfUsers = [];
function add($stringOrArray): void
array_push($this->listOfUsers, ...(array)$stringOrArray);
$users = new Users;
$users->add('Terrell Irving');
$users->add(['Magdalen Sara Tanner', 'Chad Niles']);
$users->add(['Mervin Spearing']);
array (
0 => 'Terrell Irving',
1 => 'Magdalen Sara Tanner',
2 => 'Chad Niles',
3 => 'Mervin Spearing',
All you need is to store the added users in a class property, for example $listOfUsers.
If adding the array you use the array_merge() function otherwise just add new user at the end of indexed array.
class Users {
// here will be all the users stored
public $listOfUsers = array();
function add($stringOrArray) {
//$arr = array();
if(is_array($stringOrArray)) {
// merge two arrays - could create duplicate records
$this->listOfUsers = array_merge($this->listOfUsers, $stringOrArray);
} else if(is_string($stringOrArray)) {
// simply add new item into the array
$this->listOfUsers[] = $stringOrArray;
} else {
In your example you are storing the data locally within the method add() and it is not kept for future usage. This behavior is corrected using the class property $listOfUsers that can be accesed using $this->listOfUsers within the class object and if needed outside of the class.

PHP arrays work differently for objects vs values [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I create a copy of an object in PHP?
(9 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Here's my code:
$words = array();
$word = "this";
$words[] = $word;
$word = "that";
$words[] = $word;
class word{
private $text;
public function __construct($word){
public function setWord($word){
$class_words = array();
$word = new word("this");
$class_words[] = $word;
$class_words[] = $word;
Here's the output:
[0] => this
[1] => that
[0] => word Object
[text:word:private] => that
[1] => word Object
[text:word:private] => that
I expected the second output to match the first in that the array should store 'this' and 'that'. It seems array_name[] = <item> makes a copy to the item when it's an array of values but not so when it's an array of objects. How do I make it copy the object to the array instead copying a reference to the object? Do I need to create a new object each time I need to add an object to the array?
If you want to copy the value of the object into the array you need to write a "getter" for the value e.g.
class word{
private $text;
public function __construct($word){
public function setWord($word){
public function getWord() {
return $this->text;
$class_words = array();
$word = new word("this");
$class_words[] = $word->getWord();
$class_words[] = $word->getWord();
[0] => this
[1] => that
Demo on
$x = new X(); stores a reference to an object into $x. A subsequent $y = $x; copies the reference, not the object, so $x and $y both refer to the same object.
PHP has rather complex semantics regarding references.
Objects are always references; all your uses of $word refer to the same object and the same data structure. You need to do:
$class_words=[new word('this'),new word('that')];
Both elements of your array hold the same object. So whenever you make a change in that object, all references to that object will show that change-- they're all referring to the same object in its current state.
As mentioned previously, if you want different values, you need to either instantiate new objects, or get the property value via a getter() that returns a simple value (string, integer, boolean, etc), not the object itself.
As a side note, you can leverage the referential nature of objects to chain methods ($Obj->method1()->method2()->method3()) by having a method return a reference to the object, i.e., return $this;

Why stdClass is coming instead of our custom object name?

