Group SQL outputs with same value - php

I'm trying to create a script that shows the openings of a store.
I want this openings to be listed below each others. If for example, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday has the exact same opening time, I want it to be grouped like this:
Mon-Wed: 12:00-15:00
Thursday: 13:00-15:00
Friday: 10:00-18:00
Saturday: 12:00-18:00
Sunday: 14:00-18:00
It works fine when outputting weekday by weekday, but I cannot figure out, how to 'group' the weekdays, with the same opening time.
I have tried to use if($time == $time) but that didn't worked. I do not have any other ideas how to do it.
I don't want to get the weekday names from the table itself. That's why I've created the $weekdays array so that I can change the weekday name, directly in the code.
I also need to put the weekday names and the opening times in separate spans.
This is my SQL Table:
ID | mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat | sun
1 12:00-15:00 12:00-15:00 12:00-15:00 13:00-15:00 10:00-18:00 12:00-18:00 14:00-18:00
This is my current PHP code:
$get_openings = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM openings WHERE NC_Id='1'");
while($days = mysql_fetch_array($get_openings)) {
// Loads time only from database
$mon = $days['mon'];
$tue = $days['tue'];
$wed = $days['wed'];
$thu = $days['thu'];
$fri = $days['fri'];
$sat = $days['sat'];
$sun = $days['sun'];
$weekdays = array('monday','tuesday','wednesday','thuesday','friday','saturday','sunday');
$times = array($mon,$tue,$wed,$thu,$fri,$sat,$sun);
$i = 0;
foreach($times as $time) {
while ($i <= 6) {
if($time == "") {
echo $weekdays[$i++].": "."Closed<br>";
else {
echo $weekdays[$i++].": ".$time."<br>";
Can someone help me please?
Thanks - Jesper

1) define $weekdays outside the while-loop, since it doesn't change
2) define $mon, $tue ... and then collect them again in $times doesn't make sense. You can directly use the named array from the fetch statement.
$weekdays = array('mon','tue','wed','thu','fri','sat','sun');
$get_openings = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM openings WHERE NC_Id='1'");
while($days = mysql_fetch_array($get_openings)) {
$result = array();
foreach($weekdays as $day){
$time = $days[$day]==''?'closed':$days[$day];
if(count($result)>0 and $result[0][1]==$time){
$result[0][0] = substr($result[0][0],0,3) . '-' . $day;
} else {
$result = array_reverse($result);
/* add code to display $result here */
In each loop $result is an array of array containing the day names and the openning times. For Example: array(array('mon-wed','12:00-15:00'),array('thu',...),...)

Try it like this:
$previous_time = null;
$previous_day = null;
$consequetive = 0;
while($days = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_openings)) { // loop through your rows
$days[''] = null;
foreach ($days as $day => $time) { // loop through your fields
if ($day != "id") { // skip the `id` field
if ($previous_time !== $time) {
echo $consequetive > 0 ? $previous_day : "";
echo $previous_day ? ": " : "";
echo $previous_time === "" ? "Closed" : $previous_time;
echo $previous_day && $day ? "<br>" : "";
echo $day;
$consequetive = 0;
else {
echo ++$consequetive == 1 ? " - " : "";
$previous_time = $time;
$previous_day = $day;


How to run multiple queries for a calendar script to make a day unavailable

I have a calendar script that displays up to 6 appointments per morning and per afternoon on any given day. It counts how many are remaining and if all 6 are taken then displays FULL. What I would also like to do is to be able to block out a morning, afternoon, whole day or even whole week (for a holiday for example) and mark them as FULL without having to add 6/12/84 individual rows to the db.
I have tried adding a column called 'block' and setting it's value to 1 for a given day, 0 as default, but I can't get both queries to run at the same time. It then doesn't display the days that still have 6 appointments (i.e. don't have any rows in the db therefore don't have a block value of 0 OR 1). I've tried every which way of nesting 2 while loops and I've tried IF EXISTS in the sql, exists/isset in the PHP but just can't get it to work. Can anyone please help?
