PHP Error syntax [closed] - php

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a web site and my problem is about the section "Voter".
When we vote, we doesn't have the gift and the error come about my line 121:
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or number (T_NUM_STRING) in /home/pvpdream/public_html/voter/recompenses.php on line 121
I give you the script:
if ($_SESSION['out'] == true)
$inputString = $_SESSION['Pseudo_String'];
$pseudo = $inputString;
$selection = $bdd -> prepare('SELECT * FROM joueurs WHERE user_pseudo = :user_pseudo');
$selection -> bindParam(':user_pseudo', $inputString);
$selection -> execute();
$MonPersonnage = $selection -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$NomPersonnage = $MonPersonnage->user_pseudo;
$NbrPoints = $MonPersonnage->user_points;
$NbrVote = $MonPersonnage->vote;
$ApresVote = $NbrPoints + $Points_par_vote;
$vote = $NbrVote +1 ;
#### TEMPS
$date = time();
$HeureVote = $MonPersonnage->date_vote;
$EcartMinutes = ($date - $HeureVote)/60;
#### IP
if ($EcartMinutes > 180)
if($_GET['verification'] == "items" && $_GET['serveur'] == 'f')
$serveur = 'f';
$update = $bdd->prepare('UPDATE joueurs SET date_vote = :date_vote, vote = :vote WHERE user_pseudo = :user_pseudo');
$update -> bindParam(':date_vote', $date);
$update -> bindParam(':vote', $vote);
$update -> bindParam(':user_pseudo', $NomPersonnage);
$update -> execute();
$update = $bdd->prepare('UPDATE vote_ip SET date_vote = :date_vote WHERE ip = :ip');
$update -> bindParam(':date_vote', $date);
$update -> bindParam(':ip', $ip);
$update -> execute();
##################################### Probabilités
$query = $bdd->prepare('SELECT SUM(p) AS somme FROM probabilites');
$string = $query->fetch();
$nbr_items = $string['somme'];
$query = $bdd->prepare ("SELECT * FROM probabilites WHERE serveur = '".$serveur."'");
$prob = 1000;
$rand = mt_rand(0, $prob);
$items = array ();
while($resultats = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ))
$items[$resultats->quantite.'|'.$resultats->nom.'|'.$resultats->commande.''] = $resultats->p / $nbr_items;
$i = 0;
foreach ($items as $name => $value)
if ($rand <= $i+=($value * $prob))
$item = $name;
list($quantite, $nom, $commande) = explode("|", $item);
# Exécution des requêtes items
$commande_exp = explode(" ", $commande);
if($commande_exp[0] == 'POINTS')
$requete = str_replace("POINTS ", "", $commande);
$VoteBoutique = $NbrPoints + $requete;
echo '<br /><div class="alert alert-success"><b> Succès</b> : '.$pseudo.' vous venez d\'obtenir le cadeau suivant : <b> '.$quantite.' '.$nom.' </b>.</div>';
$update = $bdd->prepare('UPDATE joueurs SET user_points = :user_points WHERE user_pseudo = :user_pseudo');
$update -> bindParam(':user_points', $VoteBoutique);
$update -> bindParam(':user_pseudo', $pseudo);
$update -> execute();
$connexion_1->call("runConsoleCommand", array("broadcast ".$pseudo." vient de gagner ".$quantite." ".$nom." en votant pour le serveur."));
/*$connexion_2->call("runConsoleCommand", array("broadcast ".$pseudo." vient de gagner ".$quantite." ".$nom." en votant pour le serveur."));
$connexion_3->call("runConsoleCommand", array("broadcast ".$pseudo." vient de gagner ".$quantite." ".$nom." en votant pour le serveur."));
$connexion_4->call("runConsoleCommand", array("broadcast ".$pseudo." vient de gagner ".$quantite." ".$nom." en votant pour le serveur."));
$connexion_5->call("runConsoleCommand", array("broadcast ".$pseudo." vient de gagner ".$quantite." ".$nom." en votant pour le serveur."));
$connexion_6->call("runConsoleCommand", array("broadcast ".$pseudo." vient de gagner ".$quantite." ".$nom." en votant pour le serveur."));
$connexion_7->call("runConsoleCommand", array("broadcast ".$pseudo." vient de gagner ".$quantite." ".$nom." en votant pour le serveur."));
$connexion_8->call("runConsoleCommand", array("broadcast ".$pseudo." vient de gagner ".$quantite." ".$nom." en votant pour le serveur."));
echo '<br /><div class="alert alert-success"><b> Succès</b> : Vous venez d\'obtenir le cadeau suivant : <b> '.$quantite.' '.$nom.' </b>.</div>';
$commande = str_replace('pseudo_var', $pseudo, $commande);
$connexion_1->call("runConsoleCommand", array("".$commande.""));
$connexion_1->call("runConsoleCommand", array("broadcast &c&lFélicitation &b&l".$pseudo." vient de gagner ".$quantite." ".$nom." en votant pour le serveur.));
$_SESSION['out'] = false;
echo '<br /><div class="alert alert-danger">Vous devez attendre 180 minutes afin de pouvoir revoter.</div>';
elseif ($_SESSION['out'] == false)
echo '<br /><div class="alert alert-danger"><b> Erreur</b>: Votre récompense a déjà été obtenue.</div>';

