I added this to the framework: 'liebig/cron'.
I added that code to the routes.php:
Route::get('/cron/run/c68pd2s4e363221a3064e8807da20s1sf', function () {
Cron::add('example1', '* * * * *', function() {
$u = User::find(5);
$u->fullname = time();
$report = Cron::run();
print_r ($report);
That page will be: http://localhost:8000/cron/run/c68pd2s4e363221a3064e8807da20s1sf.
I tried to make cron jobs by the Task Scheduler, I did it to 'c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.12/php.exe' with argument 'localhost:8000/cron/run/c68pd2s4e363221a3064e8807da20s1sf' but it didn't worked.
The only way it working it using chrome:
'C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe' with argument 'http://localhost:8000/cron/run/c68pd2s4e363221a3064e8807da20s1sf'
But I don't want it, I want it would be running by php and without opening every minute the chrome.
Any ideas to make that page will be running by php.exe ?
I hope you understood the question. Thanks.
Create batch file with these two lines
cd c:\laravel-project\
c:\php5\php.exe artisan schedule:run 1>> NUL 2>&1
Go to Windows 10 Task Scheduler
Click Create basic task, choose When I logon trigger and then choose Start a program -> your .bat file.
Check Open properties dialog option and click Finish.
In task properties click Triggers, then click New and add new trigger Repeat task every 1 minute
That's because you're using the wrong tool. Do you have msysgit installed? If you have you could just do a:
curl -i http://localhost:8000/cron/run/c68pd2s4e363221a3064e8807da20s1sf
Alternatively, try the ping command:
ping http://localhost:8000/cron/run/c68pd2s4e363221a3064e8807da20s1sf
I have to set up a job manager for the console command that I have created.
The console command needs from 20 - 30 minutes to finish.
This console command is writing into the database multiple queries and let's assume that it can't be shrink-ed to a less time.
I have all created in Symfony2.8, but I am a really newbie using it.
So I enter link description here
All I need is to run this command like a background task. Without touching the frontend of the application. Could anyone help me out ?
Ah, all right. This needs to be done regularly, but on a user/clients request.
It very much depends on what it needs to do.
Just run once it once-only? Login onto the server, use tmux or screen to keep something running, even if you disconnect, and then run the command (bin/console name-of-command).
Running regularly - put an entry into crontab for the user that needs to run it.
Without knowing what the script needs to do, and how often it would be done (if any), it's hard to say what the nexts steps could be.
You need The Process Component.
You can achieve php running in background the following way:
$builder = new ProcessBuilder();
$builder->setPrefix('/usr/bin/php'); // put your php executable here
$cmd = $builder->setArguments(['/full/path/to/php/file/you/want/to/run.php', 'argumentOne', 'argumentTwo'])
$process = new Process($cmd . ' > /dev/null 2>&1 &'); // async trick here
I have installed localhost/server in my machine and I need to run a php script using windows schedule task.
I am able to successfully run the php script from the command line prompt by exectuing the following commands:
cd C:/xampp/htdocs/Version/I7
php index.php cli/reminders
I have tried the following for the scheduled task but it is not working.
Program Script:
-f C:/xampp/htdocs/Version/I7/application/controllers/cli/Reminders.php
I also have a Scheduled task that triggers on 1:30 PM every if System is Active and below i described how i did it..
First Create a .bat file having code bellow
start /wait C:\xampp\php\php.exe -f C:/xampp/htdocs/Version/I7/application/controllers/cli/Reminders.php
then go to Windows Task Scheduler and From right side pane click Create Task then fill simple attributes like name and other things in Action Tab Create a new Action and then select run a program then select the batch file we created before..
go to Triggers tab create new trigger according to your specification fill out all the fields and save the task.
I schedule a new job on cronjob. But it's not working. Is there any way to run cronjob in cpanel using commands.
There is a bunch of way to running script with CRON. I do use this way on my web application most of the time when I need to use CRON.