// Get prev & next month
if (isset($_GET['ym'])) {
$ym = $_GET['ym'];
} else {
// This month
$ym = date('Y-m');
// Check format
$timestamp = strtotime($ym . '-01'); // the first day of the month
if ($timestamp === false) {
$ym = date('Y-m');
$timestamp = strtotime($ym . '-01');
// Today (Format:2018-08-8)
$today = date('Y-m-d');
$todaynum = date('N');
$hour = date('a');
// Title (Format:August, 2018)
$title = date('F, Y', $timestamp);
// Display Month (Format: August), Display Year (Format: 2018)
$dismth = date(' F ', $timestamp);
$disyr = date('Y', $timestamp);
// Current Year (Format:2018-), Current Month (Format:08-),
$curryr = date('Y-', $timestamp);
$currmth = date('m-', $timestamp);
// Create prev & next month link
$prev = date('Y-m', strtotime('-1 month', $timestamp));
$next = date('Y-m', strtotime('+1 month', $timestamp));
// Number of days in the month
$day_count = date('t', $timestamp);
// 1:Mon 2:Tue 3: Wed ... 7:Sun
$str = date('N', $timestamp);
// Array for calendar
$weeks = [];
$week = '';
// Add empty cell(s)
$week .= str_repeat('<td></td>', $str - 1);
for ($day = 1; $day <= $day_count; $day++, $str++) {
/* create a variable to concantenate the dates into db format */
/*$chosen = $curryr.$currmth.$day;*/
if ($day < 10) {
$date = $ym . '-0' . $day;
else {
$date = $ym . '-' . $day;
/* find if it's a weekend */
$weekdays = strtotime($date);
$weekday = date('l', $weekdays);
/* create a variable to concantenate the day and dates into display format */
$display = $weekday.', '.$day.$dismth.$disyr;
/* query - count number of appointments for current day and time */
$sqlam = "SELECT count(*) AS amapp FROM wasps_appointments WHERE date = '$date' AND time = 'Morning'";
$resultam = $connection->query($sqlam);
$sqlpm = "SELECT count(*) AS pmapp FROM wasps_appointments WHERE date = '$date' AND time = 'Afternoon'";
$resultpm = $connection->query($sqlpm);
/* start cell - check if today and if yes add class */
if ($today == $date) {
$week .= '<td class="today">';
} else {
$week .= '<td>';
/* Write day number into cell */
$week .= '<span class="date">';
$week .= $day;
$week .= '</span>';
/* if weekend show nothing */
if ( $weekday == 'Saturday' || $weekday == 'Sunday' ){ }
/* else (if not weekend) show links */
else {
/* ------------------------ MORNING -----------------------*/
/* display morning appointment availability from query above */
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultam)){
/* if in the future show links */
if ($date >= $today){
/* count how many remaining */
$amremain = 6 - $row['amapp'];
/* change colour according to availability*/
$trafficlight = "green";
if ($amremain == 3 || $amremain == 2) { $trafficlight = "amber";}
elseif ($amremain == 1) { $trafficlight = "red";}
/* check if fully booked */
if ($amremain == 0) {
$week .= 'am <span class="am full">FULL</span><br />';
else {
/* write dates into form fields from link */
$week .= 'am <span class="am '.$trafficlight.'">' . $amremain . ' left</span><br />';
/* else if in the past show nothing */
else { }
/* ------------------------ END MORNING -----------------------*/
/* ------------------------ AFTERNOON -----------------------*/
/* display afternoon appointment availability from query above */
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultpm)){
/* if in the future show links */
if ($date >= $today){
$pmremain = 6 - $row['pmapp'];
/* change colour according to availability*/
$trafficlight = "green";
if ($pmremain == 3 || $pmremain == 2) { $trafficlight = "amber";}
elseif ($pmremain == 1) { $trafficlight = "red";}
if ($pmremain == 0) {
$week .= 'pm <span class="pm full">FULL</span>';
else {
/* write dates into form fields from link */
$week .= 'pm <span class="pm '.$trafficlight.'">' . $pmremain . ' left</span>';
/* else if in the past show nothing */
else { }
/* ------------------------ END AFTERNOON -----------------------*/
/* end cell */
$week .= '</td>';
// Sunday OR last day of the month
if ($str % 7 == 0 || $day == $day_count) {
// last day of the month
if ($day == $day_count && $str % 7 != 0) {
// Add empty cell(s)
$week .= str_repeat('<td></td>', 7 - $str % 7);
$weeks[] = '<tr>' . $week . '</tr>';
$week = '';
<div id="calendar">
<div class="datenavigation">< prev <span class="title"><?= $title; ?></span> next ><!-- today--></div>
<div class="key"><span class="am">Morning 8am to 12pm</span><br /><span class="pm">Afternoon 1pm to 6pm</span></div>
foreach ($weeks as $week) {
echo $week;

Counting the (year)quarters between two dates

I have project built using laravel and a I have to build a function that counts all the complete quarters that are in the selected date range - the dates used are inserted via input.
Here are the quarters(i used numerical representations for the months)
01 - 03 first quarter
04 - 06 second quarter
07 - 09 third quarter
10 - 12 forth quarter
I would really appreciate your help,because I've been at it for an entire day now and basically have nothing to show for it,i thing I've been trying so hard i'm actually at the point where i'm so tired, i can t think straight.
I do have some code but it;s worthless, because it doesn't work, and any kind of idea or snippet of code is welcomed.
Thanks for your help in advance.
I managed to do this using multiple functions; basically, if this is needed for chart statistics, then a more specific approach might be the case.
