AES/CBC/PKCS#5 Encryption Algorithm In PHP - php

Im attempting to integrate the SagePay payment gateway into a website using the 'Form Integration' method.
Basically the form integration method works by inserting a FORM in a webpage and POSTing information to SagePay's servers whenever the Submit button for the FORM is selected. Before the information can be sent to SagePay's servers it must be encrypted using the AES/CBC/PKCS#5 algorithm, before being Base 64 encoded.
I have a basic knowledge of encryption but I have no experience of using it in PHP. Can anyone please help me formulate the AES/CBC/PKCS#5 algorithm in PHP please?
Here's my efforts so far:
$CRYPT = "Text Goes Here";
$blocksize = 16;//Does 16 Refer To 16 Bytes Or 16 Bits? 16 Bytes = 128 Bits.
$cryptLength = strlen($CRYPT);
$cryptLengthModuloBlocksize = $cryptLength % $blocksize;
$pad = $blocksize - $cryptLengthModuloBlocksize;
$padString = str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);
$CRYPT = $CRYPT . $padString;
$encryptionPassword = 'password';
$Encrypted_CRYPT = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $encryptionPassword, $CRYPT, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);
$Base64_Encrypted_CRYPT = base64_encode($Encrypted_CRYPT);
echo "<form action = '' method = 'POST'>
<input type = 'hidden' name = 'VPSProtocol' value = '3.00' />//
<input type = 'hidden' name = 'TxType' value = 'PAYMENT' />
<input type = 'hidden' name = 'Vendor' value = 'vendorName' />
<input type = 'hidden' name = 'Crypt' value = '" . $Base64_Encrypted_CRYPT . "' />
<input type= 'submit' value = 'Submit'>
Any help is much appreciated.

Here is a working implementation of AES/CBC/PKCS#5 working with Sagepay's form integration
You will need mcrypt installed. sp_encryption is a define for the encryption key.
* #param string $data - the key=value pairs separated with &
* #return string
protected function encode_data($data) {
$strIn = $this->pkcs5_pad($data);
$strCrypt = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, sp_encryption, $strIn, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, sp_encryption);
return "#" . bin2hex($strCrypt);
* #param string $data - crypt response from Sagepay
* #return string
protected function decode_data($data) {
if (substr($data, 0, 1) == "#") {
$strIn = hex2bin(substr($data, 1));
return $this->pkcs5_unpad(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, sp_encryption, $strIn, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, sp_encryption));
return '';
protected function pkcs5_pad($text) {
$size = mcrypt_get_block_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);
$pad = $size - (strlen($text) % $size);
return $text . str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);
protected function pkcs5_unpad($text) {
$pad = ord($text{strlen($text) - 1});
if ($pad > strlen($text)) return false;
if (strspn($text, $text{strlen($text) - 1}, strlen($text) - $pad) != $pad) {
return false;
return substr($text, 0, -1 * $pad);
On a side note make sure the VPSProtocol you use is '3.00' not 3, and not 3.0 as these won't work!
Hoep this helps and sagepay get some official PHP docs out soon.

Yes, that's fine. (As soon as we have a PHP kit for v3.00 we'll display it on our website).
Hope the below helps you to.
AES encryption with Base64 encoding
AES encryption, CBC blocking with PKCS5 padding then HEX encoding
//** Wrapper function do encrypt an encode based on strEncryptionType setting **
function encryptAndEncode($strIn) {
global $strEncryptionType
//** AES encryption, CBC blocking with PKCS5 padding then HEX encoding **
//** use initialization vector (IV) set from $strEncryptionPassword
$strIV = $strEncryptionPassword;
//** add PKCS5 padding to the text to be encypted
$strIn = addPKCS5Padding($strIn);
//** perform encryption with PHP's MCRYPT module
$strCrypt = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $strEncryptionPassword, $strIn, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $strIV);
//** perform hex encoding and return
return "#" . bin2hex($strCrypt);
//** Wrapper function do decode then decrypt based on header of the encrypted field **
function decodeAndDecrypt($strIn) {
global $strEncryptionPassword;
if (substr($strIn,0,1)=="#")
//** HEX decoding then AES decryption, CBC blocking with PKCS5 padding **
//** use initialization vector (IV) set from $strEncryptionPassword
$strIV = $strEncryptionPassword;
//** remove the first char which is # to flag this is AES encrypted
$strIn = substr($strIn,1);
//** HEX decoding
$strIn = pack('H*', $strIn);
//** perform decryption with PHP's MCRYPT module
return removePKCS5Padding(
mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $strEncryptionPassword, $strIn, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $strIV));

