Fixing Contact Form 7 on Yahoo Email address - php

I'm trying to fix my problem regarding the plugin contact form 7. Basically the objective of my contact form is once the user submitted their application form with resume the contact form will send an email to the sender that their message has been received.
The problem is it works on a gmail address but not on yahoo address.
Here is the website that i am developing at the moment
I tried creating my own custom form and it works for yahoo email address. Has anyone tried fixing this problem.

I have had a problem with contact form 7 too. Contact form 7 did not send me email to Gmail.
Contact form 7 made an update and now that I have applied the update it been working. Try applying the update to the plugin. it may just work for you now.


WordPress CF7 - contact form with double opt in

I have a form (CF7, no newsletter) which the user filled out and submit. After that the user should receive a confirmation email with a link. And only after the user confirmed that link the data of the form will be send to the receiver or maybe saved with flamingo.
Is that possible with CF7 and/or maybe Mailchimp Extension?
You can try this Flamingo to integrate contact form 7 with Flamingo. Also can try Contact Form 7 MailChimp Extension to integrate with MailChimp. Both have confirmation mail feature.

Contact form 7 getting spam messages while sending message from contact form 7

I am using contact form 7 for mail functionality with in website front end.While sending messages i am getting my mail but also getting mails from others with 200-330 time with no limit for this i have activate Akismet Anti-Spam plugin word press to avoid spam but still getting spam messages.
Have you tried reCaptcha ? link

How to use mailjet with contact form 7 in wordpress

I have a word press site in which I am using the mail chimp extension with contact form 7 to send emails. Now I want to remove mail chimp and integrate mail-jet to send emails with that contact form. I have tried using the mail-jet extension but I don't understand how to use it with contact form 7. There is not any other extension like mail-chimp for mail-jet. Is there any other way to do this?
I think what's meant here is that by configuring the mailjet smtp settings you can use contact form 7 to create a contact us form and then be assured that mailjet will do the email transactions for it.

I see a response message "Your message was sent successfully" in contact form 7 plugin, but did not received any mail

I have created one form using contact form7 plugin in wordpress. let example, If ABC fill the form, I will get mail from ABC and then ABC will get thank you message from our domain. but the problem is that I am not getting any mail from that person. I have used email id of my domain in From section. like sujata
when anyone submit form he can see thank you message in green box on site and also recive thank you mail.
I have used mail(2) option to send thank you mail.
please help me to solve my problem.

Contact form 7 not sending emails to admin or user

I am running Contact Form 4.1.2 on Wordpress 4.2. Once a user has submitted their contact form on any of the forms being used on the site, no emails come through to the designated email addresses on the back-end of the site. Here is the site I am working on, and here is one of the contact forms I am referring too.
I have also tried using Ninja Forms as a substitute but that's also not working, I am aware that this means it's not strictly to do with Contact Form 7, but can't pin what else it could be.
Anything else you may need let me know, thanks in advance.