You can see the error from the syntax highlighting in your question. It's this line:
$connexion_1->call("runConsoleCommand", array("broadcast &c&lFélicitation &b&l".$pseudo." vient de gagner ".$quantite." ".$nom." en votant pour le serveur.));
You need an extra " at the end, so it would be:
$connexion_1->call("runConsoleCommand", array("broadcast &c&lFélicitation &b&l".$pseudo." vient de gagner ".$quantite." ".$nom." en votant pour le serveur."));


Doctrine ODM memory limit reached when inserting documents

I have a little problem, I'm getting around 800 000 datas from a json and I'm trying to insert them into a MongoDB Database. But I reach memory limit (I've set it up to 8GB for testing) while doing this. I think my script isn't optimized but I can't find where. Can you guys help me ? Here is the script :
$jsonResponse = json_decode($content->response);
$datas = $jsonResponse->hits->hits;
// On crée la collection si elle n'éxiste pas
$collection = $connection->createCollection($table->getTableName(), false );
// On enregistre les données dans la collection
foreach ($datas as $data)
if(!empty($data) || $data)
$document['_id'] = $data->_id; // ID netwoof unique
$document['_updated'] = substr($data->_source->_updated, 0, -3); // Date de dernière MàJ des données
$document['_url'] = $data->_source->_url; // Start URL
// On enregistre ensuite chaque champs définis dans le dashboard
foreach ($fields as $field)
// On récupère le nom du champs netwoof
$containerFieldName = $field->getContainerFieldName();
// On fait correspondre notre champ db avec celui netwoof
if( isset( $data->_source->$containerFieldName ) && (!empty($data->_source->$containerFieldName) || $data->_source->$containerFieldName == 0 ) )
$document[$field->getFieldName()] = $data->_source->$containerFieldName;
$document[$field->getFieldName()] = null;*/
foreach ($customFields as $customField)
$document[$customField->getFieldName()] = $customField->getFieldValue();
// Enregistrement des données
// On réinitialise la variable
Thanks all for your answer and sorry for my english.

