codeigniter email send incorrect link - php

I just want to ask because I tried to send an email with a link. The problem is the link.
As you notice, the 9 became =.
I tried changing my mailtype as text and it work but how to solve it having mailtype as html?

I use the PHP Mailer for send email... Thats already makes the necessary settings for authentication and integrity of your email code in html. Always works for me.
Download PHPMailer:
How to use:


PHPMailer - Trying to set new line while sending emails

I've connected PHPMailer to my register system and once a user registers it auto-sends a email to the registered user, now I'm having a issue while attempting to set a new line while sending the email:
"Hello, ".$formvars['name']."<br>".
"Thank you for your registration with us and trusting us with your user account!"."<br>".
"If any problems arrise with logging into your account or using it, please adress this email."."<br>".
"Kind Regards."."<br>".
I don't really see why it wouldn't make a new line properly, the \n or \r\n don't show in the email but also don't make a new line.
Apologize for not providing enough code, the issue was that I called isHTML and tried to do that, I changed the lines to split up using
At a guess (because you didn't post your code), you're probably sending plain text as HTML, and HTML will ignore line breaks, so omit this line from your code:
If you want to use HTML, you can use HTML tags such as <p> and <br> to break up your text.

How to remove X-CMAE-Envelope from php mail
X-CMAE-Envelope: MS4wfP8FXd8/R+a/LSU6TL5fZ2U9j6XNOlqH2ChNeZRC9M65GyLWs79yxh/WSVP1mWgmTrSR1jubA85EorlFhPmvIANJv+g8Dvba+4+i5Epzjt6Q3cuOetV2
[Mail Message]
Whenever I send a mail using PHP, X-CMAE-Envelope is automatically adding in mail body. How can I remove it?
It has been a while ago since this was asked, but if someone else gets the same problem:
I noticed that the envelope message disappears when you start the message body with an extra empty line.
\r\n\r\n Marks the end of the headers and start of the message body.
CMAE stands for Cloudmark Authority Engine and is an e-mail security product (anti-spam). This and others headers are added by this software at a server level. You should check it with your sysadmin.
This is not a direct answer, but I didn't find much on the web for this.
While using Python sending an email through gmail to a email, it appears the message included the X-CMAE-Envelope based on what the message was. If the message was not only text but included a date and time - then it included the X-CMAE-Envelope otherwise it was not included. With that being said, it appears server-based.
I know this was from a while ago but I recently had the same issue, specifically a colon ":" triggers this. But if you just start your message with \n it fixes it

Issues with sending out text by using PHPMailer class

I am using PHPMailer 5.2.9 and trying to send out a newsletter. Having trouble with mail delivering issues if the body text contains the words late and Soma. e.g.
$message='Son of late Josinho Soma Project';
If either of the words late or Soma is taken off, the email is delivered successfully. I have also tried changing Soma to Somm as below and could see the email was delivered.
$message='Son of late Josinho Somm Project';
I have also tried sending out the same text using a simple PHP mail function having no issues. Not sure, what is causing the issue with the PHPMailer class.

Codeigniter Mail not working correctly

I am sending an email using the following code. But it shows up in my email as from "" also when I press reply on the email it wants to send it to ""
Don't know if I've done something wrong or?
$this->email->from($this->input->post('email'), $this->input->post('thename'));
$this->email->reply_to($this->input->post('email'), $this->input->post('thename'));
$this->email->subject('New Feedback');
I set up a simple email test in CodeIgniter v 2.1.2 as follows:
$this->email->subject('Subject Mailer-Test');
$this->email->message('Lorem est email.');
$rc_email = $this->email->print_debugger();
I suggest that you go through the following debugging procedure.
(1) Hard code all email addresses and names in the from and reply_to setters. Test to see if the problem still exist.
(2) If step (1) fixes the problem, then something may be wrong with your input variables so try printing out the variables (append to email body text).
(3) Print out the text returned from print_debugger
(4) I tested the email in Mozilla Thunderbird and the from, reply_to and to fields worked as expected. What email client are you using? what email server (if testing locally)?
Please keep us posted with your progress.
I figured it out. I had uploaded the site to my "real" server and forgot to change the baseurl of the site.. I still had it as localhost. So whenever I sent an email it was using my localhost and the from email I had setup in phpmailer.
I know quite a silly mistake, but being up for 20+ hours can do that to someone.
Thanks for all the help.

Use PHPmailer or regualer PHP mail to send text: From $Phone-Number

Can I send a text message using PHP or PHPmailer and in the return use a phone number and not an email?
PHP mail() and PHPmailer makes me use a valid email with an "#" symbol. Is there a way around this?
You can put whatever you want in the from field, but don't expect your mail server, or the receiving mail server to accept it.
Better to set your from: field to something like this instead:
"123-123-1234 <>"
That way, you can have a valid from address, and still display a number to the end user.