Are you using PKCS5 padding then HEX encoding as our older PHP kits used this.
You may want to have a look at a previous post to compare what you are sending. It is using an older protocol, v2.23 and XOR. If you are using our new protocol you will be using v3.00 and AES.
If you want to email we can discuss further. Please quote this forum post URL.
Sage Pay Support

You can see the working v3 example here:


Sagepay integration without mcrypt

I am looking to integrate with Sagepay/Opayo Form using their guidance here:
Sagepay have now stopped supporting SDKs which means I've had to find a 2013 utility set from here:
I am trying to migrate away from mcrypt towards openssl_encrypt but cannot seem to replicate the desired result.
There are 2 functions in play:
static protected function addPKCS5Padding($input)
$blockSize = 16;
$padd = "";
// Pad input to an even block size boundary.
$length = $blockSize - (strlen($input) % $blockSize);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $length; $i++)
$padd .= chr($length);
return $input . $padd;
static public function encryptAes($string, $key)
// AES encryption, CBC blocking with PKCS5 padding then HEX encoding.
// Add PKCS5 padding to the text to be encypted.
$string = self::addPKCS5Padding($string);
// AH updated as mcrypt is now deprecated! 2020
$cipher = 'AES-128-CBC';
$ivsize = openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher);
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($ivsize);
$crypt = openssl_encrypt($string,$cipher,$key,0,$iv);
// Perform hex encoding and return.
return "#" . strtoupper(bin2hex($crypt));
You can see my attempts to implement openssl_encrypt but it isn't working. The key is 55a51621a6648525 and the input string is VendorTxCode=TxCode-1310917599-223087284&Amount=36.95&Currency=GBP&Description=description&CustomerName=Fname Surname& Line 1&BillingCity=BillCity&BillingPostCode=W1A 1BL&BillingCountry=GB&BillingPhone=447933000000&DeliveryFirstnames=Fname&DeliverySurname=Surname&DeliveryAddress1=BillAddress Line 1&DeliveryCity=BillCity&DeliveryPostCode=W1A 1BL&DeliveryCountry=GB&DeliveryPhone=447933000000&SuccessURL=
and the output result is:
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
How can I create the desired output from my input code because the output I generate starts with: 403444324634333730363535313636373136413432363737353332363133303644373736
openssl_encrypt applies PKCS7 padding by default, so the addPKCS5Padding method is no longer needed.
In the mcrypt_encrypt code iv = key is used, so you must not generate a random IV for code equivalence.
In openssl_encrypt the flag OPENSSL_RAW_DATA must be applied as 4th parameter, otherwise the data will be returned Base64 encoded.
With these changes, the openssl_encrypt code produces the same result as the mcrypt_encrypt code:
function encryptAes($string, $key)
//$string = self::addPKCS5Padding($string); // don't pad explicitly
$cipher = 'AES-128-CBC';
//$ivsize = openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher);
//$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($ivsize); // mcrypt_encrypt code: iv = key
$crypt = openssl_encrypt($string,$cipher,$key,OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,$key); // use raw data
return "#" . strtoupper(bin2hex($crypt));
$plain = "VendorTxCode=TxCode-1310917599-223087284&Amount=36.95&Currency=GBP&Description=description&CustomerName=Fname Surname& Line 1&BillingCity=BillCity&BillingPostCode=W1A 1BL&BillingCountry=GB&BillingPhone=447933000000&DeliveryFirstnames=Fname&DeliverySurname=Surname&DeliveryAddress1=BillAddress Line 1&DeliveryCity=BillCity&DeliveryPostCode=W1A 1BL&DeliveryCountry=GB&DeliveryPhone=447933000000&SuccessURL=";
$key = "55a51621a6648525";
print(encryptAes($plain, $key));
For the choice iv = key note also the answers to this question.
#Topaco answered beautifully. Here is an additional bit, ( not related to the question ), while doing Sagepay integration you will need the decrypt function too for verifying payment/callback. Here is the function you can use.
function decrypytAES($string, $key) {
$cipher = 'AES-128-CBC';
$strIn = hex2bin(substr($strIn, 1));
return openssl_decrypt($strIn, $cipher, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $key);