Not separator at the last of foreach

I'm stuck; I want to not have the "-" separator on my last item! How can I do that? I know I'm supposed to use count, but I don't know how to go further.
$report = array();
$job = null; //on met la variable a zero
$i = null;
//On extrait les valeurs dans un nouveau tableau à l'aide d'une boucle :
foreach ($values_collaborateurs as $key_collab => $row_collab)//id collab prendra chaque valeur du tableau
//ici ne pas mettre de report[key_collab]
$report[] = $row_collab; // la valeur de id collab = indice collab
//On re extrait les valeurs: boucle du table mission:
//pour chaque élément de $values_missions => id-mission
foreach($values_missions as $key_mission => $row_mission)
//ici ne pas mettre de report[key_missions]
// ici la condition de recherche
if ($row_collab[0] == $row_mission[1])
$job .= $row_mission[2]." - ";// .= concatenation pr dire s'ajoute a row mission la valeur de job
// rempli le job par des valeurs
$report[$key_collab][] = $job; //$report = table qui contient chq valeur des key collab, et tout ça tu le stock ds $job
$i = null;
$job = null; //stop - remet le cycle job a zero pour recommencer a null
printf("<br>\n");//passage a la ligne
U can delete last two chars after foreach is completed using strlen...
foreach($values_missions as $key_mission => $row_mission)
//ici ne pas mettre de report[key_missions]
// ici la condition de recherche
if ($row_collab[0] == $row_mission[1])
$job .= $row_mission[2]." - ";// .= concatenation pr dire s'ajoute a row mission la valeur de job
// rempli le job par des valeurs
$job = substr($job,0,strlen($job)-2);
Other solution is:
$jobs[] = $row_mission[2]; // instead of: $job .= $row_mission[2] . " - ";
and after foreach will ended:
$job = implode(" - ", $jobs);
Use count() to determine the total number of items and compare it with a counter ($current_mission) that you increment each iteration step.
Then you can append the separator only if the current item is not the last one:
$current_mission = 1;
$total_missions = count($values_missions);
foreach($values_missions as $key_mission => $row_mission)
//ici ne pas mettre de report[key_missions]
// ici la condition de recherche
if ($row_collab[0] == $row_mission[1])
$job .= $row_mission[2];// .= concatenation pr dire s'ajoute a row mission la valeur de job
if ($current_mission < $total_missions) {
$job .= ' - ';
// rempli le job par des valeurs
An alternative is to build an array of strings and use implode().
I highly suggest to not build an array and then use implode, as it's too much overhead for both CPU and memory. If you go for substr($job,0,strlen($job)-2); you are better off with substr($job, 0, -3);, which does exactly the same.
If it's easier to read for you, you can do $job .= ' - ' . $row_mission[2]; and then substr($job, 3);.
On a side note, your code looks buggy:
You use $report[] = $row_collab;, and later $report[$key_collab][], which means you are using $reportboth as un-indexed array and associative array. That your data looks right might just be a coincidence, because if $key_collaband $row_collab have the same value, they overwrite each other.

SQL LIKE this OR that

I'm trying to do:
(i'm working with codeignitor)
$conditions = $tri." LIKE'%".$prenomNom."%' OR LIKE'%".$nomPrenom."%'";
I also tried:
$conditions = ($tri." LIKE '%".$prenomNom."%' OR ".$tri." LIKE '%".$nomPrenom."%'");
But the OR doesn't work... my request return only $tri like $nameLastname.
When i do echo of $nameLastname and $LastnameName everything is ok.
My code
public function rechercheParAuteur($selection = "*", $recherche = "", $tri = "", $champs_order = "id", $direction_ordre = "ASC", $nombre_limite = NULL, $debut_limite = NULL){
//$conditions = "titre LIKE '%".$recherche."%'"; //création de la condition personnalisée
$testrecherche = str_replace("'","\'", $recherche);
$rechercheArray = explode(" ", $testrecherche);
if (isset($rechercheArray[1]))
$nomPrenom = $rechercheArray[0]." ".$rechercheArray[1];
$prenomNom = $rechercheArray[1]." ".$rechercheArray[0];
//$conditions = $tri." LIKE'%".$prenomNom."%' OR LIKE'%".$nomPrenom."%'";
$conditions = ($tri." LIKE '%".$prenomNom."%' OR ".$tri." LIKE '%".$nomPrenom."%'");
//echo $nomPrenom; OK
//echo $prenomNom; OK
$resultat = $rechercheArray[0];
$conditions = $tri." LIKE '%".$resultat."%'";
$retour= $this->db->select($selection)
/*à partir de quelle table*/
/*déterminer des conditions spécifiques*/
/*déterminer un ordre précis*/
->order_by($champs_order, $direction_ordre)
/*déterminer une limite*/
->limit($nombre_limite, $debut_limite)
/*obtenir les résultats (va de pair avec result()*/
/*retourner les résultats sous forme de tableau*/
return $retour;
You probably want to put the condition in perens.
$conditions = "($tri LIKE '%$prenomNom%' OR $tri LIKE '%$nomPrenom%')";