I have done this in Laravel with timestamp dates as input (this code can be adapted for getting semesters also :) , it works and is already tested):
public static function getQuartersBetween($start_ts, $end_ts)
$quarters = [];
$months_per_year = [];
$years = self::getYearsBetween($start_ts, $end_ts);
$months = self::getMonthsBetween($start_ts, $end_ts);
foreach ($years as $year) {
foreach ($months as $month) {
if ($year->format('Y') == $month->format('Y')) {
$months_per_year[$year->format('Y')][] = $month;
foreach ($months_per_year as $year => $months) {
$january = new Date('01-01-' . $year);
$march = new Date('01-03-' . $year);
$april = new Date('01-04-' . $year);
$june = new Date('01-06-' . $year);
$july = new Date('01-07-' . $year);
$september = new Date('01-09-' . $year);
$october = new Date('01-10-' . $year);
$december = new Date('01-12-' . $year);
if (in_array($january, $months) && in_array($march, $months)) {
$quarter_per_year['label'] = 'T1 / ' . $year;
$quarter_per_year['start_day'] = $january->startOfMonth();
$quarter_per_year['end_day'] = $march->endOfMonth()->endOfDay();
array_push($quarters, $quarter_per_year);
if (in_array($april, $months) && in_array($june, $months)) {
$quarter_per_year['label'] = 'T2 / ' . $year;
$quarter_per_year['start_day'] = $april->startOfMonth();
$quarter_per_year['end_day'] = $june->endOfMonth()->endOfDay();
array_push($quarters, $quarter_per_year);
if (in_array($july, $months) && in_array($september, $months)) {
$quarter_per_year['label'] = 'T3 / ' . $year;
$quarter_per_year['start_day'] = $july->startOfMonth();
$quarter_per_year['end_day'] = $september->endOfMonth()->endOfDay();
array_push($quarters, $quarter_per_year);
if (in_array($october, $months) && in_array($december, $months)) {
$quarter_per_year['label'] = 'T4 / ' . $year;
$quarter_per_year['start_day'] = $october->startOfMonth();
$quarter_per_year['end_day'] = $december->endOfMonth()->endOfDay();
array_push($quarters, $quarter_per_year);
return $quarters;
and getting the years between:
public static function getYearsBetween($start_ts, $end_ts, $full_period = false)
$return_data = [];
$current = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $start_ts), date('d', $start_ts), date('Y', $start_ts));
while ($current < $end_ts) {
$temp_date = $current;
$year = new Date($temp_date);
$return_data[] = $year;
$current = strtotime("+1 year", $current); // add a year
if ($full_period) {
$return_data[] = $end_ts;
return $return_data;
, also getting the months needed
public static function getMonthsBetween($start_ts, $end_ts, $full_period = false)
$return_data = $month_list = [];
$current = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $start_ts), date('d', $start_ts), date('Y', $start_ts));
while ($current <= $end_ts) {
$temp_date = $current;
$date = new Date($temp_date);
$month_list[] = $date;
$current = strtotime("+1 month", $current); // add a month
$start_date_last_month = new Date(array_first($month_list));
$start_date_last_month = $start_date_last_month->startOfMonth()->format('m-d');
$temp_end_date = new Date($start_ts);
$temp_end_date = $temp_end_date->format('m-d');
if ($start_date_last_month < $temp_end_date) {
$end_date_last_month = new Date(end($month_list));
$current_day_month = $end_date_last_month->endOfMonth()->format('m-d');
$temp_end_date = new Date($end_ts);
$end_day_of_month = $temp_end_date->format('m-d');
if ($end_day_of_month < $current_day_month) {
if (count($month_list) == 0) {
$month_list[] = $end_date_last_month->subMonth();
$return_data = $month_list;
if ($full_period) {
$return_data[] = $end_ts;
return $return_data;
You can do something like in this example:
$February = 2;
$October = 10;
$completedQuarters = ceil($October/3) - ceil($February/3); // = 3
What about the quarter in which the date range starts, should it also count? If it should only count if it begins in the first month of a quarter you can check for it like this:
$completedQuarters = ceil($October/3) - ceil($February/3) -1; // = 2
if($February-1%3 == 0) $completedQuarters += 1;
You´re description is not very clear, let me know if that´s what you had in mind.
Not sure if the following is what you are meaning but might be useful
$timezone=new DateTimeZone('Europe/London');
$start=new DateTime( $date_start, $timezone );
$end=new DateTime( $date_end, $timezone );
$difference = $end->diff( $start );
$months = ( ( $difference->format('%y') * 12 ) + $difference->format('%m') );
$quarters = intval( $months / 3 );
printf( 'Quarters between %s and %s is %d covering %d months', $start->format('l, jS F Y'), $end->format('l, jS F Y'), $quarters, $months );
This will output
Quarters between Thursday, 12th March 2015 and Tuesday, 14th November 2017 is 10 covering 32 months
Something like this in the function and you should be set.
use Carbon\Carbon;
$first = Carbon::parse('2012-1-1'); //first param
$second = Carbon::parse('2014-9-15'); //second param
$fY = $first->year; //2012
$fQ = $first->quarter; //1
$sY = $second->year; //2014
$sQ = $second->quarter; //3
$n = 0; //the number of quarters we have counted
$i = 0; //an iterator we will use to determine if we are in the first year
for ($y=$fY; $y < $sY; $y++, $i++) { //for each year less than the second year (if any)
$s = ($i > 0) ? 1 : $fQ; //determine the starting quarter
for ($q=$s; $q <= 4; $q++) { //for each quarter
$n++; //count it
if ($sY > $fY) { //if both dates are not in the same year
$n = $n + $sQ; //total is the number of quarters we've counted plus the second quarter value
} else {
for ($q=$fQ; $q <= $sQ; $q++) { //for each quarter between the first quarter and second
$n++; //count it
print $n; //the value to return (11)

How to calculate working hours between two dates excluding holidays and weekends?

Let's say that I have two dates:
$initialDate = '08/10/2015 09:30:24 am';
$finalDate = '15/10/2015 15:47:38 pm';
$holiday = '12/10/2015';
I have to consider the hour of these days.