Decrypt Access token using PHP for C# Encryption

I have an API URL with specific access token which was encrypted with C#(Below Code) and I want to Decrypt it using PHP post request by passing access token to parameters. Can anyone help me out to solve this problem.
Thanks in Advance!!
C# Code for Encryption:
private String AES_encrypt(String Input)
var aes = new RijndaelManaged();
aes.KeySize = 256;
aes.BlockSize = 256;
aes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
aes.Key =Convert.FromBase64String("QdZx1B0ZIcLK7DPNRK09wc/rjP4WnxtE");
aes.IV = Convert.FromBase64String("hBSE4tn6e/5c3YVKFZ54Iisi4MiDyCO0HJO+WZBeXoY=");
var encrypt = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
byte[] xBuff = null;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
using (var cs = new CryptoStream(ms, encrypt, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
byte[] xXml = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Input);
cs.Write(xXml, 0, xXml.Length);
xBuff = ms.ToArray();
String Output = Convert.ToBase64String(xBuff);
return Output;
So far I tried to decrypt it with the below code
function strippadding($string)
$slast = ord(substr($string, -1));
$slastc = chr($slast);
$pcheck = substr($string, -$slast);
if(preg_match("/$slastc{".$slast."}/", $string)){
$string = substr($string, 0, strlen($string)-$slast);
return $string;
} else {
return false;
function decrypt($string)
$key = base64_decode("DZR");
$iv = base64_decode("Shravan");
$string = base64_decode($string);
return strippadding(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $string, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv));
Fill out the items below:
Use this key and iv that are below.
key = QdZx1B0ZIcLK7DPNRK09wc/rjP4WnxtE
iv= hBSE4tn6e/5c3YVKFZ54Iisi4MiDyCO0HJO+WZBeXoY=
Run some text through your AES_encrypt() function and whatever comes out paste on the next line.
encrypted text = put your encrypted text here.
$xXml = openssl_decrypt(
$Output, #openssl_decrypt works with base64 encoded data
base64_decode("QdZx1B0ZIcLK7DPNRK09wc/rjP4WnxtE"), #key
base64_decode("hBSE4tn6e/5c3YVKFZ54Iisi4MiDyCO0HJO+WZBeXoY=") #IV
Now $xXml is the binary form of the input string in UTF-8 encoded.
And make sure openssl is included in your PHP build.
You have not provided me with any encrypted text to be able to test this with.
Here is what I think you need to do:
In your C# code you need to change the block size to 128 bits:
aes.BlockSize = 128;
In your C# code your IV needs to be 128 bits or 16 bytes long. It needs to equal your selected block size.
So for now this needs to be your IV:
IV = HWeR102dxMjRHZlxTqL2aA==
Your key is set for 256 bits: So here is a 256 bit key:
Key = aZUEBKSsYRKA6CGQbwFwvIS8rUnW7YA2hVMNHnnf844=
C# has functions that will automatically generate a cryptographically strong string for you of a certain length. I suggest you find these functions and learn how to use them so you can generate your own keys and IVs.
Now for the PHP portion.
You should use the OpenSSL library instead of the Mcrypt library. Mcrypt is deprecated and is no longer supported. So here is an OpenSSL solution.
Since the block size is now 128 bits and the key size is 256 bits it will now be compatible with the openssl library's AES-256-CBC function.
$key = 'aZUEBKSsYRKA6CGQbwFwvIS8rUnW7YA2hVMNHnnf844='; //256 bit key.
$iv = 'HWeR102dxMjRHZlxTqL2aA=='; //128 bit IV length. The same as the block size that is set in the C#.
function decrypt($string, $key, $iv){
$cipherText = base64_decode($string); //We are going to use raw data.
return openssl_decrypt($cipherText, 'AES-256-CBC', base64_decode($key), OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, base64_decode($iv));
//Note that I did not specify no padding in the function. By default it is PKCS#7 which is what is set in the C# code.
The best I can tell this should work for you. This assumption is predicated on the fact that your AES_encrypt() is working correctly and that you have OpenSSL on your machine. Which you probably do.
Hope it helps!

