Not allowed to load local resource: file:/// - php

I have some images in a folder called "Slides" in my project; I am trying to access those images; but it gives me the following error:
Not allowed to load local resource: file:///C:/xampp/htdocs/MyProject/Slides/123_completed.jpg
where is "file://" coming from?! (Probably thats the problem!)
this is my method to scan the images in the folder called "Slides"
the following line of code is in my
$this->signage_Path = realpath(APPPATH . '../Slides');
public function get_Signage_Images() {
$files = scandir($this->signage_Path);
$newFiles = array_diff($files, array('.', '..'));
$images = array();
foreach ($newFiles as $file) {
$ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($ext == "jpg") {
$images[] = array(
'url' => $this->signage_Path.'\\'.$file,
'thumb_url' => $this->signage_Path.'\\'.$file,
return $images;
If you need more clarification, please let me know which part!

It's probably coming from your APPPATH constant in realpath(). Should be more like $this->signage_Path = 'MyProject/Slides', without realpath(). PHP cannot access a file that is not on a Server, without Client permission. Of course, I really don't know what your sinage_Path is supposed to be. This should just give you an idea of your problem.


Downloading a Zip file from a Laravel Nova action

I have some files that I store at /storage/app/public/clientA/files/*.pdf. I have models that I can use to access these, and I want users to be able to download multiple files by selecting them in Nova and then using an action. Here is my code for the action:
public function handle(ActionFields $fields, Collection $models)
$files = array();
foreach ($models as $file) {
$path = FileHelper::getPathFromUrl($file->url);
array_push($files, $path);
$zip_file = '';
$zip = new \ZipArchive();
if ($zip->open($zip_file, \ZipArchive::CREATE | \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE) === true)
foreach ($files as $item) {
$zip->addFile(public_path('storage/' . $item), $item);
return Action::download($zip_file, $zip_file);
Also, here is my code for the getPathFromUrl method:
public static function getPathFromUrl ($url)
$path = '';
$url_path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
return substr($url_path, strpos($url_path, "/") + 1);
} // returns the format storage/clientA/files/fileName.pdf
My issue at the moment is that its generating an empty zip file. I'm guessing that my paths are wrong when I try and reference the files, but I don't know how to fix it. I've also tried accessing these locations using Storage::get and found that it can't see the files at valid locations (and yes, I have done Storage:link).
Can anyone give me some insight into what I need to change to my addFile to ensure that these pdfs get added to the zip file?

Laravel, How to Find Uploaded Files by Specific Pattern in The Files' Name?

first of all to explain what I mean by my question, when I upload my files to the local storage I save them the following way:
$files = $request->file('files');
if ($request->hasFile('files')) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
//Get filename with the extension
$fileNameWithExt = $file->getClientOriginalName();
//Filename to store example: lead_4_document.pdf
$fileNameToStore = 'lead_' . $lead->id . '_' . $fileNameWithExt;
//Upload image
$path = $file->storeAs('/user_uploads', $fileNameToStore);
$lead->uploadFile()->create(array('filename' => $fileNameToStore, 'file_url' => $path, 'lead_id' => $lead->id));
So essentially I prepend lead_ the lead id and another _ to whatever the file is originally called during upload. The problem I face now is that I need to retrieve the associated files according to my lead ids. Here is my attempt so far:
$searchParam = 'lead_'.$lead->id.'_';
//$fileNames = File::glob('storage/user_uploads/'.$searchParam.'*');
//$files = File::get($fileNames);
$allFiles = Storage::files('user_uploads');
Just to clarify, the 'File::glob' way seems to work, though it only outputs the names of the files not the actual files as object, which is what I need.
Okay, so I took a step back and went about this whole associated uploaded file to lead relationship a different way. Here is how I did it, just in case anyone stumbles across this and find themselves in the same boat as me.
The file upload now does a couple of things:
//check if file(s) is present in the request
if ($request->hasFile('files')) {
//checks if a directory already exists for a given lead (by id)
if (Storage::exists('/leads/'.$request->lead_id)) {
//if yes set the directory path to the existing folder
$directory = '/leads/'.$request->lead_id;
else {
//if not create a new directory with the lead id
$directory = '/leads/'.$request->lead_id;
foreach ($files as $file) {
//Get filename with the extension
$fileNameWithExt = $file->getClientOriginalName();
//Filename to store example: lead_4_document.pdf
$fileNameToStore = 'lead_' . $lead->id . '_' . $fileNameWithExt;
//Upload image
$file->storeAs($directory, $fileNameToStore);
//$lead->uploadFile()->create(array('filename' => $fileNameToStore, 'file_url' => $path, 'lead_id' => $lead->id));
So essentially, instead of trying to put all files into a single folder then checking the individual files for the 'lead_##' prepend, I instead create a folder with the id of the lead, this I then use the following way in my view function:
$directory = '/leads/'.$lead->id;
if (Storage::exists($directory)) {
$files = File::files('storage/'.$directory);
else {
$files = '';
Simply checking if the directory exists with the given lead ID, then if there are files uploaded either assign it the content, or set it blank (this is used for displaying an 'attachments' section on my page if not empty).