Hours to consider : 8 hours per day;
Start : 8 pm
End: 18 pm (24 hours format )
Lunch break start: 12:00 pm
Lunch break end: 14:00 pm
Example 1 : From 08/10/2015 10:00:00 to 09/10/2015 17:00:00 results 13 working hours. ( excludes lunch break )
Example 2 : From 08/10/2015 14:00:00 to 09/10/2015 18:00:00 results 12 working hours. ( Do not exclude 2 hours from begin date, because starts after 14:00 pm, lunch break )
Example 3 : From 08/10/2015 16:00:00 to 09/10/2015 18:00:00 results 10 working hours. ( Do not exclude 2 hours from begin date, because starts after 14:00 pmm lunch break )
Exampld 4 : From 08/10/2015 08:00:00 to 09/10/2015 11:00:00 results 14 working hours. ( Exclude 2 hours from begin date, and do not exclude 2 hours from end date, because isn't after 14:00 pm )
And I have to calculate the working hours and working days between those two dates, excluding weekends and Holidays, how can I do that ? I'm using PHP.
PS: I Already have something, but without lunch break... I made a research here on StackOverFlow.
function get_workdays($dataInicial,$dataFinal){
// arrays
$days_array = array();
$skipdays = array("Saturday", "Sunday");
$skipdates = get_feriados();
// other variables
$i = 0;
$current = $dataInicial;
if($current == $dataFinal) // same dates
$timestamp = strtotime($dataInicial);
if (!in_array(date("l", $timestamp), $skipdays)&&!in_array(date("Y-m-d", $timestamp), $skipdates)) {
$days_array[] = date("Y-m-d",$timestamp);
elseif($current < $dataFinal) // different dates
while ($current < $dataFinal) {
$timestamp = strtotime($dataInicial." +".$i." day");
if (!in_array(date("l", $timestamp), $skipdays)&&!in_array(date("Y-m-d", $timestamp), $skipdates)) {
$days_array[] = date("Y-m-d",$timestamp);
$current = date("Y-m-d",$timestamp);
return $days_array;
function get_feriados(){
$dateAno = Date('Y');
$days_array = array(
$dateAno.'-10-12', // Padroeira do Brasil/ Dias das Crianças
$dateAno.'-11-02', // Finados
$dateAno.'-12-25' // Finados
return $days_array;
$dateAno = Date('Y');
$dataInicial = Date('08/10/2015 H:i');
$dataFinal = Date('13/10/2015 H:i');
// timestamps
$from_timestamp = strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $dataInicial));
$to_timestamp = strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $dataFinal));
// work day seconds
$workday_start_hour = 9;
$workday_end_hour = 17;
$workday_seconds = ($workday_end_hour - $workday_start_hour)*3600;
// work days beetwen dates, minus 1 day
$from_date = date('Y-m-d',$from_timestamp);
$to_date = date('Y-m-d',$to_timestamp);
$workdays_number = count(get_workdays($from_date,$to_date))-1;
$workdays_number = $workdays_number<0 ? 0 : $workdays_number;
// start and end time
$start_time_in_seconds = date("H",$from_timestamp)*3600+date("i",$from_timestamp)*60;
$end_time_in_seconds = date("H",$to_timestamp)*3600+date("i",$to_timestamp)*60;
// final calculations
$working_hours = ($workdays_number * $workday_seconds + $end_time_in_seconds - $start_time_in_seconds) / 86400 * 24;
print_r('<br/> Horas úteis '.$working_hours);
But don't consider two hours of break lunch. Can somebody please help me ?
If you use PHP 5.3 or higher, you can do this:
$datefrom = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', '08/10/2015');
$dateto = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', '15/10/2015');
$interval = $datefrom->diff($dateto);
$days = intval($interval->format('%a'));
Also you can remove holidays with if:
if ($datetime1->getTimestamp() < $holiday->getTimestamp() and $datetime2->getTimestamp() > $holiday->getTimestamp()) $days--;
Calculate hours between two days:
$datefrom = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y H:i:s', '08/10/2015 12:51:34');
$dateto = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y H:i:s', '15/10/2015 13:14:56');
$hours = intval($interval->format('%a')) * 24 + $interval->format('%h');
You can calculate hours of launches sum and then subtract it.
How to ignore weekends or calculate ignore days:
while($dateto->getTimestamp() > $datefrom->getTimestamp()) {
if (in_array($datefrom->format('w'), array('0','6'))) $ignore_days += 1;
$datefrom->modify('+1 day');
I expect this will do all you want. But I changed the datetime format as follows. Check it. Used less comments. If any query, please ask. Holidays are arrays, add and remove as required.
Times between 12:00 - 14:00 is handled.
Times below 08:00 is handled.
Times above 18:00 is handled.
