I am trying to create a social application based on hashtags of twitter. My aim is to find how many tweets, how many users, top ten tweets users, top ten influencing tweets based on no of re tweets or interactions using Twitter live stream API for a Hashtag.
So i created twitter application and i am able to login, able to get user timeline and tweets of user. But i am not able to work with live stream API. I am posting my code below about how i am trying to access tweets related to a hashtag.
$data = $connection->post('https://stream.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/filter.json?delimited=15&track=Rajpal Yadav');
Where $connection is working fine i tested it.
Try out new Twitter API from https://dev.twitter.com. This document explains how to use Embedded Tweets on your website, and also how developers can integrate Embedded Tweets in to their applications through their new API.
Well friends, i want to be showing the number of followers i've got on instagram and twitter, facebook friends and show the latest post's feed from twitter or instagram on my website using PHP. I've seen this possible using plugins in wordpress but i wonder if there is no way to do it in PHP!
So far i've just tried to make some researches and found an API from developers.facebook.com but not sure how to use them!
We have a PHP app that uses the graph API to post videos and photos to a users timeline.
We can gather all insights for the app which is great but need a way to separate them based on which customer is making use of our service. We we use the graph API to gather the insights.
Can this be done?
I am trying to create a portal where users after login can search other members, update their own profiles etc. I want to integrate every users LinkedIn profile to the website so that when anyone is searching for a member, the results should be the as per the LinkedIn profile of that person being searched for.
Moreover I'm using PHP and MySQL database in the back end.
How to enable this feature in my website using the LinkedIn API ?
You would download a wrapper for php to interact with the LinkedIn API first....
Then from there you would create a database to store new users names, and ids' along with their l=LinkedIn email. Which will be the reference to their linked in profile.
Which you would give them the option to login via LinkedIn, with oAuth.
Some helpful links to get you started...
But if you don't know much about PHP or programming in general. This might all seem very confusing at first
Simple LinkedIn PHP library
Getting OAuth token
I want to calculate favorite_count when I searched a word in twitter. I am using Twitter api in PHP and now, I can search words successfully. Also, I can calculate retweet count.
But I could't find ant way to get favorites_count. Here is a link for help: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/favorites
have a look in the twitter faq
How do I count favorites?
The number of times a tweet was favorited is now available as part of tweet objects in the REST, Streaming, and Search APIs -- you'll find it presented in the "favorite_count" field.
Additionally, User streams and Site streams both stream events when an authenticated user favorites tweets or has their tweets favorited. Using these authenticated streaming APIs, you can count favorites in real-time as they happen.
is there anyway to get a feed latest tweets of the whole twitter community through the twitter API?
i have come across articles that explain how to get the status feed of a specific user or users. but i am trying to get a feed of about 10 tweets of the latest tweets by the whole twitter user community to display on the homepage of a twitter app i am working on.
is there anyway to make this work?
You can use the sample stream to get a random sample of about 1% of all tweets
Phirehose provides one PHP library for this, but be there are some errors in it that are reported in the Issues tab but not yet fixed.