Sagepay Error - 3045 : The Currency field is missing

Please do not mark it as duplicate. I have already gone through almost all the previous post for same issue, but was not able to tackle my error.
I am trying to upgrade the Sagepay Protocol from v2.23 to v3.00
I have also deployed PHP kit provided by Sagepay and getting the same error.
Below is the AES encryption I am using to make it compatible for v3.00 in my includes.php
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
/* Base 64 Encoding function **
** PHP does it natively but just for consistency and ease of maintenance, let's declare our own function **/
function base64Encode($plain) {
// Initialise output variable
$output = "";
// Do encoding
$output = base64_encode($plain);
// Return the result
return $output;
/* Base 64 decoding function **
** PHP does it natively but just for consistency and ease of maintenance, let's declare our own function **/
function base64Decode($scrambled) {
// Initialise output variable
$output = "";
// Fix plus to space conversion issue
$scrambled = str_replace(" ","+",$scrambled);
// Do encoding
$output = base64_decode($scrambled);
// Return the result
return $output;
/* The SimpleXor encryption algorithm **
** NOTE: This is a placeholder really. Future releases of Form will use AES or TwoFish. Proper encryption **
** This simple function and the Base64 will deter script kiddies and prevent the "View Source" type tampering **
** It won't stop a half decent hacker though, but the most they could do is change the amount field to something **
** else, so provided the vendor checks the reports and compares amounts, there is no harm done. It's still **
** more secure than the other PSPs who don't both encrypting their forms at all */
function simpleXor($InString, $Key) {
// Initialise key array
$KeyList = array();
// Initialise out variable
$output = "";
// Convert $Key into array of ASCII values
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($Key); $i++){
$KeyList[$i] = ord(substr($Key, $i, 1));
// Step through string a character at a time
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($InString); $i++) {
// Get ASCII code from string, get ASCII code from key (loop through with MOD), XOR the two, get the character from the result
// % is MOD (modulus), ^ is XOR
$output.= chr(ord(substr($InString, $i, 1)) ^ ($KeyList[$i % strlen($Key)]));
// Return the result
return $output;
//** Wrapper function do encrypt an encode based on strEncryptionType setting **
function encryptAndEncode($strPost) {
global $strEncryptionType
if ($strEncryptionType=="XOR")
//** XOR encryption with Base64 encoding **
return base64Encode(simpleXor($strPost,$strEncryptionPassword));
//** AES encryption, CBC blocking with PKCS5 padding then HEX encoding - DEFAULT **
//** use initialization vector (IV) set from $strEncryptionPassword
$strIV = $strEncryptionPassword;
//** add PKCS5 padding to the text to be encypted
$strPost = addPKCS5Padding($strPost);
//** perform encryption with PHP's MCRYPT module
$strCrypt = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $strEncryptionPassword, $strPost, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $strIV);
//** perform hex encoding and return
return "#" . bin2hex($strCrypt);
//** Wrapper function do decode then decrypt based on header of the encrypted field **
function decodeAndDecrypt($strPost) {
global $strEncryptionPassword;
if (substr($strPost,0,1)=="#")
//** HEX decoding then AES decryption, CBC blocking with PKCS5 padding - DEFAULT **
//** use initialization vector (IV) set from $strEncryptionPassword
$strIV = $strEncryptionPassword;
//** remove the first char which is # to flag this is AES encrypted
$strPost = substr($strPost,1);
//** HEX decoding
$strPost = pack('H*', $strPost);
//** perform decryption with PHP's MCRYPT module
return mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $strEncryptionPassword, $strPost, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $strIV);
//** Base 64 decoding plus XOR decryption **
return simpleXor(base64Decode($strPost),$strEncryptionPassword);
//** PHP's mcrypt does not have built in PKCS5 Padding, so we use this
function addPKCS5Padding($input)
$blocksize = 16;
$padding = "";
// Pad input to an even block size boundary
$padlength = $blocksize - (strlen($input) % $blocksize);
for($i = 1; $i <= $padlength; $i++) {
$padding .= chr($padlength);
return $input . $padding;
function pkcs5_pad($text, $blocksize)
$pad = $blocksize - (strlen($text) % $blocksize);
//echo "<br/>Padding:".str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad)."<";
return $text . str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);
function encryptFieldData($input)
$key = "[mykey]";
$iv = $key;
$cipher = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, "", MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, "");
if (mcrypt_generic_init($cipher, $key, $iv) != -1)
$cipherText = mcrypt_generic($cipher,$input );
$enc = bin2hex($cipherText);
return $enc;
$str = "Currency=GBP";
$datapadded = pkcs5_pad($str,16);
$cryptpadded = "#" . encryptFieldData($datapadded);
The problem was with my server mcrypt PHP extension. It wasn't install/enable on the server. I must have consider this before making all test attempts.
Thank you all for the efforts towards my issue.
Have you checked your encryption password is correct? 3045 is the first error to be thrown if the password is wrong. This is not so nuts as it sounds - encryption passwords are different between test and live.....