$initialDate = '2015-10-13 08:15:00'; //start date and time in YMD format
$finalDate = '2015-10-14 11:00:00'; //end date and time in YMD format
$holiday = array('2015-10-12'); //holidays as array
$noofholiday = sizeof($holiday); //no of total holidays
//create all required date time objects
$firstdate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s',$initialDate);
$lastdate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s',$finalDate);
if($lastdate > $firstdate)
$first = $firstdate->format('Y-m-d');
$first = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s',$first." 00:00:00" );
$last = $lastdate->format('Y-m-d');
$last = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s',$last." 23:59:59" );
$workhours = 0; //working hours
for ($i = $first;$i<=$last;$i->modify('+1 day') )
$holiday = false;
for($k=0;$k<$noofholiday;$k++) //excluding holidays
if($i == $holiday[$k])
$holiday = true;
} }
$day = $i->format('l');
if($day === 'Saturday' || $day === 'Sunday') //excluding saturday, sunday
$holiday = true;
$ii = $i ->format('Y-m-d');
$f = $firstdate->format('Y-m-d');
$l = $lastdate->format('Y-m-d');
if($l ==$f )
$workhours +=sameday($firstdate,$lastdate);
else if( $ii===$f)
$workhours +=firstday($firstdate);
else if ($l ===$ii)
$workhours +=lastday($lastdate);
$workhours +=8;
echo $workhours; //echo the hours
echo "lastdate less than first date";
function sameday($firstdate,$lastdate)
$fmin = $firstdate->format('i');
$fhour = $firstdate->format('H');
$lmin = $lastdate->format('i');
$lhour = $lastdate->format('H');
if($fhour >=12 && $fhour <14)
$fhour = 14;
if($fhour <8)
$fhour =8;
if($fhour >=18)
$fhour =18;
if($lhour>=12 && $lhour<14)
$lhour = 14;
$lhour = 18;
if($lmin == 0)
$min = ((60-$fmin)/60)-1;
$min = ($lmin-$fmin)/60;
return $lhour-$fhour + $min;
function firstday($firstdate) //calculation of hours of first day
$stmin = $firstdate->format('i');
$sthour = $firstdate->format('H');
if($sthour<8) //time before morning 8
$lochour = 8;
else if($sthour>18)
$lochour = 0;
else if($sthour >=12 && $sthour<14)
$lochour = 4;
$lochour = 18-$sthour;
if($stmin == 0)
$locmin =0;
$locmin = 1-( (60-$stmin)/60); //in hours
$lochour -= $locmin;
return $lochour;
function lastday($lastdate) //calculation of hours of last day
$stmin = $lastdate->format('i');
$sthour = $lastdate->format('H');
if($sthour>=18) //time after 18
$lochour = 8;
else if($sthour<8) //time before morning 8
$lochour = 0;
else if($sthour >=12 && $sthour<14)
$lochour = 4;
$lochour = $sthour - 8;
$locmin = $stmin/60; //in hours
$lochour += $locmin;
return $lochour;
Check the bellow code, that will return the number of Working days
function number_of_working_days($from, $to) {
$workingDays = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];// date format = (1 = Monday,2 = Tue, ...)
$holidayDays = ['*-12-25', '*-02-14', '2015-12-23']; // variable and fixed holidays
$from = new DateTime($from);
$to = new DateTime($to);
$to->modify('+1 day');
$interval = new DateInterval('P1D');
$days = new DatePeriod($from, $interval, $to);
$no_of_working_days = 0;
foreach ($days as $day) {
if (!in_array($day->format('N'), $workingDays)||in_array($day->format('Y-m-d'), $holidayDays)||in_array($day->format('*-m-d'), $holidayDays)) {continue;}
return $no_of_working_days;
echo number_of_working_days('2015-12-01', '2015-09-10');
From that you can easily calculate the Number of Working Hours.
I have created for you this nice class you can use. It requires the nesbot/carbon library ( and you use it like so:
$calc = new HoursCalculator(
Carbon::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", "2015-10-7 09:00"),
Carbon::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", "2015-10-14 18:00"),
echo $calc->getHours();
Heres the class:
class HoursCalculator {
const LUNCH_HOURS = 2;
protected $start;
protected $end;
protected $holidays;
protected $hoursTotal;
public function __construct(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, $holidays = [])
$this->start = $start;
$this->end = $end;
$this->holidays = $holidays;
public function getHours()
$dayHours = $this->getHoursInADay();
return $this->calculateHours($dayHours);
protected function getHoursInADay()
$start = $this->start;
$end = Carbon::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i", $this->start->format("Y-m-d") . " " . $this->end->format("H:i"));
return $start->diffInHours($end) - self::LUNCH_HOURS;
protected function getStartDate()
return $this->start->format('Y-m-d');
protected function calculateHours($hoursInDay)
$start = $this->start->copy()->startOfDay();
$end = $this->end->copy()->endOfDay();
$days = 0;
while($start->lt($end)) {
if (!$this->isHoliday($start) && !$this->isWeekend($start)) {
return $days * $hoursInDay;
protected function isHoliday(Carbon $date)
foreach($this->holidays as $holiday) {
$holiday = Carbon::createFromFormat("Y-m-d", $holiday)->startOfDay();
if ($date->eq($holiday)) {
return true;
return false;
protected function isWeekend(Carbon $date)
return $date->isWeekend();
Hope this helps!

Get week number in month from date in PHP?

I have an array of random dates (not coming from MySQL). I need to group them by the week as Week1, Week2, and so on upto Week5.
What I have is this:
$dates = array('2015-09-01','2015-09-05','2015-09-06','2015-09-15','2015-09-17');
What I need is a function to get the week number of the month by providing the date.
I know that I can get the weeknumber by doing
but this week number is the number between year (1-52) but I need the week number of the month only, e.g. in Sep 2015 there are 5 weeks:
Week1 = 1st to 5th
Week2 = 6th to 12th
Week3 = 13th to 19th
Week4 = 20th to 26th
Week5 = 27th to 30th
I should be able to get the week Week1 by just providing the date
$weekNumber = getWeekNumber('2015-09-01') //output 1;
$weekNumber = getWeekNumber('2015-09-17') //output 3;
I think this relationship should be true and come in handy:
Week of the month = Week of the year - Week of the year of first day of month + 1
We also need to make sure that "overlapping" weeks from the previous year are handeled correctly - if January 1st is in week 52 or 53, it should be counted as week 0. In a similar fashion, if a day in December is in the first week of the next year, it should be counted as 53. (Previous versions of this answer failed to do this properly.)
function weekOfMonth($date) {
//Get the first day of the month.