Wordpress add_filter inside function not works

I will try to explain my case.
I would like to change the wpseo_title, wpseo_metakey, wpseo_metadesc, wpseo_opengraph_type, wpseo_opengraph_image, wpseo_title, and wpseo_opengraph_image_size on the "archive-page" of "custom post"
Because yoast plugin not translated meta tags inside "archive" post. And i need to translate all
I have this code:
function get_archive_seo() {
include 'seo_archive.php';
$tipoSel = get_post_type(get_the_ID());
if(is_post_type_archive( $tipoSel )){
foreach ($traduccionesArchive as $keyTipo => $tipo){
foreach ($tipo as $keyMeta => $palabra){
if($keyMeta == 'opengraph_type' || $keyMeta == 'opengraph_image_size') continue;
icl_register_string ('my-theme', $keyTipo." - ".$keyMeta, $palabra);
foreach ($traduccionesArchive[$tipoSel] as $key => $palabra){
add_filter( 'wpseo_'.$key, function($nombre) use ( $palabra, $tipoSel, $key ) {
if($key == 'opengraph_type' || $key == 'opengraph_image_size') return $palabra;
return icl_t('my-theme', $tipoSel." - ".$key, $palabra);
add_filter( 'wp_head', 'get_archive_seo');
And this is the "seo_archive.php":
$traduccionesArchive['hoteles']['title'] = 'Hotel, Vacaciones en Andalucia';
$traduccionesArchive['hoteles']['metakey'] = 'palabra1, palabra2, palabra3';
$traduccionesArchive['hoteles']['metadesc'] = 'Mapa de Hotel en Andalucia, Costa del Sol, Costa de la Luz y Sierra de Grazalema. El lugar ideal para tus vacaciones.';
$traduccionesArchive['hoteles']['opengraph_type'] = 'object';
$traduccionesArchive['hoteles']['opengraph_image'] = '';
$traduccionesArchive['hoteles']['opengraph_image_size'] = 100;
$traduccionesArchive['apartamentos']['title'] = 'Apartamentos de vacaciones Costa del Sol ';
$traduccionesArchive['apartamentos']['metakey'] = 'palabra1, palabra2, palabra3';
$traduccionesArchive['apartamentos']['metadesc'] = 'Mapa de localizacion de los Apartamentos Vacacionales de Hotel. Disfruta de tus vacaciones en familia en la Costa del Sol.';
$traduccionesArchive['apartamentos']['opengraph_type'] = 'object';
$traduccionesArchive['apartamentos']['opengraph_image'] = '';
$traduccionesArchive['apartamentos']['opengraph_image_size'] = 100;
$traduccionesArchive['destinos']['title'] = 'Mapa de localizacion de Hotel, Andalucia';
$traduccionesArchive['destinos']['metakey'] = 'palabra1, palabra2, palabra3';
$traduccionesArchive['destinos']['metadesc'] = 'Mapa de Hoteles en Andalucia, en los destinos vacacionales de Costa del Sol, Costa de la Luz y Sierra de Grazalema Andalucia.';
$traduccionesArchive['destinos']['opengraph_type'] = 'object';
$traduccionesArchive['destinos']['opengraph_image'] = '';
$traduccionesArchive['destinos']['opengraph_image_size'] = 100;
$traduccionesArchive['ofertas']['title'] = 'Ofertas Hotel Costa del Sol, Costa de la Luz ';
$traduccionesArchive['ofertas']['metakey'] = 'palabra1, palabra2, palabra3';
$traduccionesArchive['ofertas']['metadesc'] = 'Ahorra en tus vacaciones con las ofertas en nuestros hoteles de la Costa del Sol, Costa de la Luz y Andalucia.';
$traduccionesArchive['ofertas']['opengraph_type'] = 'object';
$traduccionesArchive['ofertas']['opengraph_image'] = '';
$traduccionesArchive['ofertas']['opengraph_image_size'] = 100;
But now, it not works, but in the past works fine, the filter is form module yoast SEO
Y tried with this Wordpress: How to return value when use add_filter?
I'm a little confused because this:
add_filter( 'wpseo_title', function(){return 'foo';}
Works outside the get_archive_seo functions, but not works inside function.
Can anybody help me?
You can use like this, this may help to you.
function title_function_name($title) {
$title = "Your title write here";
return $title;
add_filter('wp_title', 'title_function_name', 15);
if (!has_filter('wpseo_title'))
add_filter('wpseo_title', 'title_function_name', 15);

Find white space in string

I have the following string. I need to find the position of the last white space.
I have tried the following code:
for ($i = 410; $i < 420; $i++) {
if ($body[$i] == ' ') {
$lastCharacter = $i;
But it does not return the correct white space position. It return a position in middle of a word.
Dans cette septième étape, les coureurs vont relier Montpellier et
Albi, passant au milieu des vignes de l'arrière-pays pour faire la
jonction entre les Alpes et les Pyrénées, traversant des paysages qui
font toute la saveur du Tour. Dernière étape un peu plate avant un
week-end placé sous le signe de la montagne. Des ascensions de col, la
foule amassée sur les côtés, souffrant avec leu...
$lastSpace = strrpos($string," ");
Doc: strrpos
Use strrpos :
echo $pos = strrpos($mystring, " ");
