How to Display PHP/SQL List (the entire list) [closed] - php

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm current browsing the website below
To display the list, select (any) Exam Name and Exam Date then Press Seach.
If the list is very long, it will generate Page numbers at the bottom of the page.
Is it possible if anyone can teach me how to display the entire list so that I can copy and paste it in Excel?
I am trying to get the entire list and that's it. Please help

The page above use Ajax call to fetch data, and it function paging with a limit of 20. It do not have view all. So you can not display the entire list.


Get few rows from another site in PHP [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to get this url rows: with pagination with php and get it in my website.
Scraping is not the better thing to do, have you check if this site has an API?
If not, you can use fil_get_contents to load all the page content as a string. One you have all the HTML as a string, DomDocument can help you to navigate to the first row.
Because this is scrapping I'll not show code example.
See file_get_contents and DomDocument.

Showing posted data on another website in real time [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How i show data postet in another website to mysql database, in real time on main page of website using PHP and that any new data is displayed in a new line.
Datas that i need show are: name, and finish time (from race).
Use .setTimeout() JS method on main page of website and do jQuery.ajax() requests to your server to update data.

How can I Print a result on webpage using php getting from MySql database [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a school website, I have uploaded the students examination result to the database but now I want to make a search bar by which can the student search their result by typing their roll number.
please someone give me the code. please
#wajahat-aftab - you can always find a great tutorial to do this. Here are few of the links
Basically you need to get the data, manipulate it and send it to the HTML page. Once you get the data in HTML you can present it any kind of look-n-feel as per your needs.
You can not expect exact answers for such questions - so I suggest you to be more specific with QUESTION and make sure that you also share the source code that you tried so far.

Website functionality (data to html generating) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I already have the info i need in the database. I know how to display the data on the main page, but i only show a small part of info there.
What i need is when i click on the read more i want it to link to a full info page.
How to i accomplish that? Do i have to make/generate a html file for every car i have and link the info from the main page to it? Or what is the correct technique for achieving this ?
It sounds like you want to have a list of cars on a main page, and then clicking on one of these cars would bring you to a details page with more information about that specific car.
This is a common situation. You'd simply have your main page query your car table and format that as a list of cars, each with a link to a details page like /details/12345 where the number represents the ID of the car you want to see. Then your details page would get the ID from the URL, query your database for details of that car ID, and assemble the page with those details.

Magento: How to get random category on home page? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it possible to display a random category on home page that changes after every few hours?
You have create a new record to put in database both a reference to the category id and the start hour it has been displayed. Then put in code: if start hour is longer from now more than a few hours, get all categories id and randomly pick one. Update the database, then show the category.
This could be a good starting point to do some search and develop your work.