$firstOfMonth = strtotime(date("Y-m-01", $date));
//Apply above formula.
return weekOfYear($date) - weekOfYear($firstOfMonth) + 1;
function weekOfYear($date) {
$weekOfYear = intval(date("W", $date));
if (date('n', $date) == "1" && $weekOfYear > 51) {
// It's the last week of the previos year.
return 0;
else if (date('n', $date) == "12" && $weekOfYear == 1) {
// It's the first week of the next year.
return 53;
else {
// It's a "normal" week.
return $weekOfYear;
// A few test cases.
echo weekOfMonth(strtotime("2020-04-12")) . " "; // 2
echo weekOfMonth(strtotime("2020-12-31")) . " "; // 5
echo weekOfMonth(strtotime("2020-01-02")) . " "; // 1
echo weekOfMonth(strtotime("2021-01-28")) . " "; // 5
echo weekOfMonth(strtotime("2018-12-31")) . " "; // 6
To get weeks that starts with sunday, simply replace date("W", ...) with strftime("%U", ...).
You can use the function below, fully commented:
* Returns the number of week in a month for the specified date.
* #param string $date
* #return int
function weekOfMonth($date) {
// estract date parts
list($y, $m, $d) = explode('-', date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date)));
// current week, min 1
$w = 1;
// for each day since the start of the month
for ($i = 1; $i < $d; ++$i) {
// if that day was a sunday and is not the first day of month
if ($i > 1 && date('w', strtotime("$y-$m-$i")) == 0) {
// increment current week
// now return
return $w;
The corect way is
function weekOfMonth($date) {
$firstOfMonth = date("Y-m-01", strtotime($date));
return intval(date("W", strtotime($date))) - intval(date("W", strtotime($firstOfMonth)));
I have created this function on my own, which seems to work correctly. In case somebody else have a better way of doing this, please share.. Here is what I have done.
function weekOfMonth($qDate) {
$dt = strtotime($qDate);
$day = date('j',$dt);
$month = date('m',$dt);
$year = date('Y',$dt);
$totalDays = date('t',$dt);
$weekCnt = 1;
$retWeek = 0;
for($i=1;$i<=$totalDays;$i++) {
$curDay = date("N", mktime(0,0,0,$month,$i,$year));
if($curDay==7) {
if($i==$day) {
$retWeek = $weekCnt+1;
} else {
if($i==$day) {
$retWeek = $weekCnt;
return $retWeek;
echo weekOfMonth('2015-09-08') // gives me 2;
function getWeekOfMonth(DateTime $date) {
$firstDayOfMonth = new DateTime($date->format('Y-m-1'));
return ceil(($firstDayOfMonth->format('N') + $date->format('j') - 1) / 7);
Goendg solution does not work for 2016-10-31.
function weekOfMonth($strDate) {
$dateArray = explode("-", $strDate);
$date = new DateTime();
$date->setDate($dateArray[0], $dateArray[1], $dateArray[2]);
return floor((date_format($date, 'j') - 1) / 7) + 1;
weekOfMonth ('2015-09-17') // returns 3
Given the time_t wday (0=Sunday through 6=Saturday) of the first of the month in firstWday, this returns the (Sunday-based) week number within the month:
weekOfMonth = floor((dayOfMonth + firstWday - 1)/7) + 1
Translated into PHP:
function weekOfMonth($dateString) {
list($year, $month, $mday) = explode("-", $dateString);
$firstWday = date("w",strtotime("$year-$month-1"));
return floor(($mday + $firstWday - 1)/7) + 1;
You can also use this simple formula for finding week of the month
$currentWeek = ceil((date("d",strtotime($today_date)) - date("w",strtotime($today_date)) - 1) / 7) + 1;
Date = '2018-08-08' => Y-m-d
Find out day of the month eg. 08
Find out Numeric representation of the day of the week minus 1 (number of days in week) eg. (3-1)
Take difference and store in result
Subtract 1 from result
Divide it by 7 to result and ceil the value of result
Add 1 to result eg. ceil(( 08 - 3 ) - 1 ) / 7) + 1 = 2
My function. The main idea: we would count amount of weeks passed from the month's first date to current. And the current week number would be the next one. Works on rule: "Week starts from monday" (for sunday-based type we need to transform the increasing algorithm)
function GetWeekNumberOfMonth ($date){
echo $date -> format('d.m.Y');
//define current year, month and day in numeric
$_year = $date -> format('Y');
$_month = $date -> format('n');
$_day = $date -> format('j');
$_week = 0; //count of weeks passed
for ($i = 1; $i < $_day; $i++){
echo "\n\n-->";
$_newDate = mktime(0,0,1, $_month, $i, $_year);
echo "\n";
echo date("d.m.Y", $_newDate);
echo "-->";
echo date("N", $_newDate);
//on sunday increasing weeks passed count
if (date("N", $_newDate) == 7){
echo "New week";
$_week += 1;
return $_week + 1; // as we are counting only passed weeks the current one would be on one higher
$date = new DateTime("2019-04-08");
echo "\n\nResult: ". GetWeekNumberOfMonth($date);
$month = 6;
$year = 2021;
$week = date("W", strtotime($year . "-" . $month ."-01"));
$str .= date("d-m-Y", strtotime($year . "-" . $month ."-01")) ."to";
$unix = strtotime($year."W".$week ."+1 week");
while(date("m", $unix) == $month){
$str .= date("d-m-Y", $unix-86400) . "|";
$str .= date("d-m-Y", $unix) ."to";
$unix = $unix + (86400*7);
$str .= date("d-m-Y", strtotime("last day of ".$year . "-" . $month));
$weeks_ar = explode('|',$str);
echo '<pre>'; print_r($weeks_ar);
working fine.