The first step is to choose a setting. The setting means when you want to run this script.
and after then simply just use CURL with Cron to get this work properly like this: curl http://example.com/script.php on command box and click on the add button and whola! You have successfully added your first CRON Task.
You may have a look at this picture below to get it properly
Go to CRON JOB option on your cpanle menus
Set url like this and set time according to your functionality
php /home/username/public_html/filename.php
Run it in putty
/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/project_name/artisan schedule:run 1>> /dev/null 2>&1 this is for laravel project
you can simply use like this - /usr/local/bin/ea-php74 /home/username/domainname.com/script_path/yourfile.php
replace username to your cpanel username, domain name to your domain name, script path where you want to run it, then replace the main file for corn job in yourfile.php
I'am developing a project in laravel 5.3 where in a particular command that I created prints "Hello".
I want this command to be called after every 1 minute.
I know in linux you can use cron to schedule the tasks but I'am using windows so I used the windows taks to schedule a .bat file to run after every 1 minute,but it doesnt work.
My .bat file looks like this
cd c:\Users\User\Desktop\alerts
C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.0.10\php.exe artisan schedule:run 1>> NUL 2>&1
The schedule function in the Kernel.php looks like this:
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
And the actual task that will be called looks like this
public function handle()
echo 'Hello';
It doesn't give any output. It should automatically print "Hello" after a minute right? But it doesn't. Where is the output shown?
I am going to simplify the process for you.
The content of your .bat file should rather be
"C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.0.10\php.exe" "c:\Users\User\Desktop\alerts\artisan" "schedule:run"
NB: According to the directories from your question.
Create a task and call this .bat file as an "Action" in the Task Scheduler on your windows.
public function handle(){ logger("Hello"); }
The logger function will output your message to the default laravel log file "laravel.log" for u to see at the bottom.
Hope it helps others too.
From localhost am using this command to run and its working succesfully
c:/wamp/www/yii2_advanced>yii test/pending
While am using below command in cron job of godaddy server. its not working
php public_html/yii2_advanced/ yii test/pending >/dev/null 2>&1
So how can I run console command of Yii2 using cron job in Godaddy web hosting server?
Thanks in Advance...
I know this is an old post but I have also waste my whole day to figure out this problem.that is why I am posting my answer.Hope this will help some one.
1> Enter an email id in above section. It will help you to test.
2> Do not choose time less then 5 minutes.Sometimes it is not working on godaddy.
Note: email could take up to 20 minutes to trigger, so be patient.
3>Enter This command after selecting time 5 minutes to test.
/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/username/public_html/projectName/yii json/start
4>Check your email in order to test your job .If job is not working then here will be an error message.
5> When your cron job is up and running then you do not need any email . To remove email sending add this command
/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/username/public_html/projectName/yii json/start >/dev/null 2>&1
You can use below function in crontab
* * * * * php /var/www/html/your-project-path/yii test/index
Here yii points to your root yii file of your Yii project test is my console controller and /index is my method.
Hope this helps .
Non of these answers work for me. Im using yii2 Hope my solution help someone!
First of all Create your Cron as a new file: MyCronNameController.php
We will suppose our cron file name is HelloController.php so it codes will look like:
namespace app\commands;
use yii\console\Controller;
class HelloController extends Controller
public function actionIndex($message = 'hello world')
echo $message . "\n";
One this file is on your hosting, just go to the Cron Job manager into GoDaddy and set the command like this:
/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/<user>/public_html/<project-folder>/yii hello
Take a look that on the command i just run the command without the "Controller" word.
One more observation is that i try this with a cron name like "HelloWordController" and run it with "helloword", and it didnt work, with only one word name it will work ok.
cronjobs in yii2 ubuntu
#create cronjob every minutes
php /var/www/html/yiitest2.0.39/yii test/makefile
/usr/local/bin/php -q /public_html/<YOUR_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME> yii <CONTROLLER_NAME>/<ACTION_NAME>