creating encrypted passwords in openfire MySQL via PHP

Openfire stores encrypted passwords in a database using blowfish encryption. is the java implementation for how encrypt / decrypt functions work in openfire.
My goal is to create new user entries in the database via PHP and MySQLI. All of the variations I've tried have yielded results that don't match what already exists in the database. For example:
d3f499857b40ac45c41828ccaa5ee1f90b19ca4e0560d1e2dcf4a305f219a4a2342aa7364e9950db is one of the encrypted passwords. clear text, this is stackoverflow
I've tried a few variations:
echo mcrypt_cbc(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, '1uY40SR771HkdDG', 'stackoverflow', MCRYPT_ENCRYPT, '12345678');
// result: áë*sY¶nŸÉX_33ô
Another based on mcrypt blowfish php slightly different results when compared to java and .net
$key = '1uY40SR771HkdDG';
$pass = 'stackoverflow';
$blocksize = mcrypt_get_block_size('blowfish', 'cbc'); // get block size
$pkcs = $blocksize - (strlen($data) % $blocksize); // get pkcs5 pad length
$data.= str_repeat(chr($pkcs), $pkcs); // append pkcs5 padding to the data
// encrypt and encode
$res = base64_encode(mcrypt_cbc(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH,$key, $pass, MCRYPT_ENCRYPT));
echo $res;
// result: 3WXKASjk35sI1+XJ7htOGw==
Any clever ideas, or any glaring problems? I simply want to implement Blowfish.encryptString() as referenced in the first link in this question.
Here's a class I made, it encrypts and decrypts properly.
Note, you need to save / [pre/app]end the IV in order to reproduce results.
Some test vectors for the java code would be nice.
* Emulate OpenFire Blowfish Class
class OpenFireBlowfish
private $key;
private $cipher;
function __construct($pass)
$this->cipher = mcrypt_module_open('blowfish','','cbc','');
$this->key = pack('H*',sha1($pass));
function encryptString($plaintext, $iv = '')
if ($iv == '') {
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($this->cipher));
else {
$iv = pack("H*", $iv);
mcrypt_generic_init($this->cipher, $this->key, $iv);
$bs = mcrypt_enc_get_block_size($this->cipher); // get block size
$plaintext = mb_convert_encoding($plaintext,'UTF-16BE'); // set to 2 byte, network order
$pkcs = $bs - (strlen($plaintext) % $bs); // get pkcs5 pad length
$pkcs = str_repeat(chr($pkcs), $pkcs); // create padding string
$plaintext = $plaintext.$pkcs; // append pkcs5 padding to the data
$result = mcrypt_generic($this->cipher, $plaintext);
return $iv.$result;
function decryptString($ciphertext)
$bs = mcrypt_enc_get_block_size($this->cipher); // get block size
$iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($this->cipher);
if ((strlen($ciphertext) % $bs) != 0) { // check string is proper size
return false;
$iv = substr($ciphertext, 0, $iv_size); // retrieve IV
$ciphertext = substr($ciphertext, $iv_size);
mcrypt_generic_init($this->cipher, $this->key, $iv);
$result = mdecrypt_generic($this->cipher, $ciphertext); // decrypt
$padding = ord(substr($result,-1)); // retrieve padding
$result = substr($result,0,$padding * -1); // and remove it
return $result;
function __destruct()
$enckey = "1uY40SR771HkdDG";
$enciv = 'd3f499857b40ac45';
$javastring = 'd3f499857b40ac45c41828ccaa5ee1f90b19ca4e0560d1e2dcf4a305f219a4a2342aa7364e9950db';
$a = new OpenFireBlowfish($enckey);
$encstring = bin2hex($a->encryptString('stackoverflow',$enciv));
echo $encstring . "\n";
echo $a->decryptString(pack("H*", $encstring)) . "\n";
$b = new OpenFireBlowfish($enckey);
echo $b->decryptString(pack("H*", $javastring)) . "\n";
There is nothing wrong with your code, however to generate the same code as Openfire, you will need to add in two other items before the encrypted text.
length of ciphertext
CBCIV (initialization variable)
Read "public String decryptString(String sCipherText)" in java code, it's all there. Also check the docs on how to use CBCIV in PHP.
Openfire's code prepends the CBCIV passed with the output string. It also using Unicode as the character set. These together may be the problem area.
I don't know enough about Blowfish's internals to help more, sorry.