// Current week of the month starts with Sunday
$first_day_of_the_week = 'Sunday';
$start_of_the_week1 = strtotime("Last $first_day_of_the_week");
if (strtolower(date('l')) === strtolower($first_day_of_the_week)) {
$start_of_the_week1 = strtotime('today');
$end_of_the_week1 = $start_of_the_week1 + (60 * 60 * 24 * 7) - 1;
// Get the date format
print date('Y-m-d', $start_of_the_week1) . ' 00:00:00';
print date('Y-m-d', $end_of_the_week1) . ' 23:59:59';
// self::DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;
function getWeeksNumberOfMonth(): int
$currentDate = new \DateTime();
$dayNumberInMonth = (int) $currentDate->format('j');
$dayNumberInWeek = (int) $currentDate->format('N');
$dayNumberToLastSunday = $dayNumberInMonth - $dayNumberInWeek;
$daysCountInFirstWeek = $dayNumberToLastSunday % self::DAYS_IN_WEEK;
$weeksCountToLastSunday = ($dayNumberToLastSunday - $daysCountInFirstWeek) / self::DAYS_IN_WEEK;
$weeks = [];
array_push($weeks, $daysCountInFirstWeek);
for ($i = 0; $i < $weeksCountToLastSunday; $i++) {
array_push($weeks, self::DAYS_IN_WEEK);
array_push($weeks, $dayNumberInWeek);
if (array_sum($weeks) !== $dayNumberInMonth) {
throw new Exception('Logic is not valid');
return count($weeks);
Short variant:
(int) (new \DateTime())->format('W') - (int) (new \DateTime('first day of this month'))->format('W') + 1;
There is a many solutions but here is one my solution that working well in the most cases.
function current_week ($date = NULL) {
if($date) {
if(is_numeric($date) && ctype_digit($date) && strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$date)) === (int)$date)
$unix_timestamp = $date;
$unix_timestamp = strtotime($date);
} else $unix_timestamp = time();
return (ceil((date('d', $unix_timestamp) - date('w', $unix_timestamp) - 1) / 7) + 1);
It accept unix timestamp, normal date or return current week from the time() if you not pass any value.
I know this an old post but i have an idea!
$datetime0 = date_create("1970-01-01");
$datetime1 = date_create(date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,$m,"01",$Y)));
$datetime2 = date_create(date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,$m,$d,$Y)));
$interval1 = date_diff($datetime0, $datetime1);
$daysdiff1= $interval1->format('%a');
$interval2 = date_diff($datetime0, $datetime2);
$daysdiff2= $interval2->format('%a');
$date = new DateTime('first Monday of this month');
$thisMonth = $date->format('m');
$mondays_arr = [];
// Get all the Mondays in the current month and store in array
while ($date->format('m') === $thisMonth) {
//echo $date->format('Y-m-d'), "\n";
$mondays_arr[] = $date->format('d');
$date->modify('next Monday');
// Get the day of the week (1-7 from monday to sunday)
$day_of_week = date('N') - 1;
// Get the day of month (1 to 31)
$current_week_monday_date = date('j') - $day_of_week;
/*$day_of_week = date('N',mktime(0, 0, 0, 2, 11, 2020)) - 1;
$current_week_monday_date = date('j',mktime(0, 0, 0, 2, 11, 2020)) - $day_of_week;*/
$week_no = array_search($current_week_monday_date,$mondays_arr) + 1;
echo "Week No: ". $week_no;
How about this function making use of PHP's relative dates?
This function assumes the week ends on Saturday. But this can be changed easily.
function get_weekNumMonth($date) {
$CI = &get_instance();
$strtotimedate = strtotime($date);
$firstweekEnd = date('j', strtotime("FIRST SATURDAY OF " . date("F", $strtotimedate) . " " . date("Y", $strtotimedate)));
$cutoff = date('j', strtotime($date));
$weekcount = 1;
while ($cutoff > $firstweekEnd) {
$firstweekEnd += 7; // move to next week
return $weekcount;
This function returns the integer week number of the current month. Weeks always start on Monday and counting always starts with 1.
function weekOfmonth(DateTime $date)
$dayFirstMonday = date_create('first monday of '.$date->format('F Y'))->format('j');
return (int)(($date->format('j') - $dayFirstMonday +7)/7) + ($dayFirstMonday == 1 ? 0 : 1);
Example of use
echo weekOfmonth(new DateTime("2020-04-12")); //2
A test for all days from 1900-2038 with the accepted solution from #Anders as a reference:
//reference functions
//integer $date (Timestamp)
function weekOfMonthAnders($date) {
//Get the first day of the month.