I have file in folder but how to get to know file extension

In my images folder have file
I wanna get file extension 4_cover.???
How to write PHP code
Thanks for all help me,
I can use this code
$images = glob("./images/4_cover.*");
Is that what you are looking for ?
$info = new SplFileInfo('photo.jpg');
$path = $info->getExtension();
PHP Documentation
If you want to look in a directory for files, this might not be the best suited way to do your method but since you don't know what the file-type is, you can do something like this: (all code should be in order from top-bottom)
The directory housing all of your files
$directory = "public/images/headers/*";
The files gathered from the glob function, use print_r($files) to see all of the files gathered for debugging if there's an error going on
$files = glob( $directory );
The file you said you were looking for, if this is from a database you'll replace this data with data from the database
$filename_to_lookfor = '4_cover.';
If statements to check the file types and see if they're existant
$file_types_to_check_for = ['gif', 'jpg', 'png'];
foreach ($file_types_to_check_for as $filetype)
if (in_array( $filename_to_lookfor.$filetype, $files)
echo "This is a {$filetype} file!";
After reading more into glob - I'm not too experienced with it.
You can simply write this line:
if (count($files = glob( 'public/images/4_cover.*' )) != 0) $file = $files[0]; else echo 'No file with extension!';
$file = (count($files = glob('public/images/4_cover.*') != 0)) ? $files[0] : 'NO_FILE' ;
I apologize for the quite bad quality code, but that's what OP wants and that's the easiest way I could think to do that for him.
You can use the pathinfo function
$file = "file.php";
$path_parts = pathinfo($file);
$path_parts['extension']; // return => 'php'

List files in same directory using PHP

I'm trying to list files in a folder. I have done this before, so I am not sure why I am having a problem now.
I have a PDF files I am trying to display to my web page. The directory structure looks like this:
displayFiles.php is the process file where I am using the code below.
I am trying to display the file called files.pdf onto the page, which is in the same directory as the process file.
Here is my code so far:
$dir = "folder1/folder2/";
// $dir = "/"; <-- I also tried this
$ffs = scandir($dir);
foreach($ffs as $ff)
if($ff != '.' && $ff != '..')
$filesize = filesize($dir . '/' . $ff);
echo "<ul><li><a download href='$dir/$ff'>$ff</a></li></ul>";
I know it's a simple fix. I just cannot find the code to fix it.
Your $dir is pointing at a non-existent folder
Change the dir to point to the folder correctly $dir = ".";.
Just use glob
$pdfs = glob("*.pdf"); // if needed loop through your directorys and glob files
Just an example. You should be able to use it with some edits.

get all file names from a directory in php

(Well what I gone through a lot of posts here on stackoverflow and other sites. I need a simple task, )
I want to provide my user facility to click on upload file from his account, then select a directory and get the list of all the files names inside that directory.
According to the posts here what I got is I have to pre-define the directory name, which I want to avoid.
Is there a simple way to click a directory and get all the files names in an array in PHP? many thanks in advance!
$dir = isset($_POST['uploadFile']) ? _SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$_POST['uploadFile'] : null;
if ($_POST['uploadFile'] == true)
foreach (glob($dir."/*.mp3") as $filename) {
echo $filename;
I will go ahead and post a sample of code I am currently using, with a few changes, although I would normally tell you to look it up on google and try it first.
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
echo $file;
This will display the entire contents of a directory... including: ".", "..", any sub-directories, and any hidden files. I am sure you can figure out a way to hide those if it is not desirable.
Take a look at the Directory class (here) and readdir()
I'm confused what do you want, all files or only some files?
But if you want array of folders and files, do this
$folders = array();
$files = array();
$dir = opendir("path");
for($i=0;false !== ($file = readdir($dir));$i++){
if($file != "." and $file != ".."){
$files[] = $file;
$folders[] = $file;
And if only some folders you want, later you can delete them from array
I always use this amazing code to get file lists:
$TheFilesList = #glob($THE_PATTERN);
$TheFilesTotal = #count($TheFilesList);
$TheFilesTotal = $TheFilesTotal - 1;
$TheFileTemp = "";
for ($TheFilex=0; $TheFilex<=$TheFilesTotal; $TheFilex++)
$TheFileTemp = $TheFilesList[$TheFilex];
echo $TheFileTemp . "<br>"; // here you can get full address of files (one by one)
