Setup email account to pipe into php script in ISPConfig - php

I am trying to pipe an email address into a php script in ISPConfig administration.
I read that under Email mailbox/Custom rules it could be defined.
I have tried with:
to "|/my/script.php"
or just
then I found errors in /var/vmail/mailbox/x/.sieve.log
sieve: info: started log at Nov 27 12:58:22. main script: line 5:
error: unknown command 'to' (only reported once at first occurrence).
main script: error: validation failed.
so i guess some valid sieve script should go to Custom rules instead.
Any help would be appreciated.

I think piping the email is feature of email service provide. if he give an option to pipe the email then only u can.
i don't know exactly why this of your problem come. but i faced the same issue before due to service of email.


Implement Imap inside codeigniter project

It works fine using below plugins from xampp
But I want to implement the same inside Codeigniter project
I tried below code from here
$unreadEmails = imap_search($connection,
'UNSEEN SUBJECT "Create Ticket" FROM ""');
But it throws error :
Message: Call to undefined method Imap::imap_search()
I would like to get all email by unseen, subject contains, on date and if any attachments. Also, mark the email as read after processing.
So how to get source code of the existing IMAP API source code from xampp OR Any sample example to where the code which have config file, IMAP file to place under Codeigniter page. Thanks in advance

Laravel 6 never emails

I understand that Laravel no longer supports the mail() command that Wordpress and probably every other system use to simply send an email. shows that they now require smtp. Ok, but even if you sign up for a smtp service, and enter all the details as in:
and php artisan config:cache ... repeatedly... with "smtp" or "mailgun" as the api, it never can even send the reset password built in to the Laravel user system.
Expected response code 250 but got code "530", with message "530 5.7.1 Authentication required"
What's worse is that it never changes from that error message, even if I set
it is never a different error message. Which makes me think something is seriously wrong with Laravel Mail (other than the fact it forbids using the standard mail/sendmail that just about any proper configured server can do). Is there a way I can composer install version 5.4.4 which apparently was the last working version according to here, or is there a better way to get Laravel mail working... with or without external service smtp?
If php artisan config:cache doesn't work and you are using e-mails in background using Laravel queues or Horizon, you should run:
php artisan queue:restart
php artisan horizon:terminate
to make sure workers will see config changes. Of course you should have Supervisor configured to run those queue workers after being stopped
Route::get('/sometesturl', function() {
echo config('mail.port');
echo config('mail.driver');
echo config('mail.username');exit;
shows that there was no username even. Looking in the .env file I found that the added MAIL_ vars were getting overwritten by some defaults below!

Sending email failed using sendmail. STARTTLS issue. using GMail server

I'm trying to send e-mail by local.
I'm using Windows 8.1 , Apache, PHP, Sendmail, Stunnel following this site
I aslo followed this page
But I couldn't send e-mail. Following log is shown.
allocated memory : 8.08 MB
command line : c:\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t
executable : sendmail.exe
exec. date/time : 2011-06-18 01:10
compiled with : Delphi 2006/07
madExcept version : 3.0l
callstack crc : $fecf9b34, $97c9b165, $97c9b165
exception number : 1
exception class : EIdSMTPReplyError
exception message : Must issue a STARTTLS command first. iq10sm2936159pbc.14 - gsmtp.
If anyone have another solution, please let me know it.
In my case, following link's setting works for me.

osTicket not able to access folder in Mailbox

I am using osTicket as ticket system on my site. Hope someone here will be able to help me out.
I was setting up an email in osTicket so that emails can be retrieved automatically. Fetching works properly but I am facing these issues:
Mail fetching:
a. Sometimes the fetching works and I can see the new ticket.
b. sometimes the email is deleted from mail box (as I have selected
"Delete fetched emails") but no ticket is created.
c. Sometimes the ticket is created and I can see it in database but
it is not automatically assigned to anyone although a user is
selected for Auto-assign in HelpTopics.
I cannot setup "Move to" for fetched emails in Mail Account page. When I enter the folder name and click on save, it gives error "Invalid or unknown archive folder!" and " Invalid or unknown mail folder! >> Mailbox is empty" errors. I created the folder from Horde but for some reason osTicket is not able to access that folder i guess. This is when Protocol is POP.
If I select IMAP and click on save, I get:
Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {localhost:110/imap/novalidate-cert}INBOX in /home/admin/ on line 130 on top of the page and below in the settings table i get this in red: [CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
Point 2 is the main problem that is a headache. I tried getting help from Google and osTicket forum(its not very active) but I got nothing.
I am using 1.7 RC3.
try to type the folder name this way:
should work!
Solved #2 for you, "When I enter the folder name and click on save, it gives error 'Invalid or unknown archive folder!' and 'Invalid or unknown mail folder! >> Mailbox is empty' errors."
I also could not enter the folder name into the "Move to folder" field. I solved it by clicking in the field, and keeping the mouse key held down while typing the name of the folder.

zend_smtp and php warning about stream_set_timeout

I use Zend_Smtp to send notifications to users. It worked well. But yerstaday and today I had a lot of errors in error_log like this:
[21-Aug-2012 10:37:44] PHP Warning: stream_set_timeout():
supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in
library/Zend/Mail/Protocol/Abstract.php on line 445
And the email is not sent. What can be the reason of this? Thanks.
According to the PHP doc :, I think your application cannot access the email server(the stream).
You can watch about :
Update on the server (change the communication with email)
Firewall or authentification (if you use a remote connection)
But, if you can provide more information about your configuration and implementation...