$firstOfMonth = strtotime(date("Y-m-01", $date));
//Apply above formula.
return weekOfYear($date) - weekOfYear($firstOfMonth) + 1;
function weekOfYear($date) {
$weekOfYear = intval(date("W", $date));
if (date('n', $date) == "1" && $weekOfYear > 51) {
// It's the last week of the previos year.
return 0;
else if (date('n', $date) == "12" && $weekOfYear == 1) {
// It's the first week of the next year.
return 53;
else {
// It's a "normal" week.
return $weekOfYear;
//this function
function weekOfmonth(DateTime $date)
$dayFirstMonday = date_create('first monday of '.$date->format('F Y'))->format('j');
return (int)(($date->format('j') - $dayFirstMonday +7)/7) + ($dayFirstMonday == 1 ? 0 : 1);
$dt = date_create('1900-01-01');
$end = date_create('2038-01-02');
$countOk = 0;
$countError = 0;
for(;$dt < $end; $dt->modify('+1 Day')){
$ts = $dt->getTimestamp();
if(weekOfmonth($dt) === weekOfMonthAnders($ts)){
else {
echo $countOk.' compare ok, '.$countError.' errors';
Result: 50405 compare ok, 0 errors
I took the visual approach (like how we do it in the real world). Instead of using formulas or what not, I solved it (or at least I think I did) by visualizing a literal calendar and then putting the dates in a multidimensional array. The first dimension corresponds to the week.
I hope someone can check if it stands your tests. Or help someone out with a different approach.
# date in this format 2021-08-03
# week_start is either Sunday or Monday
function getWeekOfMonth($date, $week_start = "Sunday"){
list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $date);
$dates = array();
$current_week = 1;
$new_week_signal = $week_start == "Sunday" ? 6 : 0;
for($i = 1; $i <= date("t", strtotime($date)); $i++){
$current_date = strtotime("{$year}-{$month}-".$i);
$dates[$current_week][] = $i;
if(date('w', $current_date) == $new_week_signal){
foreach($dates as $week => $days){
if(in_array(intval($day), $days)){
return $week;
return false;
//It's easy, no need to use php function
//Let's say your date is 2017-07-02
$Date = explode("-","2017-07-02");
$DateNo = $Date[2];
$WeekNo = $DateNo / 7; // devide it with 7
if(is_float($WeekNo) == true)
$WeekNo = ceil($WeekNo); //So answer will be 1
//If value is not float then ,you got your answer directly

displaying the dates in a particular format php

I have a date array sorted in asc order. I want to display the date as
Oct 10,12,24 2012
Dec 12,20,24 2012
Jan 02,10,25 2013
I have got the dates as the month ie.Oct,Dec,Jan.. and the dates and year, but i want it to be displayed in the above mentioned format. I have tried the below code, but it is not giving the desired result. Can someone pls help me with this?
$CruiseDetailsSailing is the array containing the date in an ascending order.
if (count($CruiseDetailsSailing) > 0) {
$date = array();
$month = array();
$Year = array();
for ($n = 0; $n < count($CruiseDetailsSailing); $n++) {
if ($CruiseDetailsSailing[$n] != "") {
$date[] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($CruiseDetailsSailing[$n]));
if (count($date) > 0) {
$temp = "";
$yeartemp = "";
for ($p = 0; $p < count($date); $p++) {
$month = date("M", strtotime($date[$p]));
$day = date("d", strtotime($date[$p]));
$year = date("Y", strtotime($date[$p]));
if ($month != $temp) {
$temp = $month;
<li> <?php
echo $temp . " " . $day . ", ";
} else {
echo $day . ", ";
if (($p != 0) && ((date("M", strtotime($date[$p]))) == (date("M", strtotime($date[$p - 1])))) && ((date("Y", strtotime($date[$p]))) == (date("Y", strtotime($date[$p - 1]))))) {
echo $year;
if (($p != 0) && ((date("M", strtotime($date[$p]))) != (date("M", strtotime($date[$p - 1])))) && ((date("Y", strtotime($date[$p]))) != (date("Y", strtotime($date[$p - 1]))))) {
echo $year;
Oct is the month and 10,12,24 are the months and 2012 is the year. I got the the dates as Oct 10 2012,Oct 12 2012,Oct 24 2012. I just want to display the results as Oct only once and then the dates and the year just once.
this should do:
sort($date); // sorted input array containing dates
$result_dates = Array();
// bring dates in correct format
foreach($date as $current_date) {
$month = date("M", strtotime($current_date));
$day = date("d", strtotime($current_date));
$year = date("Y", strtotime($current_date));
$result_dates[$year][$month][] = $day;
// output dates
foreach($result_dates as $year => $months) {
foreach($months as $month => $days) {
echo $month . " " . implode(",", $days) . " " . $year . "\n";
the following input:
$date = Array('10/03/2012', '10/10/2012', '10/17/2012', '11/04/2012', '11/05/2012', '11/23/2012');
results in:
Oct 03,10,17 2012
Nov 04,05,23 2012
You can do it simply like this
/* Array to pass the function
$date_array = array(
function getMyDateFormat($date_array){
$days = array();
$year = '';
$month = '';
foreach($date_array as $row)
$days[] = date('d',strtotime($row));
$year = date('Y',strtotime($row));
$month = date('M',strtotime($row));
$new_date = $month .' '. implode(',',$days) .' '. $year;
return $new_date;