Here My class name is User, When I print my class properties I'm getting my objective name properly. After that, I encoded the data with json_encode(). and then I decoding with json_decode(). I'm getting stdClass objective why?
class User
public $name;
public $age;
public $salary;
$user = new User();
$user->name = 'Siddhu';
$user->age = 24;
$user->salary = 7000.80;
//Output: User Object ( [name] => Siddhu [age] => 24 [salary] => 7000.8 )
//Output: {"name":"Siddhu","age":24,"salary":7000.8}
$d = json_encode($user);
$s = json_decode($d);
//Output: stdClass Object ( [name] => Siddhu [age] => 24 [salary] => 7000.8 )
If you noticed stdClass is coming, How can I change to user
There is no direct way you can get data in class object either you need to used custom method to decode else you can use serialize() && unserialize() function to get data in the class object when you decode;
$serialized_user_object = serialize($user);
$deserialized_user_object = unserialize($serialized_user_object);
In json_decode you can pass true in second argument if you want data as array.
like this.
var_dump(json_decode($json, true));
to know more about json_decode see here.
The reason this happens can be demonstrated quite easily...
class foo{
public $bar = 'bar';
$json = json_encode(new foo);
echo $json."\n\n";
stdClass Object
[bar] => bar
As you can see the output {"bar":"bar"} contains no information about what if any class this was, it could have been ['bar'=>'bar'] and the JSON would be the same... Then when decoding it, you don't have json_decode set to return as an array (second argument set to true), which is fine as that's not really what you want, but when it's set that way you get stdClass objects instead of an associative array for items with non-numeric keys. In short there is no way to recover the class "foo" from the json {"bar":"bar"} as that information does't exist (you can make it exist, but that's another tale for another day).
Using serialize we get something very different.
class foo{
public $bar = 'bar';
$json = serialize(new foo);
echo $json."\n\n";
foo Object
[bar] => bar
This O:3:foo means an Object with a class name 3 in length named "foo". So it preserves that information for PHP to use when "decoding" the data.
The whole thing reads like this:
Object (3) "foo" with 1 property named (s)tring (3) "bar" with a value of (s)tring (3) "bar", or something like that.
Make sense.
AS a note PHP's serialize is less portable then JSON, as it only works in PHP, It's also much harder to manually edit then JSON, but if you really want to encode a class than that is the easiest way to do it. That said you can also "repopulate" the class from JSON data, but that can also be hard to maintain.

Get an array from an object | php

How can I get the array from a object? I'm trying to get to the empty array so that I can validate on it's empty state.
$object = Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection Object;
Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection Object
[items:protected] => Array
The object is of the type Eloquent\Collection which means that it has access to a set of methods.
Eloquent\Collection | available methods
Collection provides a set of methods to validate the state of an array inside the Object. Two of which are interesting in the case described by me (OP):
$website = $this->websitedb->findOneByUrl($this->url);
$uniqueId = rand() . $website[0]->id;
//save scan to database
$this->scan = $this->scandb->create($website[0]->id, $uniqueId);
$this->scandb->createModule($this->scan->id, $options);
Try like this:
if ($object->array === array()) {
echo 'this is explicitly an empty array!';

PHP - adding an object with its properties to array

I have a problem with modifying an array.
foreach ($page->getResults() as $lineItem) {
This code gives a result:
[0] => Google\AdsApi\Dfp\v201611\Location Object
[id:protected] => 2250
[type:protected] => COUNTRY
[canonicalParentId:protected] =>
[displayName:protected] => France
I'm trying to add another, [1] , same type of object to this array.
I made a class to create and add an object:
class Location{
public function createProperty($propertyName, $propertyValue){
$this->{$propertyName} = $propertyValue;
$location = new Location();
$location->createProperty('id', '2792');
$location->createProperty('type', 'COUNTRY');
$location->createProperty('canonicalParentId', '');
$location->createProperty('displayName', 'Turkey');
array_push($lineItem->getTargeting()->getGeoTargeting()->getExcludedLocations(), $location);
Then, if I pass this into print_r() function
It shows the same result.
In the end, I need to send this updated whole $lineItem to this function
$lineItems = $lineItemService->updateLineItems(array($lineItem));
But seems like before sending I can't properly add an object to the array.
Thanks in advance.
PHP returns arrays as a value instead of as a reference. This means you must set the modified value back somehow.
Looking at the library apparently in question, there seems to be setExcludedLocations method for that purpose.
So your code should be something like:
$geo_targeting = $lineItem->getTargeting()->getGeoTargeting();
$excluded_locations = $geo_targeting->getExcludedLocations();
array_push($excluded_locations, $location);