Decrypt string in php which was encrypted with aspEncrypt

I need to communicate with a asp platform that uses the aspEncrypt from persits.
Can anyone provide an example how to decode a string with PHP and mcrypt that was created via the aspEncrypt routines.
An example page of aspEncrypt is available at this link:
So if I use the text "Test" and the key "test" it provides an base64 encoded string. I need a php example that convert this encoded string back to the text "Test" with usage of key "test".
This is how i finally solved it:
Key is known
IV is known (in my case, first 32 characters of encoded data)
Encrypted Text is known
In my special case all received data hex encoded.
This means IV and encrypted text.
function decrypt($sString, $sIv, $sKey, $iCipherAlg) {
$sDecrypted = mcrypt_decrypt($iCipherAlg, $sKey, $sString, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $sIv);
return trim($sDecrypted);
function hex2bin($sData) {
$iLen = strlen($sData);
$sNewData = '';
for($iCount=0;$iCount<$iLen;$iCount+=2) {
$sNewData .= pack("C",hexdec(substr($sData,$iCount,2)));
return $sNewData;
$sKey = 'this is my key';
// first 32 chars are IV
$sIv = hex2bin(substr($sEncodedData, 0, 32));
$sEncodedData = substr($sEncodedData, 32);
$sEncodedRaw = hex2bin($sEncodedData);
$sDecrypted = decrypt($sEncodedRaw, $sIv, $sKey, MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128);
A corresponding encryption works like that:
$sIv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_block_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC), MCRYPT_RAND);
$sKey = 'this is my key';
$sContent = 'a lot of content';
$sEncrypted = bin2hex(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $sKey, $sContent, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $sIv));
$sFullEncodedText = bin2hex($sIv) . $sEncrypted;
I encountered an old VBScript project which was encrypting strings with AspEncrypt like this:
Function EncryptString(data, base64Iv)
Set CM = Server.CreateObject("Persits.CryptoManager")
Set Context = CM.OpenContextEx("Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider", "", True)
Set Key = Context.GenerateKeyFromPassword("secret encryption password", calgSHA512, calgAES256)
Set IVblob = CM.CreateBlob
IVblob.Base64 = base64Iv
Key.SetIV IVblob
Set Blob = Key.EncryptText(data)
EncryptString = Blob.Base64 & ":" & base64Iv
End Function
Based on the arguments to GenerateKeyFromPassword, a binary key is created by hashing the password with SHA-512, and data is encrypted with the aes-256-cbc algorithm. The random Base64-encoded initialization vector is appended to the encrypted value after a colon.
This can be replicated in PHP using the OpenSSL extension:
class Aes256Cbc
private string $algo = 'aes-256-cbc';
private string $key;
private int $ivLen;
public function __construct(string $password)
$this->key = hash('sha512', $password, true);
$this->ivLen = openssl_cipher_iv_length($this->algo);
public function encrypt(string $data): string
$iv = random_bytes($this->ivLen);
$ciphertext = openssl_encrypt($data, $this->algo, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
return base64_encode($ciphertext) . ':' . base64_encode($iv);
public function decrypt(string $encrypted): string
[$ctPart, $ivPart] = explode(':', $encrypted);
$iv = base64_decode($ivPart);
$ciphertext = base64_decode($ctPart);
return openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $this->algo, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
Example usage:
$aes = new Aes256Cbc("secret encryption password");
$decrypted = $aes->decrypt($someValue);
Note: if AspEncrypt was used without setting an initialization vector, the IV will be sequence of null bytes. This fixed IV could be generated in the above PHP class as follows:
$iv = str_repeat("\0", $this->ivLen);
It depends on which cipher it uses, take a look at mcrypt as long as you know the cipher and key it should be easy to decrypt.
If you know the cipher and mode used by the encryption, the function mcrypt_decrypt can decrypt it.
